How can add javascript look up directories (searching paths) in intern.js - intern

How can add javascript look up directories (searching paths) in intern.js so that during define([..], function(..){..}) or require(..), intern.js will search requested relative script path in provided loop up directories.

This kind of behavior isn't controlled by Intern, but by the AMD module loader that implements define and require. AMD loaders don't search directories like the Node loader does; they have to know where to load a module from to start with.
When using relative paths, the loader will look relative to the file that is requesting a module. When using non-relative paths like app/myModule, the loader looks for myModule in the app package. It will look for app in the base directory (project.cwd() on Node). You can tell it to find app somewhere else using the packages entry in loaderOptions in your test config. Note that relative paths here are relative to the base directory, not to the test config file.
loaderOptions: {
packages: [
{ name: 'app', location: '../some/other/dir' }
When one of your test modules uses a dependency like app/myModule, the loader will actually look for it in <project dir>/../some/other/dir/myModule.


Reference NodeJS libs from locations other than "node_modules" without using relative path

Assuming that I have 2 folders for NodeJS libs ie "node_modules" and "somename_modules". The latter is the folder that stores internally developed libraries which are proprietary.
I know that when we reference using "import" or "require", the default location is always point to the path where "node_modules" folder reside in the project.
My question is, how do we add another default location to where "somename_modules" is located so that when we reference using "import" or "require" in ES6 source code it will always check for libs from both "node_modules" and "somename_modules"?
import somefunc from 'somelib' //it will search in './node_modules/somelib' and './somename_modules/somelib'
I do not think, you can do this.
But you can register your internal libraries/modules in package.js (pointing to somename_modules folder), so that they can sit in node_modules when npm install is done. And then, import/require statements can work normally.
Lets say, you have a module name 'mod1' inside somename_modules folder. I.e:
Add below dependency in package.json:
"dependencies": {
"mod1": "file:/somename_modules/mod1",
In this case, mod1 needs to follow npm structure, like having a package.json file in it.

How to build node addon, so that it can be imported only by name, and not path

When I build a node add-on by creating a standard binding.gyp and running node-gyp build, the addon.node library is created in the subdirectory build/{Release|Debug}/. When I write tests or other javascript code to use this module, I have to give explicit path to the library location
For example,
var addon = require('./build/Release/addon')
However, I would like to do this by only specifying the module name and let node's module search for the library
var addon = require('addon')
How can that be achieved?
I believe the only way to do this is setting require() and having the module in the node_modules folder or having the module in a node_modules folder in one of the parent directories.
Node uses the require() method with no path defined as an indicator to look for the module in the node_modules directory. Unless its an native module.
Its detailed in the docs here.
There's a module for that if you're okay with another dependency.
That will search all of the possible build output locations automatically, including debug and release directories.

Usage of node-sass-jspm-importer paths configuration

I'm trying to get my head around this sass importer:
I'm not entirely certain I'm trying to use it correctly.
I'm trying to use the example of using it to import font-awesome.
The GitHub page provides the following example
gulp.task('build-sass', function() {
return gulp.src('src/sass/*.scss')
errLogToConsole: true,
functions: sassJspm.resolve_function('/lib/'),
importer: sassJspm.importer
In this example I'm uncertain how much of a bearing this section has:
How does this path make any sense when the SASS/SCSS files are to be imported from JSPM Packages which would have paths like:
The lib folder in this section
functions: sassJspm.resolve_function('/lib/'),
Should that be /jspm_packages/ since in the documentation it specifies
Where /lib/ is the path to your jspm_packages folder in your document
In which case why did they not just specify jspm_packages?
I was thinking about this all wrong. One of the things I was missing was that with SASS/SCSS you can use import directives. As such rather than import many generated css files it makes more sense to have the SASS compiler/importer produce one single CSS File.
So I created a single SCSS file that was outside of my JSPM_Packages folder in src called SCSS.
In this SCSS file I could then place the following code
$fa-font-path: jspm_resolve("font-awesome/fonts/");
#import "jspm:font-awesome/scss/font-awesome";
The line in the gulp file:
Can then find this single SCSS File and from there work out how to import all the SCSS Files for Font-Awesome through the JSPM_Package folder structure. A single main CSS file was then placed in the destination directory which contained the css from font-awesome.
Which in my case where I'm using ASP.NET Core looks like this:
The functions line needed to be set to jspm_packages
functions: sassJspm.resolve_function('/jspm_packages/'),
I'm not sure why they have it as lib in their documentation - maybe this was an old JSPM configuration?

Automatic generation of Require dependencies from Node-modules

In the data-main require js file, we write like this:
paths: {
jquery: 'lib/jquery',
underscore: 'lib/underscore'
What I did was manually download the row JS library files and make "lib" folder and move the file into the folder and change the file name if necessary.
I use Nodejs for server, and I am wondering if there's any tool to create these client-side Require path files automatically from the installed Node-Modules. Browserify does a similar job if I don't user Require (creating one JS file, and call it in the other browser JS files.) But it seems like Browserify cannot be used as a path in Require.
Any thoughts? Thanks.
An alternative solution (to browserify, with which I'm not familiar) is to use bower for managing client side libraries. It is similar to node/npm, but is geared towards browser libraries.
It will not copy or rename libraries, because that step isn't necessary. Instead the libraries will be placed in a directory called bower_components. The paths config would look like
paths: {
jquery: "../../bower_components/jquery/dist/jquery",
bootstrap: "../../bower_components/bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap",
(the actual number of .. in the path depends on values of other requirejs options).
In development, when all dependencies are loaded asynchronously as separate files they will be loaded from bower_components and requirejs optimizer will find them there when generating the optimized single source.
Adding the dependency paths to the config file can be half-automated with grunt plugin grunt-bower-requirejs. The idea is that after a library is installed using bower install LIBRARY it's path can be added with grunt bower.

how to define a file as a module in node.js

instead of requireing code relatively, ie starting with ./ or .., i'd like to define a module "globally". For example, take the following package structure:
When in src/a.js or src/b.js, to require lib, I would have to do require('../lib') each time. This gets annoying when you start nesting more as you would have to manually resolve ../lib or ../../lib or ../../../lib.
I want to be able to do require('lib'). Can I do this? Or should I just use globals?
Using a non relative path to require your source files is not how node's require is intended to work! Don't try to work around this restriction by placing arbitrary code file in node_modules directory or workaround by changing the NODE_PATH environment variable.
If you want to use require without a path you should extract the required code as a node module and depend on this node module. This leads to better structured code, less complex modules, encapsulated functionality, better testability and easier code reuse.
You can include package dependencies from http or git so there is no requirement to publish node modules you use in npm. Take a look at npm dependencies for more detail.
use module.exports in the index.js file . and place it inside the node_modules folder
if relative path annoy you and you want to use lib always in your application, you can use global variable like this.
var lib = require('./lib');
global.lib = lib;
you can set lib to global variable in your entry point. after then you can access just lib.
but it's pollute global scope. so you have to use carefully.
placing your module in node_modules dont require you to include a path or relative path
if you place a file named package.json inside the module directory, Node will try to parse that file and look for and use the main attribute as a relative path for the entry point. For instance, if your
file looks something like the following, Node will try to load the file with the path
"name" : "myModule",
"main" : "./lib/myModule.js"
If that folder does not contain a package definition file named package.json, the package entry point will assume the default value of index.js, and Node will look, in this case, for a file under the path ./myModuleDir/index.js.
