Extract URL from =Hyperlink() - excel

I'm trying to extract the formula that is evaluated from a link generated with a formula:
(A1 has vba and B1 has help)
I've seen many, many threads and even some SO threads with suggestions, but they only get me to the ...q= without considering I have more text to come.
The best luck I've had so far is from this thread, and I've tweaked it to search until B1 like this:
S = Left(S, InStr(S, "B17") + 2)
But it returns https://www.google.com/search?q="&A1&B1.
How can I get it to first evaluate what's in those cells, before returning the URL?

I was overthinking this I think. Thanks to #MacroMan for getting my head straight. I put together the following, rather clunky, macro.
Function hyperlinkText(rg As Range) As String
' Inspired by https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32230657/extract-url-from-excel-hyperlink-formula/32233083#32233083
Dim sFormula As String
Dim Test As String
sFormula = rg.Formula
Test = Mid(sFormula, WorksheetFunction.Search("""", sFormula), WorksheetFunction.Search(",", sFormula) - WorksheetFunction.Search("""", sFormula))
hyperlinkText = Evaluate("=" & Test)
End Function
This can take a URL that looks like:
=HYPERLINK("https://www.google.com/search?q="&A17&B17,"Link") and return the evaluated URL:


(Excel) Pick formula criteria/logical etc from another cell(reference)

Im writing an If+Or function and would like to use several cell references for the different Logicals in the function, instead of writing each logical statements in the original if+or function. Any ideas of how to solve this? Hope im not too unclear here..
As example: instead of writing =If(or(A1=A2,A3=A4),A1,0) I would like to write out all different logical values in a list of cells, and the just write the original if+or formula like this: =IF(OR(B1),A1,0) where B1 contains the text "A1=A2,A3=A4"
Thanks for any help on this!
You can use the INDIRECT function.
For example, if the value in cell A6 is 10, INDIRECT("A6") = 10.
So basically you can write INDIRECT("A6")=INDIRECT("A7") instead of the A1=A2 condition in your IF formula.
If you want to have "A1=A2" in one cell, you can use LEFT and RIGHT.
Here is an example: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/157tRicA55TFKKOi86yYBQScnjaQE6fYxaCHFdZx4uUM/edit?usp=sharing
PS: this solution is for Google Sheets so the solution might differ a little if you're using Excel but that should work for Excel too.
You CANNOT Have It All
Instead of using =IF(OR(B1),A1,0) you have to use
e.g. =IFOR(B1,A1) (I prefer "" instead of 0, sorry)
or =IFOR(B1,A1,0) if you (prefer 0 instead of ""),
or change the ElseValue in the declaration to 0,
then you can use =IFOR(B1,A1) to get 0.
Function IFOR(IfOrCell As Range, ThenCell As Range, _
Optional ElseValue As Variant = "", _
Optional SplitDelimiter As String = ",") As Variant
Dim arrIfOr As Variant
Dim iIfOr As Integer
Dim blnIfOr As Boolean
'The Array: The Split
If InStr(IfOrCell.Value2, SplitDelimiter) = 0 Then Exit Function
arrIfOr = Split(IfOrCell.Value2, SplitDelimiter)
'An Additional Split Introducing the Boolean
For iIfOr = LBound(arrIfOr) To UBound(arrIfOr)
If InStr(arrIfOr(iIfOr), "=") <> 0 Then
If Range(Split(arrIfOr(iIfOr), "=")(0)).Value2 _
= Range(Split(arrIfOr(iIfOr), "=")(1)).Value2 Then
blnIfOr = True
Exit For
End If
End If
If blnIfOr = True Then
IFOR = ThenCell.Value2
IFOR = ElseValue
End If
End Function

Remove text appearing between two characters - multiple instances - Excel

In Microsoft Excel file, I have a text in rows that appears like this:
1. Rc8 {[%emt 0:00:05]} Rxc8 {[%emt 0:00:01]} 2. Rxc8 {[%emt 0:00:01]} Qxc8 {} 3. Qe7# 1-0
I need to remove any text appearing within the flower brackets { and }, including the brackets themselves.
In the above example, there are three instances of such flower brackets. But some rows might have more than that.
I tried =MID(LEFT(A2,FIND("}",A2)-1),FIND("{",A2)+1,LEN(A2))
This outputs to: {[%emt 0:00:05]}. As you see this is the very first instance of text between those flower brackets.
And if we use this to within SUBSTITUTE like this: =SUBSTITUTE(A2,MID(LEFT(A2,FIND("}",A2)),FIND("{",A2),LEN(A2)),"")
I get an output like this:
1. Rc8 Rxc8 {[%emt 0:00:01]} 2. Rxc8 {[%emt 0:00:01]} Qxc8 {} 3. Qe7# 1-0
If you have noticed, only one instance is removed. How do I make it work for all instances? thanks.
Highlight everything
Go to replace
enter {*} in text to replace
leave replace with blank
This should replace all flower brackets and anything in between them
It is not that easy without VBA, but there is still a way.
Either (as suggested by yu_ominae) just use a formula like this and auto-fill it:
Another way would be iterative calculations (go to options -> formulas -> check the "enable iterative calculations" button)
To do it now in one cell, you need 1 helper-cell (for my example we will use C1) and the use a formula like this in B2 and auto-fill down:
Put "1" in C1 and all formulas in B:B will show the values of A:A. Now go to C1 and hit the del-key several times (you will see the "{}"-parts disappearing) till all looks like you want it.
EDIT: To do it via VBA but without regex you can simply put this into a module:
Public Function DELBRC(ByVal str As String) As String
While InStr(str, "{") > 0 And InStr(str, "}") > InStr(str, "{")
str = Left(str, InStr(str, "{") - 1) & Mid(str, InStr(str, "}") + 1)
DELBRC = Trim(str)
End Function
and then in the worksheet directly use:
If you still have any questions, just ask ;)
Try a user defined function. In VBA create a reference to "Microsoft VBScript Regular Expressions 5.5. Then add this code in a module.
Function RemoveTags(ByVal Value As String) As String
Dim rx As New RegExp
rx.Global = True
rx.Pattern = " ?{.*?}"
RemoveTags = Trim(rx.Replace(Value, ""))
End Function
On the worksheet in the cell enter: =RemoveTags(A1) or whatever the address is where you want to remove text.
If you want to test it in VBA:
Sub test()
Dim a As String
a = "Rc8 {[%emt 0:00:05]} Rxc8 {[%emt 0:00:01]}"
Debug.Print RemoveTags(a)
End Sub
Outputs "Rc8 Rxc8"

Please assist with writing a Macro to clean up data entries

Quick question that should be easy enough for a lot of you but I'm not well versed in VBA or code in general for that matter but I have a problem that only a Macro or piece of VBA code can resolve for me. I have to edit a large number of data entries in a spreadsheet, cell by cell.
So on to the question. Could you please show me an example or provide a complete macro for me to use to edit these cells?
The editing that I require is as follows:
I need to read each cell in the following range: B2 to Q383. A typical entry that needs to be examined and edited looks like this: 629.64\3.00\01:30
What needs to happen now is for everything to the left of the first "\" and everything to the right of the second "\" needs to be removed, including the "\", from each cell.
I've tried fiddling around with the LEFT and RIGHT commands and I can output the data that needs to be removed from the cells with something like this
=left(B11, Find("\", B11) - 1)
So what would be the delete command in a macro to target that data selection in that cell? Or how do I use a delete command with those parameters?
Thanks in advance for any advice or answers!
Not 100% sure what you're after - you say you want to remove the bits from the left and right, but the formula returns the bit on the left.
Anyway, here's 3 formula to do it:
Left: =TRIM(LEFT(B11,FIND("\",B11)-1))
Middle: =LEFT(MID(B11,FIND("\",B11)+1,LEN(B11)),FIND("\",MID(B11,FIND("\",B11)+1,LEN(B11)))-1)
Right: =MID(B11,FIND("\",SUBSTITUTE(B11,"\","~",1))+1,LEN(B11))
And three VBA functions to do it
(use these as you would formula - =leftbit(B11), or if you're looking for something other than backslashes - =leftbit(B11,"|") will find the I-bar as a divider. )
Public Function LeftBit(target As Range, Optional Divider As String = "\") As String
LeftBit = Trim(Left(target, InStr(target, Divider) - 1))
End Function
Public Function MiddleBit(target As Range, Optional Divider As String = "\") As String
Dim First As Long, Second As Long
First = InStr(target, Divider)
Second = InStr(First + 1, target, Divider)
MiddleBit = Mid(target, First + 1, Second - First - 1)
End Function
Public Function RightBit(target As Range, Optional Divider As String = "\") As String
RightBit = Right(target, Len(target) - InStrRev(target, Divider))
End Function

Extract URLs from single cell that contains specified domain

In excel, each cell in Column A has 1-6 urls in random order separated by ";".
I'm trying to extract urls from each domain, and place them in according columns.
http:/i.stack.imgur.com/J7UJg.jpg (// subbed with / to post)
For example, A2, would have the following,
B1 - F1 would each be columns for the different domains. B1 would be a column for randomwebsite.com, C1 would be for anotherrandomsite.com, .. and so forth.
The results I would want in this case is to have each corresponding url from column A, to show in each designated column. Like the first url "http:/randomwebsite.com/content/mieIEe" to show in B2, and if same domains come up twice or more, separate them with "," within the same cell as B2 would be "http:/randomwebsite.com/content/mieIE,http:/randomwebsite.com/img/fjioewqa".
I've tried putting the following in B2 and on..
=IFERROR(MID($A2,FIND(B$1,$A2),FIND("; ",$A2)-1),"")
&IFERROR("; "&MID($A2,FIND(B$1,$A2,FIND(B$1,$A2)+1),FIND("; ",$A2)-1),"")
Does kinda work, but I ran into a problem of determining the actual length of each url.
Main issues are:
some domains are listed twice or more
not all domains start with http/s www, or end with com
Would there be any standard function methods to solve this within a single cell?
I have no experience with VBA.
After looking at your post a little longer I realised that you want the URLS in column A to be distributed over the columns B to F and placed in the column having the domain name in its first row (B1:F1). The function you have provided is probably as good as it can be if you restrict yourself to worksheetfunctions.
I have put together a little VBA function that might do the job for you in a slightly different manner:
Function furl(urls, dom) ' filter URLs from string urls that belong to domain dom
Dim uarr, retval$, i%, j%
retval = ""
uarr = Split(urls, "; ")
For i = LBound(uarr) To UBound(uarr)
If (InStr(uarr(i), dom) > 0) Then retval = retval & "; " & uarr(i)
Next i
furl = Mid(retval, 3)
End Function
First I split the string into its individul urls using your separator "; ". I then run through all the resulting array elements in a for look and check for dom to appear there as a substring. If it does i add it to my retval string. This string is then returned by assigning it to the function itself (furl=mid(retval,3)). The mid(retval,3) removes the first two characters of the string.
You should "insert" a "Module" into the VBAproject of your current file and place the above code into that module. In your worksheet you can then use the function just like any other worksheetfunction like in cell B2:
In the column headers B1:F1 you should enter the minimum version of your URLs like 'randomwebsite.com', leaving out all optional stuff like 'http://' and 'www.'.
Yes, pnuts has a point with his comment!
I updated my function. Now it checks for possible word boundaries (any of the characters in "./") before and "/?#" after the given domain name:
Function furl(urls, dom) ' filter URLs from string urls that belong to domain dom
Dim uarr, retval$, i%, j%, lft$, ldom%
retval = ""
ldom = Len(dom)
uarr = Split(urls, "; ")
For i = LBound(uarr) To UBound(uarr)
j = InStr(uarr(i), dom)
If (j > 0) Then
' "word boundary"-char before the found position:
If (j = 1) Then lft = "." Else lft = Mid(uarr(i), j - 1, 1)
' right boundary left boundary
If (InStr("/?#", Mid(uarr(i), j + ldom, 1)) > 0 And InStr("./", lft)) Then
retval = retval & "; " & uarr(i)
End If
End If
Next i
furl = Mid(retval, 3)
End Function
I tested it and it works. Now I hope I can convince my downvoters to have mercy with me again ;-)
OR maybe, explain why they downvoted ...
OR maybe, even come up with a better solution - that would help us all!

Excel VBA - Execute string as code

I am trying to execute the following string as code using Evaluate but get Error 2029. Anyone know why?
Help much appreciated.
Calculation = "Format(""21/08/2012"", ""MMM"")"
Value = Evaluate(Calculation)
Try instead
Calculation = "TEXT(""21/08/2012"", ""MMM"")"
EVALUATE converts formulas to results, and FORMAT is a VBA function. The formula equivalent is TEXT.
You can also skip the evaluate and use the FORMAT function on the date directly.
You can use most worksheet functions in VBA directly with Application.WorksheetFunction. - for example - try this out:
Sub DateExample()
Dim StringTest As String
StringTest = Application.WorksheetFunction.Text("12/08/2012", "MMM")
Cells(1, 1).Value = StringTest
End Sub
Good Luck
