Node app unresponsive after certain amount of time - node.js

I'm trying to figure out why my nodejs app becomes unresponsive after 11h 20min. It happens every time, no matter if I run it on amazon-linux or Red Hat.
My Stack:
nodejs (v. 6.9.4)
mongodb (3.2)
pm2 process manager
AWS EC2 instance T2 medium
Every time I'm running the app it becomes unresponsive with an error returned to the browser:
Pm2 doesn't restart the app, so I suspect it has nothing to do with nodejs, I also analysed the app and it doesn't have memory leaks. Db logs also look alright.
The only constant factor is the fact that the app crashes after it runs for 11h 20min.
I'm handling all possible errors from the nodejs app, but no errors in the log files occur so I suspect it has to be something else.
I also checked var/log/messages and /home/centos/messages but nothing related to the crash of the app there either.
/var/log/mongodb/mongo.log doesn't show anything specific either.
What would be the best way to approach the problem ?
Any clues how can I debug it or what could be the reason ?

Copied from the comment since it apparently led to the solution:
You're leaking something other than memory is my guess, maybe file descriptors. Try using netstat or lsof to see if there are a lot more open connections or files than you expect.


Node server on AWS EC2 suddenly times out all requests but continues to run. Restarting the server fixes the issue temporarily but it continues

So I have a node (v8.9.4) server that is running on an AWS EC2 instance using the forever package to start it up. The server has worked without any issues for years but now that it's grown and more people are using it, it suddenly starts to time out all requests at seemingly random times, after working for a few hours.
I've found that running forever restart on the server gets all requests working again so I've got a temporary cronjob to restart it every hour but this is not good design and I would much rather have the server running without any issues.
I've gone through my server logs and found this which may be significant:
error: Forever detected script was killed by signal: SIGKILL
error: Script restart attempt #131
Warning: connect.session() MemoryStore is not designed for a production environment, as it will leak memory, and will not scale past a single process.
Another thing that may be important, the server stays running while this issue occurs so any checks on the server status through UptimeRobot (or any server status checker) returns a success.
Considering the server will run fine for a few hours and also start up again with no issues after a restart, I'm thinking it is not an issue with the code but something else that I am not aware of. My current hypothesis is the requests will start timing out if the server runs out of CPU but I would like to explore more options before making the final call on the issue. If anyone had any insight into this issue, I would be super grateful! :)

Node.js Active handles rise suddenly

I have a Parse Server which is a Node.js + express wrapper for a mobile app (about 100 simultaneous users every day), hosted on DigitalOcean. The app server communicates with MongoDB, which is hosted on another droplet of DigitalOcean. I'm using pm2 as a process manager and its monitoring tool, which is web-based. On the same process, we operate LiveQuery, a WebSocket server made by the Parse community as well.
The thing is, I've been having some performance issues with the server. Everything works smoothly, until the Active handles rise up uncontrollably! (see the image below) It's like after one point the server says "I'm done! Now I rest!"
Usually the active handles stay between 30 to 70. The moment I restart the process with pm2 restart everything goes back to normal!
I've been having this issue for quite some time now and I haven’t been able to figure out what’s causing it! Any help will be greatly appreciated!
EDIT: I did a stress test where I created 200 LiveQuery sockets for 1 user, instead of 2 that a user normally has and there was a spike of 300 active handles, for like 5 seconds! The moment the sockets were all created, everything went back to normal!
I usually use restart based on memory usage
pm2 start filename.js --max-memory-restart 160 --exp-backoff-restart-delay=100
pm2 has also built-in cron job or autostart script setup in case the server ever restarts, see
it would be could if pm2 would provide restart options based on active connections or heap memory

PM2 Is Working But Has Large Restart Count With No Errors?

So recently I've been using PM2, and in terms of functionality and such, it's working perfectly.
However, I've noticed that if I leave my node app running over night and check it in the morning, it jumps in "restart" count about 20 times.
For example, I've only had it on the server for the past couple of days and the restart count is 100+.
There are no error logs, the output logs look fine and have nothing dodgy. So I'm not sure what is causing this.
The app itself runs fine if you access it, but I've found it's never good practice to leave something like this unfixed.
Perhaps it could be a memory leak or something? If someone could point me in the right direction that would be really helpful.
I'm not really sure what to provide, so if needed let me know and I can provide my config/error files and such for PM2.
May be there is a memory leak in your app and it is running out of memory while processing/running try increasing the memory like this.
PM2 start --name my-process --max-memory-restart 5000M index.js

Node.js on Openshift: Keep getting timeouts even with low load and HAProxy

I have a node app on openshift and am now constantly suffering from timeouts even though the logs show a lot of idling around. I even have started a second gear and am using HAproxy. Any ideas what could be done? Or how to even debug the problem?
It just suddenly started to happen, without any changes from me to the system. No additional traffic either and the database functions fine and is definitely not the bottleneck.

what can cause node.js to print Killed and exit?

I have a Node.js app that loads some data from Mysql into Redis when the app starts. It has been working fine up until we modified the data in Mysql.
Now it is just exiting with a Killed message.
I am trying to pinpoint the problem but is is hard to debug using the node-inspector as the problem doesn't appear when running in --debug.
I don't think my problem is in the data itself because it works on my local machine but doesn't work on my production box.
My question is, what causes the Killed message? Is it Node.js or is it in the Mysql driver or elsewhere?
Check your system logs for messages about Node being killed. Your Node application might be using excessive memory and getting killed by the Out-Of-Memory killer.
Not sure if Redis is what causes the Killed message but that was the cause of my problem.
I was sending to much data to multi because I originally thought that was the way to use pipelining (which is automatic).
