Limit CPU time given to an azure web app - azure

I have an app on azure. Once in a while the CPU usage jumps and stays high to the point of none responsiveness.
I would like to be able to profile the process to see what work the CPU is doing
(no problem doing this normally). however any action to do with the app "container" is super slow because the app is taking up all the CPU time.
Is there a way to limit the app process to, lets say, 80% of the CPU time so that I can get a reading on the cause of the problem?


What to expect if Azure App Service CPU maxes out momentarily?

I currently have an Azure App Service API that usually runs extremely low average and max CPU (<10% utilization). Every now and again, the CPU will spike due to a temporary spike in client requests. These spikes seemingly only last for a split second, but I’m wondering if this is cause for concern. What is the result of an Azure App Service CPU maxing out temporarily (either for a split second or for several seconds). Will this cause the app to crash, or will it just buffer requests until intensive tasks complete? It is worth noting that despite the spike in CPU, memory utilization remains low. Thanks in advance for input.
It looks like the CPU load is caused entirely from a large number of intensive requests all coming in at the same time.
When the CPU utilization of your Azure App Service API spikes temporarily, it could cause the app to slow down or become unresponsive, depending on the level and duration of the spike.
The system will try to buffer requests during this time, but if the spike is too high, some requests may be dropped or time out. This can result in a poor user experience or errors, especially if the spike is sustained for an extended period of time.
To mitigate this issue, you can take a few steps.
You can optimize the code of your API to reduce the CPU utilization of each request. This could involve reducing the number of operations performed for each request, using caching or other performance-enhancing techniques, or optimizing the algorithm used for processing requests.
You can also consider scaling up the resources of your App Service, such as increasing the number of CPU cores or adding more memory, to handle the increased load during spikes. Another option is to use horizontal scaling by adding more instances of your API to distribute the load across multiple servers, which can help reduce the impact of spikes.
And you can monitor your App Service to detect and respond to spikes in CPU utilization in real-time.
For example, you can use Azure Monitor to set up alerts that trigger when CPU utilization exceeds a certain threshold, and automatically scale your App Service in response.
By checking the Azure monitor logs and Web App Diagnostics, can find the reasons behind CPU Utilization.
Diagnose and solve problems:
CPU Usage:
CPU Drill Down:
References taken from
Application monitoring for Azure App Service
CPU Diagnostics, Identify and Diagnose High CPU issues

How do I reduce cpu percentage in portal azure?

Right now my website is slow and when I see the xxxx-cd-hp it looks like picture below. CPU: 90, 36%. Is this still normal?
Apparently at certain times, CPU percentage increased. Maybe because many users have access
How can I solve this problem?
CPU time or process time is an indication of how much processing time on the CPU, a process has used since the process has started and CPU Percentage = Process time/Total CPU Time* 100
Suppose If the process has been running for 5 hours and the CPU time is 5 hours, and it is a single core machine, then that means that the process has been utilizing 100% of the resources of the CPU. This may either be a good or bad thing depending on whether you want to keep resource consumption low or want to utilize the entire power of the system.
App Service Diagnostics is an intelligent and interactive experience to help you troubleshoot your app with no configuration required. When you run into issues with your app, App Service Diagnostics points out what’s wrong to guide you to the right information to more easily troubleshoot and resolve issues. To access App Service diagnostics, navigate to your App Service web app in the Azure portal. In the left navigation, click on Diagnose and solve problems.

What would cause high KUDU usage (and eventual 502 errors) on an Azure App Service Plan?

We have a number of API apps and WebApps on an Azure App Service P2v2 instance. We've been experiencing an amount of platform instability: the App Service becomes unhealthy and we get a rash of 502 errors across various of the Apps (different ones each time), attributable to very high CPU and Memory usage on the app service. We've tried scaling all the way up to P3v2, but whatever the issue is seems eventually to consume all resources available.
Whenever we've been able to trace a culprit among the apps, it has turned dout not to be the app itself but the Kudu service related to it.
A sample error message is High physical memory usage detected on multiple occasions. The kudu process for the app [sitename]'pe-services-color' is the most common cause of high memory usage. The most common cause of high memory usage for the kudu process is web jobs. where the actual app whose Kudu service is named changes quite frequently.
What could be causing the Kudu services to consume so much CPU/Memory, and what can we do to stabilise this app service?
Is it simply that we have too many apps running on one plan? This seems unlikely since all these apps ran previously on a single classic cloud service instance, but if so, what are the limits for apps and slots on a single plan?
(I have seen this question but the answer doesn't help)
From Azure support, these are apparently the limits on Small - Medium - Large non-shared app services:
Worker Size Max sites
Small 5 Medium 10 Large 20
with 'sites' comprising app services/api apps and their slots.
They seem ridiculously low, and make the larger App Service units highly uneconomic. Can anyone confirm these numbers?
(Incidentally, we found that turning off Always On across the board fixed the issue - it was only causing a problem on empty sites though - we haven't had a chance yet to see if performance is good with all the sites filled.)
High CPU and memory utilization would be mostly caused by your program/code itself. If there are lot of CPU intensive tasks and you applied lot of parallel programming that spawn lot of new threads can contribute to high cpu and memory utilization. So review your code and see such instances. When number of parallel threads increased cpu utilization goes high and it starts scaling up frequently that adds up your cost also sometime thread loss and unexpected results. As Azure resources costs are high you need to plan your performance accordingly.
You can monitor this using the Metrics option of the app service plan in the blade .

IIS application initialization module and memory management

I am researching into the IIS Application Initialization module and from what I can see, when using the AlwaysRunning option for Start Mode setting for the application pool, basically it starts a new worker process that will always run even if there isn't any requests. When applying this option it starts the process automatically.
My concern is memory management and CPU usage, specifically how is this handled since the process always runs.
How can I compare this to setting the Start Mode to OnDemand and increase the Idle Time minutes to couple of days? That way, I guess, the process will run in idle mode for x days before it's terminated, and reinitialized on the next request and keep running for a couple of days. If I set the minutes to let's say 1.5 days, someone is bound to use the application at least once a day, so it will persist the process runtime and it will never be terminated.
Can anyone share experience regarding this topic?
I have multisite application that runs few sites under separate app pools. All are set OnDemand for Start Mode and IdleTime for 1740 minutes, also I use Page Output Cache from app with different times for different page types. There is also NHibernate behind scene and DB is MySql.
The most active site have more than 100k visits per day and almost never is idle. When it starts if I recycle, need 30 seconds to 2 minutes to became full operable depending on requests at the moment and CPU usage is going from 40% to 70%. After the site is up CPU usage is very low (0-4%) if there are no new entries in DB and memory usage is around 3GB when all is cached. Sometimes CPU is going to 20% if at that moment are new request (for not cached content) and there is new entry saving.
Also Page Output Cache works on First Come First Served base so maybe this can also cause little problem while caching is done - user must wait, little more CPU to do the caching.
The most biggest problem in my case is using NHibernate and MySql but Page Output Cache resolved the problem for me when I decided to cache the page modules and content. I realize that is better application to starve for memory then for CPU.
3.5k visitors at one moment when everything is cached gave to me same memory usage (3GB) and CPU (server overall) around 40%
Other sites are using around 1-1.5GB memory and CPU never more then 20% at start.
The application with same settings for app pool and using MSSQL with EF I can't even notice that run on server. It is used by 10-60 users in minute there is not much content except embedding codes and it use 1-5% CPU and never more than 8MB memory. On recycle it is up for less then 10 seconds.
With this my experience I can tell you that all depends on what application serves and how it works :) and how much content do you have.
If you use OnDemand with long IdleTime it will be same as AlwaysStart and process is not used at that moment. If you use OnDemand with short IdleTime more often you will need CPU to start the process.

What is normal Azure WaIISHost.exe Memory Usage?

I have recently installed NewRelic server monitoring to our Azure web role. The role is a small instance. We are on OSv4 (Win 2012 R2) using 2.2 Service Runtime.
Looking at memory usage I notice that WallSHost.exe (which I understand to be Azure related) it reported as consuming 219Mb (down from a peak of 250Mb) via NewRelic. Is that a lot of memory for it? Can I reduce it? Just seemed like a lot to be taking up.
CPU usage seems to aperiodically spike at about 4% for it. However CPU isn't really an issue as my instance rarely goes above 50%
First off, why do you care how much memory a process is taking up? All of that memory will be paged out to disk, and assuming it isn't being paged back in regularly then all it does is take up page file size which is usually irrelevant.
The WaIISHost process runs your role entry point code (OnStart, Run, StatusCheck, Changing, etc) and is typically implemented in WebRole.cs. If you want to reduce the memory size of this process then you can reduce the amount of memory being loaded by your role entry point code.
See for more information about the WaIISHost.exe process and what it does.
