VBA Excel Shell function - excel

I have a Fortran routine which reads the data from a file, processes the data, and records the results in few *.csv files. It has perfectly worked for years.
Now I made a VBA Excel Macro which prepares the data files, calls the Fortran routine
TemporFile = Directory & "\" & "VTFeV4.exe"
Call Shell(TemporFile, 0)
, and forms an Excel workbook using the *.csv files generated by the Fortran routine VTFeV4.exe.
The problem is, it doesn't work consistently. Sometimes, the resulting files do not appear, the VBA Macro indeed canot find the file, and interrups. The Windows' Start Task Manager shows that the EXE file is still running.
(Please note, "Directory" is the correct Path).
I found that if to run the Macro stepwisely (F8), it works better. So I added time delay
Dim PauseTime, Start, Finish, TotalTime
PauseTime = pt
Start = Timer
Do While Timer < Start + PauseTime
which worked well with pt=10 until TODAY (02/22/17) when it stopped working at all even when pt=20s though the EXE file works well and fast (apparently much quicker than 10s, less to say!).
I also tried
ABC = Shell(Directory & "\NewVTF1.exe", 1)
with same result.
What is the problem with Shell? Please help!


Stepping through with F8 the code runs, stops in standard execution with F5

I've written a macro which sums numbers, grouping by year and by month based on our projection model.
It runs from start to end when stepping through with F8.
It stops immediately in standard execution with F5.
The first trouble is
Runtime error 91
issmIndex = Range("A1:Z1").Find("ck.IssMon").Column 'issmIndex an integer
Originally I tried Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(...) but had the same problem: runs in debug, but not in execute (Error 1004 instead).
I considered it could have been an Excel version issue (the Match function has a different name in the Italian version). I switched to a more neutral Find, but still no luck.
When you have an error with a line that is a combination of several commands, try breaking it down into the individual steps.
For example, this works:
Sub findDemo()
Const toFind = "blah"
Dim rg As Range, f As Range
Set rg = Range("A2:C5")
Set f = rg.Find(toFind)
If f Is Nothing Then
Stop 'not found
Debug.Print "found in column #" & f.Column
End If
End Sub
Also see the example in the documentation for Range.Find().
Welcome to SO. Sometimes Excel reads code faster than executing, so when reading a command there is a previous one not finished. IT's weird but it happens a lot if your code does a lot of stuff and calculus.
Besides, when debugging, every command line is executed before reading next one, so you cannot detect this just debugging.
So if your code runs perfect when debugged but errors if executed as normal, try to add the command DoEvents right before the problematic line. Something like this:
' your previous code
issmIndex = Range("A1:Z1").Find("ck.IssMon").Column 'issmIndex an integer
'rest of your code
This commands forces Excel to make sure everything has been executed before reading. It's kind of like a checkpoint, something like make sure you've done everything before going to next line.

VBA code that executes two .bat files one after another

I'm trying to write a code that would create and execute two batch scripts, one after another. The 1st makes a given number of copies of my pdf file (makecopies.bat) and the 2nd one changes the names of the copies according to a list of names. Thus, it is crucial that the execution of the 1st goes to completion before the 2nd one runs. That is why I refrain from using Call Shell("cmd.exe /k cd " & CurDir & " && makecopies.bat", vbHide) - I tried it and it would result in overlapping execution of scripts.
Instead, I tried to make it work with WScript.Shell, because that method allows setting waitOnReturn value. However, the problem is as follows (I need to execute two scripts, I use one as an example):
the part below works fine on my own laptop and when I try to run the code on my company computer (the one I intend to use the code at), it gives "Run time error -2147024894(80070002) Automation error The file cannot be found"
Dim wsh As WshShell
Set wsh = New WshShell
Dim makecopies As String
Dim script_makecopies As Long
Open CurDir & "\makecopies.bat" For Output As #FileNumber
Print #FileNumber, Range("B2").Value
Close #FileNumber
makecopies = CurDir & "\makecopies.bat"
script_makecopies = wsh.Run(makecopies, windowStyle:=0, waitOnReturn:=True)
I tried to change my code in order to overcome the problem - and it kind of worked, creating another problem in turn :D I replaced the last line with wsh.Run "cmd.exe /k makecopies", 0, True. This gets the job done, however at this point Excel stops responding and the rest of code (i.e. the second batch file) is not executed. I noticed that when removing /k Excel works fine and the code that follows this line is executed, but the batch (makecopies.bat) itself is not.
Does anyone have any idea how can I make it work? (Thank you in advance!)

How can I have an Excel VBA application in use without multiuser lock?

I have an app I coded in Excel that suits the needs of my project; it serves the purpose of keeping track of quite a lengthy process and prerequisites and such.
It feeds off of a certain number of tables in my file.
The thing is, only one user can currently work on that file; and since we have multiple teams working on different parts in parallel, it would be nice to host that somehow in a way that would remove the single-user restriction.
Do any of you have an idea of how I could work around this?
I worked on a solution for a very similar project of keeping track of a hospital's labor utilization (nursing employee census, if you will) on a day-to-day basis across every nursing-based department in the hospital system. This solution relies on a couple conditions:
That it will be unlikely two or more people will need to save data to the final file at the same time (meaning within seconds of each other).
All the various users of the file will have access to at least one commonly-shared network drive or location.
In our case, we created a new file each day, but it wouldn't be difficult to adjust the data-writing code to append data, rather than create a new file and dump data into that new file.
The rough outline of the process is this:
Create a read-only destination file (.xlsx in our case) in a network location that contains tables of data split between n worksheets.
Create an interactive form (.xlsm) that allows user input and then on form submission, opens the destination .xlsx file and saves the form data to it, then closes it. This interactive .xlsm file can be placed in the same network location, with shortcuts created on as many peoples' desktops (or departmental shares, for example) as necessary.
With the speed of Excel and VBA, this means you're only "opening" the destination file for a second or two to write the form data, no matter how long one user may have a copy of the form open.
One thing that will be necessary is to check if the file is open, and gracefully alert the user if they need to try again, which you can do with a function covering the related error codes, for example:
Function IsFileOpen(FileName As String)
Dim iFilenum As Long
Dim iError As Long
On Error Resume Next
iFilenum = FreeFile()
Open FileName For Input Lock Read As #iFilenum
Close iFilenum
iError = Err
On Error GoTo 0
Select Case iError
Case 0: IsFileOpen = False
Case 70: IsFileOpen = True
Case 53: IsFileOpen = "Not Found"
Case Else: Error iError
End Select
End Function
which can be called via some code like (pseudo code):
Private Sub UpdateData(ByVal thesheet As String)
Dim xlApp As New Excel.Application
Dim xlWkbk As New Excel.Workbook
If Not IsFileOpen(FileName) Then
Set xlWkbk = xlApp.Workbooks.Open(filename)
MsgBox "Sorry, the file is currently in use. Please try again", vbOKOnly
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
Or you could have it simply wait a few seconds (e.g. Wait 5) or more if the writing process doesn't cover that much data. The specific amount of seconds to wait would depend on testing write times based on your scenario and your data. That would be added as a nested If Not statement inside the previous one.
Then, when the result is that the file is not in use, simply write a series of subroutines to write the form data (stored as variables) to the destination sheet. End with something like
Set xlWkbk = Nothing
Set xlApp = Nothing
to save and close the workbook and clear your variables (memory cleanup and all that).
You may already be aware of this practice, but while you'll want to keep Excel visible during development, you'll definitely want to set Application.Visible = False on the production files for two reasons:
This will prevent users from getting confused by a lot of automation
It covers Application.Updating as well, which will really speed up data processing.

Excel/VBA DoEvents and control return

I am trying to make a macro that returns at least some partial control to the user when it runs. The macro behavior cannot be changed dangerously if the user edits cells, as there is few dependent content.
I am using this method to allow the user to occupy the execution thread and commit their cell changes before the macro gains control back and proceeds to the next statement:
Sub retCtrl(Optional ms As Long = 350)
Dim l As Long: l = Timer
Do While Timer - l < (0# + ms / 1000)
End Sub
I put this after some long statements and inside loops.
It's choppy, but functional, with only one problem:
if the user takes to long to edit the cell, the macro silently stops.
Can anyone explain why this happens? Is it because the timer elapses the threshold? I thought all macro execution stops when the workbook is in edit mode?
Any advice on how to handle this otherwise?
You can't & shouldn't return control to the user while code is running, and your issue is an example of why.
Excel expects certain elements to be in certain states, and when the user starts changing things, unexpected things can happen. For example, what would happen if the user tries to change data the same time Excel needs it? There is no multi-processing built in, "this isn't that kind of programming..."
So Excel ceases running the macro when it notices something happening. If you need to run a different process simultaneously, do it in a separate instance of Excel.
More Information:
Running Macros in the Background
Stack Overflow : How can I execute a long running process in VBA without making pc crawl?
Mr. Excel : Can VBA Run in the Background?

Side-Step Application.MsgBox in VBA (Excel)

In order to head off a storm of "comment it out" replies, here is my situation:
I have a process is normally run 1 iteration by 1 iteration. A user manually hits a button that calls a macro which, upon completion, pops up a message box that reports the total time length the macro ran for. It's pretty handy for diagnosing issues. This code is locked down and I cannot modify it.
I am trying to do this at scale. Because the code in the main spreadsheet and workbook are locked, I have a separate workbook open in the same instance of excel with a macro that operates the locked down workbook. Rather than 1 by 1, I've got a set of 300 I'm trying to run through. Right now I have to babysit the thing and hit space to get past the MsgBox. Does anyone know of any tricks to prevent me having to monitor the thing? Either disabling the pop-ups or some way to make them non-modal. Maybe a trick to make the mouse click?
You're right in knowing that the best way to fix the issue is to correct the code. In which case you would probably make the pop-ups toggle-able.
However, I wrote this for you which could be used as a potential work around. It utilizes VBScript to "sort-of" simulate multithreading so that you can send a key to the modal Msgbox. Assuming you can do what you want to do via code, simply call SendDelayedKeys before the action that will cause a Msgbox. You may have to tinker with the Delay based upon your circumstances as 100 milliseconds may not be enough. To change the Delay, just call like this: SendDelayedKeys 500 for 500 milliseconds.
Sub SendDelayedKeys(Optional Delay As Long = 100, Optional keys As String = """ """)
Dim oFSO As Object
Dim oFile As Object
Dim sFile As String
sFile = "C:\SendKeys.vbs" 'Make this a valid path to which you can write.
'Check for the .vbs file.
If Not Len(Dir$(sFile)) Then
'Create the vbs file.
Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set oFile = oFSO.CreateTextFile(sFile)
oFile.WriteLine "Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject(""WScript.Shell"")"
oFile.WriteLine "WScript.Sleep CLng(WScript.Arguments(0))"
oFile.WriteLine "WshShell.SendKeys WScript.Arguments(1)"
End If
Shell "wscript C:\SendKeys.vbs " & Delay & " " & keys
End Sub
Sub ProofOfConcept()
'Using default parameters which sends a space after 100 milliseconds
MsgBox "I disappear on my own!"
End Sub
A word of warning: Any solution that utilizes SendKeys is a fragile solution and should be avoided when possible. However, when your options are limited and you need to avoid a manual process, sometimes it's your only option.
Since SiddhartRout rightly pointed out that this could be solved using API calls: here's a link with C# code that would close your msgbox every second.
The problem here really isn't strictly a problem more code can (or indeed should) solve.
There are a great many things to consider and any solution will be more complex AND less reliable than the problem it is initially trying to solve. But lets look at your options...
SendKeys is not reliable for that kind of use, what happens if the dialogue says "would you like me to save this workbook?" just after making a change that was meant to be temporary or "would you like to play global thermonuclear war?" Plus with a batch process like that you want to get on with something else while you wait, even if it's only to come here to downvote trolls. If nothing else you may not be in control of this code so what kind of mess will it cause when the maintainers realise msgbox is bad UX and kill it?
FindWindow API calls would let you check the content in the window to make sure it says what you're expecting but then you're potentially asking some bit of quick & dirty vbscript to go into a race condition until the right window comes up. Can you guarantee that the threads won't lock up?. What about platform issues - what happens if someone wants to run your code on their shiny new surface? What happens when your 64 bit modal Excel dialogue window can't be seen by the 32-bit api calls you were making? What about a new version of office that doesn't present modal dialogues in the same way? None of those problems are insurmountable but each adds complexity (aka opportunity for failure.)
The best solution is fix the actual problem you have identified from the outset which is that the original code throws up an unnecessary modal dialogue. Someone needs to fix that - it doesn't have to be you but if you estimate how much time that modal dialogue wastes in lost productivity that should get you a solid business case for getting it sorted.
