ArangoDb Web Graph visualization - Select node attributes - arangodb

I'm using ArangoDb Graph web interface.
I have created a graph with nodes from different collections.
As each node collection has its own attribute set, is there any way to choose different labels to be shown?

there currently is no way to select the label attribute per vertex collection.
You may want to open a feature request via github, or take a look at - However, the used Sigma.js library has to support it in first place.

I was having the same problem before. But, after setting the start node, the labels appear correctly.
Otherwise, the arrows, as you can see in the picture, do not appear. I set documents and edges. I tried changing colors, types, label, and nothing.
The worst problem is that I can save the properties one thousand times and, if I close the graph open it again, it loses the changes. I tried to find a Python code to set the label, but nothing till now.
Maybe the number of edges (1,435,022)?


Generic Inquiry as Primary List/Entry Point

As I build custom entry screens for our business requirements, an objective is to utilize generic inquiries as the entry point for a consistent user experience with the rest of the system. I have 3 user entry screens, each of which is on the Site Map in the same place. Two of the GI's allow me to select the Site Map node for these user screens and assign the Entry Point to display the GI instead of the user entry screen. One does not. All of them appear to have very similar DAC structure as well as Graph structure including naming the primary graph in the DAC.
What causes the site map node to be available (or not) for assignment of the GI as an entry point. (For instance, is there an orphaned record I might seek out in SQL from deleting a previous attempt?)
I am on Acumatica ERP 2018R1 (Build 18.113.0018).
There were a couple of issues that prevented the Generic Inquiry from allowing it to be set as an Entry Point. If you have this same issue, review the related DAC's carefully for errors that may not be compile time issues. Also, double check all of the definition tabs in the generic inquiry for fields that you renamed or dropped but failed to adjust in the GI. In my case, the last issue resolved that allowed the GI to be turned into an entry screen was a poorly defined parameter.
To troubleshoot, try making the GI very simple. If you cannot reach the screen to select as the entry point and the GI is very basic, odds are that you have a problem somewhere in the DAC. In some of the DAC's for screens that I could not setup as an entry point, I had reference to a setup DAC that was not using Currrent when it should. This small error in the DAC was the problem on 2 of my 3 screens.
In my case, the primary view name in the graph was not 100% the same as the datamember on the screen. One was camelcase and the other pascal case. Make sure the view name on both the screen and the graph is exactly the same.

Orchard 1.9.1 Container Layout

I set up the following Content Definition in an Orchard 1.9.1 site:
- Logo (Media Library Picker Field)
- Container (single supported type - Product)
- Containable
- [Generic Fields]
I added a few sample Product items to the site, and as part of that it had me select the Member Of option, which was a list of Manufacturer items I had already added.
The issue I have is, when I try to build a query to use with a projection widget, I can't seem to find a way to get either a Manufacturer's children, or a Product's parent container since I need to display all content on a single view. There are only going to be ~20 line items here, so performance is a non-issue. If I do multiple queries (one for each type), everything shows up individually but the Shape Tracing tool, when showing me the various Model items on the view, can't seem to show me either of these options.
My end goal is building a custom view to display this information, but I can't figure out how to traverse either up the Product to what its' parent container is, or traverse down from a Manufacturer to the child Product items below it.
How do I build a query that lets me see all of this so I can build a projection widget off of that?
I played with this some more and came across the ability to take a query and attach a layout to it. That is definitely getting me closer, however the grouping option says No properties are currently available in order to group this view, however I would think being part of a container/containable would define grouping automatically. As it stands, this lets me show everything, but unfortunately the parent/child show, and then the children repeat again, independent of the parent. It's so close, but I can't quite get it right.

Can't create graph from node/edge collections in ArangoDB 2.2.0

Last week was released ArangoDB 2.2.0 with many nice changes. I want to refactor some AQL graph queries since the API has changed from 2.x to 2.2.x and many methods are now deprecated. The issue is that I can't create a graph from my node/edge collections from the UI, I'm getting the following error:
Sorry your graph seems to be empty
Having a look at the logs there is no error.
Any clues?
I include the UI behaviour I commented:
By default, from/to collections do not show up:
When clicking the add button or near to it, from/to collections fields show up. It's not clear to me I should do it to be able to set up the edge definition.
I just found out the issue, a UI related one. When specifying the edge definitions, only "Edge defintions" field is displayed but not "fromCollections" and "toCollections" fields. I was a bit confused about it as well, since in the docs I noticed these concepts (in 2.1.2 only edges collection name was necessary). By clicking in the add button (or around it), these fields show up and everything works as expected when filling them in.
The graph viewer expects a graph to contain at least one vertex.
This message indicates, that your graph does not contain any data. Please make sure that your vertex collections contain at least one document.
I am bit confused by your description.
In all versions below 2.2 we offered a dialog to configure your graph viewer before actually showing it (there you could select a vertex and an edge collection). Are you using a bookmarked version of this page?
It will not work any more.
If this is the case, please use the normal graphs tab from the menu and create a new graph where you reference the collections you already have.
If this is not the case the answer above is correct.

is it possible to use smart image in multi-composite field?

I tried using smart image in multi composite field. In that the images are getting persisted, the remaining fields in the multi composite fields are not getting persisted. when i edited the dialog for the first time the values are getting stored on the node. when i edit the dialog next time it is showing me empty fields for the fields other than smart image.
This won't work. SmartImage and SmartFile have some restrictions to them. And there are two different versions: SmartImage and SmartFile vs. Html5SmartImage and Html5SmartFile. Depending on your actual Version of CQ it is even only possible to have the smartimage as a separate tab without any other fields. On top of that the behaviour for the different browser and versions together with the configuration of your SmartImage have different outcomes in JCR. This is even true for AEM 5.6.1 and the Html5 versions of the the xtype.
I can't post the full solution (as the code is not mine) but give some pointers how you could achieve your requirement:
Write your own Widget that replaces the multifield xtype. The author called it genericmultifield and what it does is to open an additional configurable dialog for each item. In this dialog you have the full controll again. It stores each item as a separate node below your resource from where you open your main dialog.
Though you need good ExtJs knowledge to achieve this and considering AEM 6, with a complete new Touch UI I am not sure if it is wise to do so. I didn't have time to check out AEM6, but maybe they already have something like this in their new UI.

Drupal6: How to handle node links in user profile attributes?

One of the fields in my user profiles is a list of nodes. (This list is generated automatically, based on other data on the site.) Currently, it displays like this:
nid1, nid2, nid3
I want it to look like this:
$nid1->title, $nid2->title, $nid3->title
where each title is a link to its node. What is the best way to do this? I tried filling the field with links generated by l(), but the html gets filtered out.
Also, when using l(), is there a way to say: create a link to the node with $nid, no matter where it happens to be located at runtime?
Concerning the first question:
The field values of a profile list are run through ´check_plain()inprofile_view_field()`, so you can only get markup in there after they got loaded, which leaves you with at least two options, depending on where you want to alter the output:
Implement hook_user() and, on the 'view' operation, modify the field values in the $account->content array (Make sure that your modules weight is below that of the profile module or the values will not be in there yet).
Add your own preprocess functions for all templates where the fields are used and make your adjustments there. On first sight, these should be the following, but the list might be incomplete:
yourModule_preprocess_profile_block() (profile module)
yourModule_preprocess_profile_listing() (profile module)
yourModule_preprocess_user_profile_item() (user module)
As for the second question:
Also, when using l(), is there a way
to say: create a link to the node with
$nid, no matter where it happens to be
located at runtime?
I do not understand what you mean by "no matter where it happens to be located at runtime". Anything that is not covered by the following?
l('SomeTitle', 'node/' . $nid)
