My website is defaced — how do I fix it? - web

My website is defaced and every time I load it, there appears a page with some message in some Turkish language and the title of page is 'hacked by 58'.
I tried searching this web page in my public_html directory but couldn't find this html in any directory. Yet still it loads when we visit the website.
Any help?

nginx or apache? locate the configure file,inside the file there is a line kind of 'root',that's path of your index folder,enter that folder fix index.html.
Btw,if your server is hacked,it's highly possible running dangerous programs ,you'd better reinstall your sys,and try not to be hacked,such as use ssh-key login method.


Issues regarding reloading a react-based webpage

I'm a student working on a project to benefit other students, and I am currently facing a problem with reloading with any other url than the main path.
The webpage is written from scratch (more or less) in React with no backend, but I still hoped that it would work. I am using react-router to change sub-directories.
I have understood that there is a difference between server- and client-url's, and that this issue most likely is related to that. In the app's main directory "" everything works fine untill the page is refreshed. If a sub-directory such as "" is "called" directly, I recieve an error. You can go and try for yourself btw.
Does anyone know of a nice way to fix this? Do I need to implement something like Node.js to fix this? If so, how? I would prefer not to use a hot-fix such as redirecting all sub-directory calls (such as "/link" (an actual page) or "/kejrngo" (jibberish) ) to "/".
I've cloned your project locally and it seems you have a problem with the server. As you said yourself it seems that only open url for your page is where at the beginning all application is rendered. After you try to refresh the page you are looking for a path that isn't available on the server and that is the reason you get 404.
What seems to be a problem is React Router itself with Apache server:
Please look at this: hope it helps

How to stop all web pages of my site being redirected to homepage

I installed Drupal 7 and developed a basic site for a friend (
It was working lovely, then I noticed months later that every single link on the site (including admin links like admin login!) are being redirected to the homepage.
I contacted my hosts who are refusing to help, saying that it's a scripting problem. The htaccess file hasn't changed since I initially uploaded it - and I've tried re-uploading a default htaccess file which I know works on another of my drupal sites (same hosting company)
I've looked at the server error log file and can't see anything since I'd finished developing the site.
I can post the htaccess file here if people think it might help.
you have not enable the clean URL on the server. so you need to disable the Clean URL form Drupal Admin or database.
you can view the pages like below:

accessing a webpage stored on a home server

I am running a raspberry pi using raspbian linux. I have apache web service installed and when i type in my ip address into the address bar of a browser it loads the default apache webpage saying it all works.
I have another folder located in home/Client5 on this device from which i am trying to load an index.html page but i am recieving a 404 not found error. eg
Not Found
The requested URL /home/Client5/task5.html was not found on this server.
I gather that theres something wrong in the above web adress or is it that i have to place this folder within the apache folder?
You have two solutions.
1/ If you want to keep the default apache pages, add a virtualhost (there are tons of docs on this, I don't think it needs to be repeated here).
2/ If you don't care about the default apache pages, edit /etc/apache2/sites-available/default and change DocumentRoot to make it point to /home/Client5/ . Add an index.html file in there, hit the Raspberry IP in your browser, you should see your page.
You might need to chmod -R ugo+rwX /home/Client5.
I don't know what you have under /home/Client5, but if it's a regular user, this setup is highly insecure. There are a bunch of additional steps to take if you want to host under home directories (first step, don't put pages in $HOME but create a subdir). It is safer to have a dedicated place with proper perms outside home dirs unless you really know what you're doing.
Is it working in local ? (XXX.XXX.X.XX:80) ? Surely yes, so take a look at your router.
If you have apache2, you local ip indicate to folder '/var/www/'.
If you want host page in '/home/Client5' you have to make virtual host :)
Read about it here

Typo3 function generates Trojan JS BlacoleRef.BS every time new

In my typo3temp folder I always find a file called javascript_a1cb3a5978.js. It seems that this is a JS by Typo3 to encrypt email adresses. Now in the code always the trojan is appended. I delete the file from the Typo3 cache and if the page is called in the browser the file is generated.
I tried to download the site and scan it with Security Essentials. Also I tried to search for eval but there are too much in the whole Typo3 folder. I didn't found something in the index.php and also I didn't found it in the htaccess. Permission should be OK for the site.
Do you have some ideas for me where this code is appended?
Check typo3conf/localconf.php and typo3conf/temp_* files and typo3conf/extTables.php.
Deactivate every extension and update your TYPO3. Check your TypoScript. I guess you should shut down your website and analyse how the attacker injected that code.

Drupal 6 site not displaying image links

Having a very strange issue which I hope you can help me with.
No errors in Apache logs. I am running a Drupal6 site, with only a few images that are failing to display.
The site's url is configured as a subdomain, i.e. in sites, directory contains all the drupal files, modules, etc.
Using Firebug their relative URLs are set to:
Visiting this file throws a drupal not found page.
The problem here is the URL specified by the developers.
Instead of :
Correct URL is:
Thats it, hope it helps :)
