Inno setup- How to 'remove' SQL native client unattended - inno-setup

I am trying to check for previous installation of SQL native Client 11, before installation and if found, it needs to be uninstalled. Executing UninstallString in Inno Setup
Things work fine, but I want the Uninstall to be performed unattended. I am getting options Modify,Repair,Remove in the wizard. How can I select Remove by default and proceed with uninstall silently?
Note: It uses MsiExec and /U /SILENT parameters in the Exec function seems to just exit without any errors.
Thanks in advance.

MsiExec.exe /x{FA5C8C7E-3939-4219-A18E-0519832FE06A} /qn
(I found the options on


Inno set up installer not restarting application after installation is complete [duplicate]

How to automatically run my program after performing a /verysilent install?
I can automatically run my program after a normal install by using DisableFinishedPage=yes in the [Setup] section (that disables the finish page and will run the program immediately after install, without user intervention).
However if I use the /verysilent parameter that won't work: my program installs but won't automatically run afterwards.
Thanks in advance for any help.
Apparently it's working fine now. I just removed skipifsilent flag from the Run section!

msiexec parameters via setup.exe to create log not working

I'm trying to get a log from my install that uses a setup.exe. I can get a log with just setup.exe /V"/l\*v c:\temp\installlog.txt", but I want to pass the x parameter as well to get "Extra debugging information" and when I try setup.exe /V"/l*vx c:\temp\installlog.txt" I get:
1629: Invalid command line.
Any idea what I'm doing wrong? I have msiexec version 5 installed.
Ancient setup.exe: I tried with an ancient version of Installshield and the setup.exe for a Basic MSI worked as expected. I could pass in Setup.exe V"/L*v C:\Test1.log" and Setup.exe V"/L*vx C:\Test1.log" - both command lines worked and the resulting log files were different with the x adding more verbose nonsense :-). Verbose indeed.
Modern Suite Setups: I tried with InstallShield2018Premier.exe - a recent installer from Installshield, and it failed with that command line. I am pretty sure this latter file is an Installshield Suite setup.exe - it has to be. These suite setup.exe files (or whatever they are renamed to) are not the same as the setup.exe files generated for a single MSI file. There are some details about this here (just my observations, needs verification): Regarding silent installation using Setup.exe generated using Installshield 2013 (.issuite) project file.
So I guess the first thing I would verify is that you are not using a suite setup.exe (as opposed to a regular setup.exe launcher). However, it does look like the command line without the x parameter did work for you, and then this theory doesn't make any sense. Posting anyway in case you tested with another setup.exe or something like that. There could also be changes to the regular setup.exe which makes it fall over on the x now, but it worked in earlier versions.
Since the above does not seem like a real answer, how about some longshot suggestions?
Did you try to disable your anti-virus while running with this switch? Just to rule this out in case the x initiates something funky.
Did you try and verify similar results on another computer? Maybe a virtual machine? (a very basic, clean one).
Is this an Installscript MSI? I would build a Basic MSI wrapped in a test setup.exe to see if the behavior is the same for a vanilla MSI file.
All I can think of at the moment.
UPDATE: OK, a couple of things.
Installscript MSI projects are very buggy in my experience. I would use a Basic MSI if at all possible. The resulting MSI files are also much more compatible with corporate deployment requirements.
Maybe Try This: It is possible that you can "hack" the compiled Installscript MSI setup to be able to install without the setup.exe wrapper. So you extract the files with an admin install going setup.exe /a and then you use this trick: How to deploy the Installshield MSI without having to run Setup.exe - in order to run the extracted MSI file using the normal msiexec.exe engine. So then you just go msiexec.exe /i MyMsi.Msi /L*Vx C:\Test.log /QN and see what you get.
It is also conceivable that there is a setting in Installscript MSI projects where you can directly specify a command line to pass to msiexec.exe for testing. I have no access to recent Installshield version and can not help you with this. Documentation might give you a clue.
Have you tried this?
setup.exe /s /v"/lvoicewarmupx! C:\temp\install.log"

How to disable an extra window to restart system even after selecting not to do so in files in use dialog in installshield

I am doing an upgrade for the existing exe file using installshield. when installing the update , in files in use dialog I select the option to automatically close and restart the application instead of the other option to reboot the system.
But I get an extra window which tells me to restart the system again after installation is complete. How to disable this window? Please help :)
You can try to run the installation silently with REBOOT=ReallySuppress (update the paths). Please note that I haven't had the chance to test all these command lines:
msiexec.exe /I "C:\IsWiX.msi" /QN /L*V "C:\msilog.log" REBOOT=ReallySuppress
/I is for install
/QN is silent mode
/L* is verbose logging
If you have an EXE file instead of an MSI file I would extract the MSI to an administrative image (file extract from setup.exe basically) using the following command:
setup.exe /a
Then specify an extract location for the files in the EXE file. You can also run it directly with the Installshield command lines for EXE files. Something like:
Setup.exe /v"REBOOT=ReallySuppress /qn"
Or silently with logging:
Setup.exe /v"/l*v c:\test.log REBOOT=ReallySuppress /qn"
There are also some simplified command line macros from Microsoft. Most of the time these can be used. Other times you need the full command line interface.

Execute another installer silently within your Nsis installer

I am trying to execute ffdshow.exe silently within my nsis installer but ffdshow doesnt seem to work with my method but MatroskaSplitter.exe and other installers have run silently with the same method.
File "..\Prerequisites\ffdshow_rev4515_20130612_clsid.exe"
ExecWait '"$INSTDIR\ffdshow_rev4515_20130612_clsid.exe" /S'
Are you sure ffdshow uses NSIS?
It looks to me like they are using Inno so you could try /silent or /sp- /silent /norestart.

Rollback on node.js install on Windows 7 x64 PC

I've been trying to get node.js installed on my home PC for a while now with no luck. I've tried different versions for the past couple months and no matter what I try it starts rolling back the install at "Creating shortcuts" and it fails to install. I created an install log for anyone who wants to look at it and take a stab at helping me solve the problem. Thanks!
I have faced the same problem, I have resolved my issue. I just mark performance counter to Install when required during installation of node.js
Windows Installer is reporting that it's installed even though it's been rolled back.
Run msiexec /x {29552F29-7FE9-441F-BC56-E6B591587A59}
Where the above guid is the ProductCode value from your log.
If that doesn't work and you have access to Orca.exe from the Windows SDK, you may be able to modify WixSchedInternetShortcuts to a false condition and install successfully. To do that, install Orca, then right click on the node.js msi file and choose 'Edit with Orca' then:
Highlight InstallExecuteSequence under "Tables" on the left.
Find WixSchedInternetShortcuts in the right
Double-click the Condition cell and change VersionNT > 400 to 0
Go to File -> Save
Run the installer again
After installing this version, you should be able to cleanly remove it via Add/remove programs and install another version without modifying the msi file.
I had the same problem with v0.10.35. (23 Jan 2015)
All I had to do was disable the shortcuts in the custom install pane and it worked fine:
My solution
You must install each item separately.
Npm package manager
Add to path
Online documentation ...
Nodejs runtime / Performans counter
(İmportant) nodejs runtime / Event tracing(etw) (select"feature will be installed be required"
restart computer
Last install view
All above methods do not work.
-running msiexec as admin
-msiexec /x ...
-modifying WixSchedInternetShortcuts
-dropping the row WixSchedInternetShortcuts
-even this: removing the option of creating shortcut to online documentation during the installation
Might manually fix it, you can read this help to install product and then add C:\Program Files\nodejs Path to Windows Environment variables.
Open the command promt and paste the below comman
reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Perflib_V2Providers{793c9b44-3d6b-4f57-b5d7-4ff80adcf9a2}" /s
reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Perflib_V2Providers{1e2e15d7-3760-470e-8699-b9db5248edd5}" /s
If you get a result for the command , go to the registry key and delete that key. Now try to install it again. You should be able to install it now.
msiexec /i node.msi /qn+ ADDLOCAL=ALL REMOVE=NodePerfCtrSupport,NodeEtwSupport
This might help
Had the same problem. Solution 1 provided by Jim Schubert did not fix it. I then used Orca to edit the installation file. Changing the VersionNT condition also did not fix it for me. I then just dropped the rows from WixSchedInternetShortcuts and it installed successfully. I guess it had some problem with writing the shortcuts. I had also previously tried running msiexec as admin ("/a" option), but this didn't fix it...
One point to be aware of (I learn it the hard way): even after having edited the installer with Orca, don't try to uncheck the checkboxes for shortcuts creation in the installer, leave them checked or it will fail with the same error message.
It happened to me as well, I removed almost everything from the installation and completed the installation. After that I ran the installation again and added one by one until I installed all.
You can always use chocolately install:
choco install nodejs.install --version 8.11.1
Check if Avast Antivirus is installed in your machine.
If it is turn off the shields and try installing nodejs
Now it works completely fine...
