How to remove associations from the output in Sequelize? - node.js

I have a classMethod defined for the Model User
// model user.js
classMethods: {
associate: function(models) {
User.belongsToMany(models.project, {through: 'user_project', foreignKey: 'user_id', otherKey: 'project_id'})
From a route in Express i then query for the projects of this user and output it as JSON
attributes: ['id', 'title'],
.then(function(projects) {
This works fine, except for the fact the output also contains the user_project property which I would like to hide/omit/remove
"id": 8,
"title": "Some project",
"user_project": {
"created_at": "2017-02-16T22:52:48.000Z",
"updated_at": "2017-02-16T22:52:48.000Z",
"project_id": 8,
"user_id": 5
I have tried various exclude and include statements, but the output always contains it.
Is there a way to not have this show up in the output?

I stumbled upon the solution.
To remove the attributes from the joined table you can use joinTableAttributes, like so:
attributes: ['id', 'title'],
joinTableAttributes: []
.then(function(projects) {
By doing that, it will remove the (see OP) output of the user_project table, and the result is:
"id": 8,
"title": "Test Project",
"id": 4,
"title": "Another one",

You should try the following
attributes: ['id', 'title'],
through: {
attributes: []
.then(function(projects) {

The only way it works for me is to define the DefaultScope of the middle table as
{ attributes: [] }
I am using Sequelize#5

I am using sequelize: "^6.18.0", joinTableAttributes doesn't work for me .
I just use like :
attributes: ['id', 'title'],
through: {
attributes: []


Get number of associated elements in Sequelize

So I have a many-to-many relationship with Sequelize. This code gives me an array of all the categories associated with the Post. It works to get this data. However, if I would like to make that list of categories into just a single key value pair of how many categories instead of the categories. How could I do that?
return models.Post.findAndCountAll({
limit: limit,
offset: offset,
include: [{
model: models.Category,
as: 'categories',
required: false,
For example this is the current output:
"id": 1,
"name": "foo",
"categories": [
"id": 1,
"name": "bar"
The desired output:
"id": 1,
"name": "foo",
"categories": 10
EDIT: As suggestions for fixing this I tried doing this:
return models.Post.findAndCountAll({
group: [''],
attributes: {
include: [[db.sequelize.fn("COUNT", db.sequelize.col("")), "categoriesCount"]]
limit: limit,
offset: offset,
include: [{
model: models.Category,
as: 'categories',
required: true,
attributes: []
raw: true,
subQuery: false
But that just gives me the error:
"message": "invalid reference to FROM-clause entry for table \"post\""
This is basically what I want to get back, i wrote it in SQL and tried it:
cp.category_id as category_id, as post_name,
COUNT( as num_categories
category c,
category_post cp
post p ON = cp.category_id
WHERE = cp.post_id AND
p.created_at >= '2022-01-26' and p.created_at <= '2022-05-02'
num_categories DESC
Generated SQL with Sequelize:
Executing (default): SELECT "post"."id", count("post"."id") AS "count" FROM "post" AS "post" INNER JOIN ( "category_post" AS "categories->categoryPost" INNER JOIN "category" AS "categories" ON "categories"."id" = "categories->categoryPost"."category_id") ON "post"."id" = "categories->categoryPost"."post_id" GROUP BY "post"."id";
Executing (default): SELECT "post"."id", "post"."name", COUNT("categories"."id") AS "categoryCount", "categories->categoryPost"."id" AS "", "categories->categoryPost"."category_id" AS "categories.categoryPost.category_id", "categories->categoryPost"."post_id" AS "categories.categoryPost.post_id" FROM "post" AS "post" INNER JOIN ( "category_post" AS "categories->categoryPost" INNER JOIN "category" AS "categories" ON "categories"."id" = "categories->categoryPost"."category_id") ON "post"."id" = "categories->categoryPost"."post_id" GROUP BY "post"."id" LIMIT 3 OFFSET 0;
My models look like the following:
Post(id, name, created_at, updated_at)
Category(id, name,)
PostCategory(id, post_id,category_id)
In my Post model:
static associate(models) {
this.belongsToMany(models.Category, {
through: models.CategoryPost,
as: 'posts',
foreignKey: 'category_id',
onDelete: 'CASCADE'
In my Category model:
static associate(models) {
this.belongsToMany(models.Post, {
through: models.CategoryPost,
as: 'categories',
foreignKey: 'post_id',
onDelete: 'CASCADE'
The generated SQL based on Emma's answer:
Executing (default): SELECT count("Post"."id") AS "count" FROM "Post" AS "Post" INNER JOIN ( "category_Post" AS "categories->categoryPost" INNER JOIN "category" AS "categories" ON "categories"."id" = "categories->categoryPost"."category_id") ON "Post"."id" = "categories->categoryPost"."Post_id";
Executing (default): SELECT "Post"."id", "Post"."name", (COUNT("categories"."id") OVER (PARTITION BY "Post"."id")::int) AS "categories" FROM "Post" AS "Post" INNER JOIN ( "category_Post" AS "categories->categoryPost" INNER JOIN "category" AS "categories" ON "categories"."id" = "categories->categoryPost"."category_id") ON "Post"."id" = "categories->categoryPost"."Post_id" LIMIT 3 OFFSET 0;
If Post is the parent and Category is the child and you want to find the number of categories for a given post... you can u se the following way..
return models.Post.findAll({
attributes: {
include: [[Sequelize.fn("COUNT", Sequelize.col("")), "cetegoryCount"]]
include: [{
model: models.Category,
as: 'categories'
group in Postgres usually have some issues(Aggregate funcction issues).
Alternatively, you can use OVER PARTITION BY syntax which usually works in this situation.
const posts = await models.Post.findAndCountAll({
attributes: {
include: [[db.sequelize.literal('(COUNT("categories"."id") OVER (PARTITION BY "post"."id")::int)'), 'categories']]
limit: limit,
offset: offset,
include: [{
model: models.Category,
as: 'categories',
required: true,
attributes: [],
through: {
attributes: []
raw: true,
subQuery: false
This should return something like this.
"result": {
"count": 2, // This count is for post
"rows": [
"id": 1,
"name": "post",
"categories": 2,

Nested associated data through Sequelize join tables

Using Sequelize, I'm trying to get an output like this:
"Id": 1,
"Name": "Game 1",
"Teams": [{
"Id": 1,
"Name": "Team 1",
"Users": [{
"Id": 1,
"UserName": "User 1"
}, {
"Id": 2,
"Name": "Game 2",
"Teams": [{
"Id": 1,
"Name": "Team 1",
"Users": [{
"Id": 2,
"UserName": "User 2"
Note that Team 1 has 2 different users, but that's only because they're set up that way per game... so a user isn't tied directly to a team, but rather through a team game constraint. Basically, my Game HasMany Teams, and my Game/Team HasMany Users... a many-to-many-to-many relationship. I was trying to follow this thread, but it seems like what they're doing there doesn't actually work, as I tried doing this:
// models/Game.js
module.exports = (sequelize, types) => {
const GameModel = sequelize.define('Game', {
Id: {
type: types.INTEGER,
primaryKey: true,
autoIncrement: true
Name: {
type: types.STRING,
allowNull: false
GameModel.associate = (models) => {
GameModel.belongsToMany(models.Team, {
as: 'Teams',
foreignKey: 'GameId',
through: models.GameTeam
return GameModel;
// models/Team.js
module.exports = (sequelize, types) => {
const TeamModel = sequelize.define('Team', {
Id: {
type: types.INTEGER,
primaryKey: true,
autoIncrement: true
Name: {
type: types.STRING,
allowNull: false
TeamModel.associate = (models) => {
TeamModel.belongsToMany(models.Game, {
as: 'Games',
foreignKey: 'TeamId',
through: models.GameTeam
return TeamModel;
// models/User.js
module.exports = (sequelize, types) => {
const UserModel = sequelize.define('User', {
Id: {
type: types.INTEGER,
primaryKey: true,
autoIncrement: true
UserName: {
type: types.STRING,
allowNull: false
return UserModel;
// models/GameTeam.js
module.exports = (sequelize, types) => {
const GameTeamModel = sequelize.define('GameTeam', {
Id: {
type: types.INTEGER,
primaryKey: true,
autoIncrement: true
GameTeamModel.associate = (models) => {
GameTeamModel.belongsToMany(models.User, {
as: 'Users',
through: 'GameTeamUser'
return GameTeamModel;
The above models create the tables just fine, with what appears to be the appropriate columns. I then do some inserts and try to use a findAll on the Game model like this:
include: [{
association: GameModel.associations.Teams,
include: [{
association: GameTeamModel.associations.Users,
through: {
attributes: []
through: {
attributes: []
The query starts to go wrong at the 2nd include with the association of the Users. Because I'm trying to nest the users inside of the teams, I figured the join would attempt to use the unique ID on the through table (GameTeams.Id), but instead, the query ends up using this:
LEFT OUTER JOIN `GameTeamUser` AS `Teams->Users->GameTeamUser` ON `Teams`.`Id` = `Teams->Users->GameTeamUser`.`GameTeamId`
I figured the ON would be GameTeams.Id = Teams->Users->GameTeamuser.GameTeamId, but I don't know why it's not, and how to adjust it... I've tried using a custom on in my include (per the docs), but it seems to be ignored completely. Anyone have any advice? Or possibly a better way of structuring this, so it works the way I want it to?
I think you are overcomplicating this thinking you have a many to many to many..and i can see that the fields for your model for GameTeam do not match up with the foreign keys you have declared in your other models...
What do your database tables look like?
Am i correct in saying, that a game has many teams, and a team has many users... however a user can only be on one team at a time, and a team is only in one game at a time? (i am assuming the game/team join and the team/user join are simply temporary records in the join tables disappearing after the game is over etc)

Sequelize ORM return a weird response after inner join tables in nodejs

I use sequelize orm to manage my data base (mysql).
I make a inner join that work good but the problem that the table that join return a weird variable.
this is my code
const getReports = id => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
where: { companyID: [513603324, 515490704, 511493827] },
include: [{
model: models.Reports_type,
required: true
raw: true
.then(result => {
.catch(err => {
The output is
"id": 8,
"creatorUserID": 1,
"currentUserEditorID": 1,
"companyID": 511493827,
"stageID": 1,
"scenarioID": 1,
"typeID": 1,
"year": 2020,
"deadLine": "2019-10-30T22:00:00.000Z",
"createdAt": "2019-10-29T08:31:19.000Z",
"updatedAt": "2019-10-29T08:31:19.000Z",
"": "excelent",
"companyName": "energy",
The problem is i get it weird like this:
I want the output be:
This topic has been covered before - see this.
To avoid the prefix, attributes must be specified in the main model rather than the included model. The example below should produce all fields in Report plus Note: the alias of Reports_type may be a little different than I've guessed - if you get a "field does not exist", find the correct alias from the generated SQL.
where: { companyID: [513603324, 515490704, 511493827] },
include: [{
model: models.Reports_type,
attributes:[], // suppress here
required: true
raw: true,
attributes: {
include: [[Sequelize.col(""), "name"]] // include here; table alias may be a little different!

how to merge response attributes of other table in node js

I have 3 Tables User, Cars and UserCars
User{id, name, phone, email}
Cars{id, name, manufacturer}
UserCars{id, car_id, user_id, role}
User have many cars(through UserCars)
Cars have many users(through UserCars)
I am using express js
router.get('/', async (req, res) => {
try {
let car = await Car.findOne({
where: {
id: req.car_id
let users = await car.getUsers({joinTableAttributes: ['role']})
} catch (e) {
and this my response
"id": 1,
"name": "test",
"email": null,
"phone": null,
"createdAt": "2019-07-09T09:38:11.859Z",
"updatedAt": "2019-07-12T04:34:20.922Z",
"User_car": {
"role": "driver"
but any idea how to include role in the user object, rather then specifying it separately in User_car table,
Is there a way where i can get the below output
"id": 1,
"name": "test",
"email": null,
"phone": null,
"role": 'driver'
"createdAt": "2019-07-09T09:38:11.859Z",
"updatedAt": "2019-07-12T04:34:20.922Z"
You can use sequelize.literal to get that field when getting your attributes.
attributtes: [
// define your other fields
[sequelize.literal('`users->User_car`.`role`'), 'role'],
Now, I not sure if that is going to work with car.getUsers. I usually do a single query with include and also define the "join" table so I can know how is name it on sequelize. Let me show you an example.
module.exports = (sequelize, DataTypes) => {
const UserCar = sequelize.define('UserCar', {
// id you don't need and id field because this is a N:M relation
role: {
type: DataTypes.STRING
carId: {
field: 'car_id',
type: DataTypes.INTEGER
userId: {
field: 'user_id',
type: DataTypes.INTEGER
}, {
tableName: 'User_car',
underscored: true,
createdAt: 'created_at',
updatedAt: 'updated_at',
UserCar.associate = (models) => {
models.user.belongsToMany(, { as: 'cars', through: User_car, foreignKey: 'user_id' });, { as: 'users', through: User_car, foreignKey: 'car_id' });
return UserCar;
router.get('/', async (req, res) => {
try {
const users = await User.findAll({
include: [{
model: Car,
as: 'cars',
where: { id: req.car_id }
attributtes: [
[sequelize.literal('`cars->User_car`.`role`'), 'role'],
} catch (e) {

sequelize: Not include model if where conditon of included model matches

I want to get all RecurringEvents that have no excludeDates for today.
I have following models:
Recurring events
const RecurringEvent = sequelize.definge('recurringEvent,{
id: {type: Sequelize.INTEGER, primaryKey:true},
title: Sequelize.STRING
And ExcludeDates with a foreign key recurringEventId
const ExcludeDate = sequelize.define('exclude_date',{
id: {type: Sequelize.INTEGER, primaryKey:true},
recurringEventId: Sequelize.INTEGER,
date: Sequelize.DATE
As a relationship i defined
RecurringEvent.hasMany(ExcludeDate, {foreignKey: 'recurringEventId'});
I can get all my RecurringEvents including the the excludeDates with
That will give me an output like:
"id": 1,
"title": "Event1",
"exclude_dates": [
"id": 1,
"date": "2019-02-13",
"recurringEventId": 1,
"id": 2,
"date": "2019-02-14",
"recurringEventId": 1,
Now i would like to get the Recurring events but only if there is no exclude date for today.
so far i have tried
include: [{
model: ExcludeDate,
where: {
date: {
[]: moment().format('YYYY-MM-DD')
But that only leaves out the ExcludeDate entry with the current Date like that :
"id": 1,
"title": "Event1",
"exclude_dates": [
"id": 2,
"date": "2019-02-14",
"recurringEventId": 1,
How can i exclude the whole RecurringEvent if and ExcludeDate for it is set for today?
I also read in the docs
To move the where conditions from an included model from the ON condition to the top level WHERE you can use the '$nested.column$'
So i have tried this:
[]: moment().format('YYYY-MM-DD')
include: [{model: ExcludeDate}]
But without any luck, i'm still getting RecurringEvents just without the one exclude date in the exclude_dates property
Try to add required: true, to your include model to make inner join instead of left join. e.g.
include: [{
model: ExcludeDate,
required: true,
where: {
date: {
[]: moment().format('YYYY-MM-DD')
