column, width parameter not working - linux

I'm running REHL7 at work with column -V at column from util-linux 2.23.2
I have csv files that contain some columns with long strings.
I want to view the csv as a table, and limit the column width since I'm
typically not interested in spot checking the long strings.
cat foo_bar.csv | column -s"," -t -c5
It appears that the column width is not being limited to 10 chars.
I wonder if this is a bug, or I'm doing it wrong and can't see it ?
Test input, test.csv
Running the command I think is correct:
cat test.csv | column -s"," -t -c5
co1 col2 col3 col4 col5
1 2 3 longLineOfTextThatIdoNotWantToInspectAndWouldLikeToLimit 5

The −c or −−columns option does not do what you think it does. By default,
column looks at all lines to find the longest one. If column can fit 2 of
those lines in 80 width, then every 2 lines are fit on one:
$ cat file
1 this is a short line
2 this is a short line
3 this line needs to be 39 or less char
4 this line needs to be 39 or less char
$ column file
1 this is a short line 3 this line needs to be 39 or less char
2 this is a short line 4 this line needs to be 39 or less char
$ column -x file
1 this is a short line 2 this is a short line
3 this line needs to be 39 or less char 4 this line needs to be 39 or less char
If you put -c lower than 80, it’s going to make it less likely that you get
more than 1 column:
$ column -c70 file
1 this is a short line
2 this is a short line
3 this line needs to be 39 or less char
4 this line needs to be 39 or less char
So, simply said, column cannot do what you want it to do. Awk can do this:
FS = ","
for (x = 1; x <= NF; x++) {
printf "%s%s", substr($x, 1, 5), x == NF ? "\n" : "\t"
co1 col2 col3 col4 col5
1 2 3 longL 5

I was looking for a solution to a similar problem (truncating columns in docker ps output). I did not want to use awk and instead solved it using sed.
In this example I limit the output of docker ps to 30 characters per column.
docker ps -a --format "table {{.ID}},{{.Names}},{{.Image}},{{.State}},{{.Networks}}" | \
sed "s/\([^,]\{30\}\)[^,]*/\1/g" | \
column -s "," -t
The pattern matches 30 non-delimter ([^,]) characters in a group followed by the rest of the non-delimeter characters (if the column is less than 30 characters then it doesn't match and is left alone). The replacement is just the group of 30 characters and the rest of the column is discarded.
Just for fun, you could also do a mid-column truncation in case there is useful information at both ends of the column.
docker ps -a --format "table {{.ID}},{{.Names}},{{.Image}},{{.State}},{{.Networks}}" | \
sed "s/\([^,]\{14\}\)[^,]*\([^,]\{14\}\)/\1..\2/g" | \
column -s "," -t


Bash script: filter columns based on a character

My text file should be of two columns separated by a tab-space (represented by \t) as shown below. However, there are a few corrupted values where column 1 has two values separated by a space (represented by \s).
My objective is to create a table as follows:
i.e. discard the 2nd value that is present after the space in column 1 for eg. in C\sx\t3 I can discard the x that is present after space and store the columns as C\t3.
I have tried a couple of things but with no luck.
I tried to cut the cols based on \t into independent columns and then cut the first column based on \s and join them again. However, it did not work.
Here is the snippet:
col1=(cut -d$'\t' -f1 $file | cut -d' ' -f1)
col2=(cut -d$'\t' -f1 $file)
echo "#{col1[$idx]} #{col2[$idx]}"
# I will append to myArr here
The output is appending the list of col2 to the col1 as A B C D E 1 2 3 4 5. And on top of this, my file is very huge i.e. 5,300,000 rows so I would like to avoid looping over all the records and appending them one by one.
Any advice is very much appreciated.
Thank you. :)
And another sed solution:
Search and replace any literal space followed by any number of non-TAB-characters with nothing.
sed -E 's/ [^\t]+//' file
A 1
B 2
C 3
D 4
E 5
If there could be more than one actual space in there just make it 's/ +[^\t]+//' ...
Assuming that when you say a space you mean a blank character then using any awk:
awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS="\t"} {sub(/ .*/,"",$1)} 1' file
Solution using Perl regular expressions (for me they are easier than seds, and more portable as there are few versions of sed)
$ cat ls
A 1
B 2
C x 3
D 4
E y 5
$ cat ls |perl -pe 's/^(\S+).*\t(\S+)/$1 $2/g'
A 1
B 2
C 3
D 4
E 5
This code gets all non-empty characters from the front and all non-empty characters from after \t
sed $'s/^\\([^ \t]*\\) [^\t]*/\\1/' file
The ANSI-C Quoting ($'...') feature of Bash is used to make tab characters visible as \t.
take advantage of FS and OFS and let them do all the hard work for you
{m,g}awk NF=NF FS='[ \t].*[ \t]' OFS='\t'
A 1
B 2
C 3
D 4
E 5
if there's a chance of leading edge or trailing edge spaces and tabs, then perhaps
mawk 'NF=gsub("^[ \t]+|[ \t]+$",_)^_+!_' OFS='\t' RS='[\r]?\n'

I am trying to add multiple users from a CSV in Linux using CentOS [duplicate]

I have
while read $field1 $field2 $field3 $field4
$trimmed=$field2 | sed 's/ *$//g'
echo "$trimmed","$field3" >> new.csv
done < "$FEEDS"/"$DLFILE"
Now the problem is with read I can't make it split fields csv style, can I? See the input csv format below.
I need to get columns 3 and 4 out, stripping the padding from col 2, and I don't need the quotes.
Csv format with col numbers:
12 24(")25(,)26(")/27(Field2values) 42(")/43(,)/44(Field3 decimal values)
"Field1_constant_value","Field2values ",Field3,Field4
Field1 is constant and irrelevant. Data is quoted, goes from 2-23 inside the quotes.
Field2 fixed with from cols 27-41 inside quotes, with the data at the left and padded by spaces on the right.
Field3 is a decimal number with 1,2, or 3 digits before the decimal and 2 after, no padding. Starts at col 74.
Field4 is a date and I don't much care about it right now.
Yes, you can use read; all you've got to do is reset the environment variable IFS -- Internal Field Separator --, so that it won't split lines by its current value (default to whitespace), but by your own delimiter.
Considering an input file "a.csv", with the given contents:
You can do this:
while read f1 f2 f3 f4; do
echo "fields[$f1 $f2 $f3 $f4]"
done < a.csv
And the output is:
fields[1 2 3 4]
fields[2 3 4 5]
fields[6 3 2 1]
A couple of good starting points for you are here:

Multiple text insertion in Linux

Can someone help me how to write a piece of command that will insert some text in multiple places (given column and row) of a given file that already contains data. For example: old_data is a file that contains:
And I wish to get new_data that will contain:
A 1
I read something about awk and sed commands, but I don't believe to understand how to incorporate these, to get what I want.
I would like to add up, that this command I would like to use as a part of script
for b in ./*/ ; do (cd "$b" && command); done
If we imagine content of old_data as a matrix of elements {An*m} where n corresponds to number of row and m to number of column of this matrix, I wish to manipulate with matrix so that I could add new elements. A in old-data has coordinates (1,1). In new_data therefore, I wish to assign 1 to a matrix element that has coordinates (1,3).
If we compare content of old_data and new_data we see that (1,2) element corresponds to space (it is empty).
It's not at all clear to me what you are asking for, but I suspect you are saying that you would like a way to insert some given text in to a particular row and column. Perhaps:
$ cat input
$ row=2 column=2 text="This is some new data"
$ awk 'NR==row {$column = new_data " " $column}1' row=$row column=$column new_data="$text" input
B This is some new data
This bash & unix tools code works:
# make the input files.
echo {A..D} | tr ' ' '\n' > abc ; echo {1..4} | tr ' ' '\n' > 123
# print as per previous OP spec
head -1q abc 123 ; paste abc 123 123 | tail -n +2
B 2 2
C 3 3
D 4 4
Version #3, (using commas as more visible separators), as per newest OP spec:
# for the `sed` code change the `2` to whatever column needs deleting.
paste -d, abc 123 123 | sed 's/[^,]*//2'
The same, with tab delimiters (less visually obvious):
paste abc 123 123 | sed 's/[^\t]*//2'
A 1
B 2
C 3
D 4

script to compare two large 900 x 900 comma delimited files

I have tried awk but havent been able to perform a diff for every cell 1 at a time on both files. I have tried awk but havent been able to perform a diff for every cell 1 at a time on both files. I have tried awk but havent been able to perform a diff for every cell 1 at a time on both files.
If you just want a rough answer, possibly the simplest thing is to do something like:
tr , \\n file1 > /tmp/output
tr , \\n file2 | diff - /tmp/output
That will convert each file to one column and run diff. You can compute the cells that differ from the line numbers of the output.
Simplest way with awk without accounting for newlines inside fields,quoted commas etc.
Print the same
awk 'BEGIN{RS=",|"RS}a[FNR]==$0;{a[NR]=$0}' file{,2}
Print differences
awk 'BEGIN{RS=",|"RS}FNR!=NR&&a[FNR]!=$0;{a[NR]=$0}' file{,2}
Print which are the same different
awk 'BEGIN{RS=",|"RS}FNR!=NR{print "cell"FNR (a[FNR]==$0?"":" not")" the same"}{a[NR]=$0}' file{,2}
Same different
cell1 the same
cell2 the same
cell3 the same
cell4 the same
cell5 the same
cell6 not the same
cell7 the same
cell8 not the same
cell9 the same
cell10 not the same
cell11 not the same
cell12 not the same
cell13 not the same
cell14 not the same
cell15 not the same

Mapping lines to columns in *nix

I have a text file that was created when someone pasted from Excel into a text-only email message. There were originally five columns.
Column header 1
Column header 2
Column header 5
Row 1, column 1
Row 1, column 2
Some of the data is single-word, some has spaces. What's the best way to get this data into column-formatted text with unix utils?
Edit: I'm looking for the following output:
Column header 1 Column header 2 ... Column header 5
Row 1 column 1 Row 1 column 2 ...
I was able to achieve this output by manually converting the data to CSV in vim by adding a comma to the end of each line, then manually joining each set of 5 lines with J. Then I ran the csv through column -ts, to get the desired output. But there's got to be a better way next time this comes up.
Perhaps a perl-one-liner ain't "the best" way, but it should work:
perl -ne 'BEGIN{$fields_per_line=5; $field_seperator="\t"; \
$line_break="\n"} \
chomp; \
print $_, \
$. % $fields_per_row ? $field_seperator : $line_break; \
END{print $line_break}' INFILE > OUTFILE.CSV
Just substitute the "5", "\t" (tabspace), "\n" (newline) as needed.
You would have to use a script that uses readline and counter. When the program reaches that line you want, use cut command and space as a dilimeter to get the word you want
while read line
counter += 1
if lineNumber==counter
echo $line | cut -d" " -f 4
