DSRA9110E: Statement is closed occurs inside a Thread's run() in Websphere - multithreading

I am creating a thread in a web application in the following way. Creating a thread in web application is perhaps not the right thing to do but unfortunately that is how it has been done in my application.
The thread has to call a stored procedure making use of the same connection object passed to its runnable object. But the procedure doesn't get executed because of an error DSRA9110E: Statement is closed. Intermittently I also get "Connection is closed." Note that this happens only in IBM Websphere and there are no issues when deployed in Apache Tomcat.
Is it possible that the thread gets running i.e. thread.start() is executed before persistReconcileRecord method gets completed.
I am unable to understand what causes this statement/connection is closed issue. I appreciate any help regarding this issue. Please tell me if more information is required.
public class MyServiceImpl{
private ReconDAO reconDAO = new ReconDAO();
public String anyMethod(String infodom,ReconModel recon){
//persistReconcileRecord is a method in DAO class.
reconDAO.persistReconcileRecord(infodom, recon,"I");
Connection connection=DBManager.getConnection(infodom);
WorkerThread worker=new WorkerThread(infodom,recon.getReconciliationId(),"I",connection);
Thread thread=new Thread(worker);
JSONObject jsonObj=new JSONObject();
jsonObj.put("EXIST_VALIDATION", "false");
jsonObj.put("RECONCILIATION_ID", recon.getReconciliationId());
return jsonObj.toString();
public class ReconDAO{
public void persistReconcileRecord(String infodom,ReconModel reconModel) throws Exception{
//This method creates a new connection and inserts records into database and then closes it.
}catch(Exception e){
public class WorkerThread implements Runnable{
private String infodom;
private Long reconciliationId;
private String operation;
private Connection connection;
//A parameterized constructor to initialize all instance variables
public void run(){
//Uses the connection object from this class and then closes it in finally block
//Calls a stored procedure

There are a couple of problems with what your application is attempting. First, the JDBC programming model does not support multi-threaded access to connections. Second, even if it did support this, the manner in which the application passes the connection handle to another thread and then proceeds to close the connection means that the when the thread runs, the connection is closed from underneath it. Per JDBC spec, close of a connection requires its statements to be closed. So the behavior you are seeing is by design (and you could expect to see even worse unpredictable errors like IllegalStateException/ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException and so forth if it hits the former pattern rather than the latter)
Note that JDBC does support multi-threaded access to data sources. So the proper pattern for the application to use would be to supply the data source to the thread, and the thread can obtain its own connection and close it when finished. You should also consider a more proper approach to threading in Java EE applications. Depending on which version of WebSphere Application Server you are using, that could be Java EE Concurrency (spec standard as of Java EE 7) or Asynchronous Beans.


Firing CDI-Events within a thread

Within an Vaadin application I am planning to implement an asynchronous result-overview for a method.
The result overview contains a table for possible results. These results should generate while a backend-method is running asynchronous in a thread. Communication between the backend and frontend of the application is planned with using CDI-Events (information for the result will be in the CDI-Event).
I already achieved to fire CDI-Events, put them into the result-table and display the table after the method is finished. But when I execute the method within a thread (so the view is displayed and events get inserted instead of waiting to see the complete table), my CDI-Events won't fire (or get received).
Is there any way to work this out? I read about receiving CDI-Events asynchronous (blog entry), but I did not find anything about firing events within a thread...
WildFly 10.0.1.Final, Java 8, Java-EE 7 and Vaadin 7.6.6.
Thread, which should fire CDI-Events:
public class Executer implements Runnable{
public void run(){
// Here will be the backend-method invocation for firing CDI-Events
// CDI-Dummy-Event - Does not fire properly. receiveStatusEvent() does not invoke
BeanManager beanManager = CDI.current().getBeanManager();
beanManager.fireEvent(new ResultEvent("Result event example"));
Bean which receives CDI-Events
public class EventReceiver implements LoggingProvider{
public EventReceiver(){
public void receiveStatusEvent(#Observes ResultEvent event) {
this.info("Event received: " + event.toString());
Starting the thread with help from ManagedExecutorService
public void executeAsynchBackendMethod(){
// CDI-Dummy-Event works - receiveStatusEvent() invokes correctly
BeanManager beanManager = CDI.current().getBeanManager();
beanManager.fireEvent(new ResultEvent("Result event example"));
/* The following alternative starts a thread, but the events, which are fired in the run() method, do not take any action in the receiveStatusEvent() method */
// Getting managedExecuterService
this.managedExecuterService = (ManagedExecutorService) new InitialContext().lookup("java:comp/DefaultManagedExecutorService");
// Getting Instance of executer-Runnable (for injecting the backend-service afterwards)
Instance<Executer> executerInstance = CDI.current().select(Executer.class);
Executer executer = executerInstance.get();
// Start thread
In CDI 1.2 and below, events are strictly synchronous. In CDI 2.0 there is already an implemented version of asynchronous events (in Weld) but I suppose you are stuck with 1.2.
That means (as the blog post you read suggests), you can make use of the infamous EJBs.
As for why CDI does not work in this case - I would say this is all thread-bound. In other words in that given thread where you fire the event you have no observer to be triggered.

How to get an object of session in JSF [duplicate]

I am trying to get the FacesContext by calling FacesContext.getCurrentInstance() in the run() method of a Runnable class, but it returns null.
public class Task implements Runnable {
public void run() {
FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); // null!
// ...
How is this caused and how can I solve it?
The FacesContext is stored as a ThreadLocal variable in the thread responsible for the HTTP request which invoked the FacesServlet, the one responsible for creating the FacesContext. This thread usually goes through the JSF managed bean methods only. The FacesContext is not available in other threads spawned by that thread.
You should actually also not have the need for it in other threads. Moreover, when your thread starts and runs independently, the underlying HTTP request will immediately continue processing the HTTP response and then disappear. You won't be able to do something with the HTTP response anyway.
You need to solve your problem differently. Ask yourself: what do you need it for? To obtain some information? Just pass that information to the Runnable during its construction instead.
The below example assumes that you'd like to access some session scoped object in the thread.
public class Task implements Runnable {
private Work work;
public Task(Work work) {
this.work = work;
public void run() {
// Just use work.
Work work = (Work) FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getSessionMap().get("work");
Task task = new Task(work);
// ...
If you however ultimately need to notify the client e.g. that the thread's work is finished, then you should be looking for a different solution than e.g. adding a faces message or so. The answer is to use "push". This can be achieved with SSE or websockets. A concrete websockets example can be found in this related question: Real time updates from database using JSF/Java EE. In case you happen to use PrimeFaces, look at
<p:push>. In case you happen to use OmniFaces, look at <o:socket>.
Unrelated to the concrete problem, manually creating Runnables and manually spawning threads in a Java EE web application is alarming. Head to the following Q&A to learn about all caveats and how it should actually be done:
Spawning threads in a JSF managed bean for scheduled tasks using a timer
Is it safe to start a new thread in a JSF managed bean?

Accessing WinForm UI from Rhino Service Bus consumer [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Invoke or BeginInvoke cannot be called on a control until the window handle has been created
(8 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
I have a WinForm screen that is also a message consumer (using Rhino ESB). If I try to update anything on the screen when I receive a message, nothing happens. A call to Invoke gives me an error that the handle is not created. The form is definitely created though, I'm firing a message on button click on the form and the background process sends a message back. It's with this return message I want to update the UI.
I believe the difference here may be because I'm using Rhino Service bus. Rhino may be constructing a separate instance of my form rather than the one I'm using. I think what I probably need to do is to have Rhino use my instance of the form as the consumer by passing my instance into the IoC container Rhino is using. Another alternative is to move the Consumer off to it's own class and inject my Form into the consumer, and put a public method on my Form for the Consumer to use. This may work fine with my app because this is the main form and will never be disposed unless the app is closed. This would become problematic on another form that may be instantiated multiple times. Perhaps I could have my form "observe" another static object that a separate Consumer class updates. Please give suggestions as to the best approach.
public partial class MainForm : Form, ConsumerOf<MoveJobCompletedEvent>
public void Consume(MoveJobCompletedEvent message)
// This does nothing!
txtLogs.Text = "\nJob completed!";
This throws an error:
txtLogs.Text += "\nJob job completed!";
ERROR: Invoke or BeginInvoke cannot be called on a control until the window handle has been created.
It seems that you're consuming a JobCompleted event before the window handle is created. You could try the following:
public partial class MainForm : Form, ConsumerOf<MoveJobCompletedEvent>
public void Consume(MoveJobCompletedEvent message)
if (!this.HandleCreated)
txtLogs.Text += "\nJob job completed!";

Windows Service and multithreading

Im working on a Windows Service in which I would like to have two threads. One thread should look for updates (in a RSS feed) and insert rows into a DB when updates is found.
When updates are found I would like to send notification via another thread, that accesses the DB, gets the messages and the recipients and then sends notifications.
Perhaps the best practice isn't to use two threads. Should I have db-connections in both threads?
Could anyone provide me with tips how to solve this?
The major reason to make an application or service multithreaded is to perform database or other background operations without blocking (i.e. hanging) a presentation element like a Windows form. If your service depends on very rapid polling or expects db inserts to take a very long time, it might make sense to use two threads. But I can't imagine that either would be the case in your scenario.
If you do decide to make your service multithreaded, the two major classes in C# that you want to look into are BackgroundWorker and ThreadPool. If you want to do multiple concurrent db inserts (for example, if you want to execute an insert for each of multiple RSS feeds polled at the same time), you should use a ThreadPool. Otherwise, use a BackgroundWorker.
Typically, you'd have a db access class that would have a method to insert a row. That method would create a background worker, add DoWork handler to some static method in that db access class to the background worker, then call DoWorkAsync. You should only have db connection settings in that one class in order to make maintaining the code easier. For example:
public static class DbAccess
public void InsertRow(SomeObject entity)
BackgroundWorker bg = new BackgroundWorker();
bg.DoWork += InsertRow_DoWork;
bg.RunWorkerCompleted += InsertRow_RunWorkerCompleted;
private void InsertRow_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
BackgroundWorker bg = sender as BackgroundWorker;
SomeObject entity = e.Argument as SomeObject;
// insert db access here
private void InsertRow_RunWorkerCompleted(object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e)
// send notifications
// alternatively, pass the InsertRow method a
// delegate to a method in the calling class that will notify

FacesContext.getCurrentInstance() returns null in Runnable class

I am trying to get the FacesContext by calling FacesContext.getCurrentInstance() in the run() method of a Runnable class, but it returns null.
public class Task implements Runnable {
public void run() {
FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); // null!
// ...
How is this caused and how can I solve it?
The FacesContext is stored as a ThreadLocal variable in the thread responsible for the HTTP request which invoked the FacesServlet, the one responsible for creating the FacesContext. This thread usually goes through the JSF managed bean methods only. The FacesContext is not available in other threads spawned by that thread.
You should actually also not have the need for it in other threads. Moreover, when your thread starts and runs independently, the underlying HTTP request will immediately continue processing the HTTP response and then disappear. You won't be able to do something with the HTTP response anyway.
You need to solve your problem differently. Ask yourself: what do you need it for? To obtain some information? Just pass that information to the Runnable during its construction instead.
The below example assumes that you'd like to access some session scoped object in the thread.
public class Task implements Runnable {
private Work work;
public Task(Work work) {
this.work = work;
public void run() {
// Just use work.
Work work = (Work) FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getSessionMap().get("work");
Task task = new Task(work);
// ...
If you however ultimately need to notify the client e.g. that the thread's work is finished, then you should be looking for a different solution than e.g. adding a faces message or so. The answer is to use "push". This can be achieved with SSE or websockets. A concrete websockets example can be found in this related question: Real time updates from database using JSF/Java EE. In case you happen to use PrimeFaces, look at
<p:push>. In case you happen to use OmniFaces, look at <o:socket>.
Unrelated to the concrete problem, manually creating Runnables and manually spawning threads in a Java EE web application is alarming. Head to the following Q&A to learn about all caveats and how it should actually be done:
Spawning threads in a JSF managed bean for scheduled tasks using a timer
Is it safe to start a new thread in a JSF managed bean?
