Delete remote files using Azure Data Factory - azure

How do I delete all files in a source folder (located on On-premise file system). I would need help with a .NET custom activity or any Out-of-the-box solutions in Azure Data Factory.
PS: I did find a delete custom activity but it's more towards Blob storage.
Please help.

Currently, there is NO support for a custom activity on Data Management Gateway. Data Management Gateway only supports copy activity and Stored Procedure activity as of today (02/22/2017).
Work Around: As I do not have a delete facility for on-premise files, I am planning to have source files in folder structures of yyyy-mm-dd. So, every date folder (Ex: 2017-02-22 folder) will contain all the related files. I will now configure my Azure Data Factory job to pull data based on date.
Example: The ADF job on Feb 22nd will search for 2017-02-22 folder. In the next run my ADF job will search for 2017-02-23 folder. This way I don't need to delete the processed files.

Actually, there is a normal way to do it. You will have to create Azure Functions App that will accept POST with your FTP/SFTP settings (in case you use one) and file name to remove. Therefore you parse request content to JSON, extract settings and use SSH.NET library to remove desired file. In case you have just a file share, you do not even need to bother with SSH.
Later on in Data Factory you add a Web Activity with dynamic content in Body section constructing the JSON request in the form I've mentioned above. For URL you specify published Azure Function Url + ?code=<your function key>
We actually ended up creating the whole bunch of Azure Functions that serve as custom activities for our DF pipelines.


Parsing files DAT files, CSV files and Image files using Azure services

I have 5 types of EDI files namely - *.DAT, *.XML, *.TXT, *.CSV and Image files which contains data in them whose data are not in standard format.
I need to parse them and extract required data from them and persist them in SQL Database.
Currently, I'm spending time writing parser class libraries for each type of EDI file and not scalable .
I need to know if there are any azure services which can do the parsing work for me and is scalable.
Can I expect a solution on this regards?
I need to parse them and extract required data from them and persist them in SQL Database.
Yes, You can use Azure Functions to process a Files like CSV an import data into Azure SQL Or Azure Data Factory is also helpful to read or copy many file formats and store them in SQL Server Database in specified formats, there is an practical example provided by Microsoft, Please refer here.
To do with Azure Functions, the following steps are:
Create Azure Functions (Stack: .Net 3.1) of type Blob Trigger and define the local storage account connection string in local.settings.json like below:
In the Function.cs, there will be some boilerplate code which gives the logic of showing the uploaded blob name and its size.
In the Run function, you can define your parsing logic of the uploaded blob files.
Create the Azure SQL Database, configure the server with location, pricing tier and the required settings. After that, Select Set Server Firewall on the database overview page. Click Add Client IP to add your IP Address and Save. Test the database whether you're able to connect.
Deploy the project to Azure Functions App from Visual Studio.
Open your Azure SQL Database in the Azure portal and navigate to Connection Strings. Copy the connection string for ADO.NET.
Paste that Connection String in Azure Function App Settings in the portal.
Test the function app from portal and the remaining steps of uploading files from storage to SQL Database were available in this GitHub documentation
Also for parsing the files like CSV, etc. to JSON Format through Azure Functions, please refer here.
Consider using Azure Data Factory. It supports a range of file types.

Azure Data Factory - Add dynamic metadata in Copy Task

I am currently using ADF to copy a bunch of files from FTP to Azure Storage account. I have to add
metadata for each file. I have been able to do this by adding metadata under the sink tab.
The problem is that this metadata is dynamic for each file and is derived from the name of the file. Can I do something like this in ADF or do I need a separate Azure Function / API to update metadata for each file?
Regards Tarun
I think you can use ADF expression here?

Use of Azure Grid Events to trigger ADF Pipe to move On-premises CSV files to Azure database

We have series of CSV files landing every day (daily Delta) then these need to be loaded to Azure database using Azure Data Factory (ADF). We have created a ADF Pipeline which moves data straight from an on-premises folder to an Azure DB table and is working.
Now, we need to make this pipeline executed based on an event, not based on a scheduled time. Which is, based on creation of a specific file on the same local folder. This file is created when the daily delta files landing is completed. Let's call this SRManifest.csv.
The question is, how to create a Trigger to start the pipeline when SRManifest.csv is created? I have looked into Azure event grid. But it seems, it doesn't work in on-premises folders.
You're right that you cannot configure an Event Grid trigger to watch local files, since you're not writing to Azure Storage. You'd need to generate your own signal after writing your local file content.
Aside from timer-based triggers, Event-based triggers are tied to Azure Storage, so the only way to use that would be to drop some type of "signal" file in a well-known storage location, after your files are written locally, to trigger your ADF pipeline to run.
Alternatively, you can trigger an ADF pipeline programmatically (.NET and Python SDKs support this; maybe other ones do as well, plus there's a REST API). Again, you'd have to build this, and run your trigger program after your local content has been created. If you don't want to write a program, you can use PowerShell (via Invoke-AzDataFactoryV2Pipeline).
There are other tools/services that integrate with Data Factory as well; I wasn't attempting to provide an exhaustive list.
Have a look at the Azure Logic Apps for File System connector Triggers. More details here.

Azure Data Factory and SharePoint

I have some Excel files stored in SharePoint online. I want copy files stored in SharePoint folders to Azure Blob storage.
To achieve this, I am creating a new pipeline in Azure Data factory using Azure Portal. What are possible ways to copy files from SharePoint to Azure blob store using Azure Data Factory pipelines?
I have looked at all linked services types in Azure data factory pipeline but couldn't find any suitable type to connect to SharePoint.
Rather than directly accessing the file in SharePoint from Data Factory, you might have to use an intermediate technology and have Data Factory call that. You have a few of options:
Use a Logic App to move the file
Use an Azure Function
Use a custom activity and write your own C# to copy the file.
To call a Logic App from ADF, you use a web activity.
You can directly call an Azure Function now.
We can create a linked service of type 'File system' by providing the directory URL as 'Host' value. To authenticate the user, provide username and password/AKV details.
Note: Use Self-hosted IR
You can use the logic app to fetch data from Sharepoint and load it to azure blob storage and now you can use azure data factory to fetch data from blob even we can set an event trigger so that if any file comes into blob container the azure pipeline will automatically trigger.
You can use Power Automate ( to do this task automatically:
Create an Automated cloud flow trigger whenever a new file is dropped in a SharePoint
Use any mentioned trigger as per your requirement and fill in the SharePoint details
Add an action to create a blob and fill in the details as per your use case
By using this you will be pasting all the SharePoint details to the BLOB without even using ADF.
My previous answer was true at the time, but in the last few years, Microsoft has published guidance on how to copy documents from a SharePoint library. You can copy file from SharePoint Online by using Web activity to authenticate and grab access token from SPO, then passing to subsequent Copy activity to copy data with HTTP connector as source.
I ran into some issues with large files and Logic Apps. It turned out there were some extremely large files to be copied from that SharePoint library. SharePoint has a default limit of 100 MB buffer size, and the Get File Content action doesn’t natively support chunking.
I successfully pulled the files with the web activity and copy activity. But I found the SharePoint permissions configuration to be a bit tricky. I blogged my process here.
You can use a binary dataset if you just want to copy the full file rather than read the data.
If my file is located at, the URL I need to retrieve the file is')/$value.
Be careful about when you get your auth token. Your auth token is valid for 1 hour. If you copy a bunch of files sequentially, and it takes longer than that, you might get a timeout error.

Can Azure Data Factory write to FTP

I want to write the output of pipeline to an FTP folder. ADF seems to support on-premises file but not FTP folder.
How can I write the output in text format to an FTP folder?
Unfortunately FTP Servers are not a supported data store for ADF as of right now. Therefore there is no OOTB way to interact with an FTP Server for either reading or writing.
However, you can use a custom activity to make it possible, but it will require some custom development to make this happen. A fellow Cloud Solution Architect within MS put together a blog post that talks about how he did it for one of his customers. Please take a look at the following:
I hope that this helps.
Upon thinking about it you might be able to achieve what you want in a mildly convoluted way by writing the output to a Azure Blob storage account and then either
1) manually: downloading and pushing the file to the "FTP" site from the Blob storage account or
2) automatically: using Azure CLI to pull the file locally and then push it to the "FTP" site with a batch or shell script as appropriate
As a lighter weight approach to custom activities (certainly the better option for heavy work).
You may wish to consider using azure functions to write to ftp (note there is a time out when using a consumption plan - not in other plans, so it will depend on how big the files are).
You could instruct data factory to write to a intermediary blob storage.
And use blob storage triggers in azure functions to upload them as soon as they appear in blob storage.
Or alternatively, write to blob storage. And then use a timer in logic apps to upload from blob storage to ftp. Logic Apps hide a tremendous amount of power behind there friendly exterior.
You can write a Logic app that will pick your file up from Azure storage and send it to an FTP site. Then call the Logic App using a Data Factory Web Activity.
Make sure you do some error handling in your Logic app to return 400 if the ftp fails.
