Apache Spark Streaming : How to compare 2 dataframes in 2 dstreams - apache-spark

I am a beginner with Apache Spark. I am trying to run a stream job which recieves some data ,convert it into dataframe and run some processing like joining and removing duplicates etc . Now I have to cache this processed data so that I can append this with next dstream (using some union/join) and do processing again.
I tried using dataframe.cache() to cache and re use this in next stream batch.
For example,if df is rdd formed from dstream.
new =df.unionAll(processed)
sql.( //perform inner join and some other processing)
When we perform Dataframe.cache or Dataframe.persist() are we caching the actual data or the DAG / transformations applied ? When second stream comes, my program exits with
Caused by: org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.errors.package$TreeNodeException: execute, tree:
org.apache.spark.SparkException: Attempted to use BlockRDD[1] at socketTextStream after its blocks have been removed!

The cache() functionality performs the processing defined in the DAG up to the cache() call and stores the data appropriately so that computations are not repeated, should more than one action be performed.
What you want is some persistence across stream batches.
There are several ways to do that:
streamingContext.remember(Minutes(5)) holds on to data from previous batches for Minutes(5) amount of time
windowing move a fixed time window across the data, allowing you to perform operations on more than one batch of data
updateStateByKey & mapWithState provide mechanisms to maintain and transform state across batches
The approach you choose will depend largely on your use-case.


Does RDD re computation on task failure cause duplicate data processing?

When a particular task fails that causes RDD to be recomputed from lineage (maybe by reading input file again), how does Spark ensure that there is no duplicate processing of data? What if the task that failed had written half of the data to some output like HDFS or Kafka ? Will it re-write that part of the data again?
Is this related to exactly once processing?
Output operation by default has at-least-once semantics. The foreachRDD function will execute more than once if there’s worker failure, thus writing same data to external storage multiple times. There’re two approaches to solve this issue, idempotent updates, and transactional updates. They are further discussed in the following sections
Further reading

Does Spark distributes dataframe across nodes internally?

I am trying to use Spark for processing csv file on cluster. I want to understand if I need to explicitly read the file on each of the worker nodes to do the processing in parallel or will the driver node read the file and distribute the data across cluster for processing internally? (I am working with Spark 2.3.2 and Python)
I know RDD's can be parallelized using SparkContext.parallelize() but what in case of Spark DataFrames?
if __name__=="__main__":
df=df.filter("date>'2010-12-01' AND date<='2010-12-02' AND town=='Madrid'")
So if I am running the above code on cluster, will the entire operation be done by driver node or will it distribute df across cluster and each worker perform processing on its data partition?
To be strict, if you run the above code it will not read or process any data. DataFrames are basically an abstraction implemented on top of RDDs. As with RDDs, you have to distinguish transformations and actions. As your code only consists of one filter(...) transformation, noting will happen in terms of readind or processing of data. Spark will only create the DataFrame which is an execution plan. You have to perform an action like count() or write.csv(...) to actually trigger processing of the CSV file.
If you do so, the data will then be read and processed by 1..n worker nodes. It is never read or processed by the driver node. How many or your worker nodes are actually involved depends -- in your code -- on the number of partitions of your source file. Each partition of the source file can be processed in parallel by one worker node. In your example it is probably a single CSV file, so when you call df.rdd.getNumPartitions() after you read the file, it should return 1. Hence, only one worker node will read the data. The same is true if you check the number of partitions after your filter(...) operation.
Here are two ways of how the processing of your single CSV file can be parallelized:
You can manually repartition your source DataFrame by calling df.repartition(n) with n the number of partitions you want to have. But -- and this is a significant but -- this means that all data is potentially send over the network (aka shuffle)!
You perform aggregations or joins on the DataFrame. These operations have to trigger a shuffle. Spark then uses the number of partitions specified in spark.sql.shuffle.partitions(default: 200) to partition the resulting DataFrame.

How to do Incremental MapReduce in Apache Spark

In CouchDB and system designs like Incoop, there's a concept called "Incremental MapReduce" where results from previous executions of a MapReduce algorithm are saved and used to skip over sections of input data that haven't been changed.
Say I have 1 million rows divided into 20 partitions. If I run a simple MapReduce over this data, I could cache/store the result of reducing each separate partition, before they're combined and reduced again to produce the final result. If I only change data in the 19th partition then I only need to run the map & reduce steps on the changed section of the data, and then combine the new result with the saved reduce results from the unchanged partitions to get an updated result. Using this sort of catching I'd be able to skip almost 95% of the work for re-running a MapReduce job on this hypothetical dataset.
Is there any good way to apply this pattern to Spark? I know I could write my own tool for splitting up input data into partitions, checking if I've already processed those partitions before, loading them from a cache if I have, and then running the final reduce to join all the partitions together. However, I suspect that there's an easier way to approach this.
I've experimented with checkpointing in Spark Streaming, and that is able to store results between restarts, which is almost what I'm looking for, but I want to do this outside of a streaming job.
RDD caching/persisting/checkpointing almost looks like something I could build off of - it makes it easy to keep intermediate computations around and reference them later, but I think cached RDDs are always removed once the SparkContext is stopped, even if they're persisted to disk. So caching wouldn't work for storing results between restarts. Also, I'm not sure if/how checkpointed RDDs are supposed to be loaded when a new SparkContext is started... They seem to be stored under a UUID in the checkpoint directory that's specific to a single instance of the SparkContext.
Both use cases suggested by the article (incremental logs processing and incremental query processing) can be generally solved by Spark Streaming.
The idea is that you have incremental updates coming in using DStreams abstraction. Then, you can process new data, and join it with previous calculation either using time window based processing or using arbitrary stateful operations as part of Structured Stream Processing. Results of the calculation can be later dumped to some sort of external sink like database or file system, or they can be exposed as an SQL table.
If you're not building an online data processing system, regular Spark can be used as well. It's just a matter of how incremental updates get into the process, and how intermediate state is saved. For example, incremental updates can appear under some path on a distributed file system, while intermediate state containing previous computation joined with new data computation can be dumped, again, to the same file system.

How to enable dynamic repartitioning in Spark Streaming for uneven data load

I have a use case where input stream data is skewed, volume of data can be from 0 events to 50,000 events per batch. Each data entry is independent of others. Therefore to avoid shuffle caused by repartitioning I want to use some kind of dynamic repartitioning based on the batch size. I cannot get size of the batch using dstream count.
My use case is very simple I have unknown volume of data coming into the spark stereaming process, that I want to process in parallel and save to a text file. I want to run this data in parallel therefore I am using repartition which has introduced shuffle. I want to avoid shuffle due to repartition.
I want to what is the recommended approach to solve data skewed application in spark streaming.

How to update an RDD?

We are developing Spark framework wherein we are moving historical data into RDD sets.
Basically, RDD is immutable, read only dataset on which we do operations.
Based on that we have moved historical data into RDD and we do computations like filtering/mapping, etc on such RDDs.
Now there is a use case where a subset of the data in the RDD gets updated and we have to recompute the values.
HistoricalData is in the form of RDD.
I create another RDD based on request scope and save the reference of that RDD in a ScopeCollection
So far I have been able to think of below approaches -
Approach1: broadcast the change:
For each change request, my server fetches the scope specific RDD and spawns a job
In a job, apply a map phase on that RDD -
2.a. for each node in the RDD do a lookup on the broadcast and create a new Value which is now updated, thereby creating a new RDD
2.b. now I do all the computations again on this new RDD at step2.a. like multiplication, reduction etc
2.c. I Save this RDDs reference back in my ScopeCollection
Approach2: create an RDD for the updates
For each change request, my server fetches the scope specific RDD and spawns a job
On each RDD, do a join with the new RDD having changes
now I do all the computations again on this new RDD at step2 like multiplication, reduction etc
Approach 3:
I had thought of creating streaming RDD where I keep updating the same RDD and do re-computation. But as far as I understand it can take streams from Flume or Kafka. Whereas in my case the values are generated in the application itself based on user interaction.
Hence I cannot see any integration points of streaming RDD in my context.
Any suggestion on which approach is better or any other approach suitable for this scenario.
The usecase presented here is a good match for Spark Streaming. The two other options bear the question: "How do you submit a re-computation of the RDD?"
Spark Streaming offers a framework to continuously submit work to Spark based on some stream of incoming data and preserve that data in RDD form. Kafka and Flume are only two possible Stream sources.
You could use Socket communication with the SocketInputDStream, reading files in a directory using FileInputDStream or even using shared Queue with the QueueInputDStream. If none of those options fit your application, you could write your own InputDStream.
In this usecase, using Spark Streaming, you will read your base RDD and use the incoming dstream to incrementally transform the existing data and maintain an evolving in-memory state. dstream.transform will allow you to combine the base RDD with the data collected during a given batch interval, while the updateStateByKey operation could help you build an in-memory state addressed by keys. See the documentation for further information.
Without more details on the application is hard to go up to the code level on what's possible using Spark Streaming. I'd suggest you to explore this path and make new questions for any specific topics.
I suggest to take a look at IndexedRDD implementation, which provides updatable RDD of key value pairs. That might give you some insights.
The idea is based on the knowledge of the key and that allows you to zip your updated chunk of data with the same keys of already created RDD. During update it's possible to filter out previous version of the data.
Having historical data, I'd say you have to have sort of identity of an event.
Regarding streaming and consumption, it's possible to use TCP port. This way the driver might open a TCP connection spark expects to read from and sends updates there.
