Null-safe dereferencing operator for older compilers? - c#-4.0

I have an old compiler server (VS 2010), which, obviously, can't compile such instructions:
var result = a?.b()?.c?.d;
Is there alternative I can use? Is it possible to do this through expression tree? For example, like this:
var result = NullSafe(()=> a.b().c.d);

There were quite a few attempts to do this before it became a language feature. It's a bit hard to find the references now, but you can get an idea how it can be done and why it's not that easy.
This snippet for example looks simple:
public static R NullSafe<T, R>(this T obj, Func<T, R> f) where T : class
return obj != null ? f(obj) : default(R);
You can use it almost like an operator:
deliveryCode = order.NullSafe(o => o.DeliveryCompany).NullSafe(dc => dc.FileArtworkCode);
But it doesn't work with value types. This older snippet uses EqualityComparer :
public static TOut NullSafe<TIn, TOut>(this TIn obj, Func<TIn, TOut> memberAction)
//Note we should not use obj != null because it can not test value types and also
//compiler has to lift the type to a nullable type for doing the comparision with null.
return (EqualityComparer<TIn>.Default.Equals(obj, default(TIn)))
? memberAction(obj)
: default(TOut);
It will take a bit of digging to find more complete examples. I remember trying methods similar to these way back when until I found a more complete one.
This SO answer to a similar question does away with chaining and allows one to write:
foo.PropagateNulls(x => x.ExtensionMethod().Property.Field.Method());
The implementation is a bit involved though, to say the least.


Problems overloading Groovy comparison operators

I am building an analytic application using Groovy and require very forgiving math operators regardless of data format. I achieve this through operator overloading, in many cases improving (in my case) on the default Groovy type flexibility. As an example, I need 123.45f + "05" to equal 128.45f. By default Groovy downgrades to String and I get 123.4505.
In most cases my overloading works very well, but not for comparison operators. I've followed a couple of discussions on this, but I'm not getting to an answer and I'm looking for ideas. I recognize that the goal is to overload compareTo() (vs. something like lessThan), but Groovy seems to ignore this and instead attempts its own smart comparison - e.g. DefaultTypeTransformation.compareTo(Object left, Object right), which fails on mixed types.
Unfortunately this is a must have for me, because improperly comparing two values compromises the whole solution and I don't have control over some of the data types being analyzed (e.g. vendor data structures).
For example, I need the following to work:
Float f = 123.45f;
String s = "0300";
Assert.assertTrue( f < s );
I have many permutations of these, but my attempt to overload includes (let's just assume my JavaTypeUtil does what I need if I can get Groovy to call it):
// overloads on startup, trying to catch all cases
Float.metaClass.compareTo = {
Object o -> JavaTypeUtil.compareTo(delegate, o) }
Float.metaClass.compareTo = {
String s -> JavaTypeUtil.compareTo(delegate, s) }
Object.metaClass.compareTo = {
String s -> JavaTypeUtil.compareTo(delegate, s) }
Object.metaClass.compareTo = {
Object o -> JavaTypeUtil.compareTo(delegate, o) }
When I try the above test, none of these are called and instead I get:
java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.String cannot be cast to java.lang.Float
at java.lang.Float.compareTo(
at org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.typehandling.DefaultTypeTransformation.compareToWithEqualityCheck(
at org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.typehandling.DefaultTypeTransformation.compareTo(
at org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.ScriptBytecodeAdapter.compareTo(
at org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.ScriptBytecodeAdapter.compareLessThan(
at com.modelshop.datacore.generator.GroovyMathTests.testMath(GroovyMathTests.groovy:32)
Debugging through I see that the < operator goes right to ScriptBytecodeAdapter.compareLessThan(), and the implementation of that seems to ignore the overloaded compareTo() here:
In (2.4.3)
if (!equalityCheckOnly || left.getClass().isAssignableFrom(right.getClass())
|| (right.getClass() != Object.class && right.getClass().isAssignableFrom(left.getClass())) //GROOVY-4046
|| (left instanceof GString && right instanceof String)) {
Comparable comparable = (Comparable) left;
return comparable.compareTo(right); // <--- ***
In a desperate attempt, I've also tried to overload compareLessThan, but I'm grasping now, I don't know that there's any way to jump in front of the < mapping in Groovy.
Float.metaClass.compareLessThan << {
Object right -> JavaTypeUtil.compareTo(delegate, right) < 0 }
Float.metaClass.compareLessThan << {
String right -> JavaTypeUtil.compareTo(delegate, right) < 0 }
Any thoughts on a work-around? Thanks!
Part of it is you need to include static, like this
Float.metaClass.static.compareTo = { String s -> 0 }
This makes f.compareTo(s) work, but the < operator still won't work. This is a known limitation. The only operators that can be overloaded are mentioned in the documentation. Possibly you could do a custom AST to change all those operators to a compareTo().
But this isn't the whole story. f <=> s also doesn't work, despite <=> delegating to compareTo(). I believe this is because Float doesn't implement Comparable<Object> or Comparable<String>, only Comparable<Float>. Although I'm not sure where exactly in the chain Groovy makes the decision not to use that method, you can see it's not limited to Groovy's math classes. This also doesn't work
Foo.metaClass.compareTo = { String s -> 99 }
new Foo() <=> ''
class Foo implements Comparable<Foo> {
int compareTo(Foo o) {
I think Groovy is doing some pre-parsing validation that's preventing the metaclass stuff from working. Whatever validation it's doing definitely inspects the interfaces implemented, because this fails for a different reason
Foo.metaClass.compareTo = { String s -> 99 }
new Foo() <=> ''
class Foo {
int compareTo(Foo o) {
In both of these examples, replacing <=> with compareTo() works.
This question has been asked a couple times before, but I haven't seen a good explanation for why. You might try asking on the user mailing list. I'm sure Jochen or Cedric would be able to explain why.
I guess the point is that your compareTo closure is expecting an Object; so when you invoke compareTo with a String, your closure doesn't get called at all.
I can only think of the following; being precise when specifying closure input parameter type:
Float.metaClass.compareTo = { Integer n -> aStaticHelperMethod(n) }
Float.metaClass.compareTo = { String s -> aStaticHelperMethod(s) }
Float.metaClass.compareTo = { SomeOtherType o -> aStaticHelperMethod(o) }

Purpose, use of and queries regarding the utility method

I have a question about using the new, o2, Comparator) method - from my own testing of it, if both o1 and o2 are null then it returns 0, however, if one of them is null then it still throws a null pointer exception. I have found a lot of material on Objects.equals and some of the other Objects utility methods but not much at all on and when we are expected to use it / replace old code with it.
So here I could do this:
String s1 = "hi";
String s2 = "hi";
int x =, s2, Comparator.naturalOrder());
System.out.println("x = " + x);
That works fine, returns 0, now this:
String s1 = null;
String s2 = null;
Also works fine and returns 0. However, this:
String s1 = "hi";
Strng s2 = null;
Throws a NullPointerException. I'm guessing the benefit of,o2,Comparator) vs o1.compareTo(o2) is that it at least handles circumstances where both objects are null and when one of them is null it allows you to design a Comparator to handle it. I'm supposing, e.g.
int x =, s2, Comparator.nullsFirst(Comparator.naturalOrder()));
Whereas with x.compareTo(y) there's no way to handle null unless you do so beforehand? So do the Java library developers now intend us to replace all calls to compareTo with, when we're concerned about nulls? e.g. would we do this in our Comparable implementations?
Side query 1: With regards to using nullsFirst if you use it then pass in a Comparator, which is chained using comparing, thenComparing, etc, does it apply to all of the inner comparators? e.g.
Would that apply nullsFirst to everything inside or do you need to use nullsFirst individually on each of them? I think from testing that it only applies to the actual Song objects being null, not for the fields of title or artist being null, i.e. if they are null then a NullPointerException is still thrown. Anyway around that?
Side query 2: final question is that because I like the Comparator.comparing syntax, I'm proposing to start to write my compareTo implementions using it - I was struggling to think how to replace this traditional approach, e.g.
public int compareTo(Song other) {
int result = this.title.compareTo(other.title);
if (result == 0) {
result = this.artist.compareTo(other.artist);
if (result == 0) {
result =, other.duration);
return result;
then I thought I could use as follows:
public int compareTo(Song other) {
return, other, Comparator.nullsFirst(
I thought this version was more elegant - I am assuming it is working as I think it is, e.g. by passing this and other as the first 2 arguments then the comparator, it has the same effect as the traditional compareTo approach with if statements? Whilst I can see that the benefit of catching two nulls would never occur as if this was null then the compareTo method call would never be reached (either by handling the exception or it being thrown). But by using nullsFirst I suppose if the argument passed in, i.e. other, was null, then this would handle this safely?
Many thanks in advance for any help. is not meant to provide a null safe comparison, since there is no default behavior that could be implemented. It just implements a shortcut of not invoking the Comparator’s method when both objects are identical. In other words, it does a==b? 0:, b), nothing more. So not breaking when both objects are null is just a side-effect. The encapsulated code might look trivial but the other methods in this class are of a similar category. Using small utility methods a lot might still result in a notable win.
By the way, it’s not a Java 8 method at all. It exists since Java 7.
Regarding your second question, Comparator.nullsFirst(…) decorates an existing Comparator and will enforce the rule for null values before delegating to the provided comparator as it is the purpose of this comparator to shield the existing one from ever seeing null values. It doesn’t matter whether the decorated comparator is a chained one or not. As long as it is what you called the “inner comparator”, as
you must not invoke thenComparing on the result of nullsFirst as that would imply calling the next comparator when both values are null.
Comparator.nullsFirst(Comparator.comparing(a).thenComparing(b)) // perfect
Comparator.nullsFirst(Comparator.comparing(a)).thenComparing(b) // ouch
Now to your third question, implementing a compareTo method using a nullsFirst comparator is violating the interface specification:
The implementor must ensure sgn(x.compareTo(y)) == -sgn(y.compareTo(x)) for all x and y. (This implies that x.compareTo(y) must throw an exception iff y.compareTo(x) throws an exception.)
This implies that passing null as argument should always result in a NullPointerException as swapping argument and receiver would throw as well, unconditionally.
Orders including a null policy should always be provided as separate Comparators.
Note that it would also be quite inefficient as you would create a new Comparator (multiple Comparators, to be precise) for every compareTo call. Now image sorting a rather large list of these objects…
What I normally do for your final question is to first create a static comparator reference within the class:
public static final Comparator<Song> COMP_DEFAULT
= nullsFirst(comparing(Song::getTitle, nullsFirst(naturalOrder()))
.thenComparing(Song::getArtist, nullsFirst(naturalOrder()))
And then refer to this comparator in compareTo
public int compareTo(Song other) {
return, other);
This way you're not recreating your comparator for each compareTo call, null safety of Song is guaranteed as is the result of a.comparetTo(b) == b.compareTo(a).
We also ensure null safety of each property by using nullsFirst(naturalOrder()) for the passed in key comparator (second argument).
As the Comparator returned is immutable it can be made public which can be handy for bundling some alternate Comparators with the class that consumers may use.

What is the use of "use" keyword/method in groovy?

I read use keyword in Groovy. But could not come out with, for what it has been exactly been used. And i also come with category classes, under this topic,what is that too? And from, Groovy In Action
class StringCalculationCategory {
static def plus(String self, String operand) {
try {
return self.toInteger() + operand.toInteger()
} catch (NumberFormatException fallback) {
return (self << operand).toString()
use (StringCalculationCategory) {
assert 1 == '1' + '0'
assert 2 == '1' + '1'
assert 'x1' == 'x' + '1'
With the above code, can anyone say what is the use of use keyword in groovy? And also what the above code does?
See the Pimp My Library Pattern for what use does.
In your case it overloads the String.add(something) operator. If both Strings can be used as integers (toInteger() doesn't throw an exception), it returns the sum of those two numbers, otherwise it returns the concatenation of the Strings.
use is useful if you have a class you don't have the source code for (eg in a library) and you want to add new methods to that class.
By the way, this post in Dustin Marx's blog Inspired by Actual Events states:
The use "keyword" is actually NOT a keyword, but is a method on
Groovy's GDK extension of the Object class and is provided via
Object.use(Category, Closure). There are numerous other methods
provided on the Groovy GDK Object that provide convenient access to
functionality and might appear like language keywords or functions
because they don't need an object's name to proceed them. I tend not
to use variables in my Groovy scripts with these names (such as is,
println, and sleep) to avoid potential readability issues.
There are other similar "keywords" that are actually methods of the Object class, such as with. The Groovy JDK documentation has a list of such methods.
A very good illustration is groovy.time.TimeCategory. When used together with use() it allows for a very clean and readable date/time declarations.
use (TimeCategory) {
final now = new Date()
final threeMonthsAgo = now - 3.months
final nextWeek = now + 1.week

dot operators on functions

I don't know if this is possible, but are there any languages where you can use a dot operator on a function per se. I'll give an example.
function blah returns type2
type 2 looks like this
when I call blah are there any languages that support blah.number, so that when it makes the function call and gets the type2, it then grabs number and returns that. I'm sorry if this is an obvious answer, but I couldn't even think of a good way to word it to google it.
I just ran into a situation that would be convienient to have that, rather then make an intermediate variable you just make sure you return the type.
I know that I could add a "get" function that would get the specific number variable from that type, but that's an additional function someone would have to add so I am excluding that as a option (as I can just return the type and access using a variable there isn't really a dire need for a new function).
EDIT: I feel like an idiot.....
EDIT # 2: For some reason I had it in my head that you couldn't do dot operations on functions, (I don't care about the parentheses I was just trying to give an example)
Edit # 3: Is there a name for this or is it still just a dot operation?
Well this works in C if the function returns a struct like this:
struct retval {
char * data;
int number;
retval foo() {
// do something and then return an instance of retval
// call
int a = foo().number;
I would like to know if there is any language that does not support something like this.
About Edit #3
The name would generally be member access, since all you do is to access a member of the return value. This could differ across languages though.
In most languages you can do Blah().Member ... the typing of a pair of parentheses won't kill you, will it? These languages include C, C++, Java, C# etc.
Yep, to the best of my knowledge, most modern languages (if not most languages in general) support this.
Maybe I misunderstand you, but in most languages, you can already do that.
in java for example, if you have a function get_foo() returning an object of type foo, and foo is defined as
Class Foo{
public int bar;
public double baz;
you can do get_foo().bar returning bar
Any language that allows a function to return an object/struct will support that... And languages like Ruby (where the () are optional) will make it exactly like you tiped (blah.number instead of blah().number).
Another way of avoiding the parentheses is using a property or an equivalent idiom... So C#, VB.NET and Python would also allow that.
If you want to make a new function out of an existing one, it's possible with lambda expressions. In C#, for example, it'd be var fooblah = (x => foo(x).blah); Obviously, if there's an overloading available in the language, you can't do it without giving a list of arguments. mean, like a returning a class or a struct?
In C#
private class Blah
public string Data {get; set;}
public int Number {get; set;}
public Blah DoSomething()
return new Blah{Data="Data",Number=1};

Expression Equals

So, I'm trying to figure out Expression trees. I'm trying to add in a dynamic equals to a Queryable where T is one of several different tables. I'm first checking the table contains the field I want to filter on.
ParameterExpression param = Expression.Parameter(typeof(TSource), "x");
Expression conversionExpression = Expression.Convert(Expression.Property(param, _sourceProperty), typeof(TList));
Expression<Func<TSource, TList>> propertyExpression = Expression.Lambda<Func<TSource, TList>>(conversionExpression, param);
Expression<Func<TList, TList, bool>> methodExpression = (x, y) => x.Equals(y);
ReadOnlyCollection<ParameterExpression> parameters = propertyExpression.Parameters;
InvocationExpression getFieldPropertyExpression = Expression.Invoke(
MethodCallExpression methodBody = methodExpression.Body as MethodCallExpression;
MethodCallExpression methodCall = Expression.Call(methodBody.Method, Expression.Constant(equalTo), getFieldPropertyExpression);
Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> equalsStatement = Expression.Lambda<Func<TSource, bool>>(methodCall, parameters);
return source.Where(equalsStatement);
When I execute this, I get an issue with the MethodInfo in the Call statement. It tells me;
Static method requires null instance, non-static method requires non-null instance.
I'm no master of Expression trees, but I think I understand about 75% of what I'm doing here and know what I'm trying to achieve. The TList is a bad name right now, but I took this from an example that works to produce an In statement just fine.
I'm really looking for an explanation here so I can work through the code myself, or a solution with an explanation of what I was missing.
Ok, so after a very frustrating afternoon and still not quite feeling like I understand what I'm looking at entirely, I think I have an answer.
ParameterExpression sourceObject = Expression.Parameter(typeof(TSource), "x");
Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> check = Expression.Lambda<Func<TSource, bool>>
Expression.MakeMemberAccess(sourceObject, typeof(TSource).GetProperty(_sourceProperty)),
return source.Where(check);
Is anybody able to explain to me why the original just wasn't fit for what I was trying to do? I want to understand more about the actual process, but I feel I'm not picking it up as fast as I would like.
Expression.Call has two sets of overloads (with lots of overloads in each). One set is for instance methods and the other set is for static methods. In those for static methods, the first argument is a MethodInfo object -- exactly like you have. For instance methods, the first argument should be an Expression representing the target (i.e. the left-hand-side of the "." in a method call.) Given the error you are receiving, it sounds like the MethodInfo represents a non-static method, and therefore you must provide an expression representing the instance as the first argument.

