how to do quick replies on Facebook messenger bot using - node.js

I am trying to build Facebook Messenger bot using Node.Js and The tutorial and the guides says about how to make a basic conversation bot. But, can someone tell me how to do Quick replies using on Facebook messenger bots?


how to create input submit interface in telegram bot (in Facebook bot available)

I am new to Telegram chatbot development. I want to create input interface for Telegram bot like I've given the image above. The above bot in created in Facebook Messanger bot. But I Want to create it in Telegram.
Is there any way to do like that, in Telegram?
or Any other custom way to use along with Telegram?
Please help me to solve the problem.

How to enable voice in Microsoft webchat Bot

I successfully develop a webchat bot on Microsoft Azure using Node JS as back end.
everything is working fine, Now I want to integrate voice in bot, like we have in google assistant or Alexa.
Problem is there is no clear documentation from Microsoft to implement this with Nodejs
if anybody done this before kindly help.

Define allowed users for telegram integration in

Goal: Have a chat bot on telegram that only allows me to talk to my app
Problem: Using the telegram bot integration, anyone with my bot ID could talk to it
Expected: Some functionality to limit telegram user access by chat ID
Ive come to believe that this isn't possible right now (just using the telegram integration). I'd have to implement this myself, probably using the python SDK for Problem is, their docs are nowhere to be found. Hope someone can help me realize this

Is there any way to integrate my Facebook Messenger bot with an ionic app?

I have made a facebook messenger bot using node.js and hosted on heroku. How can I integrate the bot with my ionic app, so that the bot runs on the app and not on facebook messenger. I am new to this, so please help me out. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
The facebook messenger platform is for building bots that run on Facebook messenger and use the native features of facebook messenger and not on your website/app. Period.
But there are a couple of things you can do to integrate your website and your bot and make them work more tightly together.
Checkbox Plugin : Signup user for your messenger bot directly from your website/app.
Send to Messenger : Authenticate a user from your website/app
Message us : i.e. you can even begin a messenger conversation with your user from your website/app.
Read more about these possibilities here.

How to build bot GUI in slack.

How to build bot GUI in slack.
I have build a custom chat bot engine.
It has rest endpoint where I post message and get response.
What I want is to integrate my chat bot engine with slack. So that I can use slack as my front end to post messages and get response. How to do this.
I have googled and I have got to many link like - slack web, slack integration, slack app. I am sure which one to follow.
Please let me know if there any steps I can follow to do this.
