Ensuring a unique socket.id over multiple app instances using socket.io - node.js

I am running a Node.js + Socket.io app over multiple instances with a Redis cache layer. I am wondering if the socket.id field for each connection would be unique over all instances. Is there a possibility that a socket.id on one instance can be the same as socket.id on another instance?
As far as I can see, the socket.id is generated using the following code:
* Interface to a `Client` for a given `Namespace`.
* #param {Namespace} nsp
* #param {Client} client
* #api public
function Socket(nsp, client, query){
this.nsp = nsp;
this.server = nsp.server;
this.adapter = this.nsp.adapter;
this.id = nsp.name !== '/' ? nsp.name + '#' + client.id : client.id;
this.client = client;
this.conn = client.conn;
this.rooms = {};
this.acks = {};
this.connected = true;
this.disconnected = false;
this.handshake = this.buildHandshake(query);
this.fns = [];
I am unsure about what it is actually doing when creating the id field.

If you trace the flow further, you will realize the socket.io module depends on engine.io (https://github.com/socketio/engine.io). It uses the id generated by engine.io.
1.engine.io emits connection to socket.io server as per the code below:
Server.prototype.onconnection = function(conn){
debug('incoming connection with id %s', conn.id);
var client = new Client(this, conn);
conn.id has the unique id.
2.socket.io client code stores this id in its pointer
function Client(server, conn){
this.server = server;
this.conn = conn;
this.encoder = new parser.Encoder();
this.decoder = new parser.Decoder();
this.id = conn.id;
3.Then when socket is created, same id is used
this.id = nsp.name !== '/' ? nsp.name + '#' + client.id : client.id;
Now back to the original question. The id is generated by engine.io using the following method:
* generate a socket id.
* Overwrite this method to generate your custom socket id
* #param {Object} request object
* #api public
Server.prototype.generateId = function (req) {
return base64id.generateId();
Here base64id and generateId are part of npm package https://www.npmjs.com/package/base64id. This package is supposed to generate a random base 64 id. I hope this helps you to understand that there is a very less probability of having the same id for 2 connections. You do have an option to override this method if you don't prefer this algorithm

The id will always be unique .this is due to fact that the id is based from the socket it was connected . Every socket is different.So every id is differet.
(wait for a sendto request from some client)
(process the sendto request)
sendto (in reply to the request from the client...for example, send an HTML file)


How does a ws websocket tell if connection event corresponds to an existing client in the clients list?

I am using the ws module to implement a WebSocket server in NodeJS. On the client-side, I request the connection using
webSocket = new WebSocket(url);
On the server-side, I have code that handles the 'connect' event, in which I print out the number of clients using
console.log("Total number of clients = " + wsServer.clients.size);
If I open the client-side in different tabs (or browsers), the number of clients is incremented for each new connection (as expected).
If I refresh a page, the webSocket = new WebSocket(url); code is called again and on the server the code handling the 'connect' event (see below) is also called again. However, in this case, the number of clients is not incremented. This is nice behaviour as it maintains the number of connections one wants, but I cannot see how this is done. I want to be able to test if this is an existing connection as I have a chat room running that says 'so-and-so' has joined when a new connection is made. However, I don't want this to happen every time a user refreshes their page.
Here is the server-side event-handler:
// On connection
wsServer.on("connection", function (ws, req) {
let { query } = url.parse(req.url, true);
ws.userName = ("name" in query) ? query.name : null;
ws.roomCode = ("roomCode" in query) ? query.roomCode : null;
ws.userPIN = ("PIN" in query) ? query.PIN : null;
console.log(ws.userName + " joined room " + ws.roomCode);
console.log("Total number of clients = " + wsServer.clients.size);
let data = {
userName: "Server",
message: ws.userName + " joined the room."
let dataStr = JSON.stringify(data);
// Loop through each client
wsServer.clients.forEach((client) => {
// Check if client is ready and in same room
if ((client.readyState === WebSocket.OPEN) && (client.roomCode == ws.roomCode)) {
// On message event
ws.on("message", function (msg) {
// Loop through each client
wsServer.clients.forEach((client) => {
// Check if client is ready and in same room
if ((client.readyState === WebSocket.OPEN) && (client.roomCode == ws.roomCode)) {
As one can see, I do modify the client by adding name and room code fields to it but these are not present when the 'connect' event fires, implying the object is being created from scratch. However, no extra client is being added to the clients list, so what I would like to understand is:
how does the ws package know this is an existing connection?
how can I test for this?
Any advice would be gratefully received!
On investigation, it turns out the when the user refreshes the page, the WebSocket connection is closed and then re-opened. Hence there is no testing for an existing client, the existing client is just deleted on the server and the new connection added - hence the number of clients does not appear to change.

How to create OutPutContext via V2 client library for node js

I am working on entity and intents creation in my agent using v2 client library for node.js . And for that i am going through this sample which is on git. And it says something related to session id and context id. Can anyone explain me what is sessionId and contextId. And also provide me link where i can read those thing in details.
I am unable to create context by following those example. How can i create context while creating intent at the same time.
The following is code to create a context. You cannot create a context and an intent in a single API call, you first need to create the context and then create the intent that uses the context. The response to the create context API call will return a context ID you can use in your intent.
const dialogflow = require('dialogflow');
// Instantiates clients
const entityTypesClient = new dialogflow.EntityTypesClient();
// The path to the agent the created entity type belongs to.
const agentPath = entityTypesClient.projectAgentPath(projectId);
const createEntityTypeRequest = {
parent: agentPath,
entityType: {
displayName: displayName,
kind: kind,
.then(responses => {
console.log(`Created ${responses[0].name} entity type`);
.catch(err => {
console.error('Failed to create size entity type:', err);
Source: https://github.com/googleapis/nodejs-dialogflow/blob/master/samples/resource.js
Contexts are very closely associated with SessionID. Say for eg, you have a chatbot that gets spun up on two computers serving two different user's. Each user will have a respective session_id (If you're coding in NODE, when a new user fires the chatbot, you need to ensure he/she will get a unique session_id).
Now, every unique session id will have unique contexts. From above example, let's say user 1 will initialize an intent that has input context named 'abc' with lifespan of 2 and user 2 will initialize another intent that has input context named 'xyz' with lifespan of 5, these respective contexts gets recorded against each of these user's individual session id's. You can programatically control (edit) contexts and its lifecycle. This is the biggest advantage of code facilitated Dialogflow as opposed to using GUI. Using services like Firebase, you can also preserve session id's and its associated contexts so, next time same user sign's in again, they can start from where they had last left.
I can share a snippet from one of my previous projects where I was managing contexts programatically. Initialization script is as follows:
* #author Pruthvi Kumar
* #email pruthvikumar.123#gmail.com
* #create date 2018-08-15 04:42:22
* #modify date 2018-08-15 04:42:22
* #desc Dialogflow config for chatbot.
const dialogflow_config = {
projectId: 'xxx',
sessionId: 'chatbot-session-id', //This is default assignment. This will hve to be overridden by sessionId as obtained from client in order to main context per sessionId.
languageCode: 'en-US'
exports.configStoreSingleton = (function () {
let instanceStacks;
let instanceSessionId;
let contextStack = {};
let intentsStack = {};
let successfulIntentResponseStack = {};
function init() {
contextStack[dialogflow_config['sessionId']] = [];
intentsStack[dialogflow_config['sessionId']] = [];
successfulIntentResponseStack[dialogflow_config['sessionId']] = [];
return {
contextStack: contextStack,
intentsStack: intentsStack,
successfulIntentResponseStack: successfulIntentResponseStack
return {
init: function () {
if (!instanceStacks || (instanceSessionId !== dialogflow_config['sessionId'] && (!intentsStack[dialogflow_config['sessionId']]))) {
console.log('[dialogflow_config]: Singleton is not instantiated previously or New userSession is triggered! Fresh instance stack will be provisioned');
instanceStacks = init();
instanceSessionId = dialogflow_config['sessionId'];
return instanceStacks;
exports.updateSessionIdOfDialogflowConfig = function (sessionId) {
if (typeof (sessionId) === 'string') {
dialogflow_config['sessionId'] = sessionId;
return true;
} else {
console.warn('[dialogflow_config]: SessionId must be of type STRING!');
exports.getDialogflowConfig = function () {
return dialogflow_config;
And then, to programmatically manage contexts:
* #author Pruthvi Kumar
* #email pruthvikumar.123#gmail.com
* #create date 2018-08-15 04:37:15
* #modify date 2018-08-15 04:37:15
* #desc Operate on Dialogflow Contexts
const dialogflow = require('dialogflow');
const dialogflowConfig = require('../modules/dialogflow_config');
const structjson = require('./dialogflow_structjson');
const util = require('util');
const contextsClient = new dialogflow.ContextsClient();
exports.setContextHistory = function (sessionId, intent_name, context_payload, preservedContext=false) {
/* maintain context stack per session */
/* context_payload = {input_contexts: [], output_contexts = []}
const contextStack = dialogflowConfig.configStoreSingleton.init().contextStack;
if (intent_name) {
intent: intent_name,
contexts: context_payload,
preserveContext: preservedContext
} else {
console.warn('[dialogflow_contexts]: Intent name is not provided OR Nothing in context_payload to add to history!');
exports.getContextHistory = function () {
const contextStack = dialogflowConfig.configStoreSingleton.init().contextStack;
return contextStack;
exports.preserveContext = function () {
const contextStack = dialogflowConfig.configStoreSingleton.init().contextStack;
//Traverse contextStack, get the last contexts.
let context_to_be_preserved = contextStack[dialogflowConfig.getDialogflowConfig()['sessionId']][contextStack[dialogflowConfig.getDialogflowConfig()['sessionId']].length - 1];
//console.log(`context to be preserved is: ${util.inspect(context_to_be_preserved)}`);
return context_to_be_preserved['contexts'].map((context, index) => {
let context_id = exports.getContextId(context);
return exports.updateContext(context_id, true)
From here, you can reference this github resource to build your own contexts - https://github.com/googleapis/nodejs-dialogflow/blob/master/samples/resource.js
Happy creating digital souls!

How to get the client id?

I am using the ws lib and I want to make a private chat just like this: client A sends a message to client B.
There I have a ws.clients.forEach() method to broadcast to every client, but how can I get the client id of an individual one?
When you set up your chat system and userA wants to chat with userB, you have to have an identifier that userA users to tell the server they want to chat with userB. If the ws library doesn't provide an easy to use identifier for each connected user, then you need to assign one when the user connects to your server and then keep track of it for each connection in a way you can find the socket that has a given id. One simple way would be to just create a Map object where key is the ID and value is the socket. You can then lookup any socket by id.
For example, you could create a unique ID for each incoming socket connection and store it like this:
const uuid = require("uuid/v4");
const wss = new WebSocket.Server({ port: 8080 });
const idMap = new Map();
wss.on('connection', function connection(ws) {
// create uuid and add to the idMap
ws.uuid = uuid();
idMap.add(ws.uuid, ws);
ws.on('close', function() {
// remove from the map
ws.on('message', function(info) {
try {
info = JSON.parse(info);
if (info.action = "send") {
let dest = idMap.get(info.targetId);
if (dest) {
dest.send(JSON.stringify({action: "message", sender: ws.uuid, data: info.message}));
} catch(e) {
console.log("Error processing incoming message", e);
Then, you could use that uuid value internally to identify which user someone wanted to connect to or send to.
In most real applications, you will also create some sort of login and username. A unique username could also be used as the id.

NodeJs Socket programming how to handle and manage Sockets? (Without Using socket.io) What is the efficient way?

After connection to the Server, every time Data coming from this connection (Socket.on('data',...)), Server fetches UserID from Data and check the ClientList (array of Socket objects), to see if Socket with this UserID exists in ClientList, if not : adds UserID as a property of Socket and then adds Socket object to Client list.
So when user with ID=1 want to send a message to user with ID = 2,
Server search for Socket with UserID = 2 in ClientList to find the right Socket and send user 1's message to the found Socket (user 2's socket).
I'm trying to accomplish this without using socket.io! That's what my employer made me to do! :))
Now my question is: am I doing this right? Is this efficient to check ClientList array (every time a connection send Data) to see if this UserID exists in ClientList? if not, then what is the right and efficient way? there is no problem with my code and it works. but what if there are thousands of connections?
Any Sample code , example or link would be appreciated. Thank you.
here is a pseudo code :
var net = require('net');
var Server = net.createServer();
var myAuth = require('./myAuth');
var ClientList = [];
Server.on('connection', function(Socket){
Socket.UserData = {}; // I want to add user data as a property to Socket
Socket.on('data', function (Data) {
var userID = myAuth.Authenticate_and_getUserID(Data);
if(userID != undefined){
var found = false;
// check if Socket is in ClientList
if(item.UserData.ID == userID){
// client was connected before
found = true;
// this is a new connection, Add it to ClientList
Socket.UserData.ID = userID;
Socket.once('close', function(has_error){
var index = ClientList.indexOf(Socket);
if (index != -1){
ClientList.splice(index, 1);
console.log('Client closed (port=' + Socket.remotePort + ').');
UPDATE for clarification:
is this efficient to look into ClientList every time Data is coming to Server, to check for receiverID (presence of receiver) and to Update ClientList with current connection UserID if not exists?
how should I manage new connections(users) and store them in server for later use when number of users are thousands or millions! NOT 10 or 100. How socket.io is doing this?
later usages could be:
check to see if one specific user is online (have an object in ClientList)
send realtime message to a user if he/she is online
etc . . .
Actually I am doing this wrong!
Arrays in JavaScript are passed by reference! So there is no need to update ClientList every time a Socket send data.
Therefor the Code changes like Following:
var net = require('net');
var Server = net.createServer();
var myAuth = require('./myAuth');
var ClientList = [];
Server.on('connection', function(Socket){
Socket._isAuthorized = false;
// when socket send data for the first time
// it gets authenticated and next time it send data
// server does not authenticate it
Socket.on('data', function (Data) {
var userID = getUserID(Data);
if(Socket._isAuthorized != true){
Socket._isAuthorized = true;
Socket._userID = userID;
// do something with data...
Socket.once('close', function(has_error){
var index = ClientList.indexOf(Socket);
if (index != -1){
ClientList.splice(index, 1);
console.log('Client closed (port=' + Socket.remotePort + ').');
And its efficient!

Node sendgrid ICAS/ICS invitation

I am using the npm sendgrid Node SendGrid GitHub
With this I have created the following module:
var path = require('path'),
emailTemplates = require('email-templates'),
async = require("async"),
mailConfig = require('../config/email.json'),
templates = require('../config/emailTemplates.json'),
_ = require('lodash'),
sendgrid = require('sendgrid')(mailConfig.sendGridApiKey),
fs = require("fs");
var mymailer = {};
* Sends an email to either one or multiple users
* #param template_id (The id key of the template. Can be found in emailTemplates.json
* #param to String or Array
* #param from String
* #param subject String
* #param keyReplacer Array of objects for keys to replace in the template
* #param files Array of file objects
mymailer.sendTemplate = function (template_id, to, from, subject, keyReplacer, section, text, files) {
var email = new sendgrid.Email(), templateKey = templates[template_id];
if (templateKey) {
email.subject = subject;
email.from = from;
email.text = text;
email.html = 'Gief HTML NU:D';
"templates": {
"settings": {
"enable": 1,
"template_id": templateKey
email.smtpapi.header.sub = prepareSub(keyReplacer, section);
email.smtpapi.header.section = prepareSection(section);
email.files = prepareAttachement(files);
} else {
console.log('incorrect key');
Now for some of my mails I wish to send an invitation that can be accepted in your calendar. However I have no idea how to do this and I can't seem to find any information on the subject.
Has anyone tried sending this using sendgrid? And if so can you point me in the right direction?
If you are willing to upgrade to the newest version of the Node.js SendGrid Client library, you may find that the v3 /mail/send endpoint makes sending calendar invitations much easier.
Here is an example of adding a content type of "text/calendar": https://github.com/sendgrid/sendgrid-nodejs/blob/master/examples/helpers/mail/example.js#L57
Here is some documentation on the new v3 /mail/send endpoint if you would rather use it directly:
