erb - How to substitute a string (gsub) which contains legit backslashes? - puppet

I had the following problem with erb in combination with Puppet, Hiera and templates:
Via Hiera I got the following strings as variables:
First the variable example in an array (data[example])
something with _VARIABLE_ in it
and variable example_information with
some kind of \1 and maybe also a \2
Now I wanted to substitute _VARIABLE_ in a Puppet template with the second string which contains a legit backslash () in it. So I did it like this:
result=data['example'].gsub('_VARIABLE_', #example_information)
So I took example out of an array and filled the placeholder with #example_information.
The result was as follows:
something with some kind of and maybe also a in it
There was no backslash as gsub interpreted them as backreferences. So how can I solve my issue to preserve my backslashes without double escape them in the Hiera file? I need the Hiera variable further in the code without double escaped backslashes.

I now made this to solve that specific problem as follows:
Variable again example
something with _VARIABLE_ in it
and variable example_information with
some kind of \1 and maybe also a \2
Code part in the template:
# we need to parse out any backslashes
info_temp=example_information.gsub('\\', '__BACKSLASH__')
# now we substitute the variables with real data (but w/o backslashes)
result_temp=data['example'].gsub(/__ITEM_NAME__/, info_temp)
# now we put together the real string with backslashes again as before
result=result_temp.gsub('__BACKSLASH__', '\\')
Now the result looks as follows:
something with some kind of \1 and maybe also a \2 in it
Maybe there is a better way to do it but on my research I didn't stumble upon a better solution so please add comments if you know a better way to do it.


How to use the split() method with some condition?

There is one condition where I have to split my string in the manner that all the alphabetic characters should stay as one unit and everything else should be separated like the example shown below.
Some_var='12/1/20 Balance Brought Forward 150,585.80'
output_var=['12/1/20','Balance Brought Forward','150,585.80']
Yes, you could use some regex to get over this.
Some_var = '12/1/20 Balance Brought Forward 150,585.80'
match = re.split(r"([0-9\s\\\/\.,-]+|[a-zA-Z\s\\\/\.,-]+)", Some_var)
You will get some extra spaces but you can trim that and you are good to go.
split isn't gonna cut it. You might wanna look into Regular Expressions (abbreviated regex) to accomplish this.
Here's a link to the Python docs: re module
As for a pattern, you could try using something like this:
then trim each part of the output.

Python3 strip() get unexpect result

It's a weird problem
And two strings below:
When I use the command below:
I get these outputs:
If I use lstrip(), they will be:
Which is the right outputs.
However, if we replace all Project Known with zeus_pipeline:
s2.lstrip(to_be_stripped)will be '.rels'
If I use / instead of \\, nothing goes wrong. I am wondering why this problem happens.
strip isn't meant to remove full strings exactly. Rather, you give it a string, and every character in that string is removed from the start and of the string to be stripped.
In your case, the variable to_be_stripped contains the characters m and l, so those are stripped from the end of s1. However, it doesn't contain the character x, so the stripping stops there and no characters beyond that are removed.
Check out this question. The accepted answer is probably more extensive than you need - I like another user's suggestion of using replace instead of strip. This would look like:
s1.replace(to_be_stripped, "")

How to find a substring of a double-quoted string with a dollar sign in Groovy

I wanted to correct the automatically created Linux scripts. I use findAll(String, String) function to change "$APP_ARGS" for something else.
I have tried variants:
replaceAll('"$APP_ARGS"', 'simulators ' + '"\\\\$APP_ARGS"') - doesn't find
replaceAll('\"\$APP_ARGS\"',... - doesn't find
replaceAll('"\$APP_ARGS"',... - doesn't find
replaceAll('\\"\\$APP_ARGS\\"',... - editor warning - excessive escape
replaceAll('"\\\\$APP_ARGS"',... - doesn't find
replaceAll('\\\\"\\\\$APP_ARGS\\\\"',... - doesn't find
replaceAll($/"$$APP_ARGS"/$, ...) - does not find
replaceAll('"[$]APP_ARGS"', 'something simple') - finds.
replaceAll('"[$]APP_ARGS"', '"\\\\$APP_ARGS"') - fails.
As you see, if I use the regex format, the finding works ok. But is there a way to make an escaping work? For I need that $ in the replacing string, too.
According to Groovy manuals, /../ string needn't escaping for anything except slashes themselves. But
fails, too, with a message: Could not get unknown property 'APP_ARGS'.
It seems that behaviour of that function has no logic and we have to find the correct solution by experiments.
replaceAll('"\\$APP_ARGS"', 'simulators ' + '"\\$APP_ARGS"')
The additional possible problem is that \\ before $ should be in the both strings, replacing and replaced.
The first argument of replaceAll is always treated as an regexp, so we need to quote $ (line end). The second param may contain backreferences to groups from the regexp, which start with a $, so that one must be quoted too.
A saner way is to use replace instead of replaceAll, which already quotes/escapes both params according to that useage.

Can I use double quotes in Chef attribute declaration?

I have inherited a cookbook that sets some attributes in the ./attributes/default.rb file as per normal.
However, we have a problem with one of the lines is, which is:
default["obscured"]["mysql"] = "#{node['jboss']['jboss_home']}/modules/com/mysql/jdbc/main"
When run, it write this into the node as:
I can confirm that the node['jboss']['jboss_home'] attribute exists and has correct values.
So, I cannot see any problem with the above, except that every other declaration of this type in our cookbooks has single quotes on the attribute to be set (i.e. left side), not double quotes. I haven't heard this of as being an issue before, but I am pretty new to chef.
Is there any rule that says they must be single quotes?
The answer is that there is no rule.
Using double-quotes in something like this is completely fine:
default["obscured"]["mysql"] = blah blah
The reason I know that is that I just found one being set, with double quotes, that actually works. :-)
What you have there is fine, how are you confirming the value of node['jboss']['jboss_home'] and how are you using it in the template?
In Ruby single and double quoted literals both become Strings but single quotes are relatively literal while double quotes allow backslash escapes and #{} interpolation.
You are most likely hitting the derived attributes problem:
The attribute code in your cookbook is getting parsed before the jboss_home attribute is being set. One way or another the solution is to move the interpolation into recipe code.
You could just use a plain old ruby variable instead of the attribute you are trying to construct -- particularly if nothing else in your system ever sets that attribute.
You also should be able to delete the declaration from your attributes file and use this in recipe code as well:
node.default_unless["obscured"]["mysql"] =
Although you need to place that statement early in your run_list, before you ever use node["obscured"]["mysql"] as an argument to any resource.

Make substitution reference on strong containing equals sign

I'm trying to use a Make substitution reference to alter a string. The problem being that the string happens to contain an equals = symbol.
For example:
INPUT = -switch1 -switch2=potato -switch3
OUTPUT = $(INPUT:-switch2=%=-switch2=turnip)
#echo TEST : $(OUTPUT)
so in the form $(var:a=b), INPUT is var, -switch2=% is a and -switch2=turnip is b.
Obviously that doesn't work because = is a special character in this context, but I've no idea how to make it realize that this is part of string a.
I've tried quoting, backslashes, alternative escape characters and putting -switch2=% in a variable and using that instead. All to no avail.
I know I can use patsubst, but that'd be adding the first non-POSIX extension to the file and i'd prefer to not be that guy.
Any suggestions appreciated!
You'll have to use a full patsubst function. Substitution references are just a shortcut for patsubst:
OUTPUT = $(patsubst -switch2=%,-switch2=turnip,$(INPUT))
