Explicitly removing sensitive data from memory? - security

The recent leak from Wikileaks has the CIA doing the following:
DO explicitly remove sensitive data (encryption keys, raw collection
data, shellcode, uploaded modules, etc) from memory as soon as the
data is no longer needed in plain-text form.
Me being a developer in the *nix world; I'm seeing this as merely changing the value of a variable (ensuring I do not pass by value; and instead by reference); so if it's a string thats 100 characters; writing 0's thats 101 characters. Is it really this simple? If not, why and what should be done instead?
Note: There are similar question that asked this; but it's in the C# and Windows world. So, I do not consider this question a duplicate.

Me being a developer in the *nix world; I'm seeing this as merely
changing the value of a variable (ensuring I do not pass by value; and
instead by reference); so if it's a string thats 100 characters;
writing 0's thats 101 characters. Is it really this simple? If not,
why and what should be done instead?
It should be this simple. The devil is in the details.
memory allocation functions, such as realloc, are not guaranteed to leave memory alone (you should not rely on their doing it one way or the other - see also this question). If you allocate 1K of memory, then realloc it to 10K, your original K might still be there somewhere else, containing its sensitive payload. It might then be allocated by another insensitive variable or buffer, or not, and through the new variable, it might be possible to access a part or all of the old content, much as it happened with slack space on some filesystems.
manually zeroing memory (and, with most compilers, bzero and memset count as manual loops) might be blithely optimized out, especially if you're zeroing a local variable ("bug" - actually a feature, with workaround).
some functions might leave "traces" in local buffers or in memory they allocate and deallocate.
in some languages and frameworks, whole portions of data could end up being moved around (e.g. during so-called "garbage collection", as noticed by #gene). You may be able to tell the GC not to process your sensitive area or otherwise "pin" it to that effect, and if so, must do so. Otherwise, data might end up in multiple, partial copies.
information might have come through and left traces you're not aware of (trivial example: a password sent through the network might linger in the network library read buffer).
live memory might be swapped out to disk.
Example of realloc doing its thing. Memory gets partly rewritten, and with some libraries this will only "work" if "a" is not the only allocated area (so you need to also declare c and allocate something immediately after a, so that a is not the last object and left free to grow):
int main() {
char *a;
char *b;
a = malloc(1024);
strcpy(a, "Hello");
strcpy(a + 200, "world");
printf("a at %08ld is %s...%s\n", a, a, a + 200);
b = realloc(a, 10240);
strcpy(b, "Hey!");
printf("a at %08ld is %s...%s, b at %08ld is %s\n", a, a, a + 200, b, b);
return 0;
a at 19828752 is Hello...world
a at 19828752 is 8????...world, b at 19830832 is Hey!
So the memory at address a was partly rewritten - "Hello" is lost, "world" is still there (as well as at b + 200).
So you need to handle reallocations of sensitive areas yourself; better yet, pre-allocate it all at program startup. Then, tell the OS that a sensitive area of memory must never be swapped to disk. Then you need to zero it in such a way that the compiler can't interfere. And you need to use a low-level enough language that you're sure doesn't do things by itself: a simple string concatenation could spawn two or three copies of the data - I'm fairly certain it happened in PHP 5.2.
Ages ago I wrote myself a small library - there wasn't valgrind yet - inspired by Steve Maguire's Writing Solid Code, and apart from overriding the various memory and string functions, I ended up overwriting memory and then calculating the checksum of the overwritten buffer. This not for security, I used it to track buffer over/under flows, double frees, use of freed memory -- this kind of things.
And then you need to ensure your failsafes work - for example, what happens if the program aborts? Might it be possible to make it abort on purpose?
You need to implement defense in depth, and always look at ways to keep as little information around as possible - for example clearing the intermediate buffers during a calculation rather than waiting and freeing the whole lot in one fell swoop at the very end, or just when exiting the program; keeping hashes instead of passwords when at all possible; and so on.
Of course all this depends on how sensitive the information is and what the attack surface is likely to be (mandatory xkcd reference: here). Rebooting the PC with a memtest86 image could be a viable alternative. Think of a dual-boot computer with memtest86 set to test memory and power down the PC as default boot option. When you want to turn off the system... you reboot it instead. The PC will reboot, enter memtest86 by default, and before powering off for good, it'll start filling all available RAM with marching troops of zeros and ones. Good luck freeze-booting information from that.

Zeroing out secrets (passwords, keys, etc) immediately after you are done with them is fairly standard practice. The difficulty is in dealing with language and platform features that can get in your way.
For example, C++ compilers can optimize out calls to memset if it determines that the data is not read after the write. Or operating systems may have paged the memory out to disk, potentially leaving the data available that way.


Can I say copy_to_user()/copy_from_user() is a memcpy with access_ok()?

We knew that for secure issues, we should use copy_to_user()/copy_from_user() if we want to do memory copy between user space and kernel space.
My question is, so the memcpy() should have better performance than copy_to_user()/copy_from_user()? Because memcpy() didn't do anything to try to protect the system, am I right?
If we don't care about secure issues, can we use memcpy() instead of copy_to_user()/copy_from_user() to get better performance? (it's a bad idea, I know, just ask if it's right)
One answer: No, because security issues are never irrelevant in the kernel.
memcpy() in particular is a bad function to use because the third argument is a signed integer. If the user can in any way influence the value of this third parameter, you open yourself up to serious liability issues if someone attempts to copy a negative number of bytes.
Many a serious buffer overflow bugs have been due to the signed-ness of memcpy()
Another answer: No, because copy_to_user() and copy_from_user() don't just do access_ok(). Those first two functions make sure that the copy you are currently trying to achieve right now will succeed, or fail appropriately. This is not what access_ok() does for you. The documentation for access_ok() specifically says that this function doesn't guarantee that memory accesses will actually succeed:
Note that, depending on architecture, this function probably just
checks that the pointer is in the user space range - after calling
this function, memory access functions may still return -EFAULT.
For example, my most recent source code has, for x86, runtime checking that goes beyond access_ok(): https://lwn.net/Articles/612153/
Yet a third answer: memcpy() probably isn't much more efficient. You might save a few instructions here and there in principle, but those setup and checking instructions are going to be negligible once you're copying anything more than the smallest quantities of data.

what is The poisoned NUL byte, in 1998 and 2014 editions?

I have to make a 10 minutes presentation about "poisoned null-byte (glibc)".
I searched a lot about it but I found nothing, I need help please because operating system linux and the memory and process management isn't my thing.
here is the original article, and here is an old article about the same problem but another version.
what I want is a short and simple explanation to the old and new versions of the problem or/and sufficient references where I can better read about this security threat.
To even begin to understand how this attack works, you will need at least a basic understanding of how a CPU works, how memory works, what the "heap" and "stack" of a process are, what pointers are, what libc is, what linked lists are, how function calls are implemented at the machine level (including calls to function pointers), what the malloc and free functions from the C library do, and so on. Hopefully you at least have some basic knowledge of C programming? (If not, you will probably not be able to complete this assignment in time.)
If you have a couple "gaps" in your knowledge of the basic topics mentioned above, hit the books and fill them in as quickly as you can. Talk to others if you need to, to make sure you understand them. Then read the following very carefully. This will not explain everything in the article you linked to, but will give you a good start. OK, ready? Let's start...
C strings are "null-terminated". That means the end of a string is marked by a zero byte. So for example, the string "abc" is represented in memory as (hex): 0x61 0x62 0x63 0x00. Notice, that 3-character string actually takes 4 bytes, due to the terminating null.
Now if you do something like this:
char *buffer = malloc(3); // not checking for error, this is just an example
strcpy(buffer, "abc");
...then that terminating null (zero byte) will go past the end of the buffer and overwrite something. We allocated a 3-byte buffer, but copied 4 bytes into it. So whatever was stored in the byte right after the end of the buffer will be replaced by a zero byte.
That was what happened in __gconv_translit_find. They had a buffer, which had been allocated with enough space to append ".so", including the terminating null byte, onto the end of a string. But they copied ".so" in starting from the wrong position. They started the copy operation one byte too far to the "right", so the terminating null byte went past the end of the buffer and overwrote something.
Now, when you call malloc to get back a dynamically allocated buffer, most implementations of malloc actually store some housekeeping data right before the buffer. For example, they might store the size of the buffer. Later, when you pass that buffer to free to release the memory, so it can be reused for something else, it will find that "hidden" data right before the beginning of the buffer, and will know how many bytes of memory you are actually freeing. malloc may also "hide" other housekeeping data in the same location. (In the 2014 article you referred to, the implementation of malloc used also stored some "flag" bits there.)
The attack described in the article passed carefully crafted arguments to a command-line program, designed to trigger the buffer overflow error in __gconv_translit_find, in such a way that the terminating null byte would wipe out the "flag" bits stored by malloc -- not the flag bits for the buffer which overflowed, but those for another buffer which was allocated right after the one which overflowed. (Since malloc stores that extra housekeeping data before the beginning of an allocated buffer, and we are overrunning the previous buffer. You follow?)
The article shows a diagram, where 0x00000201 is stored right after the buffer which overflows. The overflowing null byte wipes out the bottom 1 and changes that into 0x00000200. That might not make sense at first, until you remember that x86 CPUs are little-endian -- if you don't understand what "little-endian" and "big-endian" CPUs are, look it up.
Later, the buffer whose flag bit was wiped out is passed to free. As it turns out, wiping out that one flag bit "confuses" free and makes it, in turn, also overwrite some other memory. (You will have to understand the implementation of malloc and free which are used by GNU libc, in order to understand why this is so.)
By carefully choosing the input arguments to the original program, you can set things up so that the memory overwritten by the "confused" free is that used for something called tls_dtor_list. This is a linked list maintained by GNU libc, which holds pointers to certain functions which it must call when the main program is exiting.
So tls_dtor_list is overwritten. The attacker has set things up just right, so that the function pointers in the overwritten tls_dtor_list will point to some code which they want to run. When the main program is exiting, some code in libc iterates over that list and calls each of the function pointers. Result: the attacker's code is executed!
Now, in this case, the attacker already has access to the target system. If all they can do is run some code with the privilege level of their own account, that doesn't get them anywhere. They want to run code with root (administrator) privileges. How is that possible? It is possible because the buggy program is a setuid program, owned by root. If you don't know what "setuid" programs in Unix are, look it up and make sure you understand it, because that is also a key to the whole exploit.
This is all about the 2014 article -- I didn't look at the one from 1998. Good luck!

How to tell Linux that a mmap()'d page does not need to be written to swap if the backing physical page is needed?

Hopefully the title is clear. I have a chunk of memory obtained via mmap(). After some time, I have concluded that I no longer need the data within this range. I still wish to keep this range, however. That is, I do not want to call mummap(). I'm trying to be a good citizen and not make the system swap more than it needs.
Is there a way to tell the Linux kernel that if the given page is backed by a physical page and if the kernel decides it needs that physical page, do not bother writing that page to swap?
I imagine under the hood this magical function call would destroy any mapping between the given virtual page and physical page, if present, without writing to swap first.
Your question (as stated) makes no sense.
Let's assume that there was a way for you to tell the kernel to do what you want.
Let's further assume that it did need the extra RAM, so it took away your page, and didn't swap it out.
Now your program tries to read that page (since you didn't want to munmap the data, presumably you might try to access it). What is the kernel to do? The choices I see:
it can give you a new page filled with 0s.
it can give you SIGSEGV
If you wanted choice 2, you could achieve the same result with munmap.
If you wanted choice 1, you could mremap over the existing mapping with MAP_ANON (or munmap followed by new mmap).
In either case, you can't depend on the old data being there when you need it.
The only way your question would make sense is if there was some additional mechanism for the kernel to let you know that it is taking away your page (e.g. send you a special signal). But the situation you described is likely rare enough to warrant additional complexity.
You might be looking for madvise(..., MADV_DONTNEED)
You could munmap the region, then mmap it again with MAP_NORESERVE
If you know at initial mapping time that swapping is not needed, use MAP_NORESERVE

Sensitive Data In Memory

I'm working on a Java password manager and I currently have all of the user's data, after being decrypted from a file, sitting around in memory at all times and stored plainly as a String for displaying in the UI etc.
Is this a security risk in any way? I'm particularly concerned with someone "dumping" or reading the computer's memory in some way and finding a user's naked data.
I've considered keeping all sensitive pieces of data (the passwords) encrypted and only decrypting each piece as needed and destroying thereafter... but I'd rather not go through and change a lot of code on a superstition.
If your adversary has the ability to run arbitrary code on your target machine (with the debug privileges required to dump a process image), you are all sorts of screwed.
If your adversary has the ability to read memory at a distance accurately (ie. TEMPEST), you are all sorts of screwed.
Protect the data in transit and in storage (on the wire and on the disk), but don't worry* about data in memory.
*Ok, there are classes of programs that DO need to worry. 99.99% of all applications don't, I'm betting yours doesn't.
It is worth noting that the OS might decide to swap memory to disk, where it might remain for quite a while. Of course, reading the swap file requires strong priviledges, but who knows? The user's laptop might get stolen ...
Yes it certainly is, especially since you quite trivially can debug an application. Most code dealing with encryption and unsafe data use char arrays instead of strings. By using char arrays, you can overwrite the memory with sensitive details, limiting the lifetime of the sensitive data.
In theory, you cannot protect anything in memory completely. Some group out there managed to deep freeze the memory chips and read their contents 4 hours after the computer was turned off. Even without going to such lengths, a debugger and a breakpoint at just the right time will do the trick.
Practically though, just don't hold the plaintext in memory for longer than absolutely necessary. A determined enough attacker will get to it, but oh well.

Linux/perl mmap performance

I'm trying to optimize handling of large datasets using mmap. A dataset is in the gigabyte range. The idea was to mmap the whole file into memory, allowing multiple processes to work on the dataset concurrently (read-only). It isn't working as expected though.
As a simple test I simply mmap the file (using perl's Sys::Mmap module, using the "mmap" sub which I believe maps directly to the underlying C function) and have the process sleep. When doing this, the code spends more than a minute before it returns from the mmap call, despite this test doing nothing - not even a read - from the mmap'ed file.
Guessing, I though maybe linux required the whole file to be read when first mmap'ed, so after the file had been mapped in the first process (while it was sleeping), I invoked a simple test in another process which tried to read the first few megabytes of the file.
Suprisingly, it seems the second process also spends a lot of time before returning from the mmap call, about the same time as mmap'ing the file the first time.
I've made sure that MAP_SHARED is being used and that the process that mapped the file the first time is still active (that it has not terminated, and that the mmap hasn't been unmapped).
I expected a mmapped file would allow me to give multiple worker processes effective random access to the large file, but if every mmap call requires reading the whole file first, it's a bit harder. I haven't tested using long-running processes to see if access is fast after the first delay, but I expected using MAP_SHARED and another separate process would be sufficient.
My theory was that mmap would return more or less immediately, and that linux would load the blocks more or less on-demand, but the behaviour I am seeing is the opposite, indicating it requires reading through the whole file on each call to mmap.
Any idea what I'm doing wrong, or if I've completely misunderstood how mmap is supposed to work?
Ok, found the problem. As suspected, neither linux or perl were to blame. To open and access the file I do something like this:
# Create 1 GB file if you do not have one:
# dd if=/dev/urandom of=test.bin bs=1048576 count=1000
use strict; use warnings;
use Sys::Mmap;
open (my $fh, "<test.bin")
|| die "open: $!";
my $t = time;
print STDERR "mmapping.. ";
mmap (my $mh, 0, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, $fh)
|| die "mmap: $!";
my $str = unpack ("A1024", substr ($mh, 0, 1024));
print STDERR " ", time-$t, " seconds\nsleeping..";
sleep (60*60);
If you test that code, there are no delays like those I found in my original code, and after creating the minimal sample (always do that, right!) the reason suddenly became obvious.
The error was that I in my code treated the $mh scalar as a handle, something which is light weight and can be moved around easily (read: pass by value). Turns out, it's actually a GB long string, definitively not something you want to move around without creating an explicit reference (perl lingua for a "pointer"/handle value). So if you need to store in in a hash or similar, make sure you store \$mh, and deref it when you need to use it like ${$hash->{mh}}, typically as the first parameter in a substr or similar.
If you have a relatively recent version of Perl, you shouldn't be using Sys::Mmap. You should be using PerlIO's mmap layer.
Can you post the code you are using?
On 32-bit systems the address space for mmap()s is rather limited (and varies from OS to OS). Be aware of that if you're using multi-gigabyte files and your are only testing on a 64-bit system. (I would have preferred to write this in a comment but I don't have enough reputation points yet)
one thing that can help performance is the use of 'madvise(2)'. probably most easily
done via Inline::C. 'madvise' lets you tell the kernel what your access pattern will be like (e.g. sequential, random, etc).
If I may plug my own module: I'd advice using File::Map instead of Sys::Mmap. It's much easier to use, and is less crash-prone than Sys::Mmap.
That does sound surprising. Why not try a pure C version?
Or try your code on a different OS/perl version.
See Wide Finder for perl performance with mmap. But there is one big pitfall. If your dataset will be on classical HD and you will read from multiple processes, you can easily fall in random access and your IO will fall down to unacceptable values (20~40 times).
Ok, here's another update. Using Sys::Mmap or PerlIO's ":mmap" attribute both works fine in perl, but only up to 2 GB files (the magic 32 bit limit). Once the file is more than 2 GB, the following problems appear:
Using Sys::Mmap and substr for accessing the file, it seems that substr only accepts a 32 bit int for the position parameter, even on systems where perl supports 64 bit. There's at least one bug posted about it:
#62646: Maximum string length with substr
Using open(my $fh, "<:mmap", "bigfile.bin"), once the file is larger than 2 GB, it seems perl will either hang/or insist on reading the whole file on the first read (not sure which, I never ran it long enough to see if it completed), leading to dead slow performance.
I haven't found any workaround to either of these, and I'm currently stuck with slow file (non mmap'ed) operations for working on these files. Unless I find a workaround I may have to implement the processing in C or another higher level language that supports mmap'ing huge files better.
Your access to that file had better be well random to justify a full mmap. If your usage isn't evenly distributed, you're probably better off with a seek, read to a freshly malloced area and process that, free, rinse and repeat. And work with chunks of multiples of 4k, say 64k or so.
I once benchmarked a lot string pattern matching algorithms. mmaping the entire file was slow and pointless. Reading to a static 32kish buffer was better, but still not particularly good. Reading to freshly malloced chunk, processing that and then letting it go allows kernel to work wonders under the hood. The difference in speed was enormous, but then again pattern matching is very fast complexitywise and more emphasis must be put on handling efficiency than perhaps is usually needed.
