Unity3D websocket client with Node.js server? - node.js

I have a game server made in Node.js, and am building a Unity3D client for it. I have already built a pure Javascript web client for the same server as well, which works great.
I was able to build the client for Unity3D using the websocket-sharp, but it is kind of slow, and was wondering if there are any better libraries to use such as UNET that would for for this.


Electron like node integration in nodejs web server

I'm new to web servers in nodejs and i'd like to know if there is possible to have an electron like node integration in a web server (to be able to use nodejs in index.js script file linked to index.html)
Thx for all :)
It's not possible. Browsers control the way that client side JavaScript is executed, so it's just technically impossible to connect both runtimes in any way that works on client machine, you'd need a customized browser, which is what Electron basically is. And neither should you want to - if the runtimes were connected in that way, any user could execute arbitrary commands on your server.

How can i setup a Socket.io client on flutter?

I have a flutter app and i am trying to connect it to a node.js localhost server. it works with react js but I haven't done it in flutter before. can I get help on sending a simple connection to my server socket io?
It's pretty easy. You'll basically have to use this package to connect to your backend. The idea is pretty similar to JavaScript applications.
In case you need it, I already implemented a simple application using it on Flutter. It's pretty straightforward and you only have to focus on mobile/lib/config/socket.dart which is my socket client.
It contains three simple methods used to emit events and subscribe/unsubscribe to events. Any doubts just ask it.
In case you have any problem connecting to your backend add this line to your Android Manifest. I remember I had some problem because of the android version which had cleartext disabled by default.

Connect to remote Realm with nodeJS for server side and Angular for client side, good practice?

I'm currently trying to figure out which technologies to use in order to maintain "realm features" in a web browser application. I've put together a rudimentary Swift app on iOS which allows for real-time updates coming from realm cloud.
I've spent the last 3-4 hours reading about Nginx, nodeJS, Angular, Express (angular framework) and other technologies.
As far as I've been able to understand, Realm can work with GraphQL which in turn lists nodeJS as a dependency (https://docs.realm.io/sync/getting-started-1/web-based-graphql).
So far I have a Debian 10 server running nginx. I have also installed nodeJS and NPM.
Assuming that I'm on the right path, where do I go from here?
It's proving to be a pretty tough challenge for me but, any help is greatly appreciated!
Thank you for your time.

How can I mount easyrtc on webserver?

I'm trying to develop a video chat web-application with webrtc using easyrtc. I have developed it on my local machine. It runs well with node.js server on my localhost. But how can I mount it on my web-server? That means, when a user visit my website, he will able to video chat by this.
Very simple..put your project on sever, open firewall that allows connection throws in and out. Then integrate with your authentication system..
If you have developed the application on node.js, you only have to follow the deploying procedure for an node.js app. In case that you have an app (php, ruby, python or others) that uses easyrtc as an signaling server, you can deploy your easyrtc and app to the same server or separately.
On the secon case you should use easyrtc.setSocketUrl("//mydomain.com:8080"); to avoid connection issues related to socket.io. For more info on this see:
Also remember that you application needs to work with https to work correctly in Chrome. See this:

Is using node.js is suitable for web GUI app and using same source for desktop app?

Im thinking about using node.js for web application , that is something like tomcat with servlents or Apache and php.
my questions are basic but fundamental:
1. can i use node.js as web server? using jquery and all the server side stuff?
2. i want to let the users to be able to use the application in offline mode , and let
the user to download the web app as desktop app .
can node.js be good for this job ?
Node.js is a platform for creating server-side and networking applications. You can use its HTTP and Socket support to create a web server.
And yes, you can use client side libraries and frameworks like jQuery, Angular.js, Ember.js, etc etc. by using a Node.js REST API as backend (as a possible solution).
You can make desktop applications using:
Node-QT bindings
