Delphi Queue and Synchronize - multithreading

I am reading Nick Hodges online and I have discovered the Queue but it is not behaving as I've expected and I couldn't understand what him and the documentation say. Look at this code:
TThread.Queue(TThread.Current, procedure
TThread.Synchronize(TThread.Current, procedure
I always use Synchronize but this time I have tried with Queue because according to Nick it is better in case of multiple requests since they won't be "serialized" and executed one by one. The code above works fine. Why this is not working instead?
TThread.Queue(TThread.Current, procedure
TThread.Queue(TThread.Current, procedure
In this case the Memo outputs the start but not the end. When I call:
Synchronize on the first and Synchronize on the second it works
Queue on the first and Synchronize on the second it works
Queue both times it's not working because I see only the start in the memo

The difference between queue and synchronize is that Synchronize() puts the call in a queue and waits for that call to be completed and Queue() puts the call in the queue and directly returns control to the thread.
However... and this is not mentioned in the official documentation, when a thread finishes, all the calls placed in the queue with Queue(AThread, AMethod), where AThread is its own thread, are removed.
You can see that clearly in the source of TThread.Destroy() where RemoveQueuedEvents(Self) is called.
RemoveQueuedEvents removes queued method calls. [...] If AThread is specified, then all method calls queued by this thread are removed.
So directly after your last Queue() your thread ends, TThread.Destroy() is executed and that last call(s) is/are removed from the queue.
There are some things you can do to solve this.
Like mentioned in the comments you can call TThread.Queue(nil, AMethod). B.T.W. Calling TThread.Queue(AMethod) is the same as TThread.Queue(Self, AMethod) so you'll always need to use the nil-variant if the thread is going to end and you want the call to finish.
But... If you still need the thread active when executing the call (for some data from it), you'll need to block the thread from exiting. You can do that by using Synchronize() as last queue-method. Note that the last synchronize doesn't have to be a real procedure. You can just call synchronize to a dummy-procedure at the end of the TThread.Execute like Synchronize(DummySync) (example). The queue is FIFO so the thread will wait until all calls in the queue are processed (including the empty dummysync).
Some extra information can be found on these pages
Ensure all TThread.Queue methods complete before thread self-destructs


Delphi Thread Handling Best Practice to Pause and Resume

My application continuously syncs data with another database and I am running this process in a thread of which I have very little knowledge.
I am pulling in data from an Actian Zen database. Formerly Pervasive.SQL and updating my database in NexusDB.
It is a continuous operation of refreshing data in NexusDB.
The thread is called from the main form.
The work is done here:
procedure tImportThread.Execute();
while (not Terminated) do
//My work
At certain points in my application I want to pause and resume the thread.
I have read this post "Pausing" A Thread With A Property and the wiki it refers to.
I have implemented the solution offered in the above post for lack of other examples and lack of knowledge on my part. For the most part the thread is working fine except that I would like to pause and unpause the running at certain times and would like to see a log that it was actually paused or resumed.
What I want to know is:
Do I just use PAUSE and UNPAUSE in the parts of my application to suspend the thread and restart it?
I want to test with a button to Pause and Resume the thread but not sure how to implement:
If thread running then Pause else Unpause
Part of the solution offered includes this code:
procedure TMyThread.CheckPause;
SignaledEvent: THandleObject;
while not Terminated do
case TEvent.WaitForMultiple(FWaitEvents, INFINITE, False, SignaledEvent) of
wrSignaled: begin
if SignaledEvent = FRunEvent then Exit;
wrIOCompletion: begin
// retry
wrError: begin
Where to create an entry into a log file to show that the thread is now paused. I have a simple writelog function to create an entry but where in the above should I put it? The same when the thread is resumed.
Does it matter whether the thread is paused or running when the application terminate? Do I just use this code?
if Assigned(TMyThread) then

Ensure all TThread.Queue methods complete before thread self-destructs

I have discovered that if a method queued with TThread.Queue calls a method that invokes TApplication.WndProc (e.g. ShowMessage) then subsequent queued methods are allowed to run before the original method has completed. Worse still, they don't seem to be invoked in FIFO order.
[Edit: Actually they do start in FIFO order. With ShowMessage it looks like the later one ran first because there is a call to CheckSynchronize before the dialog appears. This unqueues the next method and runs it, not returning until the latter method has completed. Only then does the dialog appear.]
I'm trying to ensure that all methods queued from the worker thread to run in the VCL thread run in strict FIFO order, and that they all complete before the worker thread is destroyed.
My other constraint is that I am trying to maintain strict separation of the GUI from the business logic. The thread in this case is part of the business logic layer so I can't use PostMessage from an OnTerminate handler to arrange for the thread to be destroyed (as recommended by a number of contributors elsewhere). So I'm setting FreeOnTerminate := True in a final queued method just before TThread.Execute exits. (Hence the need for them to execute in strict FIFO order.)
This is how my TThread.Execute method ends:
// Queue a final method to execute in the main thread that will set an event
// allowing this thread to exit. This ensures that this thread can't exit
// until all of the queued procedures have run.
if Assigned(fOnComplete) then
// Handler sets fWorker.FreeOnTerminate := True and fWorker := nil
WaitForSingleObject(fCanExit, INFINITE);
but as I said this doesn't work because this queued method executes before some of the earlier queued methods.
Can anyone suggest a simple and clean way to make this work, or a simple and clean alternative?
[The only idea I've come up with so far that maintains separation of concerns and modularity is to give my TThread subclass a WndProc of its own. Then I can use PostMessage directly to this WndProc instead of the main form's. But I'm hoping for something a bit more light-weight.]
Thanks for the answers and comments so far. I now understand that my code above with a queued SetEvent and WaitForSingleObject is functionally equivalent to calling Synchronize at the end instead of Queue because Queue and Synchronize share the same queue. I tried Synchronize first and it failed for the same reason as the code above fails - the earlier queued methods invoke message handling so the final Synchronize method runs before the earlier queued methods have completed.
So I'm still stuck with the original problem, which now boils down to: Can I cleanly ensure that all of the queued methods have completed before the worker thread is freed, and can I cleanly free the worker thread without using PostMessage, which requires a window handle to post to (that my business layer doesn't have access to).
I've also updated the title better to reflect the original problem, although I'd be happy for an alternative solution that doesn't use TThread.Queue if appropriate. If someone can think up a better title then please edit it.
Another update: This answer by David Heffernan suggests using PostMessage with a special AllocateHWnd in the general case if TThread.Queue isn't available or suitable. Significantly, it's never safe to use PostMessage to the main form because the window can be spontaneously recreated changing its handle, which would cause all subsequent messages to the old handle to be lost. This makes a strong argument for me adopting this particular solution, since there's no additional overhead to creating a hidden window in my case since any application using PostMessage should do this - i.e. my separation of concerns argument is irrelevant.
TThread.Queue() is a FIFO queue. In fact, it shares the same queue that Thread.Sychronize() uses. But you are correct that message handling does cause queued methods to execute. This is because TApplication.Idle() calls CheckSynchronize() whenever the message queue goes idle after processing new messages. So if a queued/synched method invokes message processing, that can allow other queued/synched methods to being running even if the earlier method is still running.
If you want to ensure a queue method is called before the thread terminates, you should be using Synchronize() instead of Queue(), or use the OnTerminate event instead (which is triggered by Synchronize()). What you are doing in your finally block is effectively the same as what the OnTerminate event already does natively.
Setting FreeOnTerminate := True in a queued method is asking for a memory leak. FreeOnTerminate is evaluated immediately when Execute() exits, before DoTerminate() is called to trigger the OnTerminate event (which is an oversight in my opinion, as evaluating it that early prevents OnTerminate from deciding at termination time whether a thread should free itself or not after OnTerminate exits). So if the queued method runs after Execute() has exited, there is no guarantee that FreeOnTerminate will be set in time. Waiting for a queued method to finish before returning control to the thread is exactly what Synchronize() is meant for. Synchronize() is synchronous, it waits for the method to exit. Queue() is asynchronous, it does not wait at all.
I fixed this problem by adding a call to Synchronize() at the end of my Execute() method. This forces the thread to wait till all of the calls added with Queue() are completed on the main thread before the call added with Synchronize() can be called.
TMyThread = class (TThread)
procedure QueueMethod;
procedure DummySync;
procedure Execute; override;
procedure TMyThread.QueueMethod;
// Do something on the main thread
procedure TMyThread.DummySync;
// You don't need to do anything here. It's just used
// as a fence to stop the thread ending before all the
// Queued messages are processed.
procedure TMyThread.Execute;
while SomeCondition do
// Some process
This is the solution I finally adopted.
I used a Delphi TCountdownEvent to track the number of outstanding queued methods from my thread, incrementing the count just before queuing a method, and decrementing it as the final act of the queued method.
Just before my override of TThread.Execute returns, it waits for the TCountdownEvent object to be signalled, i.e. when the count reaches zero. This is the crucial step that guarantees that all of the queued methods have completed before Execute returns.
Once all of the queued methods are complete, it calls Synchronize with an OnComplete handler - thanks to Remy for pointing out that this is equivalent to but simpler than my original code that used Queue and WaitForSingleObject. (OnComplete is like OnTerminate, but called before Execute returns so that the handler can modify FreeOnTerminate.)
The only wrinkle is that TCountdownEvent.AddCount works only if the count is already greater than zero. So I wrote a class helper to implement ForceAddCount:
procedure TCountdownEventHelper.ForceAddCount(aCount: Integer);
if not TryAddCount(aCount) then
Normally this would be risky, but in my case we know that by the time the thread starts waiting for number of queued methods outstanding to reach zero no more methods can be queued (so from this point once the count hits zero it will stay at zero).
This doesn't completely solve the problem of queued methods that handle messages, in that individual queued methods could still appear to run out of order. But I do now have the guarantee that all queued methods run asynchronously but will have completed before the thread exits. This was the primary goal, because it allows the thread to clean itself up without the risk of losing queued methods.
A few thoughts:
FreeOnTerminate is not the end of the world if you want your thread to delete itself.
Semaphores let you maintain a count should you feel the need, there are such constructs.
There's nothing to stop you writing or using your own queueing primitives and AllocateHWnd if you want some fine grained control.

Periodical tasks in Delphi app

I'm developing an application that should perform certain sql queries in different MSSQL servers after specified intervals. My thoughts are about make an array of threads and in each thread run timer in which task will run. Does it really needs to make each thread for each timer, or should I just distinguish one timer for each task (whatever timer will produce thread)? Any thoughts about implementation?
Thanks a lot, guys!
I doubt that you need to have one thread per task. It would probably suffice to create one timer per task. If a timer fires whilst another task is running then the second task will have to queue up but it doesn't sound like that will be a great problem.
If you are going to use a Delphi TTimer to do this you'll need to make sure that your service has a message queue and runs a message loop on that queue. You may wish to run that message queue on a separate thread but if you do make sure that the TTimer objects are created on that thread so that they are associated with the right message queue.
You ask in the comments how to run a message loop in a thread. The following code should suffice:
until Terminated;//this is the Terminated property of the thread
This will give you all the bells and whistles of the Delphi message loop. If you want a very standard message loop you can use this:
procedure PerformThreadLoop;
Msg: TMsg;
while PeekMessage(Msg, 0, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE) do begin
until Terminated;//this is the Terminated property of the thread
If all you want is to pump WM_TIMER messages both will work but I personally would be inclined to go with the second option, the raw Win32 API version.

Self Suspending a thread in Delphi when it's not needed and safely resuming

This question involves Delphi and XE specifically deprecating Suspend and Resume. I have read other posts and I have not found a similar usage so far, so I’m going to go ahead and ask for a discussion.
What I’d like to know is there a better way to pause a thread when it is not needed?
We have a Delphi class that we have used for years that is basically a FIFO Queue that is associated with a threaded process. The queue accepts a data object on the main thread and if the thread is suspended it will resume it.
As part of the thread’s Execute process the object is popped out of the queue and processed on the thread. Usually this is to do a database lookup.
At the end of the process a property of the object is updated and marked as available to the main thread or passed on to another queue. The last (well it really is the first) step of the Execute process is to check if there are any more items in the queue. If there is it continues, otherwise it suspends itself.
They key is the only suspend action is inside the Execute loop when it is completed, and the only resume during normal operations is called when a new item is placed in the queue. The exception is when the queue class is being terminated.
The resume function looks something like this.
process TthrdQueue.MyResume();
if Suspended then begin
Sleep(1); //Allow thread to suspend if it is in the process of suspending
The execute looks similar to this
process TthrdQueue.Execute();
Obj : TMyObject;
FreeOnTerminate := true;
while not terminated do begin
if not Queue.Empty then begin
Obj := Pop();
MyProcess(Obj); //Do work
Obj.Ready := true;
Suspend(); // No more Work
end; //Queue clean up in Destructor
The TthrdQueue Push routine calls MyResume after adding another object in the stack. MyResume only calls Resume if the thread is suspended.
When shutting down we set terminate to true and call MyResume if it is suspended.
I'd recommend the following implementation of TthrdQueue:
TthrdQueue = class(TThread)
FEvent: THandle;
procedure Execute; override;
procedure MyResume;
procedure TthrdQueue.MyResume;
procedure TthrdQueue.Execute;
FEvent:= CreateEvent(nil,
False, // auto reset
False, // initial state = not signaled
FreeOnTerminate := true;
while not Terminated do begin
if not Queue.Empty then begin
Obj := Pop();
MyProcess(Obj); //Do work
Obj.Ready := true;
WaitForSingleObject(FEvent, INFINITE); // No more Work
Instead of suspending the thread, make it sleep. Make it block on some waitable handle, and when the handle becomes signalled, the thread will wake up.
You have many options for waitable objects, including events, mutex objects, semaphores, message queues, pipes.
Suppose you choose to use an event. Make it an auto-reset event. When the queue is empty, call the event's WaitFor method. When something else populates the queue or wants to quit, have it call the event's SetEvent method.
I preferred technique is to use the OS message queue. I'd replace your queue object with messages. Then, write a standard GetMessage loop. When the queue is empty, it will automatically block to wait for a new message. Turn a termination request into just another message. (The TThread.Terminate method simply isn't a very useful function once you start doing anything interesting with threads because it's not virtual.)
There is a library to allow implementation of producer-consumer queue in Delphi using condition variables. This scenario is actually the example discussed.
The classic example of condition
variables is the producer/consumer
problem. One or more threads called
producers produce items and add them
to a queue. Consumers (other threads)
consume items by removing the produced
items from the queue.

Best approach for thread synchronized queue

I have a queue in which I can enqueue different threads, so I can assure two things:
Request are processed one by one.
Request are processed in the arriving order
Second point is important. Otherwise a simple critical section would be enough.
I have different groups of requests and only inside a single group these points must be fulfilled. Requests from different groups can run concurrent.
It looks like this:
Do Something (running in context of some thread)
EDIT: I have removed the actual implementation because it hides the problem I want to solve
I need this because I have an Indy based web server that accepts http requests. First I find a coresponding session for the request. Then the request (code) is executed for that session. I can get multiple requests for the same session (read I can get new requests while the first is still processing) and they must execute one by one in correct order of arrival. So I seek a generic synchronization queue that can be use in such situations so requests can be queued. I have no control over the threads and each request may be executed in a different thread.
What is best (ususal) approach to this sort of problem? The problem is that Enqueue and Dequeue must be atomic opeations so that correct order is preserverd. My current implementation has a substantial bottleneck, but it works.
EDIT: Bellow is the problem of atomic Enqueue / Dequeue operations
You wold normaly do something like this:
procedure Enqueue;
BlockTheCurrentThread; // here the thread blocks itself
procedure Dequeue;
UnblockTheNextThread; // here the thread unblocks another thread
Now the problem here is that this is not atomic. If you have one thread already in the queue and another one comes and calls Enqueue, it can happen, that the second thread will just leave the critical section and try to block itself. Now the thread scheduler will resume the first thread, which will try to unblock the next (second) thread. But second thread is not blocked yet, so nothing happens. Now the second thread continues and blocks itself, but that is not correct because it will not be unblocked. If blocking is inside critical section, that the critical section is never leaved and we have a deadlock.
Another approach:
Let each request thread have a manual reset event that is initially unset. The queue manager is a simple object which maintains a thread-safe list of such events. The Enqueue() and Dequeue() methods both take the event of the request thread as a parameter.
TRequestManager = class(TObject)
strict private
fCritSect: TCriticalSection;
fEvents: TList<TEvent>;
constructor Create;
destructor Destroy; override;
procedure Enqueue(ARequestEvent: TEvent);
procedure Dequeue(ARequestEvent: TEvent);
{ TRequestManager }
constructor TRequestManager.Create;
inherited Create;
fCritSect := TCriticalSection.Create;
fEvents := TList<TEvent>.Create;
destructor TRequestManager.Destroy;
Assert((fEvents = nil) or (fEvents.Count = 0));
procedure TRequestManager.Dequeue(ARequestEvent: TEvent);
Assert(fEvents.Count > 0);
Assert(fEvents[0] = ARequestEvent);
if fEvents.Count > 0 then
procedure TRequestManager.Enqueue(ARequestEvent: TEvent);
Assert(ARequestEvent <> nil);
if fEvents.Count = 0 then
Each request thread calls Enqueue() on the queue manager and afterwards waits for its own event to become signalled. Then it processes the request and calls Dequeue():
{ TRequestThread }
TRequestThread = class(TThread)
strict private
fEvent: TEvent;
fManager: TRequestManager;
procedure Execute; override;
constructor Create(AManager: TRequestManager);
constructor TRequestThread.Create(AManager: TRequestManager);
Assert(AManager <> nil);
inherited Create(TRUE);
fEvent := TEvent.Create(nil, TRUE, FALSE, '');
fManager := AManager;
procedure TRequestThread.Execute;
OutputDebugString('Processing request');
OutputDebugString('Request processed');
{ TForm1 }
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
i: integer;
for i := 1 to 10 do
The queue manager locks the list of events both in Enqueue() and in Dequeue(). If the list is empty in Enqueue() it sets the event in the parameter, otherwise it resets the event. Then it appends the event to the list. Thus the first thread can continue with the request, all others will block. In Dequeue() the event is removed from the top of the list, and the next event is set (if there is any).
That way the last request thread will cause the next request thread to unblock, completely without suspending or resuming threads. This solution does also not need any additional threads or windows, a single event object per request thread is all that is needed.
I'll answer with the additional information from your comment taken into consideration.
If you have a number of threads that need to be serialized then you could make use of the serialization mechanism Windows provides for free. Let each queue be a thread with its own window and a standard message loop. Use SendMessage() instead of PostThreadMessage(), and Windows will take care of blocking the sending threads until the message has been processed, and of making sure that the correct execution order is maintained. By using a thread with its own window for each request group you make sure that multiple groups are still processed concurrently.
This is a simple solution that will work only if the request itself can be handled in a different thread context than it originated in, which shouldn't be a problem in many cases.
Did you try the TThreadList object provided by Delphi ?
It is thread safe and it manage the locks for you. You manage the list "outside" the thread, within your main thread.
As requests ask for a new task, you add it to the list. When a thread finishes, with the OnTerminate event you can call the next thread in the list.
