Azure IoTHub ServiceBus to Cloud to Device messages? - azure

Is it possible to add Azure Service Bus to queue Cloud to Device messages?
When I receive messages I have to be sure that all messages are in the same order that they came to IoTHub. I couldn't find if standard queue in IoTHub provides it. Second reason why I want to use ServiceBus is also longer expiration time, IoTHub provides only 48 hours for message.
I know that I can easily use ServiceBus in DeviceMessages by adding endpoint and route in IoTHub configuration, but what with C2D messages?

Per my experience, it's possible to use Azure Service Bus Queue for communication with C2D messages. But, Azure Service Bus only support AMQP & HTTP protocol for most languages, so it's just suitable for some devices which have better performance, such as RaspberryPi/DragonBoard, etc. But the AMQP or HTTP protocol is too heavy & complex for more little devices like Arduino.
However, Azure IoTHub support MQTT protocol which be so thin & simple & fast for devices, and cost less performance.
Answer for your second question, you can integrate Azure Stream Analytics & Azure Storage services (such as Table Storage/DocumentDB/Data Lake) with IoTHub to store all messages for data persistence. Then, don't worry about the message expiration time, you can retrieve any data which be transmited & stored by Stream Analytics, in anytime & anywhere.
As references, please see the below links to know what & how.
Get started with Azure Stream Analytics to process data from IoT devices
Build an IoT solution by using Stream Analytics
Stream Analytics outputs: Options for storage, analysis
Hope it helps. Any concern, please feel free to let me know.


Azure Hub IoT to Azure Function Pricing

I'm making a comparison between different Cloud vendors for IoT solutions.
I'm now on Azure IoT Hub, which will ingest data from IoT devices (we want only to send from devices to cloud, say through MQTT, and not receive anything back). My aim is to pass these data to an Azure Function, execute some computation, and save them in some DB (e.g.CosmosDB). Here my doubts:
Which MQTT messages Do I have to consider for the billing? (only those with telemetry or which others?)
I saw that there is the possibility of going from Hub IoT to Azure Function with a built-in endpoint. Is it free? I'm afraid of some hidden costs, like those of Event Hubs or the built-in endpoint.
The sending of data from IoT Hub to Azure Function is considered as a normal "cloud-to-device" messages (and consequently they're billed), or are they free? For example IoT Hub ingest 10 messages (<4KB) and forward them to Functions. Do I pay them as 10 messages or 20 messages?
Thanks in advance for your help.
Which MQTT messages - You have to consider the below list of messages for Azure IoTHub Billing, they are
Device to Cloud
Cloud to Device
Method execution
Detailed break up of billing information by each operation
Nothing free in the cloud :)
Data read from IoTHub to any other service attracts the regular data transfer cost. Refer to the below link
All the pricing information detailed here is specific to Azure IoTHub for D2C & C2D. Any data egress from IoTHub to other Azure Services is as per the regular data transfer charges.

Azure Service Bus: How to achieve eventual consistency when a subscriber goes down

Currently I am using Azure Service Bus as a means to communicate and keep data consistent among the different services in my platform. However, let's say that one of my services (subscribers) goes down for an extended period of time and is unable to receive any events. Suddenly this service is in an inconsistent state.
Does Azure Service Bus have any type of "event sourcing" solution in place in order to replay my events? I understand that Azure Event Hubs has this feature where I can store events in an append only fashion to azure blob storage. However, the only thing I am finding for Azure Service Bus is the dead letter queue and my understanding that this is only used when no subscribers are capable of processing an event.
Is this something that I will have to build myself?
All events stored in a subscription will be delivered once the consumer is up and running unless the subscription has DefaultMessageTimeToLive (TTL) set to purge messages.

Azure messages pattern

Right now, on IoT Hub there is an information that limit for messages per day 8000. I would like to ask you about any patterns which are being used in Azure.
I am curious if I am able to hit to Azure with some service outside Messages in order to prevent it from being overloaded by big amount of data, or save some confidentiality for this service.
For example, I would like to store some data from given service to Messages that are not being confidential and other data by using some WebSocket or any Rest protocol. I think that there are some patterns that serve that scenarios.
Does anyone has experience with that kind of situation?
Not everything needs to go through IoT Hub. IoT Hub is great for two way communication to/from IoT devices. You could also look at Event Hubs for ingestion from devices that don't need two way comms. We have a write up on the differences here Connecting IoT Devices to Azure: IoT Hub and Event Hubs.

Azure Service Fabric routing

I would like to get some recommendation, for designing a routing of IoT messages in Azure.
I have following scenario:
Senors sending messages to Azure IoT Hub in Google Protobuf format. Depending of the type of a message, I want to route the message to different applications inside a service fabric.
My current approach is to use a service fabric application to receive all messages from the IoT hub, parse the protobuf message, send the message depending on their type (attribute inside the protobuf) to an type-specific Azure event hub. Now the applications fetches the messages from their "own" event hub and process the messages.
I'm not sure if this is the best approach. I don't like the fact, to have one event hub for each type of message. Service Bus Topics are probably not an option, because I have a lot of messages (~30k per second).
Do I realy need a event hub, to decoupling this process, or does it make sense, to send the messages from the "routing application" direct to the different "type applications"?
What do you think?
If you really need high performance you should take a look at IoT Hub and Event Hubs. Azure Event Hubs is a highly scalable data streaming platform and event ingestion service capable of receiving and processing millions of events per second. Event Hubs can process and store events, data, or telemetry produced by distributed software and devices. Data sent to an event hub can be transformed and stored using any real-time analytics provider or batching/storage adapters.
In other hand if you need only 30k messages per second you can go with Premium Messaging.
Comparison of Azure IoT Hub and Azure Event Hubs
Premium Messaging: How fast is it?
What is Event Hubs?

Does Microsoft Azure IoT Hub stores data?

I have just started learning Azure IoT and it's quite interesting. I am confuse about does IoT Hub stores data somewhere?
i.e. Suppose i am passing room Temperature to IoT hub and want to store it in database for further use. How it's possible?
I am clear on how device-to-cloud and cloud-to-device works with IoT hub.
IoT Hub exposes device to cloud messages through an event hubs endpoint. Event Hubs has a retention time expressed in days. It's a stream of data that the reading client could re-read more time because the cursor is on client side (not on server side like queues and topics). With IoT Hub the related retention time is 1 day by default but you can change it.
If you want to store received messages from device you need to have a client reading on the Event Hubs exposed endpoint (for example with an Event Processor Host) that has the business logic to process the messages and store them into a database for example.
Of course you could use another decoupling layer so that the client reads from event hubs and store messages into queues. Then you have another client that at its own pace reads from queues and store into database. In this way you have a fast path reading event hubs.
This is pretty much the use case for all IoT scenarios.
Step 1: High scale data ingestion via Event Hub.
Step 2: Create and use a stream processing engine (Stream Analytics or HDInsight /Storm). You can run conditions (SQL like queries) to filter and store appropriate data in either cold or hot store for further analytics.
Step 3: Storage for cold-path analytics can be Azure BLOB. Stream Analytics can directly be configured to write the Data into it. Cold can contain all other data that doesn't require querying and will be cheap.
Step 4: Processing for hot-path analytics. This is data that is more regularly queries for. Or data where real time analytics needs to be carried on. Like in your case checking for Temperature values going beyond a threshold! needs an urgent trigger!
Let me know if you face any challenges while configuring the Stream analytics job! :)
If you take a look at the IoT Suite remote monitoring preconfigured solution ( you'll see that it persists telemetry in blob storage and maintains device status information in DocumentDb. This preconfigured solution gives you a working illustration of the points made in the previous answers.
