A URI scheme name 'pack' already has a registered custom parser - c#-4.0

I am newborn to NUNIT test,facing error as 'A URI scheme name 'pack' already has a registered custom parser'.
public void OnTestInitialize()
UriParser.Register(new GenericUriParser(
GenericUriParserOptions.GenericAuthority), "pack", -1);
EncodeDecode = new EncodeDecodeSeNoSensorModes();
[TestCase(0, 0, SSTAvail.no, 3)]
[TestCase(0, 1, SSTAvail.no, 0)]
[TestCase(0, 2, SSTAvail.no, 0)]
public void DecodeModeTest(int input1,int input2,SSTAvail Input3,int ExpectedResult)
int OutputResult;
OutputResult = EncodeDecode.DecodeMode(input1,input2,Input3);
// assert
NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(OutputResult, ExpectedResult);
If I run one test I am not facing issue. If run all test ended up this error

Added condition check forwhether the parser for a scheme is registered, only once.
if (!UriParser.IsKnownScheme("pack"))
UriParser.Register(new GenericUriParser(GenericUriParserOptions.GenericAuthority), "pack", -1);

Well presumably OnTestInitialize is currently being called once per test, but you want UriParser.Register to be called once in total. That's the sort of thing that makes sense to do in a static initializer, which is guaranteed to be run exactly once per AppDomain.
On the other hand, if your EncodeDecodeSeNoSensorModes class is meant to be dealing with the pack URI scheme, perhaps that's the class that should have the static initializer... it's not really clear what your code is doing.


How to decorate the final class DocumentGenerator

I am having problems to decorate the final class "DocumentGenerator" (in vendor/shopware/core/Checkout/Document/Service/DocumentGenerator.php) and overwrite the "generate" function inside of it.
I tried to decorate it the usual way, but an error is thrown because the "DocumentController" class excepts the original class and not my decorated one?
Argument 2 passed to Shopware\Core\Checkout\Document\DocumentGeneratorController::__construct() must be an instance of Shopware\Core\Checkout\Document\Service\DocumentGenerator
Its also not possible to extend from the class in my decorated class, because the "DocumentGenerator" is a final class.
My goal is to execute additional code, after an order document is generated. Previously I successfully used to decorate the "DocumentService" Class, but its marked as deprecated and shouldnt be used anymore. Also the "DocumentGenerator" class is used for the new "bulkedit" function for documents as of Version
I'm grateful for every tip.
As #j_elfering already wrote it's by design that you should not extend that class and therefore also shouldn't decorate it.
To offer a potential alternative:
Depending on what you want to do after a document has been generated it might be enough to add a subscriber to listen to document.written, check if it was a new document created and then work with the data from the payload for fetching/persisting data depending on that.
public static function getSubscribedEvents()
return [
'document.written' => 'onDocumentWritten',
public function onDocumentWritten(EntityWrittenEvent $event): void
foreach ($event->getWriteResults() as $result) {
if ($result->getOperation() !== EntityWriteResult::OPERATION_INSERT) {
// skip if the it's not a new document created
$payload = $result->getPayload();
// do something with the payload
Probably not what you want to hear but: The service is final in purpose as it is not intended to be decorated.
So the simple answer is you can't. Depending on your use case there may be other ways that don't rely on decoration.

Dynamic type inferring, or custom VariableScope. How is it done correctly?

I have a scripting system where depending on where the script is executed you have access to different variables. I also want to have inferred types for a type of Auto-Completion for the script editor.
But when the types are inferred during the compile phase, I have no way of giving a Binding which explains to the compilation phase what types those dynamic variables have.
I have currently solved this by:
Not compiling the code with either #TypeChecked nor #CompileStatic but later manually running a subclassed StaticCompilationVisitor on the dynamically typed codebase and manually filling in the StaticTypesMarker.INFERRED_TYPE inside visitVariableExpression() for the dynamic variables that I know exists.
However, this seems like the wrong way to go about it, and I would actually like to work with the VariableScope instead. But it seems to be under rough lockdown inside the VariableScopeVisitor, so it's difficult to pop in a CustomVariableScope that dynamically does the lookups. I have managed to do this with reflection, replacing the VariableScopeVisitor inside CompilationUnit and currentScope and such inside VaribleScopeVisitor. It works, but I don't like working against hard-coded private field names.
This might be a long-winded way of asking: Is there an official way of handling a situation of static typing with dynamic variables? I cannot do this by setting scriptBaseClass for reasons too complex to explain here.
If the question is unclear, please tell me and I'll try to edit in better explanations.
The answer was to add a GroovyTypeCheckingExtensionSupport to a StaticTypeCheckingVisitor and then use visitClass on the first ClassNode of the CompilationUnit.
final ClassNode classNode = this.compilationUnit.getFirstClassNode();
final StaticCompilationVisitor visitor = new StaticCompilationVisitor(this.sourceUnit, classNode);
visitor.addTypeCheckingExtension(new MyGroovyTypeCheckingExtensionSupport(visitor, this.compilationUnit));
And create something like the class below:
private static class MyGroovyTypeCheckingExtensionSupport extends GroovyTypeCheckingExtensionSupport {
private static final ClassNode CLASSNODE_OBJECT = ClassHelper.make(Object.class);
public MyGroovyTypeCheckingExtensionSupport(StaticTypeCheckingVisitor typeCheckingVisitor, CompilationUnit compilationUnit) {
super(typeCheckingVisitor, "", compilationUnit);
public boolean handleUnresolvedVariableExpression(VariableExpression vexp) {
final ClassNode type = this.getType(vexp);
if (type == null || type.equals(CLASSNODE_OBJECT)) {
if (vextp.getName().equals("something")) {
this.storeType(vexp, ClassHelper.make(SomeClass.class));
return true;
return false;

Groovy - Type check AST generated code

I have a Groovy application that can be custimized by a small Groovy DSL I wrote. On startup, the application loads several Groovy scripts, applies some AST transformations and finally executes whatever was specified in the scripts.
One of the AST transformations inserts a couple of lines of code into certain methods. That works fine and I can see the different behavior during runtime. However, sometimes the generated code is not correct. Although I load the scripts with the TypeChecked customizer in place, my generated code is never checked for soundness.
To show my problem, I constructed an extreme example. I have the following script:
int test = 10
println test // prints 10 when executed without AST
I load this script and insert a new line of code between the declaration of test and println:
public void visitBlockStatement(BlockStatement block) {
def assignment = (new AstBuilder().buildFromSpec {
binary {
variable "test"
token "="
constant 15
def newStmt = new ExpressionStatement(assignment)
block.statements.add(2, newStmt)
After applying this AST, the script prints 15. When I use AstNodeToScriptVisitor to print the Groovy code of the resulting script, I can see the new assignment added to the code.
However, if I change the value of the assignment to a String value:
// ...
def assignment = (new AstBuilder().buildFromSpec {
binary {
variable "test"
token "="
constant "some value"
// ...
I get a GroovyCastExcpetion at runtime. Although the resulting script looks like this:
int test = 10
test = "some value" // no compile error but a GroovyCastException at runtime here. WHY?
println test
no error is raised by TypeChecked. I read in this mailing list, that you need to set the source position for generated code to be checked, but I'm doing that an it still doesn't work. Can anyone provide some feedback of what I am doing wrong? Thank you very much!
I call the AST by attaching it to the GroovyShell like this:
def config = new CompilerConfiguration()
new ASTTransformationCustomizer(TypeChecked)
new ASTTransformationCustomizer(new AddAssignmentAST())
def shell = new GroovyShell(config)
shell.evaluate(new File("./path/to/file.groovy"))
The class for the AST itself looks like this:
#GroovyASTTransformation(phase = CompilePhase.CANONICALIZATION)
class AddAssignmentAST implements ASTTransformation {
public void visit(ASTNode[] nodes, SourceUnit source) {
def transformer = new AddAssignmentTransformer()
private class AddAssignmentTransformer extends CodeVisitorSupport {
public void visitBlockStatement(BlockStatement block) {
// already posted above
Since my Groovy script only consists of one block (for this small example) the visitBlockStatement method is called exactly once, adds the assignment (which I can verify since the output changes) but does not ever throw a compile-time error.

The test failure message for mockito verify

For a parameter class
class Criteria {
private Map params;
public getMap(){ return params; }
and a service method accept this criteria
class Service{
public List<Person> query(Criteria criteria){ ... }
A custom featureMatcher is used to match the criteria key
private Matcher<Criteria> hasCriteria(final String key, final Matcher<?> valueMatcher){
return new FeatureMatcher<Criteria, Object>((Matcher<? super Object>)valueMatcher, key, key){
#Override protected Object featureValueOf(Criteria actual){
return actual.getMap().get(key);
when using mockito to veryify the arguments:
verify(Service).query((Criteria) argThat("id", hasCriteria("id", equalTo(new Long(12)))));
The error message shows that:
Argument(s) are different! Wanted:
id <12L>
-> at app.TestTarget.test_id (TestTarget.java:134)
Actual invocation has different arguments:
If I use ArugmentCaptor,
ArgumentCaptor<Criteria> argument = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(Criteria.class);
assertThat(argument.getValue(), hasCriteria("id", equalTo(new Long(12))));
The message is much better:
Expected: id <12L> but id was <2L>
How can I get such message, without using ArgumentCaptor?
The short answer is to adjust the Criteria code, if it's under your control, to write a better toString method. Otherwise, you may be better off using the ArgumentCaptor method.
Why is it hard to do without ArgumentCaptor? You know you're expecting one call, but Mockito was designed to handle it even if you have a dozen similar calls to evaluate. Even though you're using the same matcher implementation, with the same helpful describeMismatch implementation, assertThat inherently tries once to match where verify sees a mismatch and keeps trying to match any other call.
Consider this:
// in code:
dependency.call(true, false);
dependency.call(false, true);
dependency.call(false, false);
// in test:
Here, Mockito wouldn't know which of the calls was supposed to be call(true, true); any of the three might have been it. Instead, it only knows that there was a verification you were expecting that was never satisfied, and that one of three related calls might have been close. In your code with ArgumentCaptor, you can use your knowledge that there's only one call, and provide a more-sane error message; for Mockito, the best it can do is to output all the calls it DID receive, and without a helpful toString output for your Criteria, that's not very helpful at all.

Use 'owner' property in Groovy DSL

Let's consider a simple Groovy DSL
execute {
sendNotification owner
sendNotification payee
The implementation of execute is
public static void execute(Closure dslCode) {
Closure clonedCode = dslCode.clone()
def dslDelegate = new MyDslDelegate(owner: 'IncCorp', payee: 'TheBoss')
clonedCode.delegate = dslDelegate
and custom Delegate is
public static class MyDslDelegate {
def owner
def payee
void sendNotification(to) {
println "Notification sent to $to"
The expected result of running execute block is
Notification sent to IncCorp
Notification sent to TheBoss
the actual one is
Notification sent to class package.OwnerClassName
Notification sent to TheBoss
The problem is owner is a reserved property in the Groovy Closure itself and no resolveStrategy options help to replace owner value with custom value from delegate due to Groovy getProperty implementation for Closure
public Object getProperty(final String property) {
if ("delegate".equals(property)) {
return getDelegate();
} else if ("owner".equals(property)) {
return getOwner();
} else {
switch(resolveStrategy) {
My question is how some one can outcome this limitation and use owner property name in a custom DSL?
This is a bit of a hack, but this should get you what you want, without altering Groovy source:
public static void execute(Closure dslCode) {
Closure clonedCode = dslCode.clone()
def dslDelegate = new MyDslDelegate(owner: 'IncCorp', payee: 'TheBoss')
clonedCode.#owner = dslDelegate.owner
clonedCode.resolveStrategy = Closure.DELEGATE_ONLY
clonedCode.delegate = dslDelegate
Ref: Is it possible to change the owner of a closure?
The simple answer is no, you can't. 'owner' is a reserved keyword in Groovy, and therefore by definition cannot be used as an arbitrary symbol. Even if there is a way to hack around this, you're far better off just using a name that doesn't conflict with the implementation of the language- this is especially true in Groovy, which keeps promising to redesign its MOP completely, meaning that any hack you implement may well stop working in future versions.
Perhaps the question would make more sense if you explained why you are willing to offer a bounty and search for a way of hacking around this problem, rather than just changing the name to something different and avoiding the problem entirely. Reserved symbols are a pretty fundamental limitation of a language, and ever attempting to work around them seems very unwise.
