Screen based API creation of PO receipt from POLine issue - acumatica

We are trying to add PO lines to the receipt document using 'ADD PO LINE' smartpanel. Below is the code, but it always chooses the first 2 lines instead of the keys specified in the command.
//select lines from smart panel
foreach (POReceiptLine line in POReceiptlines.OrderBy(x => x.LineNum))
AcumaticaInterface.apitest.Command[] Docline = new AcumaticaInterface.apitest.Command[]
new Key
ObjectName = PORcptSchema.AddPurchaseOrderLine.OrderNbr.ObjectName,
FieldName = PORcptSchema.AddPurchaseOrderLine.OrderNbr.FieldName,
Value = "='" + line.BaseDocNum + "'",
Commit =true
new Key
ObjectName = PORcptSchema.AddPurchaseOrderLine.LineNbr.ObjectName,
FieldName = PORcptSchema.AddPurchaseOrderLine.LineNbr.FieldName,
Value = "='" + line.BaseLineNum + "'",
Commit =true
new Value
Value = "True",
LinkedCommand = PORcptSchema.AddPurchaseOrderLine.Selected,
Commit = true
Document = Document.Concat(Docline).ToArray();
// Add PO line and retrieve back the added lines.
var addPOLine = new Command[]
////get back the added lines in the grid
Document = Document.Concat(addPOLine).ToArray();
var receiptLines = context.PO302000Submit(Document);
We are trying to select the lines of order Nbr '000014' [Line Nbr(1,2)], but the lines added are of Order Nbr '000012' [Line Nbr(1,2)]. Please assist.

The solution is to clear LinkedCommand set by default for the AddPurchaseOrderLine.Selected field:
receiptSchema.AddPurchaseOrderLine.Selected.LinkedCommand = null;
Below is the complete SOAP request, that allows to locate and select records on the Add Purchase Order Line popup via the Screen-Based API:
Content receiptSchema = context.GetSchema();
receiptSchema.Actions.AddPOOrderLine.Commit = true;
receiptSchema.Actions.AddPOOrderLine2.Commit = true;
receiptSchema.AddPurchaseOrderLine.Selected.LinkedCommand = null;
var commands = new Command[]
new Value
Value = "Receipt",
LinkedCommand = receiptSchema.DocumentSummary.Type
new Value
Value = "PR000416",
LinkedCommand = receiptSchema.DocumentSummary.ReceiptNbr
new Value
Value = "OK",
LinkedCommand = receiptSchema.AddPurchaseOrderLine.ServiceCommands.DialogAnswer,
Commit = true
new Key
ObjectName = receiptSchema.AddPurchaseOrderLine.OrderNbr.ObjectName,
FieldName = receiptSchema.AddPurchaseOrderLine.OrderNbr.FieldName,
Value = "='PO000483'"
new Key
ObjectName = receiptSchema.AddPurchaseOrderLine.LineNbr.ObjectName,
FieldName = receiptSchema.AddPurchaseOrderLine.LineNbr.FieldName,
Value = "='1'"
new Value
Value = "True",
LinkedCommand = receiptSchema.AddPurchaseOrderLine.Selected
new Key
ObjectName = receiptSchema.AddPurchaseOrderLine.OrderNbr.ObjectName,
FieldName = receiptSchema.AddPurchaseOrderLine.OrderNbr.FieldName,
Value = "='PO000483'"
new Key
ObjectName = receiptSchema.AddPurchaseOrderLine.LineNbr.ObjectName,
FieldName = receiptSchema.AddPurchaseOrderLine.LineNbr.FieldName,
Value = "='2'"
new Value
Value = "True",
LinkedCommand = receiptSchema.AddPurchaseOrderLine.Selected


Acumatica API Error when creating a Inventory Receipts API calls

Good day
I am creating a SOAP contract base connection to Acumatica.
I am getting an error: "System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null."
I am not sure why I am getting the error.
Here is my code
using (var soapClient = new DefaultSoapClient())
InventoryReceipt NewinventoryReceipt = new InventoryReceipt
ReferenceNbr = new StringValue { Value = "<NEW>" },
Hold = new BooleanValue { Value = true },
Date = new DateTimeValue { Value = DateTime.Now },
PostPeriod = new StringValue { Value = DateTime.Now.ToString("DD-yyyy") },
TransferNbr = new StringValue { Value = "" },
//External Ref
Description = new StringValue { Value = "" },
Details = new InventoryReceiptDetail[]
new InventoryReceiptDetail
InventoryID = new StringValue{Value = "NIS777"},
WarehouseID = new StringValue{Value = "FBTZEST"},
Location = new StringValue {Value = "BULK"},
Qty = new DecimalValue{Value = 1},
UOM = new StringValue{Value = "PALLET"},
UnitCost = new DecimalValue{Value = 91},
ExtCost = new DecimalValue{Value = 91},
LotSerialNbr = new StringValue{Value = "PLN12345"},
ExpirationDate = new DateTimeValue{Value = DateTime.Now},
// ReasonCode
Description = new StringValue{Value = ""}
InventoryReceipt putInventoryReceipt = (InventoryReceipt)soapClient.Put(NewinventoryReceipt);
catch (Exception ex)
Is there any way to see what is null or what I am missing to post this data?
Have you tried manually entering the data into the UI? The Validation on the web service should be the same as the UI, so you might get more info from the UI. You have a lot of dependent values here since you're referencing a specific Lot perhaps a value is missing. Other than that, you might try adding Project = X.

Acumatica change Shipping Terms on Sales Order creation

I'm using Acumatica's contract based API to create sales order from an application. I need to update the "Shipping Terms" field under the "Shipping Settings" tab on a Sales Order when I create it (see below), but I can not find the property to use on the objects that are provided through the contract based API. How would I accomplish this?
Here is my current code for how I create the sales order:
using (DefaultSoapClient client = new DefaultSoapClient(binding, address))
//Sales order data
string customerID = "CUST1234;
string orderDescription = "Automated Order";
string customerOrder = "TEST";
var orderDetails = new List<SalesOrderDetail>();
foreach(var lineItem in order.line_items)
orderDetails.Add(new SalesOrderDetail {
InventoryID = new StringValue { Value = lineItem.sku },
Quantity = new DecimalValue { Value = lineItem.quantity },
UnitPrice = new DecimalValue { Value = Decimal.Parse(lineItem.price) }, //TODO this should only be done for MHR owned sites
UOM = new StringValue { Value = "EACH" },
//Specify the values of a new sales order
SalesOrder orderToBeCreated = new SalesOrder
OrderType = new StringValue { Value = "SO" },
CustomerID = new StringValue { Value = customerID },
Description = new StringValue { Value = orderDescription },
CustomerOrder = new StringValue { Value = customerOrder },
ExternalReference = new StringValue { Value = order.order_number.ToString() },
Details = orderDetails.ToArray<SalesOrderDetail>(),
ShippingAddressOverride = new BooleanValue { Value = true },
ShippingContactOverride = new BooleanValue { Value = true },
ShippingContact = new Contact()
DisplayName = new StringValue { Value = order.shipping_address.first_name + " " + order.shipping_address.last_name },
FirstName = new StringValue { Value = order.shipping_address.first_name },
LastName = new StringValue { Value = order.shipping_address.last_name },
Address = new Address()
AddressLine1 = new StringValue { Value = order.shipping_address.address_1 },
AddressLine2 = new StringValue { Value = order.shipping_address.address_2 },
City = new StringValue { Value = },
State = new StringValue { Value = order.shipping_address.state },
Country = new StringValue { Value = },
PostalCode = new StringValue { Value = order.shipping_address.postcode }
client.Login(_acumaticaUid, _acumaticaPwd, _acumaticaCompany, null, null);
//Create a sales order with the specified values
SalesOrder newOrder = (SalesOrder)await client.PutAsync(orderToBeCreated);
return newOrder;
catch (Exception e)
//order addition to Acumatica failed, update the order status in Woo Commerce
Console.WriteLine("Acumatica could not add specified entity: " + e);
return null;
Based on PatrickChen's comment, I created a new web service endpoint in Acumatica "SalesOrderCustom", where I used all of the default fields and then added "ShippingTerms" to the list as well. I then imported that web service into my .net project (with some headache due to this issue) and was able to use the service to GET the sales order I wanted to add shipping terms to, and try to update it. The code executes ok, but after the PUT operation is done, the object is NOT updated in Acumatica and the ShippingTerms property is returned as NULL. What am I doing wrong? Code below:
public async Task<SalesOrderCustom> UpdateShippingTerms(string customerOrder, string originStore, string shippingSpeed)
var binding = CreateNewBinding(true, 655360000, 655360000);
var address = new EndpointAddress(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AcumaticaCustomUrl"]);
var soToBeFound = new SalesOrderCustom()
OrderType = new StringSearch { Value = "SO" },
CustomerOrder = new StringSearch { Value = customerOrder }
using (DefaultSoapClient client = new DefaultSoapClient(binding, address))
client.Login(_acumaticaUid, _acumaticaPwd, _acumaticaCompany, null, null);
var soToBeUpdated = (SalesOrderCustom) await client.GetAsync(soToBeFound);
soToBeUpdated.ShippingTerms = new StringValue { Value = "USPS 1 CLS" };
var updatedOrder = (SalesOrderCustom)await client.PutAsync(soToBeUpdated);
//ShippingTerms is still NULL on returned object even after updating the object!!! WHY???
return updatedOrder;
catch (Exception e)
Console.WriteLine("Acumatica could not find specified entity: " + e);
return null;
Starting Acumatica 6, it's possible to update any field, not included into the Default endpoint. This feature is only available for endpoints implementing system contract of the 2nd version:
Below is the sample showing how to change Shipping Terms for a Sales Order with the Default Contract-Based endpoint by working with the CustomFields collection:
using (var client = new DefaultSoapClient())
client.Login("admin", "123", null, null, null);
var order = new SalesOrder()
OrderType = new StringSearch { Value = "SO" },
OrderNbr = new StringSearch { Value = "SO003729" }
order = client.Get(order) as SalesOrder;
order.CustomFields = new CustomField[]
new CustomStringField
fieldName = "ShipTermsID",
viewName = "CurrentDocument",
Value = new StringValue { Value = "FLATRATE2" }
No issues also noticed on my end when updating Sales Order Shipping Terms with the extended Default Contract-Based endpoint on a brand new Acumatica ERP 6.1 instance:
using (var client = new DefaultSoapClient())
client.Login("admin", "123", null, null, null);
var order = new SalesOrder()
OrderType = new StringSearch { Value = "SO" },
OrderNbr = new StringSearch { Value = "SO003729" }
order = client.Get(order) as SalesOrder;
order.ShippingTerms = new StringValue { Value = "FLATRATE1" };
For reference, adding screenshot of my extended Default endpoint used to update Shipping Terms in the SalesOrder entity:
I was able to add Shipping Terms when I created a new 6.0 endpoint. The default endpoint that ships with Acumatica is not extendable.

How To Retrieve An Attribute Field In StockItems In Acumatica API?

I am wondering if a specific attribute can be retrieved in the Web Service API?
I have tried IN202500.AttributesAttributes.Value when exporting but that listed all attributes of the inventory. I also noticed the attributes are saved in the table as [AttributeName]_Attributes in the Inventory table, is there any way of retrieving this?
This is the code I am using (expecting it would retrieve the Attributes)
IN202500Content IN202500 = context.IN202500GetSchema();
Command[] oCmd = new Command[] {
new Field {
ObjectName = IN202500.StockItemSummary.InventoryID.ObjectName,
FieldName = "BARCODE_Attributes"},
new Field {
ObjectName = IN202500.StockItemSummary.InventoryID.ObjectName,
FieldName = "DfltReceiptLocationID"},
new Field {
ObjectName = IN202500.StockItemSummary.InventoryID.ObjectName,
FieldName = "LastModifiedDateTime"}
Filter[] oFilter = new Filter[] {
new Filter
Field = new Field {
ObjectName = IN202500.StockItemSummary.InventoryID.ObjectName,
FieldName = "LastModifiedDateTime"},
Condition = FilterCondition.Greater,
Value = SyncDate
String[][] sReturn = context.IN202500Export(oCmd, oFilter, 0, true, false);
But the Attribute field returned is an empty string.
You can leverage the dynamic fields that are added to the primary view of the screen to retrieve specific attribute values. These fields don't show up in the WSDL schema, so you have to create a Field object and pass it to the Export function.
I looked up the field name and object name from an Export scenario by displaying the Native Object / Native Field name columns. Resulting Export call looks like this:
var result = screen.Export(new IN202500.Command[] {
new IN202500.Value() { LinkedCommand = schema.StockItemSummary.InventoryID, Value = "Z730P00073"},
new IN202500.Field { FieldName = "COLOR_Attributes", ObjectName = "Item"},
new IN202500.Field { FieldName = "HWMAN_Attributes", ObjectName = "Item"},
}, null, 0, true, true);
This code will retrieve the two attributes value (COLOR and HWMAN Attributes) for a specific inventory item (Z730P00073). The result variable contains a two-dimensional array, let me know if you need help getting results from the array.
This example shows how to add an item and set attributes and image:
byte[] filedata;
using (System.IO.FileStream file = System.IO.File.Open(#"C:\1.jpg", System.IO.FileMode.Open))
filedata = new byte[file.Length];
file.Read(filedata, 0, filedata.Length);
Random rnd = new Random();
string inventoryID = "CPU0000" + rnd.Next(100).ToString();
IN202500result = context.IN202500Submit(
new Command[]
new Value { Value = inventoryID, LinkedCommand = IN202500.StockItemSummary.InventoryID },
new Value { Value = inventoryID, LinkedCommand = IN202500.StockItemSummary.Description },
new Value { Value = "CPU", LinkedCommand = IN202500.GeneralSettingsItemDefaults.ItemClass, Commit = true },
new Value { Value = "TAXABLE", LinkedCommand = IN202500.GeneralSettingsItemDefaults.TaxCategory, Commit = true },
//attributes - pairs
new Value { Value = "FREQUENCY", LinkedCommand = IN202500.AttributesAttributes.Attribute },
new Value { Value = "1400", LinkedCommand = IN202500.AttributesAttributes.Value, Commit = true },
new Value { Value = "CORE", LinkedCommand = IN202500.AttributesAttributes.Attribute },
new Value { Value = "2 CORES", LinkedCommand = IN202500.AttributesAttributes.Value, Commit = true },
new Value { Value = "INTGRAPH", LinkedCommand = IN202500.AttributesAttributes.Attribute },
new Value { Value = "True", LinkedCommand = IN202500.AttributesAttributes.Value, Commit = true },
new Value { Value = Convert.ToBase64String(filedata), FieldName = "1.jpg", LinkedCommand = IN202500.StockItemSummary.ServiceCommands.Attachment }, //uploads
new Value { Value = "1.jpg", LinkedCommand = IN202500.Attributes.ImageUrl }, //sets as an item picture
//return the result

Acumatica - Creating customer payment method with api

What is the correct way to create a customer payment method using the API? This will also answer how to work with a grid that has a key value pair vs just storing values into a particular field.
This code has been in use and functioning correctly for almost a year now and then starting earlier this week it no longer works.
// Connect to Acumatica
context = new acumatica.Screen();
context.CookieContainer = new System.Net.CookieContainer();
context.AllowAutoRedirect = true;
context.EnableDecompression = true;
context.Timeout = 1000000;
context.Url = Properties.Settings.Default.WebServiceURL;
LoginResult result = api.context.Login(Properties.Settings.Default.AcumaticaUserName, Properties.Settings.Default.AcumaticaPassword);
AR303010Content AR303010 = context.AR303010GetSchema();
Debug.WriteLine("--- Payment Method Start ---");
// Create Invoice
AR303010.Actions.Save.Commit = true;
AR303010Content[] AR303010Content = context.AR303010Submit
new Command[]
new Value { Value = "ABARTENDE", LinkedCommand = AR303010.PaymentMethodSelection.Customer, Commit = true },
new Value { Value = "VISA", LinkedCommand = AR303010.PaymentMethodSelection.PaymentMethod, Commit = true },
new Key
ObjectName = AR303010.PaymentMethodDetails.Description.ObjectName,
FieldName = AR303010.PaymentMethodDetails.Description.FieldName,
Value = "=[" + AR303010.PaymentMethodDetails.Description.ObjectName + "." + AR303010.PaymentMethodDetails.Description.FieldName + "]"
new Value {Value = "Card Number", LinkedCommand = AR303010.PaymentMethodDetails.Description},
new Value {Value = "4000000000003636", LinkedCommand = AR303010.PaymentMethodDetails.Value, Commit = true},
new Key
ObjectName = AR303010.PaymentMethodDetails.Description.ObjectName,
FieldName = AR303010.PaymentMethodDetails.Description.FieldName,
Value = "=[" + AR303010.PaymentMethodDetails.Description.ObjectName + "." + AR303010.PaymentMethodDetails.Description.FieldName + "]"
new Value {Value = "Card Verification Code", LinkedCommand = AR303010.PaymentMethodDetails.Description},
new Value {Value = "321", LinkedCommand = AR303010.PaymentMethodDetails.Value, Commit = true},
new Key
ObjectName = AR303010.PaymentMethodDetails.Description.ObjectName,
FieldName = AR303010.PaymentMethodDetails.Description.FieldName,
Value = "=[" + AR303010.PaymentMethodDetails.Description.ObjectName + "." + AR303010.PaymentMethodDetails.Description.FieldName + "]"
new Value {Value = "Expiration Date", LinkedCommand = AR303010.PaymentMethodDetails.Description},
new Value {Value = "012015", LinkedCommand = AR303010.PaymentMethodDetails.Value, Commit = true},
Debug.WriteLine("--- Payment Method Created ---");
catch (Exception ex)
Debug.WriteLine(" --- Failed to create Payment Method ---");
The code was originally pulled from the Acumatica forums at:
• We have tried using the code on a previous version that we know 100% that it used to work on.
• We have tried unpublishing our customizations.
• We have tried sending the data over to the acumatica demo located at
Every single site/version/computer we have tested it on returns the same error.
Error #12: Inserting 'Customer Payment Method Detail' record raised one or more errors. Please review. Error: 'Value' may not be empty. ---> PX.Data.PXOuterException: Error #12: Inserting 'Customer Payment Method Detail' record raised one or more errors. Please review.
Can somebody please point me in the right direction?
Ok, so here is working code provided from Acumatica. I still have no idea why the old code broke when it has been working this entire year, but here's working code and it's a little cleaner since you do not have to deal with key/value.
var context = new acumatica.Screen();
context.CookieContainer = new System.Net.CookieContainer();
context.AllowAutoRedirect = true;
context.EnableDecompression = true;
context.Timeout = 1000000;
LoginResult result = context.Login("admin", "admin");
AR303010Content AR303010 = context.AR303010GetSchema();
var commands = new Command[]
new Value { Value = "ABARTENDE",
LinkedCommand = AR303010.PaymentMethodSelection.Customer},
new Value { Value = "VISA",
LinkedCommand = AR303010.PaymentMethodSelection.PaymentMethod},
new Value
Value = "='CCDNUM'",
LinkedCommand = AR303010.PaymentMethodDetails.Description
new Value { Value = "41111111111111118",
LinkedCommand = AR303010.PaymentMethodDetails.Value,
Commit = true
new Value
Value = "='CVV'",
LinkedCommand = AR303010.PaymentMethodDetails.Description
new Value { Value = "121",
LinkedCommand = AR303010.PaymentMethodDetails.Value,
Commit = true
new Value
Value = "='EXPDATE'",
LinkedCommand = AR303010.PaymentMethodDetails.Description
new Value {Value = "01/2019",
LinkedCommand = AR303010.PaymentMethodDetails.Value,
Commit = true
new Value
Value = "='NAMEONCC'",
LinkedCommand = AR303010.PaymentMethodDetails.Description
new Value {Value = "Mr Jon Doe 8",
LinkedCommand = AR303010.PaymentMethodDetails.Value,
Commit = true
AR303010Content[] AR303010Content = context.AR303010Submit(commands.ToArray());
catch (Exception ex)
here is the example which i used
public void CreateARPayment()
string paymentType = GetParamValue("lblARPaymentType");
string paymentNbr = GetParamValue("lblARPaymentNbr");
string customerID = GetParamValue("txbCustomerID");
string cardAccountNo = GetParamValue("lblCardAccountNo");
string arInvoiceNbr = GetParamValue("txbARInvoiceNbr");
string soInvoiceNbr = GetParamValue("txbSOInvoiceNbr");
Screen context = new Screen();
context.CookieContainer = new System.Net.CookieContainer();
context.Url = Url;
context.Login(Login, Password);
AR302000Content paymentSchema = context.AR302000GetSchema();
paymentSchema.PaymentSummary.CardAccountNo.FieldName += "!Descr";
var commands = new Command[]
new Value
Value = customerID,
LinkedCommand = paymentSchema.PaymentSummary.Customer
new Value
Value = "TOKENCC",
LinkedCommand = paymentSchema.PaymentSummary.PaymentMethod
new Value
Value = cardAccountNo,
LinkedCommand = paymentSchema.PaymentSummary.CardAccountNo
new Value
Value = "101000",
LinkedCommand = paymentSchema.PaymentSummary.CashAccount
new Value
Value = "09/2014/AR-00001",
LinkedCommand = paymentSchema.PaymentSummary.PaymentRef
new Value
Value = arInvoiceNbr,
LinkedCommand = paymentSchema.DocumentsToApply.ReferenceNbr,
Commit = true
new Value
Value = soInvoiceNbr,
LinkedCommand = paymentSchema.DocumentsToApply.ReferenceNbr,
Commit = true
var payment = context.AR302000Submit(commands)[0];
commands = new Command[]
new Value
Value = payment.PaymentSummary.AppliedToDocuments.Value,
LinkedCommand = paymentSchema.PaymentSummary.PaymentAmount
payment = context.AR302000Submit(commands)[0];
UpdateSetting("lblARPaymentNbr", payment.PaymentSummary.ReferenceNbr.Value);
UpdateSetting("lblARPaymentStatus", payment.PaymentSummary.Status.Value);
UpdateSetting("lblARPaymentAmount", payment.PaymentSummary.PaymentAmount.Value);

Can't create invoice details with manual discount using OrganizationServiceClient in CRM 2011

I'm using OrganizationServiceClient with CRM 2011, When I create an invoicedetail with a manualdiscountamount, the discount doesn't appear in the CRM website.
Here's my code:
OrganizationServiceClient client = new OrganizationServiceClient("CustomBinding_IOrganizationService",new EndpointAddress(AuthenticationInfo.OrganizationServiceUrl))) { client.ConfigureCrmOnlineBinding(AuthenticationInfo.OrganizationPolicy.IssuerUri);
client.Token = AuthenticationInfo.OrganizationToken;
Entity entityDetails = = new Entity();
entityDetails.LogicalName = "invoicedetail";
entityDetails.Attributes = new AttributeCollection();
entityDetails.Attributes.Add(new KeyValuePairOfstringanyType() {
key = "productid",
value =
new EntityReference() {
LogicalName = "product",
Id = Guid.Parse("Some Product Id")
entityDetails.Attributes.Add(new KeyValuePairOfstringanyType() {
key = "uomid",
value =
new EntityReference() {
LogicalName = "uom",
Id = Guid.Parse("33B75DB8-8771-4B5A-875F-810CC0732C0C")
entityDetails.Attributes.Add(new KeyValuePairOfstringanyType() {
key = "invoiceid",
value = new EntityReference() {LogicalName = "invoice", Id = Guid.Parse("Some Invoice Id")}
entityDetails.Attributes.Add(new KeyValuePairOfstringanyType() {
key = "quantity",
value = 1
entityDetails.Attributes.Add(new KeyValuePairOfstringanyType() {
key = "createdon",
value = DateTime.Now
entityDetails.Attributes.Add(new KeyValuePairOfstringanyType() {
key = "manualdiscountamount",
value = 15
invoiceDetailsId = client.Create(entityDetails);
What may be the problem here?
Try to use following code to add manualdiscountamount field:
entityDetails.Attributes.Add(new KeyValuePairOfstringanyType() {
key = "manualdiscountamount",
value = new Money(Convert.ToDecimal(15))
Because manualdiscountamount field is of Money type. Recheck following article
