Executing bash cd command in Makefile [duplicate] - linux

For example, I have something like this in my makefile:
cd some_directory
But when I typed make I saw only 'cd some_directory', like in the echo command.

It is actually executing the command, changing the directory to some_directory, however, this is performed in a sub-process shell, and affects neither make nor the shell you're working from.
If you're looking to perform more tasks within some_directory, you need to add a semi-colon and append the other commands as well. Note that you cannot use new lines as they are interpreted by make as the end of the rule, so any new lines you use for clarity need to be escaped by a backslash.
For example:
cd some_dir; echo "I'm in some_dir"; \
gcc -Wall -o myTest myTest.c
Note also that the semicolon is necessary between every command even though you add a backslash and a newline. This is due to the fact that the entire string is parsed as a single line by the shell. As noted in the comments, you should use '&&' to join commands, which means they only get executed if the preceding command was successful.
cd some_dir && echo "I'm in some_dir" && \
gcc -Wall -o myTest myTest.c
This is especially crucial when doing destructive work, such as clean-up, as you'll otherwise destroy the wrong stuff, should the cd fail for whatever reason.
A common usage, though, is to call make in the subdirectory, which you might want to look into. There's a command-line option for this, so you don't have to call cd yourself, so your rule would look like this
$(MAKE) -C some_dir all
which will change into some_dir and execute the Makefile in that directory, with the target "all". As a best practice, use $(MAKE) instead of calling make directly, as it'll take care to call the right make instance (if you, for example, use a special make version for your build environment), as well as provide slightly different behavior when running using certain switches, such as -t.
For the record, make always echos the command it executes (unless explicitly suppressed), even if it has no output, which is what you're seeing.

Starting from GNU make 3.82 (July 2010), you can use the .ONESHELL special target to run all recipes in a single instantiation of the shell (bold emphasis mine):
New special target: .ONESHELL instructs make to invoke a single instance of the shell and provide it with the entire recipe, regardless of how many lines it contains.
.ONESHELL: # Applies to every targets in the file!
cd ~/some_dir
pwd # Prints ~/some_dir if cd succeeded
cd ~/some_dir
pwd # Prints ~/some_dir if cd succeeded
Note that this will be equivalent to manually running
$(SHELL) $(.SHELLFLAGS) "cd ~/some_dir; pwd"
# Which gets replaced to this, most of the time:
/bin/sh -c "cd ~/some_dir; pwd"
Commands are not linked with && so if you want to stop at the first one that fails, you should also add the -e flag to your .SHELLFLAGS:
Also the -o pipefail flag might be of interest:
If set, the return value of a pipeline is the value of the last (rightmost) command to exit with a non-zero status, or zero if all commands in the pipeline exit successfully. This option is disabled by default.

Here's a cute trick to deal with directories and make. Instead of using multiline strings, or "cd ;" on each command, define a simple chdir function as so:
define chdir
$(eval _D=$(firstword $(1) $(#D)))
$(info $(MAKE): cd $(_D)) $(eval SHELL = cd $(_D); $(CHDIR_SHELL))
Then all you have to do is call it in your rule as so:
$(call chdir,some_dir)
echo "I'm now always in some_dir"
gcc -Wall -o myTest myTest.c
You can even do the following:
$(call chdir)
echo "I'm now always in some_dir"
gcc -Wall -o myTest myTest.c

What do you want it to do once it gets there? Each command is executed in a subshell, so the subshell changes directory, but the end result is that the next command is still in the current directory.
With GNU make, you can do something like:
$(shell cd $(BIN); ls)

Here is the pattern I've used:
.PHONY: test_py_utils
PY_UTILS_DIR = py_utils
cd $(PY_UTILS_DIR) && black .
cd $(PY_UTILS_DIR) && isort .
cd $(PY_UTILS_DIR) && mypy .
cd $(PY_UTILS_DIR) && pytest -sl .
cd $(PY_UTILS_DIR) && flake8 .
My motivations for this pattern are:
The above solution is simple and readable (albeit verbose)
I read the classic paper "Recursive Make Considered Harmful", which discouraged me from using $(MAKE) -C some_dir all
I didn't want to use just one line of code (punctuated by semicolons or &&) because it is less readable, and I fear that I will make a typo when editing the make recipe.
I didn't want to use the .ONESHELL special target because:
that is a global option that affects all recipes in the makefile
using .ONESHELL causes all lines of the recipe to be executed even if one of the earlier lines has failed with a nonzero exit status. Workarounds like calling set -e are possible, but such workarounds would have to be implemented for every recipe in the makefile.

To change dir
$(MAKE) -C mydir
$(MAKE) -C / -C my-custom-dir ## Equivalent to /my-custom-dir

PYTHON = python3
cd src/mainscripts; ${PYTHON} -m pytest
#to keep make file in root directory and run test from source root above #worked for me.

Like this:
$(shell cd ....); \
# ... commands execution in this directory
# ... no need to go back (using "cd -" or so)
# ... next target will be automatically in prev dir
Good luck!


bash auto complete binary file which is not in PATH

I'm trying to make a custom bash auto completion script on my CLI package.
When I install my package like below, then my command is installed in $PATH (/usr/local/bin),
$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install
so complete -o filenames -F _mycommand mycommand in my bash-autocomplete.sh works properly.
(Because command mycommand is in $PATH (/usr/local/bin)
However, when I install my package locally, and then try to execute binary file from installed location like below,
$ ./configure --prefix=$HOME/usr
$ make
$ make install
complete -o filenames -F _mycommand mycommand doesn't work because OS don't know the location of mycommand.
$ ~/uftrace$ $HOME/usr/bin/mycommand [TAB]
Command 'command' not found,
My question is this:
How can I make bash completion feature with my local binary file? (which is not in PATH)
Can I do this by fixing Makefile or configure or bash-autocomplete.sh?
Install the package locally, and than add PATH is not an option because I want to make this bash auto-completion feature regardless of installation location. I want to this feature work at installation point.
From the documentation, that's not possible unless using an "intelligent" completion loader:
First, the command name is identified. [...]
If the command word is a full pathname, a compspec for the full pathname is
searched for first. If no compspec is found for the full pathname, an
attempt is made to find a compspec for the portion following the final
I put an emphasis (or bold) on the part that should apply: bash will be able to complete the full path (eg: /usr/mycommand or even ./mycommand) but it won't be able to resolve mycommand unless it is found in the PATH and where some completion does the trick.
At last resort, you could register a completion loader which may for example look at the command (using ${1##*/} to get the basename):
_completion_loader() {
if [[ "${1}" == mycommand || "${1##*/}" == mycommand ]]; then
complete -o filenames -F _mycommand "$1"
return 124
return 1 #
complete -D -F _completion_loader -o bashdefault -o default
I would not do that on Linux, due to chance of bash-completion begin already there and providing completion by itself: you could check bash-completion as they may perhaps have a way to handle your completion, for example by saving in /etc/bash_completion.d/<yourcommand>.bash.

How to configure GCC to show all warnings by default?

I think it will be good and not much bad if -Wall flag is switched on by default. How do I configure GCC like this?
Is there any drawbacks to this other than the fact that a lot of warnings will flood your terminal when you are compiling some large program from source?
Add these lines to your ~/.bashrc if you use bash as your shell.
alias gcc='gcc -Wall'
you can refer to this question on https://superuser.com/questions/519692/alias-gcc-gcc-fpermissive-or-modifying-configure-script
If you use make, you need to overwrite make's variables CC and CXX from within the .bashrc:
export CC="gcc -wall"
export CXX="g++ -wall"
juzzlin suggested that a good method would be to write a wrapper for gcc. Marc Glisse also suggested that writing one is the best way to achieve what I want. So that's just what I did.
I made a bash script that calls gcc for me:
echo -n "Compiling $1..."
gcc -Wall -Werror -o $(basename $1 .c).out $1
if [[ "$a" -eq 1 ]]; then
echo "Failed!"
echo "Done."
echo "Executing:"
./$(basename $1 .c).out
Then I copied the script to /usr/bin and made it executable:
sudo cp car /usr/bin
chmod +x /usr/bin/car
(The name of the script is car which stands for "Compile And Run")
So whenever I want to compile a source file and run it, I will type:
car mysourcefile.c
As discussed in the comments (although it's not a direct answer to your question), using a Makefile has many benefits. It provides a place where to put your build commands, that will alway stay up to date if you only build with make. It also ease running tests at each build.
Writing tests is a good habit, even when you're just working on a small and unsignificant piece of code for homeworks. It allows you to spot some dumb mistakes that you would otherwise miss, and to be sure you don't break your existing code by modifying it (especially the last minute modification).
An example of such a Makefile (here I have nothing to build apart from the test because it's a header only component):
g++ -O2 -Wall -Werror -std=c++11 test_polynomial.cc -o test_polynomial -lgmp
g++ -O2 -Wall -Werror -std=c++11 test_g2polynomial.cc -o test_g2polynomial
./test_polynomial --log_level=test_suite
./test_g2polynomial --log_level=test_suite
rm -f test_polynomial test_g2polynomial
Note: The example is not a very good one as I don't even factorize the build options in CFLAGS. If I want to add a flag, I have to add it in both commands !
Another benefit is that you always run make to build, whatever the language, the dependencies or even the build system (when working on a project using scons or another build system, I still write a Makefile doing all the commands I do when building and testing !).
This allows my personal addition on it (but here we're completely off-topic): I have a build script named autobuild looping on make each time I write a file in vim. I code in screen and run autobuild in a small window at the bottom of my screen. This way, each change is built and tested as soon as I write the file.

Overriding a makefile variable depending on the type of make

I've written the following Makefile:
make read.pdf > /dev/null
make clean > /dev/null
make read.pdf
make clean
%.pdf: %.tex biblio.bib
bash makepdf.sh $(INTERACTION) $<
rm -f *.aux *.log *.bbl *.bak *.blg *.toc *.out *.glg *.glo *.gls *.ist *~ *.*~* *.backup
The Makefile provides two modes: a simple make file that doesn't output error and warning messages and a diagnostic mode such that pdflatex interacts with the user in order to locate the problem.
The makepdf.sh looks as follows:
filename=$(basename $2)
pdflatex -interaction=$1 $2
makeglossaries "$filename" 2
makeindex "$filename" 2
pdflatex -interaction=$1 $2
echo $1
Regardless of the fact whether make or make diagnostic is called, the program always runs in nonstopmode. Can't a Makefile variable been overwritten? If so, how can this problem be resolved? Otherwise, what is wrong with this code?
This makefile is quite strange. Basically, not written correctly.
The most direct answer to your question is for you to realize that every line in a makefile recipe is invoked in a separate shell, and in UNIX/POSIX systems it's not possible for a process to impact the environment of its parent. That means that changes made to the environment in the shell that make invokes have no effect on the make process, or on any subsequent shells. So INTERACTION=batchmode is run in a shell and sets the INTERACTION variable to batchmode, then the shell exits and that setting is forgotten, then the next line is run with the previous setting. If you want variables to take effect you have to put them in the same logical line in the recipe.
However, there are even more fundamental problems with this makefile. First, you should never run make to invoke a recursive make. Always use the $(MAKE) variable.
Second, you shouldn't be running sub-makes anyway. The entire purpose of listing prerequisites in a makefile is to enforce an order on invocation of the rules; here you're trying to take over make's job by running commands recursively.
Third, assuming you're using GNU make you can use target-specific variables for what you want to do much more easily (see the GNU make manual). For example your makefile can be more correctly written like this (note, no recursion at all!):
INTERACTION = nonstopmode
all: read.pdf
diagnostic: INTERACTION = batchmode
diagnostic: all
%.pdf: %.tex biblio.bib
bash makepdf.sh $(INTERACTION) $<
rm -f *.aux *.log *.bbl *.bak *.blg *.toc *.out *.glg *.glo *.gls *.ist *~ *.*~* *.backup
It doesn't run the clean rule automatically after each build.

Linux - can you compile AND run a program in one terminal line?

For example, a program named program.c
g++ program.c -o programName
Is there any way to consolidate these two lines?
Yes, you could write...
g++ program.c -o programName && ./programName
Which will only attempt to run your program if compilation succeeded.
For a more general approach, you could write a bash script..
g++ $1 -o $2 && ./$2
Then you could do (provided it's on your PATH, it's executable and it's called mycompile)...
mycompile program.c programName
To make this program available on your PATH, you can pop it in your bin directory or any directory under echo $PATH. If you don't wish to do that, open your ~/.bashrc file and add its parent directory to your PATH with PATH="$PATH:your/new/dir" (keep in mind all scripts in that folder will be now reachable).
Ensure it's executable (check with ls -l mycompile), if not, you can add that permission with chmod +x mycompile.
Like this:
g++ program.c -o programName && ./programName
Notice that the commands will run sequentially, that is: one after the other.

/bin/sh: pushd: not found

I am doing the following inside a make file
pushd %dir_name%
and i get the following error
/bin/sh : pushd : not found
Can someone please tell me why this error is showing up ?
I checked my $PATH variable and it contains /bin so I don't think that is causing a problem.
pushd is a bash enhancement to the POSIX-specified Bourne Shell. pushd cannot be easily implemented as a command, because the current working directory is a feature of a process that cannot be changed by child processes. (A hypothetical pushd command might do the chdir(2) call and then start a new shell, but ... it wouldn't be very usable.) pushd is a shell builtin, just like cd.
So, either change your script to start with #!/bin/bash or store the current working directory in a variable, do your work, then change back. Depends if you want a shell script that works on very reduced systems (say, a Debian build server) or if you're fine always requiring bash.
SHELL := /bin/bash
at the top of your makefile
I have found it on another question How can I use Bash syntax in Makefile targets?
A workaround for this would be to have a variable get the current working directory. Then you can cd out of it to do whatever, then when you need it, you can cd back in.
#do whatever your script does
# go back to the dir you wanted to pushd
cd $oldpath
sudo dpkg-reconfigure dash
Then select no.
This is because pushd is a builtin function in bash. So it is not related to the PATH variable and also it is not supported by /bin/sh (which is used by default by make. You can change that by setting SHELL (although it will not work directly (test1)).
You can instead run all the commands through bash -c "...". That will make the commands, including pushd/popd, run in a bash environment (test2).
SHELL = /bin/bash
#echo before
#pushd /tmp
#echo in /tmp
#echo after
#/bin/bash -c "echo before;\
pwd; \
pushd /tmp; \
echo in /tmp; \
pwd; \
popd; \
echo after; \
When running make test1 and make test2 it gives the following:
prompt>make test1
make: pushd: Command not found
make: *** [test1] Error 127
prompt>make test2
/tmp /download/2011/03_mar
in /tmp
For test1, even though bash is used as a shell, each command/line in the rule is run by itself, so the pushd command is run in a different shell than the popd.
This ought to do the trick:
( cd dirname ; pwd ); pwd
The parentheses start a new child shell, thus the cd changes the directory within the child only, and any command after it within the parentheses will run in that folder. Once you exit the parentheses you are back in wherever you were before..
here is a method to point
sh -> bash
run this command on terminal
sudo dpkg-reconfigure dash
After this you should see
ls -l /bin/sh
point to /bin/bash (and not to /bin/dash)
Your shell (/bin/sh) is trying to find 'pushd'. But it can't find it because 'pushd','popd' and other commands like that are build in bash.
Launch you script using Bash (/bin/bash) instead of Sh like you are doing now, and it will work
Synthesizing from the other responses: pushd is bash-specific and you are make is using another POSIX shell. There is a simple workaround to use separate shell for the part that needs different directory, so just try changing it to:
test -z gen || mkdir -p gen \
&& ( cd $(CURRENT_DIRECTORY)/genscript > /dev/null \
&& perl genmakefile.pl \
&& mv Makefile ../gen/ ) \
&& echo "" > $(CURRENT_DIRECTORY)/gen/SvcGenLog
(I substituted the long path with a variable expansion. I probably is one in the makefile and it clearly expands to the current directory).
Since you are running it from make, I would probably replace the test with a make rule, too. Just
gen/SvcGenLog :
mkdir -p gen
cd genscript > /dev/null \
&& perl genmakefile.pl \
&& mv Makefile ../gen/ \
echo "" > gen/SvcGenLog
(dropped the current directory prefix; you were using relative path at some points anyway)
And than just make the rule depend on gen/SvcGenLog. It would be a bit more readable and you can make it depend on the genscript/genmakefile.pl too, so the Makefile in gen will be regenerated if you modify the script. Of course if anything else affects the content of the Makefile, you can make the rule depend on that too.
Note that each line executed by a make file is run in its own shell anyway. If you change directory, it won't affect subsequent lines. So you probably have little use for pushd and popd, your problem is more the opposite, that of getting the directory to stay changed for as long as you need it!
Run "apt install bash"
It will install everything you need and the command will work
