Where do we find Azure SQL Sync in the new Azure Portal? - azure

Since the old Portal states that SQL is only managable through the new Azure Portal from April onwards, the new Azure Portal however doesnt seem to support the Azure SQL Sync Options. Where or when will these be available?

Just like you mentioned, it will be available in new portal starting April 3rd this year (2017). Until then you should use classic portal for SQL Sync. Please see https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/sql-database/sql-database-get-started-sql-data-sync (especially comments).


Azure API Management service publisher portal no longer showing Analytics tab

I noticed about 4 days ago, that the my azure apims no longer showed the Analytics tab on the left hand side navigation. This forces me to navigate by changing the URL manually to
Is there a bug with this portal? Why did the nav change?
On 31st May 2019, we will retire classic Azure API Management Analytics. Analytics reports in the publisher portal will be completely removed.
If you have been using classic Analytics, you should start using the new Analytics—which is integrated in our management experience in the Azure portal. Simply select Analytics from the menu. There is no need to switch between the Azure portal and the classic publisher portal anymore.

Configure Endpoint Monitoring via 'new' azure portal

I am reading the book Exam Ref 70-532 Developing Microsoft Azure Solutions, published in March 2015. In chapter one, it has a section "Configuring endpoint monitoring", where it gives you the steps to configure endpoint monitoring using both the Classic Management portal and the Preview portal.
Following the steps given, I am able to set up endpoint monitoring via the classic portal.
However, I cannot seem to do this via the new portal.
Here are the first two steps listed in the book:
Navigate to the blade of your website in the portal accessed via
Scroll down to Monitoring and click Webtests.
I cannot see any reference to "Monitoring" or "Webtests" on the azure portal for my website.
Has this functionality been removed from the preview portal?
Is there any way to configure endpoint monitoring via the new portal?
Web Application Endpoint Monitoring has been removed from Azure since October 31, 2016.
The new, replacement functionality is Application Insight Availability Tests
See this link for an article about migrating from Endpoint Monitoring to Application Insight Availability Tests.
These are also available in the Application Insights->Availability

Connection Info (ACS) for biztalk service on Azure Portal with a Free Trial subscription

I recently created my free trial account on Azure and need to deploy a biztalk service project for which Namespace and Issuer Secret are needed(which were automatically created as per documentation when I created the biztalk service on azure portal).
Apparently I can't see any Access Connection Information on the portal, there is only one setting = Delete, available in the bottom tool bar.
Is it not available on free trial account for biztalk services? Connection information is required for visual studio integration of the biztalk services as well.
Beside that you created a free trial account you also (supposedly) created a free edition of BizTalk service.
Well, the free edition is yet in preview and apparently does not have these features. Frankly I am not sure what goes with the Free edition of BizTalk service.
But when you create a paid version of BizTalk service - Developer or higher edition, you will all the information you need (and all the buttons on the bottom bar).

Cloud Services in the New Azure Preview Portal (April 2014)

In the new Azure portal Preview (April 2014), I cannot find the existing cloud services that I can see in the old portal. In the new Browse menu there is a list of elements such as databases, websites ... etc. .. but no cloud services. So where are the cloud services? Thank you for the answer.
Cloud Services are not yet enabled in the new portal. Today only a limited set of features is available while the portal is still in developer preview phase, but expect to see additional Azure features being enabled soon. See http://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/preview-portal/ for information about what features are available today, or http://channel9.msdn.com/Blogs/Windows-Azure/Azure-Preview-portal for a good walkthrough.

Where is the Windows Azure SQL Reporting Portal?

According to the MSDN documentation for Windows Azure SQL Reporting Services, the reporting portal is supposed to be accessible from the main Azure portal:
The Windows Azure Management Portal includes portals for Windows Azure SQL Database, SQL Reporting and other services available on Windows Azure. From the portal home page, click Reporting to launch the SQL Reporting management portal
This seems to be referring to the old Azure portal. At any rate, my portal doesn't have such a link. All I see are
web sites
vitual machines
cloud services
sql databases
service bus
media services
active directory
I've used the search feature to search the Azure portal, checked out my SQL Azure database server configuration, and generally poked around for quite a while but I can't find any way to get to the reporting portal. How can get there and/or activate this feature?
Windows Azure portal currently uses new HTML version. You have to switch to old Silverlight version.
To go back to the old portal, you have to click on your account (top right) and click on "Previous Portal"
Previous portal option is no longer there. Windows Azure are preparing brand new portal. Similarly to the current one, it will be using HTML5 and JavaScript - not Silverlight technology.
