Cassandra 2.2.8: routing traffic from a node using GossipingPropertyFileSnitch - cassandra

using Cassandra 2.2.8 , gossipingpropertyfilesnitch
I'm repairing a node and compacting large number of sstables - i'm thinking to alleviate load on the cpu/node and want to routing incoming web traffic to other nodes in the cluster.
may you guys please share how i can route internet traffic to other nodes in the cluster so to let the node keep using cpu on the major maintenance work?
thanks in advance

Providing you have a replication factor and consistency level that can handle a node being down, you can remove the node from the cluster during the compactions
nodetool disablebinary
nodetool disablethrift
This would prevent your client application from sending requests and it acting as coordinator but it will still recieve the mutations from writes so it wont get behind. If you want to reduce load further you can completely remove it with
nodetool disablebinary
nodetool disablethrift
nodetool disablegossip
But make sure you enable gossip again before your max_hint_window_in_ms which is defined in the cassandra.yaml (default 3 hours). If you dont the hints for that node will expire and not be delivered, leading to a consistency issue that will not be resolved without a repair.
Once you reconnect wait for the pending hints and active hints are down to 0 before disabling gossip again. Note: pending will always be +1 since it has a regular scheduled task, so 1 not zero.
Can check the hint thread pool with OpsCenter, nodetool tpstats or via JMX with org.apache.cassandra.metrics:type=ThreadPools,path=internal,scope=HintedHandoff,name=PendingTasks and org.apache.cassandra.metrics:type=ThreadPools,path=internal,scope=HintedHandoff,name=ActiveTasks


cassandra enable hints and repair

I am adding a new node to my cassandra cluster which is currently 5 nodes. The nodes have hints turned on and I am also running repairs using cassandra reaper. When adding the node node, the node addition is taking foreever and the other nodes are becoming unresponsive. I am running cassandra 3.11.13.
As I understand hints are used to make sure writes are correctly propagated to all replicas
Cassandra is designed to remain available if one of it’s nodes is down or unreachable. However, when a node is down or unreachable, it needs to eventually discover the writes it missed. Hints attempt to inform a node of missed writes, but are a best effort, and aren’t guaranteed to inform a node of 100% of the writes it missed.
repairs do something similar
Repair synchronizes the data between nodes by comparing their respective datasets for their common token ranges, and streaming the differences for any out of sync sections between the nodes.
If I am running repairs with cassandra reaper, do I need to disable hints?
If hints are enabled and repairs are carried. Does it cause double writes of data in nodes?
Is it okay to carry repair while a node is joining?

nodetool decommision is behaving strange

I tried removing a node from a cluster by issuing "nodetool decommission"
and have seen netstats to find out how much data is being distributed to other nodes which is all fine.
After the node has been decommissioned, I could see the status of few nodes in a cluster as 'UD' when I run nodetool status on few nodes(Not the one I decommissioned) and few nodes are showing 'UN' as status
I'm quite confused about why the status on nodes is showing such behavior, and not same on all nodes after the decommissioned the node.
Am I missing any steps before and after?
Any comments/Help is highly appreciated!
If gossip information is not the same in all nodes, then you should do a rolling restart on the cluster. That will make gossip reset in all nodes.
Was the node you removed a seed node? If it was, don't forget to remove the IP from the cassandra.yaml in all nodes.

why does my cassandra cluster experience latency when restarting a single node?

I am running a 29 node cluster spread over 4 DC's in EC2, using C* 3.11.1 on Ubuntu, using RF3. Occasionally I have the need to restart nodes in the cluster, but every time I do, I see errors and application (nodejs) timeouts.
I restart a node like this:
nodetool disablebinary && nodetool disablethrift && nodetool disablegossip && nodetool drain
sudo service cassandra restart
When I do that, I very often get timeouts and errors like this in my nodejs app:
Error: Cannot achieve consistency level LOCAL_ONE
My queries are all pretty much the same, things like: select * from history where ts > {current_time} (along with the partition key in the where clause)
The errors and timeouts seem to go away on their own after a while, but it is frustrating because I can't track down what I am doing wrong!
I've tried waiting between steps of shutting down cassandra, and I've tried stopping, waiting, then starting the node. One thing I've noticed is that even after nodetool draining the node, there are open connections to other nodes in the cluster (ie looking at the output of netstat) until I stop cassandra. I don't see any errors or warnings in the logs.
One other thing I've noticed is that after restarting a node and seeing application latency, I also see that the node I just restarted sees many other nodes in the same DC as being down (ie status 'DN'). However, checking nodetool status on those other nodes shows all nodes as up/normal. To me this could kind of explain the problem - node comes back online, thinks it is healthy but many others are not, so it gets traffic from the client application. But then it gets requests for ranges that belong to a node it thinks is down, so it responds with an error. The latency issue seems to start roughly when the node goes down, but persists long (ie 15-20 mins) after it is back online and accepting connections. It seems to go away once the bounced node shows the other nodes in the same DC as up again.
I have not been able to reproduce this locally using ccm.
What can I do to prevent this? Is there something else I should be doing to gracefully restart the cluster? It could be something to do with the nodejs driver, but I can't find anything there to try.
I seem to have been able to resolve the issue by issuing nodetool disablegossip as the last step in shutting down. So using this instead of my initial approach at restarting seems to work (note that only the order of drain and disablegossip have switched):
nodetool disablebinary
nodetool disablethrift
nodetool drain
nodetool disablegossip
sudo service cassandra restart
While this seems to work, I have no explanation as to why. On the mailing list, someone helpfully pointed out that the drain should take care of everything that disablegossip does, so my hypothesis is that doing the disablegossip first causes the drain to then have problems which only appear after startup.

Temporarily change multi node to single node

I have configured cassandra 3.0.9 on 3 nodes but I have to use only 1 node for sometime. I have disconnected other 2 nodes from network also removed the entries of both the nodes from Cassandra.yaml, rackdc and topology files.
When I check node tool status it shows me both the down nodes. When I try to execute any query on cqlsh it gives me below error:
OperationTimedOut: errors={'': 'Request timed out while waiting for schema agreement. See Session.execute_async and Cluster.max_schema_agreement_wait.'}, last_host=
Warning: schema version mismatch detected; check the schema versions of your nodes in system.local and system.peers.
How I can resolve this?
That's not how you remove a node from a Cassandra cluster. In fact, what you're doing is quite dangerous. Typically, you'd use nodetool decommission. If your other two nodes are still intact and just offline, I suggest bringing them back online temporarily and let decommission do its thing.
I'm going to also throw this out there - it's possible you're missing a good portion of your data with the steps you did above unless all keyspaces had RF=3. Cassandra distributes data evenly between the nodes in a respective DC. The decommission step I mention above redistributes the data.
Now if you don't have the other 2 nodes to run a nodetool decommission, you may have to remove the node with nodetool removenode and in the worst case, nodetool assassinate.
Check these docs for reference and the full steps to removing a node:

Cannot change the number of tokens from 1 to 256

I am using Cassandra 2.0 and cluster has been setup with 3 nodes. Nodetool status and ring showing all the three nodes. I have specified tokens for all the nodes.
I followed the below steps to change the configuration in one node:
1) sudo service cassandra stop
2) updated cassandra.yaml (to update thrift_framed_transport_size_in_mb)
3) sudo srevice cassandra start
The specific not started successfully and system.log shows below exception:
org.apache.cassandra.exceptions.ConfigurationException: Cannot change
the number of tokens from 1 to 256
What is best mechanism to restart the node without losing the existing data in the node or cluster ?
Switching from Non-Vnodes to Vnodes has been a slightly tricky proposition for C* and the mechanism for previously performing this switch (shuffle) is slightly notorious for instability.
The easiest way forward is to start fresh nodes (in a new datacenter) with vnodes enabled and to transfer data to those nodes via repair.
I was also getting this error while I was trying to change the number of tokens from 1 to 256. To solve this I tried the following:
I have 4 node DSE (4.6.1) cassandra cluster. Let say their FQDNs are:,,, Here, the nodes and are the seed providers. My aim is to enable nodes by changing the num_token attribute in the cassandra.yaml file.
Procedure to be followed for each node (one at a time):
Run nodetool decommission on one node: nodetool decommission
Kil the cassandra process on the decommissioned node. Find the process id for dse cassandra using ps ax | grep dse and kill <pid>
Once the decommissioning of the node is successful, go to one of the remaining nodes and check the status of the cassandra cluster using nodetool status. The decommissioned node should not appear in the list.
Go to one of the active seed_providers and type nodetool rebuild
On the decommissioned node, open the cassandra.yaml file and uncomment the num_tokens: 256. Save and close the file. If this node was originally seed provider, make sure that it's ip-address is removed from the seeds: lists from cassandra.yaml file. If this is not done, the stale information about the cluster topology it has will hinder with the new topology which is being provided by the new seed node. On successful start, it can be added again in the seed list.
Restart the remaining cluster either using the corresponding option in opscenter or manually stopping cassandra on each node and starting it again.
Finally, start cassandra on it using dse cassandra command.
This should work.
