Getting USER_LACKS_PERMISSIONS error when downloading Signer data - docusignapi

I'm using Docusign's C# client as the basis for my API app and I am sporadically getting USER_LACKS_PERMISSIONS when calling the ListTabs function for a document Signer.
Docusign support thought this was because I was trying to pull Tabs for a CC recipient but I have verified that I was only trying to get the Tabs for the Signer.
I have successfully downloaded approximately 700 envelopes with the exact same app and no changes whatsoever to the code but there are about 20 envelopes that throw this error. This makes me believe that this is something internal to Docusign but they have been unable to come up with a root cause.
Has anyone come across a similar issue and been able to resolve it?


DocuSign Connect API brands could not be created

My website has been using DocuSign Connect API (SOAP) for years without issue. Part of my website utilizes the brand creation functionality of the DS API (CreateAccountBrands). This has worked flawlessly until very recently.
I now notice in the DocuSign Demo environment that the CreateAccountBrands calls return an InternalServerError with the message "Brands could not be created" but no other information is present in the trace log file. All other DocuSign API calls still seem to be working fine.
Nothing with my payload has changed at all. Has something recently changed with the payload requirements of the CreateAccountBrands call?
I thought it could be that you reached the limits for brands but it seems to be 1900+
You can check Docusign's release notes to see if there are any relevant changes here:
If you don't find anything then you can reach out to DocuSign's support by opening a ticket here:

Docusign Envelope Corrected - As a result, you no longer have access

I've been working with a docusign integration into our own application for a while, and recently I've started encountering a new error that I've never experienced before. I create a docusign envelope using Docusign's own interface, add my recipients, set up the signing fields, and then click send.
An email goes out to the users with a link for them to sign the document, as expected. But simultaneously, there is another email that says the following:
[My User] has corrected [My Document].
As a result, you no longer have access.
I click on the link for signing the document, and it results in the following:
In theory, this makes sense. If an envelope is edited or corrected, then the previous links are no longer valid. However, the envelope is never being corrected. It is created and sent in a single action. There isn't even time for a correction to be made. I'm the only person with access to the account, so no one else can be making corrections to the envelope. Additionally, this only seems to occur for certain recipients. Some recipients are fine, and this correction thing doesn't occur. For others, it happens and breaks the entire chain.
What could be causing Docusign to do this? I'm working with a developer account if that makes any difference. The only recent change that was made to my configuration is the addition of Connect with HMAC signatures to verify the validity of docusign responses back to my application. Even so, most of the time things seem to work exactly as intended and expected.

Unable to Load a document into Docusign

We are using docusign for more than 3 years, We have several demo accounts as well as we have paid account too.
we are using the following docusign rest service*****/envelopes
In our local environment we are using the above demo rest service, Till last month (August) we were able to post the document into docusign without any issues. The Problem now is that we are not able to post a document to docusign.
we getting the exception like
"errorCode": "UNABLE_TO_LOAD_DOCUMENT", "message": "Unable to load the document. Unable to load Document(1;CONSENT FORM). Error: Cannot add the widget (connected to field: ColombiaCurrentlyresideYes) to page -1, because it's already added to page -1. If you want to re-use this widget, please remove it from the current page first
Same data worked till last month (August) and it's working fine now in docusign production account(paid). we are not sure what went wrong in demo accounts. Any release are done in demo accounts?
I tired using the same template in web console too, same error throws in browser console
Please help me to resolve this issues.
We require your guidance regarding this issue!
I suggest first trying to load the documents into an envelope by using the DocuSign Web tool (NDSE). If that doesn't work then the document is the issue.
Has the document changed?
Re changes: Yes, the demo system is changed each month. Then the changes are applied to the production systems. While we do have thousands of automatic regression tests, problem can creep through the system.
I suggest you contact DocuSign customer support to give them the document which is failing to load.

DocuSign Api - Sender View & EDIT_LOCK_ENVELOPE_LOCKED

Can anyone help.
I’m using the rest api to create an envelope, and then configure it using the api sender view call (/restapi/v2/accounts//envelopes//views/sender) to get the DocuSign UI.
Creating the envelope and viewing it the first time using sender view to bring up the docusign api works fine.
The problem occurs if instead of sending the envelope I click ‘save as draft’. When I try to go back to the envelope and view it again using sender view I get the following error with http status of 400:
"message": "The envelope is locked. The lock must be released before requesting the sender token for envelope, id = xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxx."
The lock seems to wear off after time (apprx 20 mins). However after it wears off I can only view the item once, and then the lock is reapplied.
I can’t find anything in DocuSign api documentation that relates to this behaviour. Any help would be appreciated.
UPDATE (12/Feb/15): This error only happens on my demo account but not on production, so it seems like it's an account setting, but I can't figure out what/where the setting is.
Yes - there is new documentation about this envelope locking feature and behavior in the February service pack (PDF) available here:
We have a bug logged on our side where Save Draft isn't correctly releasing the lock on the envelope. We should have a fix for this issue in our DEMO environment soon. The locking feature is currently only "ON" in our DEMO environment but not in our Production environments while we find and fix potential issues such as the one identified here. More information about locking is in our February service pack (PDF) release notes available here:

Trying to send a document through a trigger

I'm currently trying to automate the process of creating a docusign document and sending it by putting it into an apex trigger. I have managed to get the docusign api (via WSDL) into my org, and now I'm trying to add the code into the trigger to send out the document. Without pasting the entire code here, I've been following this tutorial and have gotten all of the required code into my trigger. Unfortunatly, when I run it, I get this error:
11:40:49.965 (12965647595)|FATAL_ERROR|System.VisualforceException: Getting content from within triggers is currently not supported.
Trigger.OpportunityTrigger: line 109, column 1
Does this mean that it's not possible to send a document in a trigger? The tutorial sends it through a controller, is that the only currently supported method?
Thank you for any help you can give me!
So I've gotten past that error (using a different tutorial), and am now getting this error.
System.CalloutException: Web service callout failed: WebService returned a SOAP Fault: This User lacks sufficient permissions. User does not have the permision to the CreateEnvelopeFromTemplates method faultcode=soap:Client faultactor=
This appears to be a problem with the Docusign user I am using for sending this document. I am currently using CreateEnvelopeFromTemplates to try and send a templated document out to up to 5 recipients.
I ended up phoning into Docusign Support, and asking them about the issue. Turns out that the last error was caused by me trying to authenticate and sign into docusign with my userID not the AccountID (switched those around and the permission error went away).
Another error showed up related to not having roles setup properly in my template (fixed that by setting up the role), and now everything is working fine. I'm answering my own question to leave it as a reference to future searchers.
Create a call out from trigger
Then get the request from a rest method
Then continue to get the pagereference conten
You can find an example here
