Error while Index creation using nodejs in Elasticsearch - node.js

I am using npm elasticsearch, in that getting an error like this
client.index is not a function
here is my code
encryptObj = enpyt.encrypt(function(encrypted){
index: 'collectionnew3
id: '101',
type: 'collectiontype3',
body: {
"username": "postgres",
"pswrd": encrypted,
},function(err,resp,status) {
Any idea why am I getting this?

As said in comments, it seems that client is not properly instantiated.
Example to instantiate an Elasticsearch client in node.js:
var elasticsearch = require('elasticsearch');
var client = new elasticsearch.Client({
host: "http://localhost:9200",
apiVersion: "2.3"
Update host and apiVersion with your configuration.


Elasticsearch error "The client noticed that the server is not Elasticsearch and we do not support this unknown product"

I set up an elastic search instance in my local server using the OpenSearch docker image.
$ docker run -p 9200:9200 -p 9600:9600 -e "discovery.type=single-node" opensearchproject/opensearch:1.3.1
I can see the instance is up and running https://localhost:9200/
When trying to execute a simple search I am getting the following error.
ProductNotSupportedError: The client noticed that the server is not Elasticsearch and we do not support this unknown product.
I also tried the latest elastic search client but it's giving me a connection error.
error ConnectionError: unable to verify the first certificate
Code sample:
//const { Client } = require('#elastic/elasticsearch') // Got connection error when using latest version
const {Client: Client} = require('es7')
var connectionString = 'https://admin:admin#localhost:9200'
const client = new Client({
node: connectionString,
ssl: {
rejectUnauthorized: false
.then(async response => {
console.log('success', response.statusCode);
const result = await{
index: 'r7',
query: {
match: {
subtype: 'a'
console.log('result', result)
console.log('count', result.hits.hits)
.catch(error => {
console.error('error', error)
Your help is much appreciated.
Thank you.
You have an Elasticsearch client version that is more recent than 7.10.2, the version at which Opensearch was forked.
You should either downgrade the client library to match 7.10.2, or use the Opensearch Javascript client instead.

AWS Redis Cluster MOVED Error using redis node library

I have created a Redis MemoryDB cluster with 2 nodes in AWS:
I connect to it using redis node library v4.0.0 like this:
import { createCluster } from 'redis';
(async () => {
const REDIS_USERNAME = 'test-username';
const REDIS_PASSWORD = 'test-pass';
const cluster = createCluster({
rootNodes: [
url: `rediss://`,
url: `rediss://`,
defaults: {
url: `rediss://`,
cluster.on('error', (err) => console.log('Redis Cluster Error', err));
await cluster.connect();
console.log('connected to cluster...');
await cluster.set('key', 'value');
const value = await cluster.get('key');
console.log('Value', value);
await cluster.disconnect();
But sometimes I get the error ReplyError: MOVED 12539 rediss:// and I cannot get the value from the key.
Do you have any idea if there is something wrong with the configuration of the cluster or with the code using redis node library?
I tried it with ioredis library and it works, so it's something wrong with the redis library.
Node.js Version: 16
Redis Server Version: 6
I had created an issue to redis library, so it's going to be solved soon with this PR.

AWS Credentials error: could not load credentials from any providers. ElasticSearch Service node.js

I was having a problem that I think should be posted on the internet. I may not know the internal issue, but I think I have a solution. Anyway the problem:
I'm hosting an ElasticSearch Service on AWS, and I'm trying to access that service locally and or through my ec2 service hosted on AWS.
But when I try to locally I get this error: Request Timeout after 30000ms
When I try it on my ec2 I get this error: AWS Credentials error: Could not load credentials from any providers
Here was how I set up the credentials and made the query:
const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
const connectionClass = require('http-aws-es');
const elasticsearch = require('elasticsearch');
try {
var elasticClient = new elasticsearch.Client({
host: "",
log: 'error',
connectionClass: connectionClass,
amazonES: {
region: 'us-east-1',
credentials: new AWS.Credentials('id', 'key')
index: 'foo',
}).then(function (resp) {
console.log("Successful query!");
console.log(JSON.stringify(resp, null, 4));
}, function (err) {
} catch (err) {
} finally {
So as stated I kept getting this error. I tried many other variations to pass the credentials.
My vague understanding of the problem is that the credentials being set in the amazonES object are being ignored, or that the region isn't being passed along with the credentials. So AWS doesn't know where to search for the credentials.
Anyway here is the solution:
secretAccessKey: 'key',
accessKeyId: 'id',
region: 'your region ex. us-east-1'
var elasticClient = new elasticsearch.Client({
host: "",
log: 'error',
connectionClass: connectionClass,
amazonES: {
credentials: new AWS.EnvironmentCredentials('AWS'),
It's a bit of a buggy situation. I couldn't find this solution anywhere online and I hope it helps someone out who runs into the same errors in the future.

NODEJS - connection to database ECONNREFUSED when using documents.write()

I'm currently studying nodejs and marklogic, I'm running a sample code but I cannot make it work I'm getting econnrefused whenever I run the code.,
Here is my code,
module.exports = {
connInfo: {
host: 'localhost',
port: 8008,
user: 'user',
password: 'password'
const marklogic = require('marklogic');
const my = require('./my-connection.js');
const db = marklogic.createDatabaseClient(my.connInfo);
const documents = [
{ uri: '/gs/aardvark.json',
content: {
name: 'aardvark',
kind: 'mammal',
desc: 'The aardvark is a medium-sized burrowing, nocturnal mammal.'
{ uri: '/gs/bluebird.json',
content: {
name: 'bluebird',
kind: 'bird',
desc: 'The bluebird is a medium-sized, mostly insectivorous bird.'
{ uri: '/gs/cobra.json',
content: {
name: 'cobra',
kind: 'mammal',
desc: 'The cobra is a venomous, hooded snake of the family Elapidae.'
function(response) {
console.log('Loaded the following documents:');
response.documents.forEach( function(document) {
console.log(' ' + document.uri);
function(error) {
console.log('error here');
console.log(JSON.stringify(error, null, 2));
I'm running it by typing node sample.js I'm using marklogic for the database, can someone help me identify the problem here,
I get ECONNREFUSED upon running the app, thank you!
ECONNREFUSED indicates no TCP listener process is running behind localhost:8008. That could mean MarkLogic is not running on your localhost, or it has no app-server configured at port 8008.
Check if http://localhost:8001 works on your machine, and brings up the MarkLogic Admin UI. If so, check the app-servers to see if you actually have one configured for 8008.

NODEJS Marklogic - Write document list cannot process response with 404 status when using documents.write()

I'm new to nodejs and marklogic, and I'm following a tutorial for a simple app, I have setup and configured my marklogin login credentials,
when I run this sample code by running node sample.js
the output is write document list cannot process response with 404 status
I wonder why I'm encountering this error,
here is the code from the tutorial,
module.exports = {
connInfo: {
host: '',
port: 8001,
user: 'user',
password: 'password'
const marklogic = require('marklogic');
const my = require('./my-connection.js');
const db = marklogic.createDatabaseClient(my.connInfo);
const documents = [
{ uri: '/gs/aardvark.json',
content: {
name: 'aardvark',
kind: 'mammal',
desc: 'The aardvark is a medium-sized burrowing, nocturnal mammal.'
{ uri: '/gs/bluebird.json',
content: {
name: 'bluebird',
kind: 'bird',
desc: 'The bluebird is a medium-sized, mostly insectivorous bird.'
{ uri: '/gs/cobra.json',
content: {
name: 'cobra',
kind: 'mammal',
desc: 'The cobra is a venomous, hooded snake of the family Elapidae.'
function(response) {
console.log('Loaded the following documents:');
response.documents.forEach( function(document) {
console.log(' ' + document.uri);
function(error) {
console.log('error here');
console.log(JSON.stringify(error, null, 2));
I hope someone can tell me what is wrong with the code,
Thank You!
The MarkLogic NodeJS Client library is meant to run against a so-called MarkLogic REST-api instance. There is typically one running at port 8000, but you can also deploy other ones at different ports by issuing a POST call to :8002/v1/rest-apis, as described here:
Port 8001 however is reserved for the MarkLogic Admin UI, which doesn't understand the REST calls that the NodeJS Client library is trying to invoke, hence the 404 (not found)..
