Excel - to format the data in a more readable way - excel

Is it possible to get the above table in a format such as the table below, in a much easier manner without having to do a brute force approach of creating 9 columns for the LTV band and assigning it a PD value in the table?

Excel... Insert Pivot table
Select range and fill in as layed out in image below.
you can hide grand totals if you want by right clicking on the pivot table and selecting Pivot table options then the totals & filters
There are many other features as well but this gives you the general idea.
As to missing LTV values, you just need blank rows for each value so the chart pivots on all the data.

OK, Here's an idea
You can do what you want using a complicated index formula that checks the Year and the Month and other number but it's quite complicated, so.
Use a formula to create an ID column to the left of your data and you can use a fairly simple vlookup to extract the data.
The ID will be the YEAR + MONTH + B + I.TV number. On my sheet the formula is.
Next create your new table by listing the Years and Months and entering in the headings B1 to B9. Then put your vlookup in the first cell under B1.
It's not too complicated, $A12&$B12&C$11 builds the ID we want to search for using the Year, Month and Heading B1 cells. Pay attention to the way the cell references are locked as that allows you to autofill across and down while still referencing the headings etc. $B$2:$F$9 is the range you want to use for the vlookup and 5 is the column with the data you want to return.
Have a look at my example below.


Excel Dynamic Array Spill Area - can it go along a row or just down a column?

The point of this exercise is to try to make this analysis quicker/easier to update. I had it pretty dialed in using a data tab and a pivot table, copying and pasting values/formulas as needed to update. I am trying to improve on that by using Excel's new Dynamic Arrays.
My table is setup with four employee detail columns (Location Name, Location Number, Employee Name, Employee Number), and several (many) columns for dates worked. My issue is the dates worked.
I am using UNIQUE and FILTER to get a list of flagged employees - works as I intended/hoped; lookup formulas to find the location name and number data for each employee from the data table - works as I intended/hoped; and I have been copying/pasting the dates from the pivot table column headers into my "counting"/analysis table header.
What I would like to do is use the UNIQUE formula to get the dates worked - BUT, I want the spill area to go along the row so the dates are column headers. Okay, I probably could have made that a shorter ask, but I hope explaining a little of what I'm trying to do helps. I want the dates to automatically update when I paste new payroll/hours worked data into the data table, the same way the employee data updates.
The key is to TRANSPOSE the UNIQUE formula, not the data:
I cannot find anything about having the spill area go along a row instead of down a column. My workaround for this was to create a column of unique dates next to my data table. Since the data is in a table, the unique dates will update automatically when the table is updated. I used the Offset formula to pull the dates into my column headers from the column of Unique dates next to my data table. I will say, while this setup is easier than updating via the pivot table, it is a formula heavy workbook now.
For the data headers I used : "=OFFSET('Data Table Tab'!$U1,Column()-5,0)". The "rows to offset" portion of the formula is "Column()-5". My first date header is in column 5, so as it is copied to the right this will increment the number of rows to offset from the first date.
At this point I will just need to copy the formulas over to the right to update my analysis table.
I would be surprised if someone else out there just starting to work with the new Dynamic Array formulas in Excel doesn't wonder about the same thing. If you stumble across this question and have a better solution, please feel free to share it with me.

Excel SUMIFS function not returning results consistently

I have a spreadsheet that I use to keep track of my checking account, budget and spending habits. I have a list of my financial transactions from my bank that I put in a table that looks like this (All dates and amounts are random):
I populate a budget chart and table that looks something like this:
For awhile, I've been manually changing the fill of the Category tabs and manually populating the budget table. However, I realized that by adding conditional format rules that change the fill and text color based on specific text in a cell, I can add text like "Housing" or "Automotive" to the Category column and it would not only manually change the fill for me but it would also allow me to automatically populate the budget table. I tried using the SUMIFS function to do this.
Here's the way I tried to implement the SUMIFS function in the "Housing" cell for January in the Budget Table:
=SUMIFS('Sheet 1'!$D$2:$D$1000, 'Sheet 1'!$A$2:$A$1000, $A4, 'Sheet 1'!$B$2:$B$1000, ">01/01/2016", 'Sheet 1'!$B$2:$B$1000, "<01/31/2016")
This works for January and May, but when I use the same formula for February:
=SUMIFS('Sheet 1'!$D$2:$D$1000, 'Sheet 1'!$A$2:$A$1000, $A4, 'Sheet 1'!$B$2:$B$1000, ">02/01/2016", 'Sheet 1'!$B$2:$B$1000, "<02/29/2016")
It returns a value of 0 to the column. It does this for all other months. Any idea why this formula might not be working for me?
EDIT: Incase my forumla wasn't clear, I wanted to provide a break down. The SUMIFS formula is supposed to be summing all values in the Amount column (the 2:1000 is to have enough of an area to look for that it will cover a year of my regular updates to this table without having to update the search area) that fall into the specified criteria. Those criteria being the text "Housing" being in the "Category" column (which is following the conditional formatting rules so fill and text color are changed) and the value falls into the range of dates provided.
< with <= and > with >=
will bring your values into the correct range

Excel: transpose rows to columns and merge

I would like to present some data in Excel in a table. I have a sheet with three columns: date, time_spent and user_id. Every row is a data record. I want a table with a column for every date and every value with time spent below the date.
Using the transpose function under paste special I get this:
However I would like only one column per unique date, so the amount of columns decrease like this:
Does someone know how to do this?\
I have more than 10000 rows, so manually is too much effort...
Using Pivot Tables as Tim Biegeleisen suggested I cannot get what I want either, I'm not an expierenced user of Pivot Tables so probably I'm doing something wrong:
Excel file as shown in above picture
Here is one way of using a Pivot Table as suggested by Tim above in the comments, but you must use it on your original, non-transposed data: (and note which parameters go to which areas.
A disadvantage of the Pivot table is that the column headers are text strings and not dates. If your version of Excel is 2010+, you can use Power Pivot or Get and Transform to do a better job:
Open the Query Editor, change the format of the Date column, and Pivot the column:
Then Save the results:
Advanced filter dates to unique values in a new column
Copy and transpose them to make your column titles
Insert a new column B with the formula =TEXT(A2,"yyyyddmmm")&COUNTIF($A$2:A2,A2) and fill down
Below your new column headers put in the formula =IFERROR(VLOOKUP(TEXT(H$1,"yyyyddmmm")&ROW()-1,$B$2:$C$8,2,FALSE),"") and fill down and across. You will need to fill it down to cover the maximum number of instances of each date.
Adding a sumif to this table and your initial table would be a good way to check you got everything.

Need light formula to get some counts in large data sheet

I have an employee data base that contains names and 8 movement types (Ex. Recruitment, Resignation....etc). Also I have starting head counts.
What I need to do is calculating movement counts and head counts based on the month for 12 months. Currently i am using SUMIF formula to calculate all these and the thing is excel will be very slow with all formulas. Appreciate if anyone can help me on this. See the image below for sample of the formula and I need to insert this formula in more than 600 lines.
A pivot table would be a good way to go, but by the look of your criteria you'll need to create 'helper columns' to ensure your data is ready for aggregation in a Pivot table.
For instance in your master data tab, add a new column called 'MatchesCriteria' or words to that effect, and build a formula in that column that checks for all of the criteria that you want to have the report based on, and returns a 1 or a 0, e.g.
=IF( (IF(C2="Recruitment",1,0)+IF(D2="Secondment In",1,0)) > 0 , 1 , 0)
Then run a pivot table including the 'Plant' column in your Rows, the month column in your columns and the 'MatchesCriteria' in your data values, and switch the calculation type to 'SUM' rather than 'COUNT'.
This will do the trick and will refresh in a flash compared to evaluating all of those countif statements.

Transform badly formatted excel data into a form for pivot tables

How can I transform data in excel in this form (see image here: http://imgur.com/PgX5r) into something suitable for using in a pivot chart. I need three columns eventually, Date, Country and Score. The amount of data points for each country is not constant.
The easiest way i found without using VBA is to use an array formula :
Add another column on the left of your values (let say Col A)
Set this formula on cell A1: {=INDEX(B:B,MAX(IF(ISEMPTY($C$1:C1),ROW($C$1:C1),ROW($C$1))))}
Validate with CtrlShiftEnter
Drag the formula till the end of your values
Your data are almost suitable for a Pivot Chart. What you can do next is to delete unneeded rows (with country names and headers) or use another formula on another sheet to "duplicate" the data except when unwanted rows (you can then filter the blank data in the pivot chart).
