Find euclidean distance between rows of two huge CSR matrices - python-3.x

I have two sparse martrices, A and B. A is 120000*5000 and B is 30000*5000. I need to find the euclidean distances between each row in B with all rows of A and then find the 5 rows in A with the lowest distance to the selected row in B. As it is a very big data I am using CSR otherwise I get memory error. It is clear that for each row in A it calculates (x_b - x_a)^2 5000 times and sums them and then get a sqrt. This process is taking a very very long time, like 11 days! Is there any way I can do this more efficiently? I just need the 5 rows with the lowest distance to each row in B.
I am implementing K-Nearest Neighbours and A is my training set and B is my test set.

Well - I don't know if you could 'vectorize' that code, so that it would run in native code instead of Python. The trick to speed-up numpy and scipy is always getting that.
If you can run that code in native code in a 1GHz CPU, with 1 FP instruction for clock cicle, you'd get it done in a little under 10 hours.
(5000 * 2 * 30000 * 120000) / 1024 ** 3
Raise that to 1.5Ghz x 2 CPU physical cores x 4 way SIMD instructions with multiply + acummulate (Intel AVX extensions, available in most CPUs) and you could get that number crunching down to one hour, at 2 x 100% on a modest core i5 machinne. But that would require full SIMD optimization in native code - far from a trivial task (although, if you decide to go this path, further questions on S.O. could get help from people either to wet their hands in SIMD coding :-) ) - interfacing this code in C with Scipy is not hard using cython, for example (you only need that part to get it to the above 10 hour figure)
Now... as for algorithm optimization, and keeping things Python :-)
Fact is, you don't need to fully calculate all distances from rows in A - you just need to keep a sorted list of the 5 lower rows - and any time the cumulation of a sum of squares get larger than the 5th nearest row (so far), you just abort the calculation for that row.
You could use Python' heapq operations for that:
import heapq
import math
def get_closer_rows(b_row, a):
result = [(float("+inf"), None) * 5]
for i, a_row in enumerate(a):
distance_sq = 0
count = 0
for element_a, element_b in zip(a_row, b_row):
distance_sq += element_a * element_b
if not count % 64 and distance_sq > result[4][0]:
count += 1
heapq.heappush(result, (distance, i))
result[:] = result[:5]
return [math.sqrt(r) for r in result]
closer_rows_to_b = []
for row in b:
closer_rows_to_b.append(get_closer_rows(row, a))
Note the auxiliar "count" to avoid the expensive retrieving and comparison of values for all multiplications.
Now, if you can run this code using pypy instead of regular Python, I believe it could get full benefit of JITting, and you could get a noticeable improvement over your times if you are running the code in pure Python (i.e.: non numpy/scipy vectorized code).


Numpy.linalg.norm performance apparently doesn't scale with the number of dimensions

I have the following snippets of code which is a subroutine of the K-means clustering algorithm; specifically, it tries to assign each point to the closest centroid.
import numpy as np
n = 20000
D = 30
K = 250
points = np.random.rand(n, D)
centroids = np.random.rand(K, D)
membership = np.zeros(shape=n, dtype=int)
for i in range(n):
distances = np.apply_along_axis(lambda x: np.linalg.norm(x, ord=2), 1, centroids - points[i])
membership[i] = np.argmin(distances)
The running time here should be O(NKD) where D is the dimension of the data points, so naturally I expect when D increases or decreases, the running time would change proportionally as well. To my surprise, I see very little time being changed when changing D, for example when testing on my local machine:
D = 1
python3 12.10s user 0.39s system 118% cpu 10.564 total
D = 30
python3 12.17s user 0.36s system 117% cpu 10.703 total
D = 300
python3 13.30s user 0.31s system 115% cpu 11.784 total
D = 1000
python3 16.51s user 1.76s system 110% cpu 16.524 total
Is there something that I'm missing here?
Edit: per #Warren's suggestion, I modified the code to use np.linalg.norm with axis parameter directly; the performance is following:
D = 1
python3 1.45s user 0.37s system 634% cpu 0.287 total
D = 30
python3 1.67s user 0.29s system 592% cpu 0.331 total
D = 300
python3 3.03s user 0.32s system 234% cpu 1.428 total
D = 1000
python3 6.32s user 2.73s system 126% cpu 7.177 total
so the performance was better.
This is due to the overhead of Numpy functions.
Indeed, np.apply_along_axis is called 20_000 times and each call to this function internally does a loop calling the target Python function 250 times (ie. it is not vectorized), and so np.linalg.norm. In the end, np.linalg.norm is called, 20_000 * 250 = 5000000 times. The thing is each call to a Numpy function takes typically about 1 µs. On my machine, np.linalg.norm takes 4-5 µs on an array of size 1. This time is due to many internal checks (types and values), allocations, functions calls, conversion, etc.
There are two simple ways to reduce this overhead: vectorization and using a JIT compiler like Numba. The later is often more efficient as it avoid creating expensive big temporary arrays.
Here is a much faster implementation:
import numpy as np
import numba as nb
#nb.njit('(float64[:,::1], float64[:,::1], int_[::1])')
def compute(points, centroids, membership):
n, K, D = points.shape[0], centroids.shape[0], points.shape[1]
assert centroids.shape[1] == D and membership.shape[0] == n
distances = np.empty(K, np.float64)
for i in range(n):
for j in range(K):
distances[j] = np.linalg.norm(centroids[j] - points[i], ord=2)
membership[i] = np.argmin(distances)
n = 20000
D = 30
K = 250
points = np.random.rand(n, D)
centroids = np.random.rand(K, D)
membership = np.zeros(shape=n, dtype=int)
compute(points, centroids, membership)
In fact, while this code is much faster, it still have a similar issue: the cost of allocating the temporary arrays centroids[j] - points[i] is significant compared to the actual time required to compute the norm. In fact, each allocations takes only few hundred of nanoseconds, but the number of loop iteration is huge. One solution is simply to compute the norm manually:
from math import sqrt
#nb.njit('(float64[:,::1], float64[:,::1], int_[::1])', fastmath=True)
def compute_fast(points, centroids, membership):
n, K, D = points.shape[0], centroids.shape[0], points.shape[1]
assert centroids.shape[1] == D and membership.shape[0] == n
distances = np.empty(K, np.float64)
for i in range(n):
for j in range(K):
s = 0.0
for k in range(D):
tmp = centroids[j,k] - points[i,k]
s += tmp * tmp
distances[j] = sqrt(s)
membership[i] = np.argmin(distances)
Here are results on my i5-9600KF processor:
initial code: 26.56 seconds
compute: 1.44 seconds
compute_fast: 0.02 seconds (x1328)
initial code: 27.09 seconds
compute: 1.65 seconds
compute_fast: 0.13 seconds (x208)
initial code: 39.34 seconds
compute: 3.74 seconds
compute_fast: 4.57 seconds (x8.6)
The last implementation is much faster for small values of D since the Numpy overhead are the main bottleneck in this case and the implementation can almost completely remove such overheads (thanks to the JIT compilation).
It is probably O(NKD).
But the thing is you are iterating 3 loops here. One explicitly. One semi-explicitly. And the last one implicitly, inside numpy functions.
The outer one is your explicit for loop, for N.
The middle one is the np.apply_along_axis one, which applies on the K rows of centroids-points[i] (btw, there is another one here, with some broadcasting. But we don't need to count all of them for big-O consideration)
And the inner one is the one on the D columns that occur inside norm.
The inner one is obviously the most important to optimized, and that's good, because it is the only one that is vectorized here.
But that means that for small enough value of D, what we really see is more some constant overhead (times N×K, since it is inside a double for loop). Your inefficient outer for loops drive most of the cost, which, then, looks like O(NK).
Note that np.apply_along_axis is just a for loop by another name. It is not as bad. But almost so. It is still calling several times some python code. It is not vectorization.
But, well, I bet that with D big enough, you'll see that it is O(NKD)
Here is what I get when I increase D (with smaller n, so that it remains computable in realistic time)
You see that it looks really linear (affine, to be accurate, since it doesn't pass through 0, which is the reason why it doesn't look very linear to you; and which is explained by my previous comment: most of the inner cost inside the for/along_axis double loop is mainly constant overhead of those loops, when D is small. The "proportional to D" part begins to show when the overhead become negligible)

Is there any way to make this code more efficient?

I have to write a code to calculate the number of elements that have the maximum number of divisors between any 2 given numbers (A[0], A[1])(inclusive of both). I have to take input in the form of a line separated with spaces. The first line of the input gives the number of cases present in an example. This code is working perfectly fine but is taking some time to execute. Can anyone please help me write this code more efficiently?
import numpy as np
from sys import stdin
for i in range(int(t)):
if int(t)<=100 and int(t)>=1:
A=list(map(int,stdin.readline().split(' ')))
def divisors(n):
for k in range(1,int(n/2)+1):
if n%k==0:
return count
for j in np.arange(A[0],A[1]+1):
Sample input:
2 9
1 10
Sample Output:
There is a way to calculate divisors from the prime factorisation of a number.
Given the prime factorisation, calculating divisors is faster than trial division (which you do here).
But prime factorisation has to be fast. For small numbers having a pre-calculated list of prime numbers (easy to do) can make prime factorisation fast and divisor calculation fast as well. If you konw the upper limit of the numbers you test (let's call it L), then you need the prime numbers up to sqrt(L). Given the prime factorisation of a number n = p_1^e_1 * p_2^e_2 * .. * p_k^e_k the number of divisors is simply (1+e_1) * (1+e_2) * .. * (1+e_k)
Even more, you can pre-calculate and/or memoize the num of divisors of some overused numbers up to some limit. This will save a lot of time but increase memory, else you can calculate it directly (for example using previous method).
Apart from that, you can optimise the code a bit. For example you can avoid doing int(t) casting (and similar) all the time, do it once and store it in a variable.
Numpy may be avoided all together, it is superflous and I doubt adds any speed advantage, depends.
That should make your code faster, but always need to measure performance by real tests.

Solving math with integers larger than any available integer data type

In some programming competitions where the numbers are larger than any available integer data type, we often use strings instead.
Question 1:
Given these large numbers, how to calculate e and f in the below expression?
(a/b) + (c/d) = e/f
note: GCD(e,f) = 1, i.e. they must be in minimised form. For example {e,f} = {1,2} rather than {2,4}.
Also, all a,b,c,d are large numbers known to us.
Question 2:
Can someone also suggest a way to find GCD of two big numbers (bigger than any available integer type)?
I would suggest using full bytes or words rather than strings.
It is relatively easy to think in base 256 instead of base 10 and a lot more efficient for the processor to not do multiplication and division by 10 all the time. Ideally, choose a word size that is half the processor's natural word size, as that makes carry easy to implement. Of course thinking in base 64K or 4G is slightly more complex, but even better than base 256.
The only downside is generating the initial big numbers from the ascii input, which you get for free in base 10. Using a larger word size you can make this more efficient by processing a number of digits initially into a single word (eg 9 digits at a time into 4G), then performing a long multiply of that single word into the correct offset in your large integer format.
A compromise might be to run your engine in base 1 billion: This will still be 9 or 81 times more efficient than using base 10!
The simplest way to solve this equation is to multiply a/b * d/d and c/d * b/b so they both have the common denominator b*d.
I think you will then need to prime factorise your big numbers e and f to find any common factors. Remember to search again for the same factor squared.
Of course, that means you have to write a prime generating sieve. You only need to generate factors up to the square root, or half the digits of the min value of e and f.
You could prime factorise b and d to get a lower initial denominator, but you will need to do it again anyway after the addition.
I think that the way to solve this is to separate the problem:
Process the input numbers as an array of characters (ie. std::string)
Make a class where each object can store an std::list (or similar) that represents one of the large numbers, and can do the needed arithmetic with your data
You can then solve your problems normally, without having to worry about your large inputs causing overflow.
Here's a webpage that explains how you can have such an arithmetic class (with sample code in C++ showing addition).
Once you have such an arithmetic class, you no longer need to worry about how to store the data or any overflow.
I get the impression that you already know how to find the GCD when you don't have overflow issues, but just in case, here's an explanation of finding the GCD (with C++ sample code).
As for the specific math problem:
// given formula: a/b + c/d = e/f
// = ( ( a*d + b*c ) / ( b*d ) )
// Define some variables here to save on copying
// (I assume that your class that holds the
// large numbers is called "ARITHMETIC")
ARITHMETIC numerator = a*d + b*c;
ARITHMETIC denominator = b*d;
ARITHMETIC gcd = GCD( numerator , denominator );
// because we know that GCD(e,f) is 1, this implies:
ARITHMETIC e = numerator / gcd;
ARITHMETIC f = denominator / gcd;

Bayesian Linear Regression with PyMC3 and a large dataset - bracket nesting level exceeded maximum and slow performance

I would like to use a Bayesian multivariate linear regression to estimate the strength of players in team sports (e.g. ice hockey, basketball or soccer). For that purpose, I create a matrix, X, containing the players as columns and the matches as rows. For each match the player entry is either 1 (player plays in the home team), -1 (player plays in the away team) or 0 (player does not take part in this game). The dependent variable Y is defined as the scoring differences for both teams in each match (Score_home_team - Score_away_team).
Thus, the number of parameters will be quite large for one season (e.g. X is defined by 300 rows x 450 columns; i.e. 450 player coefficients + y-intercept). When running the fit I came across a compilation error:
('Compilation failed (return status=1): /Users/me/.theano/compiledir_Darwin-17.7.0-x86_64-i386-64bit-i386-3.6.5-64/tmpdxxc2379/mod.cpp:27598:32: fatal error: bracket nesting level exceeded maximum of 256.
I tried to handle this error by setting:
theano.config.gcc.cxxflags = "-fbracket-depth=1024"
Now, the sampling is running. However, it is so slow that even if I take only 35 of 300 rows the sampling is not completed within 20 minutes.
This is my basic code:
import pymc3 as pm
basic_model = pm.Model()
with basic_model:
# Priors for beta coefficients - these are the coefficients of the players
dict_betas = {}
for col in X.columns:
dict_betas[col] = pm.Normal(col, mu=0, sd=10)
# Priors for unknown model parameters
alpha = pm.Normal('alpha', mu=0, sd=10) # alpha is the y-intercept
sigma = pm.HalfNormal('sigma', sd=1) # standard deviation of the observations
# Expected value of outcome
mu = alpha
for col in X.columns:
mu = mu + dict_betas[col] * X[col] # mu = alpha + beta_1 * Player_1 + beta_2 * Player_2 + ...
# Likelihood (sampling distribution) of observations
Y_obs = pm.Normal('Y_obs', mu=mu, sd=sigma, observed=Y)
The instantiation of the model runs within one minute for the large dataset. I do the sampling using:
with basic_model:
# draw 500 posterior samples
trace = pm.sample(500)
The sampling is completed for small sample sizes (e.g. 9 rows, 80 columns) within 7 minutes. However, the time is increasing substantially with increasing sample size.
Any suggestions how I can get this Bayesian linear regression to run in a feasible amount of time? Are these kind of problems doable using PyMC3 (remember I came across a bracket nesting error)? I saw in a recent publication that this kind of analysis is doable in R ( Therefore, I guess it should also somehow work with Python 3.
Any help is appreciated!
Eliminating the for loops should improve performance and might also take care of the nesting issue you are reporting. Theano TensorVariables and the PyMC3 random variables that derive from them are already multidimensional and support linear algebra operations. Try changing your code to something along the lines of
beta = pm.Normal('beta', mu=0, sd=10, shape=X.shape[1])
mu = alpha +, beta)
If you need specify different prior values for mu and/or sd, those arguments accept anything that theano.tensor.as_tensor_variable() accepts, so you can pass a list or numpy array.
I highly recommend getting familiar with the theano.tensor and pymc3.math operations since sometimes you must use these to properly manipulate random variables, and in general it should lead to more efficient code.

J Primes Enumeration

J will answer the n-th prime via p:n.
If I ask for the 100 millionth prime I get an almost instant answer. I cannot imagine J is sieving for that prime that quickly, but neither looking it up in a table as that table would be around 1GB in size.
There are equations giving approximations to the number of primes to a bound, but they are only approximations.
How is J finding the answer so quickly ?
J uses a table to start, then calculates
NOTE! This is speculation, based on benchmarks (shown below).
If you want to quickly try for yourself, try the following:
p:1e8 NB. near-instant
p:1e8-1 NB. noticeable pause
The low points on the graph are where J looks up the prime in a table. After that, J is calculating the value from a particular starting point so it doesn't have to calculate the entire thing. So some lucky primes will be constant time (simple table lookup) but generally there's first a table lookup, and then a calculation. But happily, it calculates starting from the previous table lookup instead of calculating the entire value.
I did some benchmarking to see how p: performs on my machine (iMac i5, 16G RAM). I'm using J803. The results are interesting. I'm guessing the sawtooth pattern in the time plots (visible on the 'up to 2e5' plot) is lookup table related, while the overall log-ish shape (visible on the 'up to 1e7' plot) is CPU related.
NB. my test script
ts=:3 : 0
while. a do.
c=.timespacex 'p:(1e4*a)' NB. 1000 times a
a =: ts 200
plot >0{each a NB. time
plot >1{each a NB. space
(p: up to 2e5)
(p: up to 1e7)
During these runs one core was hovering around 100%:
Also, the voc page states:
Currently, arguments larger than 2^31 are tested to be prime according to a probabilistic algorithm (Miller-Rabin).
And in addition to a prime lookup table as #Mauris points out, v2.c contains this function:
static F1(jtdetmr){A z;B*zv;I d,h,i,n,wn,*wv;
wn=AN(w); wv=AV(w);
GA(z,B01,wn,AR(w),AS(w)); zv=BAV(z);
if(1>=n||!(1&n)||0==n%3||0==n%5){*zv++=0; continue;}
h=0; d=n-1; while(!(1&d)){++h; d>>=1;}
if (n< 9080191)*zv++=spspd(31,n,d,h)&&spspd(73,n,d,h);
else if(n<94906266)*zv++=spspd(2 ,n,d,h)&&spspd( 7,n,d,h)&&spspd(61,n,d,h);
else *zv++=spspx(2 ,n,d,h)&&spspx( 7,n,d,h)&&spspx(61,n,d,h);
RE(0); R z;
} /* deterministic Miller-Rabin */
