Relative symlinks in Unix - linux

I have a folder 'foo' which consist of file 'foo.v'. foo.v is a symlink to another file
foo.v -> ../foo2/foo.v
Now, I copy (or create link) another foo.v at first location (foo/) so that it becomes symlink to another file along with its original source file
- foo.v -> ../foo3/foo.v
- ../foo2/foo.v -> ../foo3/foo.v
Is something like this possible in linux ?

A symlink can point to a symlink:
$ echo test > 1
$ ln -s 1 2
$ ln -s 2 3
$ cat 3
These files look like this:
2 -> 1
3 -> 2
When moving or copying a symlink it behaves just like a file - the content is not changed:
$ cp 2 3
This would look like this:
2 -> 1
3 -> 1


How to run bash file for (different directory) as input automatically

I have a bash file which takes 5 inputs.
Input1 = file1
Input2 = file2
Input3 = directory1
Input4 = func
Input5 = 50
input 4 and 5 are always the same, never change.
file1 and file 2 are located inside directory1
directory1 is located inside a code directory
and there are many directories with the same structure directory(1-70) inside the code folder
In order to run the bash file, I have to run the command from terminal 70 times :<
Is there a way to automatically run all these folders at once?
UPDATE: the directory(1-7) each one has a different name e.g bug1, test, 4-A and so on. Even the files are different e.g. bug1.c hash.c
Try this:
for dirs in $(ls -F /code | grep '/')
eval files=( "$(ls -1 ${dirs})" )
<ShellScript>.sh "${dirs}${files[0]}" "${dirs}${files[1]}" "${dirs%/}" func 50

For loop on Subset of Files

Making for a total of 3 X 5 = 15 files. I would like to run a python script on them. However, the catch is that each number (clarified here:Cell2.NUMBER.annot.gz) has to be matched to another file in a separate directory. I have code that works below, although it only works for one Cell file at a time. How can I automate this so it works for all files? (So Cell1...Cell3?)
for i in `seq 1 5`;
do python --file1 DNA_FILE.${i} --file2 Cell1.${i}.annot.gz --thin-annot --out Cell1.${i} ;done
Another loop?
for c in 1 2 3
do for i in 1 2 3 4 5
do python --file1 DNA_FILE.${i} --file2 Cell${c}.${i}.annot.gz --thin-annot --out Cell${c}.${i}

cd alias for moving between parallel directory structures

Let's say I have the following directory structures (variable is the z or y or x or w directories):
How would I write an alias for the cd command (in bash) so that when I am in
/a/b/c/d/e/w/f/g/h or in
/a/b/c/d/e/w/f/g/h/i/j or in
and type:
cd z
it would respectively take me in
/a/b/c/d/e/z/f/g/h or in
/a/b/c/d/e/z/f/g/h/i/j or in
if I type:
cd y
it would respectively take me in
/a/b/c/d/e/y/f/g/h or in
/a/b/c/d/e/y/f/g/h/i/j or in
of course if I type:
cd w
it should leave me where I am (already there).
it's probably easiest to use a function:
mycd() {
cd "/a/b/c/d/e/$1/${PWD#/a/b/c/d/e/*/}"
put that into your ~/.bashrc (or another file that you source with something like . mycd.bash), and use mycd x

Bash script archiving files according to number

I am currently writing a script that mounts a samba share, rsyncs the data to a local machine and archives into a directory structure (say /home/archive/). Currently when new pdfs are added, archiving done manually which seems like inefficient use of time
The files have the following structure
/home/archive/ has several directories 2010/, 2011/, 2012, 2013 etc
Basically, I need to break up the number to find the correct subdirectory to copy the file. First I extract the number
study_number=`echo $file | sed 's/[^0-9]//g'`
Then the year
year=20`echo $study_number | cut -c 1-2`
All the above pdf files belong in the subdirectory of 2014. Within 2014 or any other year directories there are the following subdirectories 2014/Blue/, /2014/Red/and/2014/Green/`. This corresponds to the 3rd integer in the number Blue(0), Red(4) and Green(6).
I use cases here to find what I have called study type
type_int=`echo $study_number | cut -c 3`
case "$type_int" in
4) type_string="Red"
6) type_string="Green"
*) echo "$date: $file has unknown study type. Do not know where to place it" >> $logfile
I now know the following files go in the following directories
ABC140003.pdf -> /home/archive/2014/Blue/
ABC140124.pdf -> /home/archive/2014/Blue/
ABC144201.pdf -> /home/archive/2014/Red/
ABC146012.pdf -> /home/archive/2014/Green/
I'd be happy if this was the end of the directory structure. However, there is another layer of subdirectories have been introduced so that no directory has more than 100 pdf files (Not my call).
For example /home/archive/2014/Blue/ has the following directories:
140001-0100/ 140101-0200/ 140201-0300/ 140301-0400/ 140401-0500/ 140501-0600/
I now need to come up some logic such that the following files go to the following directories
ABC140003.pdf -> /home/archive/2014/Blue/140001-0100
ABC140124.pdf -> /home/archive/2014/Blue/140100-0124
ABC144201.pdf -> /home/archive/2014/Red/144200-4300
ABC146012.pdf -> /home/archive/2014/Green/146000-6100
I am stumped on how to logically determine that study ABC146012 should go in 146000-6100 in an elegant manner without resorting to multiple if statements for each of Red/ Blue/ and Green/
Here is a simplified version that needs some work but you get the idea (for a nice final solution, see #glenn jackman's solution):
Declare an associative array for the colors
$ declare -A colors
$ colors[0]=Blue
$ colors[4]=Red
$ colors[6]=Green
Then extract the needed information
$ study_number=$(sed 's/[^0-9]//g' <<< ABC140124.pdf);
$ year=${study_number:0:2};
$ type=${study_number:2:1};
$ color=${colors[$type]};
$ from="${study_number:0:$((${#study_number}-2))}01"
$ to="$((${study_number:0:$((${#study_number}-2))}+1))00"
and that gives:
$ echo /home/archive/$year/$color/$from-$to
(I assumed you wanted your intervals to be consistently numbered 'x01-(x+1)00')
You can create a function to simplify the process
build_dir() {
study_number=$(sed 's/[^0-9]//g' <<< $1);
echo "/home/archive/$year/$color/$from-$to"
It needs a bit of more defensive programming-related lines of code, but it can be used like this:
$ build_dir ABC146012.pdf
colors=([0]=Blue [4]=Red [6]=Green)
get_destination() {
if [[ $1 =~ ([0-9][0-9])([0-9])([0-9]) ]]; then
printf "/home/archive/20%s/%s/%s%s%d01-%s%d00" \
${colors[${BASH_REMATCH[2]}]} \
$(( 1 + ${BASH_REMATCH[3]} ))
for file in ABC140003.pdf ABC140124.pdf ABC144201.pdf ABC146012.pdf; do
echo "$file -> $(get_destination $file)"
ABC140003.pdf -> /home/archive/2014/Blue/140001-0100
ABC140124.pdf -> /home/archive/2014/Blue/140101-0200
ABC144201.pdf -> /home/archive/2014/Red/144201-4300
ABC146012.pdf -> /home/archive/2014/Green/146001-6100

Bash script - iterate through folders and move into folders of 1000

I have 1.2 million files split out into folders, like so:
..........Folder 1
..................File 1
..................File 2
..................File 3
..................File 4
..................File 5 etc
..........Folder 2
..................File 1
..................File 2
..................File 3
..................File 4
..................File 5 etc
If I cd into Folder 1 I can run the following script to organize the files there into folders called 1, 2, 3, etc. of 1000 files each:
let n=0
let sub=0
while IFS= read -r file ; do
if [ $(bc <<< "$n % $x") -eq 0 ] ; then
let sub+=1
mkdir -p "$sub"
mv "$file" "$sub"
let n+=1
done < <(find "$dir" -maxdepth 1 -type f)
However I really would like to run it once on the Everything folder at the top level. From there it would consider the child folders, and do the by-1000 sorting so I could move everything out of Folder 1, Folder 2, etc. and into folders of 1000 items each called 1, 2, 3, etc.
Any ideas?
Edit: Heres how I would like the files to end up (as per comments):
.................file1(these filenames can be anything, they shouldnt be renamed)
.................(every file in between so file2 > file 999)
.................(every file in between so file1002 > file file1999)
Every single possible file that is in the original folder structure is grouped into folders of 1000 items under the top level.
Let's assume your script is called, and the Everything folder contains only directories. Try the following:
cd Everything
for d in *; do
pushd $d
bash ~/temp/
To answer Tom's question in the comment: you only need one copy of Say if you put it in ~/temp, then you can invoke as updated above.
Pseudo Algo:
1) Do ls for all your directories and store them in a file.
2) Do cd into each directory you copied into your file.
3) Sort all your files
4) Do cd ..
5) Repeat step 2-4 in a for loop.
