Setting up ELB on AWS for Node.js - node.js

I have a very basic question but I have been searching the internet for days without finding what I am looking for.
I currently run one instance on AWS.
That instance has my node server and my database on it.
I would like to make use of ELB by separating the one machine that hosts both the server and the database:
One machine that is never terminated, which hosts the database
One machine that runs the basic node server, which as well is never terminated
A policy to deploy (and subsequently terminate) additional EC2 instances that run the server when traffic demands it.
First of all I would like to know if this setup makes sense.
I am very confused about the way this should work in practice:
Do all deployed instances run using the same volume or is a snapshot of the volume is used?
In general, how do I set such a system? Again, I searched the web and all of the tutorials and documentations are so generalized for every case that I cannot seem to figure out exactly what to do in my case.
Any tips? Links? Articles? Videos?
Thank you!

You would have an AutoScaling Group with a minimum size of 1, that is configured to use an AMI based on your NodeJS server. The AutoScaling Group would add/remove instances to the ELB as instances are created and deleted.
EBS volumes can not be attached to more than one instance at a time. If you need a shared disk volume you would need to look into the EFS service.
Yes you need to move your database onto a separate server that is not a member of the AutoScaling Group.


NodeJS TLS/TCP server in need of an external firewall

I have an AWS EC2 instance running FreeBSD. In there, I'm running a NodeJS TLS/TCP server. I'd like to create a set of rules (in my NodeJS application) to be able to individually block IP addresses programmatically based on a few logical conditions.
I'd like to run an external (not on the same machine/instance) firewall or load-balancer, that I can control from NodeJS programmatically, such that when certain conditions are given, I can block a specific remote-address(IP) before it reaches the NodeJS instance.
Things I've tried:
I have initially looked into nginx as an option, running it on a second instance, and placing my NodeJS server behind it, but after skimming through the NGINX
Advanced Recipes for High Performance
Load Balancing I've learned that only the NGINX Plus (the paid version) allows for remote/API control & customization. While I believe that paying $3500/license is not too much (considering all NGINX Plus' features), I simply can not afford to buy it at this point in time; in addition the only feature I'd be using (at this point) would be the remote API control and the IP address blocking.
My second thought was to go with the AWS/ELB (elastic-load-balancer) by integrating AWS' SDK into my project. That sounded feasible, unfortunately, after reading a few forum threads and part of their documentation (unless I'm mistaken) it seems these two features I need are not available on the AWS/ELB. AWS seems to offer an entire different service called WAF that I honestly don't understand very well (both as a service and from a feature-stand-point).
I have also (briefly) looked into CloudFlare, as it was recommended in one of the posts, here on Sackoverflow, though I can't really tell if their firewall would allow this level of (remote) control.
What are my options? What would you guys recommend I did?
I think Nginx provide such kind of functionality please refer to link
If you want to block an IP with Node TCP you can just edit a nginx config file and deny IP address.
Frankly speaking, If I were you, I would use AWS WAF but if you don’t want to use it, you can simply use Node JS
In Node JS You should have a global array variable where you will store all blocked IP addresses and upon connection, you will check whether connected host IP is in blocked IP variable. However there occurs a problem when machine or application is restarted, you will lose all information about blocked IP-s. So as a solution to that you can just setup Redis (It is key-value database but there are also other datatypes) DB and store blocked IP-s there. Inasmuch as Redis DB is in RAM all interaction with DB will be instantly and as long as machine or node is restarted, Redis makes a backup on hard drive and it syncs from it and continue to work in RAM with old databases.

Connecting Google Compute Engine MongoDB instances

I'm a systems/architecture noob, and am trying to get an understanding of how to use multiple GCE instances to run a Meteor app. This walkthrough seems pretty straightforward for getting Meteor running on a single instance, but if I want to add more instances it isn't clear to me how to connect them together.
From what I understand, I'll add each instance to an instance group and use a load-balancer to direct incoming traffic evenly across them. It also seems like I want to attach a persistent disk to each instance which the OS will boot from and which will include a MongoDB installation that participates in a "replicated set".
Is that accurate? And if so, how do I actually tell the MongoDB installation on each instance's disk to be a part of the replicated set?

How to consist the containers in Docker?

Now I am developing the new content so building the server.
On my server, the base system is the Cent OS(7), I installed the Docker, pulled the cent os, and establish the "WEB SERVER container" Django with uwsgi and nginx.
However I want to up the service, (Database with postgres), what is the best way to do it?
Install postgres on my existing container (with web server)
Build up the new container only for database.
and I want to know each advantage and weak point of those.
It's idiomatic to use two separate containers. Also, this is simpler - if you have two or more processes in a container, you need a parent process to monitor them (typically people use a process manager such as supervisord). With only one process, you won't need to do this.
By monitoring, I mainly mean that you need to make sure that all processes are correctly shutdown if the container receives a SIGSTOP signal. If you don't do this properly, you will end up with zombie processes. You won't need to worry about this if you only have a signal process or use a process manager.
Further, as Greg points out, having separate containers allows you to orchestrate and schedule the containers separately, so you can do update/change/scale/restart each container without affecting the other one.
If you want to keep the data in the database after a restart, the database shouldn't be in a container but on the host. I will assume you want the db in a container as well.
Setting up a second container is a lot more work. You should find a way that the containers know about each other's address. The address changes each time you start the container, so you need to make some scripts on the host. The host must find out the ip-adresses and inform the containers.
The containers might want to update the /etc/hosts file with the address of the other container. When you want to emulate different servers and perform resilience tests this is a nice solution. You will need quite some bash knowledge before you get this running well.
In about all other situations choose for one container. Installing everything in one container is easier for setting up and for developing afterwards. Setting up Docker is just the environment where you want to do your real work. Tooling should help you with your real work, not take all your time and effort.

IIS (Win2012) on EC2 with auto scaling

We are looking at moving around 100 websites that we have on a dedicated web server, from our current hosting company; and host these sites on a EC2 Windows 2012 server.
I've looked at the type of EC2 instances available. Am I better going for a m1.small (or t1.micro with auto scaling). With regards auto scaling, how does it work, if I upload a file to the master instance, when are the other instances updated ? Is it when the instances are auto scaled again ?
Also, I will be needing to host a mail enable (mail server) application. Any thoughts on best practice for this ? Am I better off hosting 1 server for everything, or splitting it across instances...?
When you are working with EC2, you need to start thinking about how your applications are designed and deployed differently.
Autoscaling works best when your instances follow shared nothing architecture. The instances themselves should never store persistent data. They should also be able to be automatically set up at launch.
Some applications are not designed to work in this environment. They require local file storage, or other issues.
You probably wont be using micro instances. They are mostly designed for very specific low utilization workloads.
You can run a mail server on ec2, but you will have to use an Elastic IP and whitelist the instances sending mail. By default, EC2 instances are on the spamhaus block list.

Which directories should in put in new volume in Linux server Amazon EC2

I have read somewhere that it is best practice to divide data in different drives in Linux server. I have only remembered few things like
Mount /var/www to new Folder in New volume so that all website data stays there
Also Put Logs in that Volume
Use MySQL RDS as new instance
So that Application is stateless and nothing chnages on main machine.
I could not get the idea of being stateless
How should i do it
The idea of being stateless is that the instance stores no persistent data (database, user files, etc). That way you could duplicate the instance, put it behind a load balancer and scale horizontally to more traffic without duplicating persistent data.
Using multiple volumes on a stateless machine is optional. It can help if you need to increase io throughput, but outside of that it doesn't provide many advantages. It can make it more difficult if you are trying to build stateless instances since an AMI will only include the root volume.
