How to calculate total and subtotal of a table column in itext 7? - subtotal

In itext 5, it can be used cell events to compute a subtotal of a table column. How can this be done in itext 7?
The itext 5 example can be found in this URL:

There is currently no direct alternative of cell event functionality in iText7.
Howerver, the desired output can be achieved using rich rendering mechanism which allows a lot more than just events.
I will provide just one of the possible ways to implement a subtotal of table on the page. Total is easy and thus I'm leaving it out of the scope of the answer.
For the starters, we will need a class responsible for calculations:
private static class SubtotalHandler {
private int subtotalSum;
public void reset() {
subtotalSum = 0;
public void add(int val) {
subtotalSum += val;
public int get() {
return subtotalSum;
The code for generating the table itself will look like this:
Table table = new Table(UnitValue.createPercentArray(new float[] {1, 1})).setWidth(400);
// Create our calculating class instance
SubtotalHandler handler = new SubtotalHandler();
for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++) {
table.addCell(new Cell().add(String.valueOf(i + 1)));
int price = 10;
Cell priceCell = new Cell().add(String.valueOf(price));
// Note that we set a custom renderer that will interact with our handler
priceCell.setNextRenderer(new SubtotalHandlerAwareCellRenderer(priceCell, handler, price));
table.addFooterCell(new Cell().add("Subtotal"));
Cell subtotalCell = new Cell();
// We create a custom renderer for the subtotal value itself as well because the text of the cell will depend on the state of the subtotal handler
subtotalCell.setNextRenderer(new SubtotalCellRenderer(subtotalCell, handler));
Renderers of cells with price just tell the subtotal handler that some amount has been added:
private static class SubtotalHandlerAwareCellRenderer extends CellRenderer {
private SubtotalHandler subtotalHandler;
private int price;
public SubtotalHandlerAwareCellRenderer(Cell modelElement, SubtotalHandler subtotalHandler, int price) {
this.subtotalHandler = subtotalHandler;
this.price = price;
public void draw(DrawContext drawContext) {
public IRenderer getNextRenderer() {
return new SubtotalHandlerAwareCellRenderer((Cell) modelElement, subtotalHandler, price);
When it comes to the rendering of the footer cell, the corresponding cell asks the subtotal handler about the amount and prints it, and resets the subtotal handler afterwards:
private static class SubtotalCellRenderer extends CellRenderer {
private SubtotalHandler subtotalHandler;
public SubtotalCellRenderer(Cell modelElement, SubtotalHandler subtotalHandler) {
this.subtotalHandler = subtotalHandler;
public void draw(DrawContext drawContext) {
new Canvas(drawContext.getCanvas(), drawContext.getDocument(), occupiedArea.getBBox()).
showTextAligned(String.valueOf(subtotalHandler.get()), occupiedArea.getBBox().getX() + 3,
occupiedArea.getBBox().getY() + 3, TextAlignment.LEFT);
public IRenderer getNextRenderer() {
return new SubtotalCellRenderer((Cell) modelElement, subtotalHandler);
The output looks like this:


A phone number synonym-like filter/tokenizer in Solr?

I'm trying to make Solr search phone numbers which are stored like this +79876543210 using a query like these:
89876543210 <-- '+7' is replaced with region specific code '8'
9876543210 <-- '+7' entirely removed
This is just an example. Another one is wired line phone numbers:
+78662123456 <-- '+78662' is a specific region code
123456 <-- region code entirely removed
One way I could manage this is using a separate field which is filled with these variants and used solely during search.
But this has issues with highlighting (it returns <em>123456</em> to be highlighted whereas the real value shown to user is +78662123456).
I thought that maybe it's best to make these indices using just Solr, but how?
First thought was to use managed synonyms filter and pass them along with each added record. But the docs explicitly states:
Changes made to managed resources via this REST API are not applied to the active Solr components until the Solr collection (or Solr core in single server mode) is reloaded.
So reloading a core every time after adding a record is not the way to go.
Other issues involve keeping these synonyms up to date with records.
Could there be another way to solve this?
Thanks to this comment (by MatsLindh) I've managed to assemble a simple filter based on bult-in EdgeNGramTokenFilter:
package com.step4;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.TokenFilter;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.TokenStream;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.tokenattributes.CharTermAttribute;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.tokenattributes.PositionIncrementAttribute;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
public class ReverseCustomFilter extends TokenFilter {
private static final PatternReplacementPair[] phonePatterns = {
new PatternReplacementPair("\\+7", "7"),
new PatternReplacementPair("\\+7", "8"),
new PatternReplacementPair("\\+7", ""),
new PatternReplacementPair("\\+78662", ""),
new PatternReplacementPair("\\+78663", ""),
private final CharTermAttribute termAtt = addAttribute(CharTermAttribute.class);
private final PositionIncrementAttribute posIncrAtt = addAttribute(PositionIncrementAttribute.class);
private int curPatternIndex;
private int curPosIncr;
private State curState;
public ReverseCustomFilter(TokenStream input) {
public final boolean incrementToken() throws IOException {
while (true) {
if (curPatternIndex == 0) {
if (!input.incrementToken()) {
return false;
curState = captureState();
curPosIncr += posIncrAtt.getPositionIncrement();
curPatternIndex = 1;
if (curPatternIndex <= phonePatterns.length) {
PatternReplacementPair replacementPair = phonePatterns[curPatternIndex - 1];
Matcher matcher = replacementPair.getPattern().matcher(termAtt);
if (matcher.find()) {
curPosIncr = 0;
String replaced = matcher.replaceFirst(replacementPair.getReplacement());
return true;
else {
curPatternIndex = 0;
return true;
public void reset() throws IOException {
curPatternIndex = 0;
curPosIncr = 0;
public void end() throws IOException {
private static class PatternReplacementPair {
private final Pattern pattern;
private final String replacement;
public PatternReplacementPair(String pattern, String replacement) {
this.pattern = Pattern.compile(pattern);
this.replacement = replacement;
public Pattern getPattern() {
return pattern;
public String getReplacement() {
return replacement;

What's the proper way to edit text in objectlistview

I have an objectlistview with 4 columns and a dynamic number of rows, I'm struggling with programmable editing a cell text value, and optionally change the forecolor
I've read everything and anything that I could put my hands on, but couldn't find any valid and right to the point example on how to do it.
the ObjectListView is created this why
List<VideoItem> list = new List<VideoItem>();
foreach (dynamic item in VideoItems)
list.Add(new VideoItem { Index = (int)item.index, OldName = (string)item.oldname, NewName = (string)item.newname });
VideoItem class look like this
private class VideoItem
public int Index;
public string OldName;
public string NewName;
but i need to programmably edit a cell text on event. I'm doing some logical operations on other cell at the end im storing the result to to cell next to it.
You should be storing the result (making the change) to the underlying model object and then call RefreshObject(myModelObject);
About the forcolor, i need to change only the cell I've changed
"To change the formatting of an individual cell, you need to set UseCellFormatEvents to true and then listen for FormatCell events."
Take a look at this.
Just to add to Rev1.0 Answer, i needed to update the object that contains the items (in my case a List) then, use olv1.RefreshObject(list); flow by olv1.BuildList(true);
the olv1.BuildList(true); refresh the GUI immediately.
here a small code snippet to make thing bit more clear
it's changing the data in column 3 when a checkbox is checked.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace Test
public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()
private class VideoItem
public int Index;
public string OldName;
public string NewName;
private List<VideoItem> list = new List<VideoItem>();
private void Initializeolv()
for (var i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
list.Add(new VideoItem { Index = i, OldName = $"old{i}", NewName = $"new{i}" });
private void olv1_ItemChecked(object sender, ItemCheckedEventArgs e)
list[e.Item.Index].NewName = "new200";

Javafx: Automatic update of table cell using Thread

I have a Trade class which contains a property currentPrice, which downloads price data from a website using getPricedata() method. The Trade object will show up as a table row in TableView. Now, my task: is to
use the getPricedata() method to grab data from internet, populate the currentPrice cell, whenever the object is created.
relaunch the getPricedata() method to every 1 minute after the object has been created and update table cell.
Below is the basic structure of my code. But I have no idea how to implement this ?
Which package do I need ? Task ? Service ? ScheduledService ?
public class Trade{
private DoubleProperty currentPrice;
// need thread here
public double getPricedata(){
Use a ScheduledService<Number>, whose Task<Number>'s call() method retrieves and returns the value. Then you can either register an onSucceeded handler with the service, or just bind the Trade's currentPrice to service.lastValue(). Call setPeriod(..) on the service (once) to configure it to run every minute.
Since the currentPrice is being set from the service, you should only expose a ReadOnlyDoubleProperty from your Trade class (otherwise you might try to call currentPriceProperty().set(...) or setCurrentPrice(...), which would fail as it's bound).
I would do something like
public class Trade {
private final ReadOnlyDoubleWrapper currentPrice ;
private final ScheduledService<Number> priceService = new ScheduledService<Number>() {
public Task<Number> createTask() {
return new Task<Number>() {
public Number call() {
return getPriceData();
public Trade() {
// in case of errors running service:
priceService.setOnFailed(e -> priceService.getException().printStackTrace());
currentPrice = new ReadOnlyDoubleWrapper(0);
public final void startMonitoring() {
public final void stopMonitoring() {
public ReadOnlyDoubleProperty currentPriceProperty() {
return currentPrice.getReadOnlyProperty();
public final double getCurrentPrice() {
return currentPriceProperty().get();
private double getPriceData() {
// do actual retrieval work here...
(Code just typed in here without testing, but it should give you the idea.)

Adding gauge in location finder class in j2me

I am working on a j2me application which contain a class to find the location of mobile using GPS.I need to include gauge while the location provider API is called and it finds the location.I am new to j2me so still not clear with all the concepts.I am pasting my code below.Please help me through this.Thanks in advance..
package org.ets.utils;
import javax.microedition.lcdui.*;
import javax.microedition.location.*;
import org.ets.midlet.ETS_infozech;
import javax.microedition.midlet.*;
public class Locfinder {
public Locfinder(ETS_infozech midlet)
this.midlet = midlet;
public static String ex()
try {
} catch (Exception ex)
return string;
public static void checkLocation() throws Exception
Location l;
LocationProvider lp;
Coordinates c;
// Set criteria for selecting a location provider:
// accurate to 500 meters horizontally
Criteria cr= new Criteria();
// Get an instance of the provider
lp= LocationProvider.getInstance(cr);
//Request the location, setting a one-minute timeout
l = lp.getLocation(60);
c = l.getQualifiedCoordinates();
if(c != null ) {
// Use coordinate information
double lat = c.getLatitude();
double lon = c.getLongitude();
string = " LAT-" + lat + " LONG-" + lon;
There's no way you can link a Gauge to some task.
You have to set values to the Gauge manually. So you'd create a Gauge and add it to your Form. Then start your code to perform the look-up.
In between your lines of code, you'd add myGauge.setValue(some_value); to increase the indicator.
Of course, this becomes difficult when most of the task is contained in a single line of code, like e.g. lp.getLocation(60);.
I think, in that case, I would create a Thread that automatically increases the value on the Gauge in the 60 seconds, but can be stopped/overridden by a manual setting.
class Autoincrementer implements Runnable {
private boolean running;
private Gauge gauge;
private int seconds;
private int secondsElapsed;
public Autoincrementer(Gauge gauge) {
this.gauge = gauge;
this.seconds = gauge.getMaxValue();
this.running = true;
this.secondsElapsed = 0;
public void run() {
if (running) {
if (secondsElapsed>=gauge.getMaxValue()) running = false; // Stop the auto incrementing
try {
Thread.sleep(1000); // Sleep for 1 second
} catch (Exception e) {}
public void stop() {
running = false;
You would then create a Gauge and add it to your Form
myGauge = new Gauge("Process", false, 60, 0);
Then start the auto-increment.
myIncrementer = new Autoincrementer(myGauge);
new Thread(myIncrementer).start();
And then call your look-up code.
Inside your look-up code, add code to stop the auto-incrementing and set the Gauge object to 100%, if the look-up was successful (meaning before the timeout).
LWUIT 1.5 can help you in this. Am not sure for Location API which you are using.
But you will get Gauge using LWUIT 1.5. Use Lwuit instead of LCDUI.

Text representation of the content of a TableView

For testing purposes (using JemmyFX), I want to check that the content of a TableView is appropriately formatted. For example: one column is of type Double and a cell factory has been applied to show the number as a percent: 20%.
How can I verify that when the value is 0.2d, the cell is showing as 20%?
Ideally I am looking for something along those lines:
TableColumn<VatInvoice, Double> percentVat = ...
assertEquals(percentVat.getTextualRepresentation(), "20%");
Note: I have tried to use the TableCell directly like below but getText() returns null:
TableCell<VatInvoice, Double> tc = percentVat.getCellFactory().call(percentVat);
assertEquals(tc.getText(), "20%"); //tc.getText() is null
The best I have found so far, using JemmyFX, is the following:
public String getCellDataAsText(TableViewDock table, int row, int column) {
final TableCellItemDock dock = new TableCellItemDock(table.asTable(), row, column);
return dock.wrap().waitState(new State<String>() {
#Override public String reached() {
return dock.wrap().cellWrap().getControl().getText();
You can try editing the cell factory.
tc.setCellFactory(new Callback<TableColumn, TableCell>(){
public TableCell call(TableColumn param){
return new TableCell(){
public void updateItem(Object item, boolean isEmpty){
//...logic to format the text
assertEquals(getText(), "20%");
