What makes Python3's print function thread safe? - multithreading

I've seen on various mailing lists and forums that people keep mentioning that the print function in Python 3 is thread safe. From my own testing, I see no reason to doubt that.
import threading
import time
import random
def worker(letter):
print(letter * 50)
threads = [threading.Thread(target=worker, args=(let,)) for let in "ABCDEFGHIJ"]
for t in threads:
for t in threads:
When I run it with Python 3, even though some of the lines may be out of order, they are still always on their own lines. With Python 2, however, the output is fairly sporadic. Some lines are joined together or indented. This is also the case when I from __future__ import print_function
Python 2.7 builtin_print <- not thread safe
Python 3.6 builtin_print <- thread safe?
I'm just trying to understand WHY this is the case?

For Python 3.7: The print() function is a builtin, it by default sends output to sys.stdout, the documentation of which says, among other things:
When interactive, stdout and stderr streams are line-buffered.
Otherwise, they are block-buffered like regular text files. You can
override this value with the -u command-line option.
So its really the combination of interactive mode and sys.stderr that is responsible for the behaviour of the print function as demonstrated in the example.
And we can get closer to the truth if the worker function in your example program is changed to
def worker(letter):
print(letter*25, letter*25, sep='\n')
then we get outputs similar to the one below, which clearly shows that print in itself is not thread safe, what you can expect is that individual lines do not get interleaved with each other.
So ultimately thread safety of print is determined by the buffering strategy used.


Multiprocessing with Multiple Functions: Need to add a function to the pool from within another function

I am measuring the metrics of an encryption algorithm that I designed. I have declared 2 functions and a brief sample is as follows:
import sys, random, timeit, psutil, os, time
from multiprocessing import Process
from subprocess import check_output
def cpuUsage():
global running
while pid == 0:
p = psutil.Process(pid)
while running:
print(f'PID: {pid}\t|\tCPU Usage: {p.memory_info().rss/(1024*1024)} MB')
def Encryption()
global pid, running
pid = os.getpid()
for i in range(1000):
print('Now running timeit function for speed metrics.')
p1 = Process(target=metric_collector())
setup = '''
import homomorphic,random,sys,time,os,timeit
for x in range(len(myList)):
myList[x] = encryptMethod(a, b, myList[x], d)
\nfor x in range(len(myList)):
myList[x] = decryptMethod(myList[x])
print(f'''Average Time:\t\t\t {time/number*.0001} seconds
Total time for {number} Iters:\t\t\t {time} {unit}s
Total Encrypted/Decrypted Values:\t {number*len(myList)}''')
if __name__ == '__main__':
print('Beginning Metric Evaluation\n...\n')
p2 = Process(target=Encryption())
I am sure there's an implementation error in my code, I'm just having trouble grabbing the PID for the encryption method and I am trying to make the overhead from other calls as minimal as possible so I can get an accurate reading of just the functionality of the methods being called by timeit. If you know a simpler implementation, please let me know. Trying to figure out how to measure all of the metrics has been killing me softly.
I've tried acquiring the pid a few different ways, but I only want to measure performance when timeit is run. Good chance I'll have to break this out separately and run it that way (instead of multiprocessing) to evaluate the function properly, I'm guessing.
There are at least three major problems with your code. The net result is that you are not actually doing any multiprocessing.
The first problem is here, and in a couple of other similar places:
p2 = Process(target=Encryption())
What this code passes to Process is not the function Encryption but the returned value from Encryption(). It is exactly the same as if you had written:
x = Encryption()
p2 = Process(target=x)
What you want is this:
p2 = Process(target=Encryption)
This code tells Python to create a new Process and execute the function Encryption() in that Process.
The second problem has to do with the way Python handles memory for Processes. Each Process lives in its own memory space. Each Process has its own local copy of global variables, so you cannot set a global variable in one Process and have another Process be aware of this change. There are mechanisms to handle this important situation, documented in the multiprocessing module. See the section titled "Sharing state between processes." The bottom line here is that you cannot simply set a global variable inside a Process and expect other Processes to see the change, as you are trying to do with pid. You have to use one of the approaches described in the documentation.
The third problem is this code pattern, which occurs for both p1 and p2.
p2 = Process(target=Encryption)
This tells Python to create a Process and to start it. Then you immediately wait for it to finish, which means that your current Process must stop at that point until the new Process is finished. You never allow two Processes to run at once, so there is no performance benefit. The only reason to use multiprocessing is to run two things at the same time, which you never do. You might as well not bother with multiprocessing at all since it is only making your life more difficult.
Finally I am not sure why you have decided to try to use multiprocessing in the first place. The functions that measure memory usage and execution time are almost certainly very fast, and I would expect them to be much faster than any method of synchronizing one Process to another. If you're worried about errors due to the time used by the diagnostic functions themselves, I doubt that you can make things better by multiprocessing. Why not just start with a simple program and see what results you get?

Get realtime output from a long-running executable using python

It's my first time asking a question on here so bear with me.
I'm trying to make a python3 program that runs executable files for x amount of time and creates a log of all output in a text file. For some reason the code I have so far works only with some executables. I'm new to python and especially subprocess so any help is appreciated.
import time
import subprocess
def CreateLog(executable, timeout=5):
time_start = time.time()
process = subprocess.Popen(executable, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, text=True)
f = open("log.txt", "w")
while process.poll() is None:
output = process.stdout.readline()
if output:
if time.time() > time_start + timeout:
I was recently experimenting with crypto mining and came across nanominer, I tried using this python code on nanominer and the log file was empty. I am aware that nanominer already logs its output, but the point is why does the python code fail.
You are interacting through .poll() (R U dead yet?) and .readline().
It's not clear you want to do that.
There seems to be two cases for your long-lived child:
it runs "too long" silently
it runs forever, regularly producing output text at e.g. one-second intervals
The 2nd case is the easy one.
Just use for line in process.stdout:, consume the line,
peek at the clock, and maybe send a .kill() just as you're already doing.
No need for .poll(), as child exiting will produce EOF on that pipe.
For the 1st case, you will want to set an alarm.
See https://docs.python.org/3/library/signal.html#example
signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, handler)
After "too long", five seconds, your handler will run.
It can do anything you desire.
You'll want it to have access to the process handle,
which will let you send a .kill().

python3 multiprocessing.Pool with maxtasksperchild=1 does not terminate

When using multiprocessing.Pool in python 3.6 or 3.7 with maxtasksperchild=1, I noticed that some processes spawned by the pool are hanging and do not quit, even though the callback to their tasks was already executed. As a result, Pool.join() will block forever, even though all tasks are finished. In the process tree, running but idle child processes can be seen. The problem does not occur if maxtasksperchild=None.
The problem seems to be related to what the callback precisely does. The docs point out that the callback "should return immediately", as it will block other threads managing the pool.
A minimal example to reproduce this behavior on my machine is as follows: (Give it a few tries or increase the number of tasks when it does not block forever.)
from multiprocessing import Pool
from os import getpid
from random import random
from time import sleep
def do_stuff():
def cb(arg):
sleep(random()) # can be replaced with print('foo')
p = Pool(maxtasksperchild=1)
number_of_tasks = 100 # a value may depend on your machine -- for mine 20 is sufficient to trigger the behavior
for i in range(number_of_tasks):
p.apply_async(do_stuff, callback=cb)
print("joining ... (this should take just seconds)")
print("use the following command to watch the process tree:")
print(" watch -n .2 pstree -at -p %i" % getpid())
Contrary to what I expected, p.join() in the last line will block forever even though do_stuff and cb were both called 100 times.
I am aware that sleep(random()) is in violation of the docs, but is print() also taking 'too long'? The way the docs are written suggest that a non-blocking callback function is required for performance and efficiency and make not clear that a 'slow' callback function will break the pool entirely.
Is print() forbidden in any multiprocessing.Pool callback function? (How to replace that functionality? What is "returning immediately", what is not?)
If yes, should the python documentation be updated to make this clear?
If yes, is it good python practice to rely on "fast" execution of python threads? Does this violate the rule that one should not make assumptions on execution order of threads?
Should I report this to the python bug tracker?

Using 'with' with 'next()' in python 3 [duplicate]

I came across the Python with statement for the first time today. I've been using Python lightly for several months and didn't even know of its existence! Given its somewhat obscure status, I thought it would be worth asking:
What is the Python with statement
designed to be used for?
What do
you use it for?
Are there any
gotchas I need to be aware of, or
common anti-patterns associated with
its use? Any cases where it is better use try..finally than with?
Why isn't it used more widely?
Which standard library classes are compatible with it?
I believe this has already been answered by other users before me, so I only add it for the sake of completeness: the with statement simplifies exception handling by encapsulating common preparation and cleanup tasks in so-called context managers. More details can be found in PEP 343. For instance, the open statement is a context manager in itself, which lets you open a file, keep it open as long as the execution is in the context of the with statement where you used it, and close it as soon as you leave the context, no matter whether you have left it because of an exception or during regular control flow. The with statement can thus be used in ways similar to the RAII pattern in C++: some resource is acquired by the with statement and released when you leave the with context.
Some examples are: opening files using with open(filename) as fp:, acquiring locks using with lock: (where lock is an instance of threading.Lock). You can also construct your own context managers using the contextmanager decorator from contextlib. For instance, I often use this when I have to change the current directory temporarily and then return to where I was:
from contextlib import contextmanager
import os
def working_directory(path):
current_dir = os.getcwd()
with working_directory("data/stuff"):
# do something within data/stuff
# here I am back again in the original working directory
Here's another example that temporarily redirects sys.stdin, sys.stdout and sys.stderr to some other file handle and restores them later:
from contextlib import contextmanager
import sys
def redirected(**kwds):
stream_names = ["stdin", "stdout", "stderr"]
old_streams = {}
for sname in stream_names:
stream = kwds.get(sname, None)
if stream is not None and stream != getattr(sys, sname):
old_streams[sname] = getattr(sys, sname)
setattr(sys, sname, stream)
for sname, stream in old_streams.iteritems():
setattr(sys, sname, stream)
with redirected(stdout=open("/tmp/log.txt", "w")):
# these print statements will go to /tmp/log.txt
print "Test entry 1"
print "Test entry 2"
# back to the normal stdout
print "Back to normal stdout again"
And finally, another example that creates a temporary folder and cleans it up when leaving the context:
from tempfile import mkdtemp
from shutil import rmtree
def temporary_dir(*args, **kwds):
name = mkdtemp(*args, **kwds)
yield name
with temporary_dir() as dirname:
# do whatever you want
I would suggest two interesting lectures:
PEP 343 The "with" Statement
Effbot Understanding Python's
"with" statement
The with statement is used to wrap the execution of a block with methods defined by a context manager. This allows common try...except...finally usage patterns to be encapsulated for convenient reuse.
You could do something like:
with open("foo.txt") as foo_file:
data = foo_file.read()
from contextlib import nested
with nested(A(), B(), C()) as (X, Y, Z):
OR (Python 3.1)
with open('data') as input_file, open('result', 'w') as output_file:
for line in input_file:
lock = threading.Lock()
with lock:
# Critical section of code
I don't see any Antipattern here.
Quoting Dive into Python:
try..finally is good. with is better.
I guess it's related to programmers's habit to use try..catch..finally statement from other languages.
The Python with statement is built-in language support of the Resource Acquisition Is Initialization idiom commonly used in C++. It is intended to allow safe acquisition and release of operating system resources.
The with statement creates resources within a scope/block. You write your code using the resources within the block. When the block exits the resources are cleanly released regardless of the outcome of the code in the block (that is whether the block exits normally or because of an exception).
Many resources in the Python library that obey the protocol required by the with statement and so can used with it out-of-the-box. However anyone can make resources that can be used in a with statement by implementing the well documented protocol: PEP 0343
Use it whenever you acquire resources in your application that must be explicitly relinquished such as files, network connections, locks and the like.
Again for completeness I'll add my most useful use-case for with statements.
I do a lot of scientific computing and for some activities I need the Decimal library for arbitrary precision calculations. Some part of my code I need high precision and for most other parts I need less precision.
I set my default precision to a low number and then use with to get a more precise answer for some sections:
from decimal import localcontext
with localcontext() as ctx:
ctx.prec = 42 # Perform a high precision calculation
s = calculate_something()
s = +s # Round the final result back to the default precision
I use this a lot with the Hypergeometric Test which requires the division of large numbers resulting form factorials. When you do genomic scale calculations you have to be careful of round-off and overflow errors.
An example of an antipattern might be to use the with inside a loop when it would be more efficient to have the with outside the loop
for example
for row in lines:
with open("outfile","a") as f:
with open("outfile","a") as f:
for row in lines:
The first way is opening and closing the file for each row which may cause performance problems compared to the second way with opens and closes the file just once.
See PEP 343 - The 'with' statement, there is an example section at the end.
... new statement "with" to the Python
language to make
it possible to factor out standard uses of try/finally statements.
points 1, 2, and 3 being reasonably well covered:
4: it is relatively new, only available in python2.6+ (or python2.5 using from __future__ import with_statement)
The with statement works with so-called context managers:
The idea is to simplify exception handling by doing the necessary cleanup after leaving the 'with' block. Some of the python built-ins already work as context managers.
Another example for out-of-the-box support, and one that might be a bit baffling at first when you are used to the way built-in open() behaves, are connection objects of popular database modules such as:
The connection objects are context managers and as such can be used out-of-the-box in a with-statement, however when using the above note that:
When the with-block is finished, either with an exception or without, the connection is not closed. In case the with-block finishes with an exception, the transaction is rolled back, otherwise the transaction is commited.
This means that the programmer has to take care to close the connection themselves, but allows to acquire a connection, and use it in multiple with-statements, as shown in the psycopg2 docs:
conn = psycopg2.connect(DSN)
with conn:
with conn.cursor() as curs:
with conn:
with conn.cursor() as curs:
In the example above, you'll note that the cursor objects of psycopg2 also are context managers. From the relevant documentation on the behavior:
When a cursor exits the with-block it is closed, releasing any resource eventually associated with it. The state of the transaction is not affected.
In python generally “with” statement is used to open a file, process the data present in the file, and also to close the file without calling a close() method. “with” statement makes the exception handling simpler by providing cleanup activities.
General form of with:
with open(“file name”, “mode”) as file_var:
processing statements
note: no need to close the file by calling close() upon file_var.close()
The answers here are great, but just to add a simple one that helped me:
with open("foo.txt") as file:
data = file.read()
open returns a file
Since 2.6 python added the methods __enter__ and __exit__ to file.
with is like a for loop that calls __enter__, runs the loop once and then calls __exit__
with works with any instance that has __enter__ and __exit__
a file is locked and not re-usable by other processes until it's closed, __exit__ closes it.
source: http://web.archive.org/web/20180310054708/http://effbot.org/zone/python-with-statement.htm

seek(0) on Linux /proc/sys/* pseudo-files?

Are there documented standards for the semantics of Linux /proc/sys file descriptors?
Is it proper to use seek(0) on them?
Here's a piece of code which seems to work fine for my tests:
from time import sleep
with open('/proc/sys/fs/file-nr','r') as f:
while True:
d = f.readline()
print d.split()[0]
This seems to work. However, I'd like to know if that's the right way to do such things or if I should loop over open() ... read() ... close()
In this particular case I'll be using this with the collectd Python plugin ... so this particular code would be running indefinitely in a daemon. However, I'm interested in the answer for the general class of questions.
(Incidentally is there an "open files/inodes" module/plugin for collectd)?
Yes, it is proper to use lseek(2) and fseek(3) on files on proc pseudo-file system. Calls which aren't appropriate will result and error, thus if python seek (calling presumably lseek/fseek underneath) works, it's appropriate.
