Laravel csv file validation - fgetcsv

I am trying to populate my users db with username and password directly form a csv file. I am successfully able to populate the db and now I want to validate if the input file is a csv or not. Any suggestion is greatly appreciated.
p.s. I am new to laravel so don't mind being thorough

You can use the laravel validation.
$uploaded_file = Input::file('file');
$file = ['file' => $uploaded_file];
$validation = ['file' => 'required|max:10000|mimes:csv']; // update here
$validator = Validator::make($file, $validation);
$upload_path = 'uploads/leads';
// do what ever you want here
} else {
session()->flash('error', 'Error ');
return redirect('anypath')->withInput()->withErrors($validator);


Can I delete a file in Acumatica via the API?

I'm creating a file in Acumatica by calling an action from the API, so that I can retrieve the file in my application.
Is it possible to delete the file via API after I'm done with it? I'd rather not have it cluttering up my Acumatica database.
Failing this, is there a recommended cleanup approach for these files?
Found examples of how to delete a file from within Acumatica, as well as how to save a new version of an existing file! The below implementation saves a new version but has the deletion method commented out. Because I built this into my report generation process, I'm not later deleting the report via API, but it would be easy to translate a deletion into an action callable by the API.
private IEnumerable ExportReport(PXAdapter adapter, string reportID, Dictionary<String, String> parameters)
//Press save if the SO is not completed
if (Base.Document.Current.Completed == false)
PX.SM.FileInfo file = null;
using (Report report = PXReportTools.LoadReport(reportID, null))
if (report == null)
throw new Exception("Unable to access Acumatica report writer for specified report : " + reportID);
PXReportTools.InitReportParameters(report, parameters, PXSettingProvider.Instance.Default);
ReportNode reportNode = ReportProcessor.ProcessReport(report);
IRenderFilter renderFilter = ReportProcessor.GetRenderer(ReportProcessor.FilterPdf);
//Generate the PDF
byte[] data = PX.Reports.Mail.Message.GenerateReport(reportNode, ReportProcessor.FilterPdf).First();
file = new PX.SM.FileInfo(reportNode.ExportFileName + ".pdf", null, data);
//Save the PDF to the SO
UploadFileMaintenance graph = new UploadFileMaintenance();
//Check to see if a file with this name already exists
Guid[] files = PXNoteAttribute.GetFileNotes(Base.Document.Cache, Base.Document.Current);
foreach (Guid fileID in files)
FileInfo existingFile = graph.GetFileWithNoData(fileID);
if (existingFile.Name == reportNode.ExportFileName + ".pdf")
//If we later decide we want to delete previous versions instead of saving them, this can be changed to
//But in the meantime, for history purposes, set the UID of the new file to that of the existing file so we can save it as a new version.
file.UID = existingFile.UID;
//Save the file with the setting to create a new version if one already exists based on the UID
graph.SaveFile(file, FileExistsAction.CreateVersion);
//Save the note attribute so we can find it again.
PXNoteAttribute.AttachFile(Base.Document.Cache, Base.Document.Current, file);
//Return the info on the file
return adapter.Get();
The response from Acumatica:
S-b (Screen-base) API allows clean way of downloading report generated as file. C-b (Contract-base) simply does not have this feature added. I suggest you provided feedback here: (EDIT: Done!
I think couple of workaround are:
1) use s-b using login from c-b to generate report and get as file (see example below), or
2) create another method to delete the file once required report file is downloaded. For that, you will need to pass back FileID or something to identify for deletion.
example of #1
using (DefaultSoapClient sc = new DefaultSoapClient("DefaultSoap1"))
string sharedCookie;
using (new OperationContextScope(sc.InnerChannel))
sc.Login("admin", "123", "Company", null, null);
var responseMessageProperty = (HttpResponseMessageProperty)
sharedCookie = responseMessageProperty.Headers.Get("Set-Cookie");
Screen scr = new Screen(); // add reference to report e.g. http://localhost/Demo2018R2/Soap/SO641010.asmx
scr.CookieContainer = new System.Net.CookieContainer();
scr.CookieContainer.SetCookies(new Uri(scr.Url), sharedCookie);
var schema = scr.GetSchema();
var commands = new Command[]
new Value { LinkedCommand = schema.Parameters.OrderType, Value = "SO" },
new Value { LinkedCommand = schema.Parameters.OrderNumber, Value = "SO004425" },
var data = scr.Submit(commands);
if(data != null && data.Length > 0)
Hope this helps. Also, it would be great if you update the stackover post based on these suggestions.
Nayan Mansinha
Lead - Developer Support | Acumatica

Node: Split CSV by value

I am trying to split a CSV into new CSV files based on the value of an attribute field. After testing a few different modules it looks like fast-csv is a good choice. However, I need some help on how split the files by the attribute.
I initially thought about doing a transform:
if (data.AttributeValue == '10') {
return {
} else if (data.AttributeValue == '5') {
return {
} else {
Or I could use the validate:
return data.AttributeValue == '10';
What I need help with is which one to use and how to send the row of data to different writeStreams.
.pipe(fs.createWriteStream("10.csv", {encoding: "utf8"}));
.pipe(fs.createWriteStream("5.csv", {encoding: "utf8"}));
.pipe(fs.createWriteStream("Other.csv", {encoding: "utf8"}));
I have done this in Python but trying to migrate this to Node is proving trickier than I thought.
You can use something like this, to send the data from your validation test to another function.
if(data.attribute = '10'){
} else {
Then you can simply use a CSV writer to write out to CSV, for each CSV you'll need to open a csv writer:
var csvStream = csv.createWriteStream({headers: true}),
writableStream = fs.createWriteStream("not10.csv");
writableStream.on("finish", function(){
function writeToCsv(data){
Repeat for each CSV you need to write to.
Might not be the best way to do it, but I am fairly new to this, and it seems to work.

Fast access to excel data in X++

Can someone give me a clue how can I get the fast access of the excel data. Currently the excel contains more than 200K records and when I retrieve from the X++ code it takes a lot of time to retrieve all the records.
Following are the classes I am using to retrieve the data.
1 - SysExcelApplication, SysExcelWorksheet and SysExcelCells.
I am using the below code to retrieve cells.
excelWorksheet = excelApp.worksheets().itemFromName(itemName);
excelCells = excelWorkSheet.cells();
///pseudo code
excelCells.item(rowcounter, column1);
similar for all columns;
end of loop
If any of the special property needs to be set here please tell me.
Overall performance will be a lot better (huge!) if you can use CSV files. If you are forced to use Excel files, you can easy and straigforward convert this excel file to a csv file and then read the csv file. If you can't work that way, you can read excel files throug ODBC (using a query string like connecting to a database) that will perform better that the Office API.
First things, reading Excel files (and any other file) will take a while for 200 K records.
You can read an Excel file using ExcelIo, but with no performance guaranties :)
As I see it, you have 3 options (best performance listed first):
Convert your Excel file to CSV file, then read with CommaIo.
Read the Excel file using C#, then call back to X++
Accept the fact and take the time
use CSV, it is faster, below is code example:
/* Excel Import*/
FilenameOpen filename;
CommaIo file;
Container con;
/* File Open Dialog */
Dialog dialog;
dialogField dialogFilename;
dialogField dialogSiteID;
dialogField dialogLocationId;
DialogButton dialogButton;
InventSite objInventSite;
InventLocation objInventLocation;
InventSiteID objInventSiteID;
InventLocationId objInventLocationID;
int row;
str sSite;
NoYes IsCountingFound;
int iQty;
Counter insertCounter;
Price itemPrice;
ItemId _itemid;
EcoResItemColorName _inventColorID;
EcoResItemSizeName _inventSizeID;
dialog = new Dialog("Please select file");
dialogSiteID = dialog.addField(extendedTypeStr(InventSiteId), objInventSiteId);
dialogLocationId = dialog.addField(extendedTypeStr(InventLocationId), objInventLocationId);
dialogFilename = dialog.addField(extendedTypeStr(FilenameOpen));
dialog.filenameLookupTitle("Please select file");
dialog.caption("Please select file");
objInventSiteID = dialogSiteID.value();
objInventLocationID = dialogLocationId.value();
/*----- validating warehouse*/
select maxof(InventSiteId) from objInventLocation where objInventLocation.InventLocationId == objInventLocationId
If(objInventLocation.InventSiteID != objInventSiteID)
warning("Warehouse not belongs to site. Please select valid warehouse." ,"Counting lines import utility");
filename = dialogFilename.value();
file = new commaIo(filename,'r');
if (file)
while(file.status() == IO_Status::OK)
con =;
if (con)
row ++;
if(row == 1)
strUpr(strLtrim(strRtrim( conpeek(con,1) ))) != "ITEM"
|| strUpr(strLtrim(strRtrim( conpeek(con,2) ))) != "COLOR"
|| strUpr(strLtrim(strRtrim( conpeek(con,3) ))) != "SIZE"
|| strUpr(strLtrim(strRtrim( conpeek(con,4) ))) != "PRICE"
error("Imported file is not according to given format.");
IsCountingFound = NoYes::No;
_itemid = "";
_inventColorID = "";
_inventSizeID = "";
_itemid = strLtrim(strRtrim(conpeek(con,1) ));
_inventColorID = strLtrim(strRtrim(conpeek(con,2) ));
_inventSizeID = strLtrim(strRtrim(conpeek(con,3) ));
itemPrice = any2real(strLtrim(strRtrim(conpeek(con,4) )));
if(row <= 1)
warning("No data found in excel file");
Error('Upload Failed');

Cakephp .xls file attachment through email component

I am working with CakePHP and need to send mail with .xls file attachment.
Although I have tried a lot but didn't get success.
Note - FYI, Only PDF files are getting attached with the mails.
Please find my code below -
$this->Email->to = 'email address';
$this->Email->from = 'From email address';
$this->Email->subject = 'Subject';
$this->Email->template = 'template name';
$Path = TMP;
$fileName = 'testfile.xls';
$this->Email->filePaths = array($Path);
$this->Email->attachments = array($fileName);
Every time when I execute this code snippet, even mails are receiving but with no attachment.
The documentation ( ) is pretty clear on that.
You need to submit it as an array with the filename as key and the path as array key "file":
'photo.png' => array(
'file' => '/full/some_hash.png',
'mimetype' => 'image/png',
I dont know where you got your "filePaths" attribute.

Drupal 6 File Handling

I am handling file upload field in a form using Drupal 6 form APIs. The file field is marked as required.
I am doing all the right steps in order to save and rename files in proper locations.
upload form
$form = array();
$form['image'] = array(
'#type' => 'file',
'#title' => t('Upload photo'),
'#size' => 30,
'#required' => TRUE,
$form['#attributes'] = array('enctype' => "multipart/form-data");
form validate handler
$image_field = 'image';
if (isset($_FILES['files']) && is_uploaded_file($_FILES['files']['tmp_name'][$image_field])) {
$file = file_save_upload($image_field);
if (!$file) {
form_set_error($image_field, t('Error uploading file'));
$files_dir = file_directory_path();
$contest_dir = 'contest';
if(!file_exists($files_dir . '/' . $contest_dir) || !is_dir($files_dir . '/' . $contest_dir))
mkdir($files_dir . '/' . $contest_dir);
$form_state['values'][$image_field] = $file;
file_move($form_state['values'][$image_field], $files_dir."/" . $contest_dir . "/contest-". $values['email']. "-" . $file->filename);
else {
form_set_error($image_field, 'Error uploading file.');
On submiting form
Form always reports an error Upload photo field is required. although files are getting uploaded. How to deal with this issue?
How to pass file information to submit handler?
your handler is wrong. You never should touch $_FILES or $_POST variables in drupal, instead you should only use the drupal tools. Said that, the implementation you should is like that:
function my_form_handler(&$form,&$form_state){/** VALIDATION FILE * */
$extensions = 'jpeg jpg gif tiff';
$size_limit = file_upload_max_size();
$validators = array(
'my_file_validate_extensions' => array($extensions),
'my_file_validate_size' => array($size_limit),
$dest = file_directory_path();
if ($file = file_save_upload('image', $validators, $dest)) {
//at this point your file is uploaded, moved in the files folder and saved in the DB table files
I think you'll want to use the filefield module and append it to a form, as described in:
Drupal Imagfield/Filefield in custom form
The question has a link to the solution:
From the Drupal 6 Form API docs:
"Note: the #required property is not supported (setting it to true will always cause a validation error). Instead, you may want to use your own validation function to do checks on the $_FILES array with #required set to false. You will also have to add your own required asterisk if you would like one."
Old post, but I'm looking for something similar and figured I add that.
