Ability for Admin to Link Social Media to a User's Account - node.js

I'm faced with the current dilemma. My application flow is as follows:
Admin logs in
Has to select a list of clients
The selected Client data is then loaded in
Admin should now be able to Link Facebook, for example, to that
client's account with their credentials on a click of a button. Same
would apply for other social media accounts that the user has. The
reason that's important is the app then goes and fetches data from
their social media, such as Facebook Insights.
Is there a way I could achieve is ? I was thinking maybe Auth0 but I had a look on their documentation and it seems I could do it but only if Admin was the one linking his own social media account to his account. Can't really see a way where he could link other accounts to the Client's account currently selected.
I'm working with a React-Redux, Express and MongoDB app.
Even a push in the direct direction would be greatly appreciated.

This is certainly achievable using Auth0 - take a look at the Link Accounts API (User) - you want to use the second option using an API v2 token
See sample here that illustrates how this might work using Node.js.
You could possibly rework this to your technology stack pretty easily. Since you are using a Management Token you'd want that to remain server side (Express) and the react/redux app could make ajax calls via the Express Server side component - which in turn calls out to the Auth0 endpoint to perform the user search / linking actions.


Azure Logic App Customer Connector not working with oAuth2 (shock!) - this time with Pinterest

I have access to the Pinterest v5 api and have successfully authorised my Pinterest App on a couple of Pinterest accounts via Postman using Oauth2 and can run queries against those accounts. I've then created an Azure Logic App Custom Connector with Oauth2 authentication using the exact details as used in Postman (different Redirect URI of course). I can successfully add an action (List Boards) from the custom connector to a logic app. After adding the action I click the 'sign in' button on the action, the pop-up appears and I can see it hitting the right Pinterest account, but the 'authorise' window never appears, it just hangs. Postman works every time with Oauth2 but there's always issues with Custom Connectors. This is the url it's hanging on https://api.pinterest.com/oauth/?client_id=xxxxxxxx&response_type=code&redirect_uri=https%3a%2f%2flogic-apis-westus.consent.azure-apim.net%2fredirect&state=2345dfhghg2-ce76-43c5-b7bc-efbf78d4c426&scope=boards%3aread%2c+pins%3aread
Any suggestions or thoughts welcomed!
From my testing, it looks like Microsoft enforce a space between Scope entries, which prevents Pinterest from authorising the oauth2 request. The Custom Connector can work if you only use one Scope e.g. user_accounts:read. So the workaround to use a Custom Connector with oAuth2 for the Pinterest API v5 is to create a connector for each Scope you want to use.
Can anyone raise a bug with Microsoft for this? Happy to provide more detailed info, but I don't have a support arrangement with MS.

How to handle simple authentication with Azure (with local user accounts)?

I would like to build a very simple Angular 4 app with a WepApi Service as backend.
I would also like to have users register with my app (the basic "create user" - "validate email" - "log in" workflow).
The user/passwords should be stored with my own app (SQL database).
Where would I go for this very basic information? I am highly frustrated with all the "look it's so easy, you can use ANY social media account! Facebook, Twitter, Google, Microsoft! Just three clicks and all is super-secure with OAuth" talk.
Please point me in the right direction - finding this very basic information seems impossible to me.
what i have done is :
Step 1 : call facebook auth from client it returns me id,
profile etc,
Step 2 : then I send fb id to the server (deployed on azure), where it
checks if this fb id already exists in database it redirects to login,
otherwise it creates a new user
you can also authenticate fb token on server side also for more security.
for login with facebook scenario this question might help you.
I would recommend you to use Azure App Service along with Easy Authentication as it allows you to configure your app along with Facebook/Twitter/Google/MSA.
For Starters see this:
How authentication works in App Service
How authorization works in App Service
The following tutorials show how to configure App Service to use different authentication providers:
How to configure your app to use Azure Active Directory login
How to configure your app to use Facebook login
How to configure your app to use Google login
How to configure your app to use Microsoft Account login
How to configure your app to use Twitter login
The above steps do not require you to write any code. However if you need to authorize then you need to handle that in your application.
The above should get you started. Also see this thread where I shared insights on how you can query Facebook: Correct Facebook Graph Api Video Insitghts Request PHP SDK
I also have a blogpost on this here:
Azure App Service: Using Easy Auth to query Facebook information via Graph API

How to restrict Firebase data modification?

Firebase provides database back-end so that developers can focus on the client side code.
So if someone takes my firebase uri (for example, https://firebaseinstance.firebaseio.com) then develop on it locally.
Then, would they be able to create another app off my Firebase instance, signup and authenticate themselves to read all data of my Firebase app?
#Frank van Puffelen,
You mentioned the phishing attack. There actually is a way to secure for that.
If you login to your googleAPIs API Manager console, you have an option to lock down which HTTP referrer your app will accept request from.
visit https://console.developers.google.com/apis
Go to your firebase project
Go to credentials
Under API keys, select the Browser key associated with your firebase project (should have the same key as the API key you use to initialize your firebase app.)
Under "Accept requests from these HTTP referrers (web sites), simply add the URL of your app.
This should only allow the whitelisted domain to use your app.
This is also described here in the firebase launch-checklist here: https://firebase.google.com/support/guides/launch-checklist
Perhaps the firebase documentation could make this more visible or automatically lock down the domain by default and require users to allow access?
The fact that someone knows your URL is not a security risk.
For example: I have no problem telling you that my bank hosts its web site at bankofamerica.com and it speaks the HTTP protocol there. Unless you also know the credentials I use to access that site, knowing the URL doesn't do you any good.
To secure your data, your database should be protected with:
validation rules that ensure all data adheres to a structure that you want
authorization rules to ensure that each bit of data can only be read and modified by the authorized users
This is all covered in the Firebase documentation on Security & Rules, which I highly recommend.
With these security rules in place, the only way somebody else's app can access the data in your database is if they copy the functionality of your application, have the users sign in to their app instead of yours and sign in/read from/write to your database; essentially a phishing attack. In that case there is no security problem in the database, although it's probably time to get some authorities involved.
Update May 2021: Thanks to the new feature called Firebase App Check, it is now actually possible to limit access to your Realtime Database to only those coming from iOS, Android and Web apps that are registered in your Firebase project.
You'll typically want to combine this with the user authentication based security described above, so that you have another shield against abusive users that do use your app.
By combining App Check with security rules you have both broad protection against abuse, and fine gained control over what data each user can access.
Regarding the Auth white-listing for mobile apps, where the domain name is not applicable, Firebase has
SHA1 fingerprint for Android apps and
App Store ID and Bundle ID and Team ID (if necessary) for your iOS apps
which you will have to configure in the Firebase console.
With this protection, since validation is not just if someone has a valid API key, Auth domain, etc, but also, is it coming from our authorized apps and domain name/HTTP referrer in case of Web.
That said, we don't have to worry if these API keys and other connection params are exposed to others.
For more info, https://firebase.google.com/support/guides/launch-checklist

WebApi secured by Azure Active Directory called from JavaScript

I have the following scenario:
1.- A web api project in Azure, that I want to secure using Azure AD (I don't mind Token, cookie, whatever, as far as it meets the entire scenario)
2.- An Azure web site in asp.net MVC, also secured by Azure AD. This website has to call the web api controller with SSO (I'm using same Azure AD in the entire scenario)
3.- Some JavaScript code running in a page in SharePoint Online, also calling the web api controller in any secure way (The Office 365 tenant is also using same Azure AD). If you don't know about SharePoint, let's say I have an SPA project where I can only use Javascript and html (no server side code).
Following some of the MS Azure AD samples and some blogs from Vittorio Bertocci I'm able to get the points 1 and 2 working fine, using OWIN and Oppen ID connect. However, seems impossible to achieve point 3. As I'm inside a page in SharePoint Online, I can only use javascript, and not any server side code. I'd like to get a valid token for the current user, that is already logged in SP, and remember that SP uses same Azure AD that web api site.
Can I call the Azure AD and get a valid token, just from client code?
I'm open to any possible solution. I can do whatever in the web api project. If you are thinking in a SharePoint app with an appPart, and the appPart calls the web api from server side code, I agree that will work, but it's an option that is not allowed at the moment :(
Many thanks.
I have similar needs. While waiting for a Microsoft sponsored solution we’re working on the following approach.
3) in Your solution (i.e. HTML page with JavaScript, hosted in SharePoint Online and running in Browser) will call Services in 1) (i.e. Web Api Service layer in Azure).
In Our case we only want to validate that the calls made from SharePoint Online (via users browser, i.e. JavaScript) originate from a correct Office 365 / SharePoint Online user in our tenant.
We are opting out of using the App Model as we only want some simple HTML / JavaScript pages in our Intranet and don’t want App Webs. The Web Api server side code is kind of our “Web Part” code behind.
Change to the solution after trying it out and having workable code:
The auth cookies are ReadOnly and cannot be used. Instead we have registered one metod in our service layer as App in SharePoint Online (via appregnew.aspx). That methods url (e.g. https://cloudservice.customer.com/api/authentication/token) is registered as App start page in the app manifest and is deployed to a site Collection.
Now we can call our App via https://customer.sharepoint.com/sites/devassets/_layouts/15/appredirect.aspx?instance_id={GUID} i a jQuery ajax call and parse the result. AppRedirect sends the correct SPAuthToken which we use in our service endpoint (i.e. App start page) to call back to SharePoint and check context.Web.CurrentUser. User email is then stored in Table Storage with a generated Token which we send back to the caller (i.e. the jQuery ajax call to app redirect).
That token is then used in all other service layer calls in order to be sure of who is calling our service layer and in some cases perform authorization in our service layer.
Note, You can use the same approach in order to store Refresh and AccessToken in your client and provide that in all calls to your service from your client and use those tokens in order to do App Calls back to SharePoint. This enables HTML UI in SharePoint host webs and server code using user context in Azure service layer.
To follow up, ADAL.js has recently been released, and the ability to use CORS with O365 APIs was recently added, enabling a scenario for script clients to communicate with services protected by Azure AD, such as your Web API.
UPDATE 2018:
This is now supported by SharePoint Online and the SPFx development model, and officially documented, for instance here
Consume enterprise APIs secured with Azure AD in SharePoint Framework
Being said that the work done meanwhile by Vittorio, Kirk, and their teams, but extending that also to Andrew that has delivered great samples, is awesome; that doesn't really fully reply the original question because one of the requirements is to don't run the component as Add-in Part.
If you try to use ADAL JS (which starts its own OAuth flow) hosting that directly in a SP page, that's not going to work, or anyway you can expect a weird behavior for the user (cause of client redirects happening on the browser).
The solution proposed by Peter Karpinski is interesting, and will work matching the requirements in the original question, but requires quite some complexity and additional management/resources.
This recent article provides an alternative solution similar to Peter's one, but requiring less 'extras' and somewhat simpler, also reusing user's SP identity.
Consuming Azure Hosted Web API from SharePoint Online using JavaScript and Office 365 identities
and doesn't either require the use of ADAL on the client side and the implementation of custom security provider / token issuer on the server side.
The identity (cookie) will be passed via properly handling CORS (documentation) on both sides.
However, as you can read in my comments to that blog, this won't work normally with IE due to its security zone implementation. You'll have to be sure you have control on IE security zones on the clients, or have an alternative solution specific for IE.
As of today AAD does not support the OAuth2 implicit flow (or OpenId Connect variants) hence you can't obtain a token from AAD using a user-agent (browser), regardless of whether you hit the wire handcrafting the protocol or using a library.
However keep an eye on future announcements, as this is an important scenario for us!
update we now support the implicit flow on our server, and we released a library for helping you consume the new feature: http://www.cloudidentity.com/blog/2015/02/19/introducing-adal-js-v1/
Thank youi for r your patience!
The fact that you say you can use only HTML/JS let me guess you're having a SharePoint-hosted App.
Azure AD Authentication Library (ADAL) doesn't provide yet in this moment support for HTML5.
I've been looking since a while (almost one year) on how to implement something as you say; but I couldn't find any working solution, which doesn't make use also of some 'code-behind'.
I'd suggest you then to move to a Provider-hosted App, where you'll be able to have some C# code, and make use of ADAL to retrieve and reuse the OAuth token.
Also, I think is worth to look at this documentation page:
Choose patterns for developing and hosting your app for SharePoint
at section Match your hosting pattern with your development goals
thanks for your help.
Well, it's not a SP-Hosted App, but it's same scenario. It's just a SP page in SP Online, so I can only use JS code like in a SP-hosted app.
As I said in my question, I agree the Provider hosted app is likely the right (or at least, the unique) solution, but that means to build and app, deploy it, and add teh appPart manually to the page (is not easy to package in a WSP). So, this solution is quite hard, when you only want to make some AJAX calls and show some data.
However, after all that I've seen, I think we can't do anything else. I'm gonna wait some more days to see if someone know any weird workarround that could work, and if not, I'll mark your answer as valid.
Thanks again!

Web API authentication and authorization (OAuth)

Consider the following (common) scenario. I will first try to specify how I understand a (nice) Web API should look like, using OAuth. Please do correct me if I got any of the flows wrong.
My API: the center of attention, all clients use this.
My Web App: Uses the API just like any other client would.
My Mobile App: Also uses the API, the same exact way as the web app. Users should be able to authenticate without opening a browser.
3rd party Web App: Also uses the API - however, the user/resource owner must grant permission for the app to do something. They do this by redirecting to my site (or opening a popup to it), logging the user in if necessary, and prompting the user for access.
3rd party Mobile App: Same requirements as the 3rd party web app.
The Question(s)
Should the API handle authentication and authorization?
How does the API know who (the resource owner that is using the client application), is using the API?
When a user is using my official clients, they should obviously not have to grant any permissions - my clients should have all permissions. How would I distinguish between my official clients, and 3rd party clients when calling the API?
Here is what I understand, and would do so far. This is where I really need help - getting this done right.
Official Web app
- Client attempts to `GET /api/tasks/".
- API says "who are you? (HTTP 401)
- Official web app redirects to login form.
> Bob enters his credentials.
- .. now what? Get an authentication token? Cookie?
Since the web app is just a consumer of my API, how would I manage the logged-in state? Should the web app do that?
Should the web app have direct access to the users database instead of verifying credentials against the API?
I am using .NET (C#) primarily, but I'd love an approach that is applicable to, say, Node JS based API's as well.
How would you go about this? Especially the client flows are a problem for me. The reason I ask, is that I have read that you should not roll your own security solution unless absolutely necessary, so if there are any standard-ish guidelines for this, do let me know. :)
Take a look at the new web API 2 oAuth stuff.
Basically fire up a new web API project and ensure you select to change the authentication.
Then, it's a simple case of calling the register controller. This then creates a token for you which can then be sent in the header of each request for that user.
Check out the API calls using fiddler and create some mock up accounts.
It's been awhile, but I thought I would document what I ended up doing.
I use DotNetOpenAuth. I have a database with clients, and they have a Trusted field - if this is set, it lets the client use the password grant, which automatically grants all scopes that have been predefined for that client.
The 1st-party web app uses plain cookie auth - exposing the client credentials in JS would be too risky.
