Sequelize - Join with multiple column - node.js

I like to convert the following query into sequelize code
select * from table_a
inner join table_b
on table_a.column_1 = table_b.column_1
and table_a.column_2 = table_b.column_2
I have tried many approaches and followed many provided solution but I am unable to achieve the desired query from sequelize code.
The max I achieve is following :
select * from table_a
inner join table_b
on table_a.column_1 = table_b.column_1
I want the second condition also.
and table_a.column_2 = table_b.column_2
any proper way to achieve it?

You need to define your own on clause of the JOIN statement
include: [
model: ModelB,
on: {
col1: sequelize.where(sequelize.col("ModelA.col1"), "=", sequelize.col("ModelB.col1")),
col2: sequelize.where(sequelize.col("ModelA.col2"), "=", sequelize.col("ModelB.col2"))
attributes: [] // empty array means that no column from ModelB will be returned
}).then((modelAInstances) => {
// result...

Regarding #TophatGordon 's doubt in accepted answer's comment: that if we need to have any associations set up in model or not.
Also went through the github issue raised back in 2012 that is still in open state.
So I was also in the same situation and trying to setup my own ON condition for left outer join.
When I directly tried to use the on: {...} inside the Table1.findAll(...include Table2 with ON condition...), it didn't work.
It threw an error:
EagerLoadingError [SequelizeEagerLoadingError]: Table2 is not associated to Table1!
My use case was to match two non-primary-key columns from Table1 to two columns in Table2 in left outer join. I will show how and what I acheived:
Don't get confused by table names and column names, as I had to change them from the original ones that I used.
SO I had to create an association in Table1(Task) like:
Task.associate = (models) => {
Task.hasOne(models.SubTask, {
foreignKey: 'someId', // <--- one of the column of table2 - SubTask: not a primary key here in my case; can be primary key also
sourceKey: 'someId', // <--- one of the column of table1 - Task: not a primary key here in my case; can be a primary key also
scope: {
[Op.and]: sequelize.where(sequelize.col("Task.some_id_2"),
// '=',
Op.eq, // or you can use '=',
as: 'subTask',
// no constraints should be applied if sequelize will be creating tables and unique keys are not defined,
//as it throws error of unique constraint
constraints: false,
So the find query looks like this :
where: whereCondition,
// attributes: ['id','name','someId','someId2'],
include: [{
model: SubTask, as: 'subTask', // <-- model name and alias name as defined in association
attributes: [], // if no attributes needed from SubTask - empty array
Resultant query:
One matching condition is taken from [foreignKey] = [sourceKey]
Second matching condition is obtained by sequelize.where(...) used in scope:{...}
"Task"."some_id" as "someId",
"Task"."some_id_2" as "someId2"
"task" as "Task"
left outer join "sub_task" as "subTask" on
"Task"."some_id" = "subTask"."some_id"
and "Task"."some_id_2" = "subTask"."some_id_2";
Another approach to achieve same as above to solve issues when using Table1 in include i.e. when Table1 appears as 2nd level table or is included from other table - say Table0
Task.associate = (models) => {
Task.hasOne(models.SubTask, {
foreignKey: 'someId', // <--- one of the column of table2 - SubTask: not a primary key here in my case; can be primary key also
sourceKey: 'someId', // <--- one of the column of table1 - Task: not a primary key here in my case; can be a primary key also
as: 'subTask',
// <-- removed scope -->
// no constraints should be applied if sequelize will be creating tables and unique keys are not defined,
//as it throws error of unique constraint
constraints: false,
So the find query from Table0 looks like this : Also the foreignKey and sourceKey will not be considered as we will now use custom on: {...}
where: whereCondition,
// attributes: ['id','name','someId','someId2'],
include: {
model: Task, as: 'Table1AliasName', // if association has been defined as alias name
include: [{
model: SubTask, as: 'subTask', // <-- model name and alias name as defined in association
attributes: [], // if no attributes needed from SubTask - empty array
on: {
[Op.and]: [
Op.eq, // '=',
Op.eq, // '=',
Skip below part if your tables are already created...
Set constraints to false, as if sequelize tries to create the 2nd table(SubTask) it might throw error (DatabaseError [SequelizeDatabaseError]: there is no unique constraint matching given keys for referenced table "task") due to following query:
create table if not exists "sub_task" ("some_id" INTEGER, "some_id_2"
INTEGER references "task" ("some_id") on delete cascade on update
cascade, "data" INTEGER);
If we set constraint: false, it creates this below query instead which will not throw unique constraint error as we are referencing non-primary column:
create table if not exists "sub_task" ("some_id" INTEGER, "some_id_2" INTEGER, "data" INTEGER);


Sequelize join when key is inside a JSONB field

Is there a way to use include (which is actually a join table) to another Model, where the key is INSIDE a JSONB field? for example:
Item { id: INTEGER, someJsonbField: JSONB }
(item example: { id: 1, someJsonbField: { storeId: 2 } })
Then, for getting all of the items of store with id 2, you write something like this:
Item.findAll({ include: { model: 'Store', key: 'someJsonbField.storeId', ... } })
OFCOURSE, in a real world scenario, storeId should be inside Item directly, but only for the purpose of this question - How could it be done?

Sequelize column reference is ambiguous

I'm trying to accomplish the task of joining all associated models, and then retrieving the count of all the models
I would want the data to be returned as
product {
main_dish: {},
side_dish: {},
drink: {},
purchase_product_count: x,
purchased_products: []
I have constructed this in sequelize to try to do this.
await Product.findAll({
include: [{
model: MainCourse,
required: false,
}, {
model: SideDish,
required: false,
}, {
model: Drink,
required: false,
}, {
model: ProductPurchase,
required: false,
where: {
createdAt: {[Op.between]: [two_days_before, current_date]}
attributes: {
include: ['*',
"(SELECT COUNT(*) from product_purchases as p where p.purchase_product_id = products.product_id)"), "product_purchase_count"],
offset: 1 * 5,
limit: 5
.then((results) => {
.catch((err) => {
Attempting to run this eager load gives this error
column reference "product_id" is ambiguous
This is the sql generated by sequelize
SELECT "products".*, "main_course"."main_course_id" AS "main_course.main_course_id", "main_course"."type" AS "main_course.type", "main_course"."createdAt" AS "main_course.createdAt", "main_course"."updatedAt" AS "main_course.updatedAt", "main_course"."deletedAt" AS "main_course.deletedAt", "main_course"."main_product_id" AS "main_course.main_product_id", "side_dish"."side_dish_id" AS "side_dish.side_dish_id", "side_dish"."type" AS "side_dish.type", "side_dish"."createdAt" AS "side_dish.createdAt", "side_dish"."updatedAt" AS "side_dish.updatedAt", "side_dish"."deletedAt" AS "side_dish.deletedAt", "side_dish"."side_product_id" AS "side_dish.side_product_id", "drink"."drink_id" AS "drink.drink_id", "drink"."type" AS "drink.type", "drink"."createdAt" AS "drink.createdAt", "drink"."updatedAt" AS "drink.updatedAt", "drink"."deletedAt" AS "drink.deletedAt", "drink"."drink_product_id" AS "drink.drink_product_id", "product_purchases"."product_purchase_id" AS "product_purchases.product_purchase_id", "product_purchases"."price" AS "product_purchases.price", "product_purchases"."quantity" AS "product_purchases.quantity", "product_purchases"."createdAt" AS "product_purchases.createdAt", "product_purchases"."updatedAt" AS "product_purchases.updatedAt", "product_purchases"."deletedAt" AS "product_purchases.deletedAt", "product_purchases"."purchase_product_id" AS "product_purchases.purchase_product_id", "product_purchases"."restaurant_order_id" AS "product_purchases.restaurant_order_id" FROM (SELECT "products"."product_id", "products"."title", "products"."price", "products"."createdAt", "products"."updatedAt", "products"."deletedAt", "products"."restaurant_id", "products".*, (SELECT COUNT(*) from product_purchases as p where p.purchase_product_id = products.product_id) AS "product_purchase_count" FROM "products" AS "products" WHERE ("products"."deletedAt" IS NULL) LIMIT 5 OFFSET 5) AS "products" LEFT OUTER JOIN "main_courses" AS "main_course" ON "products"."product_id" = "main_course"."main_product_id" AND ("main_course"."deletedAt" IS NULL) LEFT OUTER JOIN "side_dishes" AS "side_dish" ON "products"."product_id" = "side_dish"."side_product_id" AND ("side_dish"."deletedAt" IS NULL) LEFT OUTER JOIN "drinks" AS "drink" ON "products"."product_id" = "drink"."drink_product_id" AND ("drink"."deletedAt" IS NULL) LEFT OUTER JOIN "product_purchases" AS "product_purchases" ON "products"."product_id" = "product_purchases"."purchase_product_id" AND ("product_purchases"."deletedAt" IS NULL AND "product_purchases"."createdAt" BETWEEN '2022-05-06 08:35:12.577 +00:00' AND '2022-05-08 08:35:12.577 +00:00');
According to pgadmin the problem starts when doing the join on main_courses
ERROR: column reference "product_id" is ambiguous
LINE 1: ...EFT OUTER JOIN "main_courses" AS "main_course" ON "products"...
I seem to not understand how the sequelize join works as I am using the ORM method of not having any columns be the same. The foreign keys are all different from 'product_id'. Is product_id getting created and joined again on the aggregation possibly? Why am I getting this error, and how can I achieve the result of getting the count of the product_purchases along with the joined array of purchased products.
Obviously I could just get the purchased_products.length and then add it to the object itself, but I'm trying to figure out if you can do it through sequelize without having to hack it in.

aggregate function in sequelize

i need a query which has aggregate function in include. i want to get count of ticket sell in each events
i tried code below
const data = await Items.paginate({
page: offset.value,
paginate: limit.value,
where: itemType,
attributes: [[db.sequelize.fn('sum', db.sequelize.col('ItemPayments.numberOfTickets')), 'total']],
group: ["ItemPayments.itemId"],
but it gives me an error like below
In aggregated query without GROUP BY, expression #1 of SELECT list contains nonaggregated column ''; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by
Add separate : true and try to execute the query again
attributes: [[db.sequelize.fn('sum', db.sequelize.col('ItemPayments.numberOfTickets')), 'total']],
group: ["ItemPayments.itemId"],
separate : true // <--------- HERE

Sequelize Top level where with eagerly loaded models creates sub query

I'm running an into issue where Sequelize creates a subquery of the primary model and then joins the includes with that subquery instead of directly with the primary model table. The query conditions for the include(s) ends up inside the subquery's WHERE clause which makes it invalid. I have shortened names down trying to keep this compact hopefully without losing any relevant info.
Nodejs: 6.11.3
Sequelize: 3.23.6 => Updated to 4.38.1 and problem persists
MySql: 5.7.23
Code snip models:
Code snip query definition:
let where = { cId: '2',
iAmt: { '$gt': 0 },
[ { '$CJ.a1$': {$like: '%246%'}} },
{ '$CJ.a2$': {$like: '%246%'} },
{ '$I.cPN$': {$like: '%246%'} }
] };
let query = {
where: where,
order: orderBy,
distinct: true,
offset: offset,
limit: limit,
include: [
model: CJ,
as: 'CJ',
required: false
}, {
model: CJS,
as: 'CJS',
required: false
}, {
model: II,
as: 'IIs',
required: false
Produces SQL like the following:
SELECT `I`.*, `CJ`.`_id` AS `CJ._id`, `CJS`.`_id` AS `CJS._id`, `IIs`.`_id` AS `IIs._id`
FROM (SELECT `I`.`_id`, `I`.`CJId`, `I`.`CJSId`, `I`.`CId`
FROM `Is` AS `I`
WHERE `I`.`CId` = '2' AND
`I`.`iA` > 0 AND
(`CJ`.`a1` LIKE '%246%' OR
`CJ`.`a2` LIKE '%246%' OR
`I`.`cPN` LIKE '%246%'
ORDER BY `I`.`iNum` DESC LIMIT 0, 10) AS `I`
LEFT OUTER JOIN `CJs` AS `CJ` ON `I`.`CJId` = `CJ`.`_id`
LEFT OUTER JOIN `IIs` AS `IIs` ON `I`.`_id` = `IIs`.`IId`
I was expecting something like this:
SELECT `I`.*, `CJ`.`_id` AS `CJ._id`, `CJS`.`_id` AS `CJS._id`, `IIs`.`_id` AS `IIs._id`
FROM `Is` AS `I`
LEFT OUTER JOIN `CJs` AS `CJ` ON `I`.`CJId` = `CJ`.`_id`
LEFT OUTER JOIN `IIs` AS `IIs` ON `I`.`_id` = `IIs`.`IId`
WHERE `I`.`CId` = '2' AND
`I`.`iA` > 0 AND
(`CJ`.`a1` LIKE '%246%' OR
`CJ`.`a2` LIKE '%246%' OR
`I`.`cPN` LIKE '%246%'
ORDER BY `I`.`iNum` DESC LIMIT 0, 10
If I remove the II model from the include it does work and moves the the WHERE to the top level. I admit the structure of the query is not straight forward here, with I being a child of CJ and CJS, which in turn is a child of CJ. And then II a child of I. What am I missing here?
Bueller's or anyone's 2 cent welcome!
what happened here is because you also using order and limit together with eager loading association see the issue
to make it work, there is a little hacky solution, you need to add subQuery: false together to your root model query
let query = {
where: where,
order: orderBy,
distinct: true,
offset: offset,
limit: limit,
subQuery: false,
include: [...]

Joining same table multiple times with Sequelize

I have the following models:
const User = Sequelize.define('user', {
login: Sequelize.DataTypes.STRING,
password: Sequelize.DataTypes.STRING,
is_manager: Sequelize.DataTypes.BOOLEAN,
notes: Sequelize.DataTypes.STRING
const Bike = Sequelize.define('bike', {
model: Sequelize.DataTypes.STRING,
photo: Sequelize.DataTypes.BLOB,
color: Sequelize.DataTypes.STRING,
weight: Sequelize.DataTypes.FLOAT,
location: Sequelize.DataTypes.STRING,
is_available: Sequelize.DataTypes.BOOLEAN
const Rate = Sequelize.define('rate', {
rate: Sequelize.DataTypes.INTEGER
And I'd like to select bikes with their average rates, plus rates of the current user for each bike:
attributes: {include: [[Sequelize.fn('AVG', Sequelize.col('rates.rate')), 'rate_avg']],
include: [{
model: Rate,
attributes: []
}, {
model: Rate,
attributes: ['rate'],
include: [{
model: User,
attributes: [],
where: {
login: req.user.login
group: Object.keys(Bike.rawAttributes).map(key => 'bike.' + key) // group by all fields of Bike model
It constructs the following query: SELECT [bike].[id], [bike].[model], [bike].[photo], [bike].[color], [bike].[weight], [bike].[location], [bike].[is_available], AVG([rates].[rate]) AS [rate_avg], [rates].[id] AS [], [rates].[rate] AS [rates.rate] FROM [bikes] AS [bike] LEFT OUTER JOIN [rates] AS [rates] ON [bike].[id] = [rates].[bikeId] LEFT OUTER JOIN ( [rates] AS [rates] INNER JOIN [users] AS [rates->user] ON [rates].[userId] = [rates->user].[id] AND [rates->user].[login] = N'user' ) ON [bike].[id] = [rates].[bikeId] GROUP BY [bike].[id], [bike].[model], [bike].[photo], [bike].[color], [bike].[weight], [bike].[location], [bike].[is_available];
And fails: SequelizeDatabaseError: The correlation name 'rates' is specified multiple times in a FROM clause.
How do I write the query right? I need Sequelize to assign another alias to the rates table used in the 2nd join (and add its columns to the GROUP BY clause, but that's the next step).
You can do multiple inner joins with same table by adding extra same association with that model but with a different alias that is as: 'alias1' , as: 'alias2' ,... - all this existing with the same model + same type of association.
Also posted this solution at github issue:
E.g. for Chats that have many Receiver
Associations (Duplicating for as many needed)
Chat.hasMany(Receiver, {
// foreignKey: ...
as: 'chatReceiver',
Chat.hasMany(Receiver, {
// foreignKey: ...
as: 'chatReceiver2',
Now you are left to include associated model multiple times all with different alias so it does not gets overridden.
So you can use them in query as below:
attributes: ["id"],
include: [{
required: true,
model: Receiver,
as: 'chatReceiver', // Alias 1
attributes: [],
where: { userID: 1 }, // condition 1
}, {
required: true,
model: Receiver,
as: 'chatReceiver2', // Alias 2
attributes: [],
where: { userID: 2 }, // condition 2 as needed
Solution :
attributes: {include: [[Sequelize.fn('AVG', Sequelize.col('rates.rate')), 'rate_avg']],
include: [{
model: Rate,
attributes: []
}, {
model: Rate,
required : false , // 1. just to make sure not making inner join
separate : true , // 2. will run query separately , so your issue will be solved of multiple times
attributes: ['rate'],
include: [{
model: User,
attributes: [],
where: {
login: req.user.login
group : [] // 3. <------- This needs to be managed , so please check errors and add fields as per error
group: Object.keys(Bike.rawAttributes).map(key => 'bike.' + key) // group by all fields of Bike model
Sequelize doesn't support including through the same association twice (see here, here, and here). At the model level, you can define 2 different associations between Bike and Rate, but having to change the model, adding new foreign keys etc, is a very hacky solution.
Incidentally, it wouldn't solve your other problem, which is that you're grouping only by Bike but then want to select the user's rate. To fix that, you'd also have to change your grouping to include the user rates. (Note that if a user has more than 1 rate per bike, that might also create some inefficiency, as the rates for the bike are averaged repeatedly for each of the user's rates.)
A proper solution would be using window functions, first averaging the rates per bike and then filtering out all the rates not belonging to the logged in user. Might look something like this:
SELECT bike.*,
users.login AS user_login,
AVG (rates.rate) OVER (PARTITION BY AS rate_avg
FROM bike
INNER JOIN rates ON rates.bikeId =
INNER JOIN users ON rates.userId =
WHERE user_login = :req_user_login
Unfortunately, as far as I'm aware sequelize doesn't currently support subqueries in the FROM clause and using window functions in this way, so you'd have to fall back to a raw query.
