ARM Template redeploy is broken - azure

This is actually about REDEPLOYing an ARM template with a new scale set but all other resources are the same as they were. This used to work and its now been broken by Microsoft Azure. Have redeployed a template many hundreds of times. This exact same template.
Go to the Resource Group you deployed with the ARM template.
Under 'Deploments' there will be a link to the template blade. Click
on it and then click on the template
At the top of the blade is a redeploy button. Click on it.
Select the current existing Resource Group. Enter all other
parameters the same as the original deployment.
Agree to the terms and conditions
Click purchase and there will be validation errors shown.
Click to see the error details. They are all about resources already existing. This used to not occur - sensibly and thus a template could be redeployed.
Here is a link to the template in question, but its not template specific. All templates now fail to re-deploy. The particular resource group that I used to repo this has already been deleted.
Its easy to repro.
ps I created a new VM in a Resource Group using the standard Azure Windows Server 2012 Datacenter image, and it too cannot be re-deployed due to the same errors.

You can work around this using Powershell or Azure Cli or any other template deployment technique (both modes work, complete and incremental), it appears it only affects the portal.
As of 18.02 everything seems to be back to normal.

This issue is now fixed in the portal. It was fixed on about 17th February.


Defining scope configuration/solution targeting by ARM Template or Terraform

I have Automation Account linked with Log Analytics Workspace and Updates solution enable on it. Evrything has been created automatically by ARM Templates or Terraform code and I am trying to find any way how can I add solution targeting for Update Management only for particular VMs. When I add this solution by Azure Portal and link Automation Account with Log Analytics workspace from Update Management menu, it added automatically "MicrosoftDefaultScopeConfig-Updates" scope.
Is there any way to add scope by ARM Template or Terraform code? Or maybe with other automatically way for example as Powershell script?
Related / Duplicate question is raised in this MSDN thread; Just sharing this for the benefit of broader audience who might face similar issue and might look for an answer.

Get ARM template for a specific API in Azure API Management

In the Azure API portal there is the Automation script tab, but that generates the ARM template for the entire resource group. It also includes a lot of other stuff that needed.
Is there a (simple) way to get hold of the ARM template for a specific API rather than the entire resource group? Can it be done through Azure cli? the REST API?
Yes, use the Azure Resource Explorer to locate your resource, the Uri at the top of the page will provide you a link to the template (requires authentication if you want to call it from outside of Resource Explorer).
I also always refer back to the reference documentation on ARM templates, it is a very good place to start from. Whilst it doesn't give you your exact template, it does give you a very clear base to start from (example below). I find this far more productive that trying to read the templates in the Automation Script" section of the portal.
Good luck.
No, you cannot do that. there is only 1 resource provider action to export and it exports the whole resource group. just remove all the extra parts.

Data Factory deployment through Visaul Studio - doesn't list existing Data Factories

When attempting to deploy changes to an existing Data Factory on Azure from Visual Studio (2015), I am presented with the below screen where the drop down on the 'Use exisiting Data Factory' option is blank. I should be able to see a number of DF's.
I have access to the relevant subscription and right to deploy, however not entirely sure why it doesn't display the existing data factory.
Any idea why?
I'm having the same problem. You need some permissions on the Azure subscription, but I've never figured out which ones exactly. I think you need subscription admin or something. Since I wanted to have automated deployments I ended up with a PowerShell script to do the deployment. For a powershell deployment, this page should get you started.

Continuous deployment in Azure Team Project services

When configuring continuous deployment in Team Project with, I receive the following error:
Unable to locate blade 'ExistingWebsitesPickerBlade' in extension
definition. Search
Any ideas?
There is nothing wrong in the process of what you are doing, but this is indeed a bug where the new fails to provide you the right blade containing your existing websites to configure continous deployment.
As you can see, this is a fairly regular error that others are experiencing throughout the whole portal experience.
There might also be an issue connected to which subscription level you are currently using (ex. BizSpark, Dreamspark, Pay-as-you.go etc.) which makes the portal fail in specific areas because of the former.
Provide adequate details for your subscription level to the Azure support team (create an incident), and they are your best bet at getting through with Continuous Deployment in the new Azure portal.

Swap Slots on Windows Azure but don't copy AppSettings

I noticed that when i want to swap slots on Azure the whole configuration will also be copied. I have a lot of environment-specific settings that i wanted to have configured automatically on a swap. So for example, i want that the ENVIRONMENT_TYPE of the test slot stays on TEST and doesn't change to DEV. Like you can see in the Screenshot, these preview messages don't really make sense.
Can anybody help me changing this option? How do you handle this?
Thanks a lot, have a nice day!
In the Azure Preview Portal, you can mark individual AppSettings as "Slot Setting" which means that they won't get swapped. This is described at
You can access the Preview Portal at Choose Browse everything and select your Web-App. On the blade for your web-app, there is a box called Deployment Slots. If you select this, it will list the available Deployment slots - choose the one that you wish to modify, and you can then mark the individual App Settings as "Slot Setting".
