update customer attribute in frontend account profile form - frontend

I'm learning Shopware and I got to something I can't figure out how to solve.
I'm writing a test plugin that adds an attribute to the customer. I've added the correspondent field to the Registration form and it saves its value to the db automatically, like I read somewhere in the docs.
Now I wanted to let the attribute be editable in the account profile page, after the password field. I managed to put the input there, and even show the value from the db. But when I change the value and save, the value its not updated. I don't know if it is just a matter of getting the field name right, or do I need to override something else. Or is it just not possible? Any help on how to achieve this would be greatly appreciated.
Relevant code below:
plugin bootstrap
public function install(InstallContext $context)
$service = $this->container->get('shopware_attribute.crud_service');
$service->update('s_user_attributes', 'test_field', 'string');
$metaDataCache = Shopware()->Models()->getConfiguration()->getMetadataCacheImpl();
return true;
{extends file="parent:frontend/register/personal_fieldset.tpl"}
{block name='frontend_register_personal_fieldset_password_description'}
<div class="register--test-field">
<input autocomplete="section-personal test-field"
placeholder="Test Field"
class="register--field{if $errorFlags.testField} has--error{/if}"
{extends file="parent:frontend/account/profile.tpl"}
{block name='frontend_account_profile_profile_required_info'}
<div class="profile--test-field">
<input autocomplete="section-personal test-field"
placeholder="Test Field"
class="profile--field{if $errorFlags.testField} has--error{/if}"

The form type that it's used on registration isn't the same you have on profile.
If you check \Shopware\Bundle\AccountBundle\Form\Account\PersonalFormType::buildForm, you can see
$builder->add('attribute', AttributeFormType::class, [
'data_class' => CustomerAttribute::class
That means the attributes are included on form and they will be persisted. That's why you can save the value on registration form.
On profile you have \Shopware\Bundle\AccountBundle\Form\Account\ProfileUpdateFormType. And here the attribute isn't added to form builder.
How to extend the ProfileUpdateFormType?
Subscribe Shopware_Form_Builder on Bootstrap (or on a specific Subscriber class)
$this->subscribeEvent('Shopware_Form_Builder', 'onFormBuild');
Create the method onFormBuild to add your logic
public function onFormBuild(\Enlight_Event_EventArgs $event) {
if ($event->getReference() !== \Shopware\Bundle\AccountBundle\Form\Account\ProfileUpdateFormType::class) {
$builder = $event->getBuilder();
$builder->add('attribute', AttributeFormType::class, [
'data_class' => CustomerAttribute::class
With this approach all attributes are available on your profile form.
Other possibility you have is using the 'additional' property instead of 'attribute' and then subscribe a controller event or hook a controller action to handle your custom data.


Antd v4.5.1 Setting initial values for Select

I have this code for handling status changes in my model.
Object.keys(statusOptions).map(statusId => {
return <Select.Option key={ statusId } value={ statusId }>{ statusKey2Value(statusId) }</Select.Option>;
statusOptions is a JSON object as follows:
0: Deleted
1: Active
I am using Antd v4.5.1 which recommends handling initialValues directly within the Form component. I basically retrieve the data from the backend and provide the data to the Form component. However, when I try to set selected option for the dropdown, it is being displayed as "1" instead of "Active". I have found a solution provided by Antd Select API which is to hold status value as an object with a label value inside but I didn't really find it optimal to change my backend structure. Can anyone help me with this by any chance?
Try using an optionLabelProp="label" on Select component and place a label={statusOptions[statusId]} on Select.Option. Oh and make Select.Option self-closing.

Accessing submit-button's data attributes in ASP.Net Core MVC controller?

I have a submit button, with the following HTML:
<button type="submit" class="back-button" data-direction="back">Back</button>
The controller method is defined like this:
public IActionResult Index(SearchModel searchModel, string SearchBy, string dataDirection)
// Code removed for simplicity...
When I click the button, my Model is populated, but the dataDirection property is not populated.
What is the correct way to access those data attributes?
This is not a ASP .NET MVC issue.For submit buttons, browsers only send the value of the "value" attribute when the form is submitted. The button's name is used as the parameter name and the value is used as the parameter value.
If you want to send additional parameters with the form based on which button is clicked, you have to use Javascript to listen for the 'click' event of the button and add your custom parameters to the post data or set some hidden field values before submission.
Easiest way is to put a hidden field in your form with name "Direction", listen button click set its value to 'back' or 'next'. And if you have a default value for the direction or you want the last direction value to be set to the hidden field after a postback, you may put a "Direction" property on your model.
Below code shows how you do it with jQuery:
<input type="hidden" name="Direction" value="#Model.Direction" id="fldDirection" />
<script type="text/javascript">
$("[type='submit']").on('click', function() {
if ($(this).data('direction')) {

Best practice to add a Test-Button in a Orchard-AdminView

I'd like to add a "Test"-Button to the Create/Edit-AdminViews in my Orchard-Module.
The Button itself is rendered fine using an additional shape.
Question: how can I make the button's action point to a "Test"-Action which gets the current ViewModel, performs the "Test", displays an info and returns the user to the view (passing the ViewModel back in again).
At the Moment, it completely ignores it's surrounding Form.
Maybe there's already some working example and I simply couldn't find it?
Thanks for any help.
PS: Code in Content.TestButton.cshtml
#using ( Html.BeginFormAntiForgeryPost(Url.Action("Test", new { controller = "DnsCheckAdmin" }), FormMethod.Post, new { #class = "col-md-5" }) )
<fieldset class="test-button">
<button type="submit" name="submit.Test" value="submit.Test">#T("Test settings")</button>

Bootstrap + jQuery validationEngine make custom ajax validation call onFieldSuccess to update feedback

I am using the jQuery Validation Engine plugin to validate my form. I am also using Bootstrap to give the user feedback (success/fail) of the given input.
Here is how I am initializing the plugin:
$.validationEngine.defaults.promptPosition = 'inline';
$.validationEngine.defaults.onFieldFailure = function (field) {
console.log('onFieldFailure called');
$.validationEngine.defaults.onFieldSuccess = function (field) {
console.log('onFieldSuccess called');
I am using CodeIgniter to handle the form server-side. Everything is working great.
<div class="form-group has-feedback">
<label for="email"><i class="fa fa-asterisk"><span class="sr-only">This field is required</span></i> E-mail Address</label>
<input type="text" class="form-control" id="email" name="email"
data-validation-engine="validate[required, custom[email], ajax[email_exists]]"
data-errormessage-value-missing="This field is required"
data-errormessage="Invalid E-mail address"
value="<?php echo set_value('email'); ?>"
<span class="form-control-feedback"><i class="fa fa-remove"></i></span>
<?php echo form_error('email'); ?>
Here is my controller (how I'm returning a response):
public function ajax_email_exists() {
if ($this->user_model->email_exists($this->input->get('fieldValue'))) {
echo json_encode(array('email', FALSE));
} else {
echo json_encode(array('email', TRUE));
When the user blurs out of the email field, I do an ajax call email_exists which is working fine as well. Here is what that looks like. It is located in the jquery.validation-engine-en.js file as suggested in the docs.
'email_exists': {
'url': 'path-to-my-script.php',
'alertTextLoad': '<i class="fa fa-cog fa-spin"></i> Validating, please wait...',
'alertTextOk': '<i class="fa fa-check-circle"></i> E-mail address is valid',
'alertText': '<i class="fa fa-exclamation-triangle"></i> That Email-address already exists'
The validation itself is working great. I am getting correct response back - the problem I'm running into is I can't seem to figure out how to make the success of the ajax call to call the onFieldSuccess method. As soon as I blur out of the email field onFieldFailure is called and my input is red. When the ajax validation is complete, I am unable to get rid of the invalid style and apply my valid style. In essence, call the onFieldSuccess method to give the correct feedback.
A thought I had was maybe I need to look at using funcCall instead?
Thank you for your time & suggestions!
I've updated my initialize method to add css classes to the elment(s). It seems i'm always getting to addFailureCssClassToField even when I am getting a success result back from the server.
Just in case anyone come across this thread, here is how I came up with a solution.
As mentioned before, all of my validation is/was working correctly. The problem was updating the feedback accordingly. I was unable to update the style(s) to reflect what was happening.
I have updated/cleaned up the plugin code itself so my line numbers are going to be off. That said, around line #1578, you will find this:
if (options.showPrompts) {
// see if we should display a green prompt
if (msg) {
methods._showPrompt(errorField, msg, "pass", true, options);
options.onFieldSuccess(errorField); // Added this line.
} else {
Because I was getting a success response, I needed to call onFieldSuccess. I am also passing in the field element (jQuery object) to render to.

Craeting Custom Widget in Orchard 1.7

I am new to Orchard. So please forgive me if there is anything looking silly!
I want to create a custom widget for my Orchard website to encourage visitors to sign up for my Newsletter service. I have seen there is an option of using HTML widget but I want to create a new widget type like "Newsletter" which I shall use conditionally at AsideFirst block.
Is this possible to do? I only want to grab visitor's Name and Email address, and the form submission will be done using an action controller.
Do I have to create this widget through by-hand coding in VS? In fact I want to this way, not through the Orchard admin console.
Seeking for help. Any suggestion please?
I have managed to create the widget following Sipke Schoorstra's suggestion. The area where I want to display the widget is now showing along with the the title I set from admin at the time of adding it to a zone. But the content (form elements) I created in the view is not displaying.
The View: (Views/NewsLetterSignupPart/NewsletterSignup.cshtml)
#model Emfluence.Intrust.Models.NewsLetterSignupPart
ViewBag.Title = "Newsletter Signup";
#using (Html.BeginForm("NewsletterSignup", "NewsLetter", FormMethod.Post))
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="span6">
<input type="text" name="txtNewsletterUserName" required maxlength="50" style="width: 95%" />
<input name="txtNewsletterUserEmail" type="email" required maxlength="85" style="width: 95%" />
<button class="btn pull-right">Submit</button>
public int UpdateFrom15()
"NewsletterWidget", cfg => cfg
.WithSetting("Stereotype", "Widget")
return 16;
public class NewsLetterSignupPart : ContentPart<NewsletterSignupRecord>
public string Name
get { return Record.Name; }
set { Record.Name = value; }
public string Email
get { return Record.Email; }
set { Record.Email = value; }
And NewsletterSignupRecord.cs
public class NewsletterSignupRecord : ContentPartRecord
public virtual string Name { get; set; }
public virtual string Email { get; set; }
Where I am doing wrong?
The Custom Forms module is great if you don't want or need to code something yourself. In case you do want to handle form submissions yourself without using Custom Forms, this is what you could do:
Create a custom module
Create a migrations class that defines a new widget content type (see the docs for details on how to do this. Note: you don't need to create a custom part. You don't even need to create a migrations file to create a content type - you could do it using a recipe file. The nice thing about a migration though is that it will execute automatically when your module's feature is enabled).
Create a view specific for content items of your widget type (e.g. Widget-Newsletter.cshtml).
Inside of this view, write markup that includes a form element and input elements. Have this form post back to your controller.
Create your controller.
In the /admin interface, click Modules, on the Features` tab search for Custom Forms and click Enable. This will add a new Forms admin link on the left.
Next, create a custom content type (under Content Definition) called Newsletter, and add two fields (of type Text Field) called Name and E-mail.
Finally, click Forms and add a new Custom Form. Give it a title: this will be the default URL to access e.g. "Newsletter Form" will have a URL of /newsletter-form by Orchard defaults. Under Content Type select your newly created content type, Newsletter, from the dropdown. Customize anything else you want on this page, and click Publish Now
If you want to make this a widget, edit the content type and add the Widget Part. Create a layer with the rules you need and you can add the "Newsletter" widget to any zone you need on that layer.
