Deploy WebJobs using Visual Studio 2015 - azure

I was following this blog post to deploy my existing console app to web jobs.But, I'm unable to find right-click, "Add > Existing Project as Azure WebJob" option in Visual Studio 2015. I did install the new Azure SDK bits. Just wondering if this future has been deprecated ?

The option is still there. But please do note that this is only supported on regular ASP.NET projects. So if you are using ASP.NET Core, that option is not available at this time.


Logic App and Function App Development in Visual Studio 2019 Preview

I am using the latest Preview version of Visual Studio Enterprise 2019 (16.0.0 Preview 1.1), and I was wondering if I can develop Logic Apps (Logic App Designer) and Function Apps in this version of Visual Studio. To be precise I am trying to use this Extension Azure Logic Apps Tools for Visual Studio.
I am unable to find this extension in Tools -> Extensions and Updates.
Is the extension specifically only for Visual Studio 2017?
I would say you're right, we don't see Azure Logic Apps Tools for Visual Studio in VS2019 preview, because the extension is restricted for VS2017(as described in its Pre-requisites). I assume the upgrade work is underway since it's expected that a preview edition doesn't include everything we need.
For Azure Functions, the extension is built-in once we install Azure Development workload. On VS2019 menus, Help> About Microsoft Visual Studio, we can see Azure Functions and Web Jobs Tools 16.0.01169.

Should I use empty website or spa web application template for an Angular 2 project in Visual Studio?

For an angular project every tutorial on web, indicates to use Visual Studio Code. I am familiar with visual studio environment for like ten years besides there will be more project in my solution. Visual studio code is fine for an angular project but what about other projects in my solution? like services or class libraries.
So i decided to use visual studio 2017 rather than visual studio code. But i couldnt decide which template to choose for angular project, a website or spa template? And is there a way to run an angular project on nodejs just clicking run button.
I would really recommend using the Angular CLI if possible. The CLI adds tooling for testing and AOT among other things that will save you a lot of time in the future.
here is an article about using the CLI with Visual Studio in an MVC app it may give you more info on specifics that you have.
There are some excellent custom templates available for Visual Studio. I personally use this one for Visual Studio 2015. However, I am sure it would work for Visual Studio 2017.
You can try out the new templates available via "dotnet new" such as "dotnet new angular" You can find out more here:

Unable to load migrated Azure functions project in Visual Studio 2017

I have developed an Azure Functions project in Visual Studio 2015 (a project with a .funproj file extension). Now I want to migrate it to Visual Studio 2017 but when I try, VS does not load the project.
Why is the migration failing and how can I complete it manually?
Azure Functions tooling for Visual Studio 2017 is still work in progress. They are expected to be announced during upcoming Build event.
Watch this github issue for status.
UPDATE: The Preview of Visual Studio 2017 Tools for Azure Functions are now available for download. The blog post explains the tools, requirements, and has a link to the download. Note that it only works in VS 15.3 Preview, not in earlier versions.
As far as I know, there's no migration tooling available per se, so you'd have to start from a blank project and then convert your script to static class and function.json to proper bindings.

Azure WebJobs and Visual Studio 2017

I need to deploy an Azure WebJob and tried to follow this article. Is this supposed to work in Visual Studio 2017? I have none of the mentioned context menu entries (tried two different machines).
I have none of the mentioned context menu entries (tried two different machines).
What type of project did you create? Until now, we could see the [Publish as Azure WebJob…] context menu when we create a Console App(.NET Framework) in Visual Studio 2017.
You also need to check whether you have checked the Azure Development option when you install your Visual Studio 2017. If you did not do that, you could re-run the Visual Studio 2017 install exe file to update your Visual Studio 2017.
If your project type is Console App(.NET Core), the publish function is not available until now.
WebJobs deployment features are available in Visual Studio 2015 when you install the Azure SDK for .NET.
It's not yet available in VS2017.
EDIT: See post below.

Application Insight stopped sending data to portal

We already use Application Insight for diagnostics our cloud service project.
Today I added AppInsight Telemetry to project from Visual studio.
It added some lines to web config and nuget packages.
But after deployed it stopped sending data to Visual Studio Portal. No telemetry data and diagnostic data.
Now I rollback changes.
How can I add AppInsight Telemetry to out project?
In Visual Studio 2013 open Tools, Extensions and Updates,
Select Installed on the left and look for Application Insight Tools for Visual Studio and check its version. If it is version 2, uninstall it. This one sends the telemetry data to Azure instead of VS Online (portal that you mentioned above).
Now select Online and search for Application Insight Tools for Visual Studio, you will see 1.3.2 version. Install it, restart the Visual Studio and Add Application Insights Telemetry to the project..., it will show you VS Online account that it will use and the Application Insight component under which data will be captured. Run the app and after few minutes data will appear in the VS Online portal.
You can add Application Insight in Visual Studio 2012 as well. However, it is a manual process and involves below steps:
Create Application Insight application in VS Online portal
Add Nuget package to the project in VS
Finally, add few lines of code in Global.asax.cs
