Updated Weekly Comparison between two values - excel-formula

I am trying to make an excel for keeping track of body weight.
On each SUNDAY, the new weight will be inputted by the user, this will go on for an infinite amount months. I want to be able to calculate the difference between last Sunday's input and the current Sunday's input when a new weight is inputted, then display the difference in a cell.
The problem is, I can do this for the first two inputs, but I want it so once you have 4 inputs, it will no longer use the 1st two weights for the calculation, but the 3rd and 4th, and same with 8 inputs, where it would use the 7th and 8th input for the calculation instead of 1st-6th and so on.
I have tried conditional formatting and if's, although it does not get the "use newest 2" effect I want. What could I use to do this?

Make sure you have a 'spare' column to the left of your weights. Let's take column A as the spare and then record your weights in column B. Allowing for column headings and generally laying things out nicely, let's say your first weight data is in cell B4, then the following week's data is in B5 and so on. In cell A4 enter the formula:
Now copy this formula down for as many rows as you need in column A. Your formula to get the difference between the newest two weights is:
[EDIT - allowing for 'calendar' view]
For you calendar view you are going to need a spare row above your weight data. You could hide this row if you wanted. Allowing for blank cells between your inputs I would use a slightly different technique. In this spare row (e.g. cell D2) put the formula:
Copy this formula all the way to the right. The formula for your newest difference calculation now becomes:

If the entries will consistently be on a Sunday and on a weekly basis and you were happy to include the date in column A and your weight in column B then keep a rolling formula in column C:
In row 5: =b5-b4
In row 6: =b6-b5
This formula in column C can be dragged down using the small box in the bottom right of the cell and will automatically change the row number for you.


How do I create a formula that will return a date where the sum of it and previous dates are greater than some requested number?

Example of Product Data and Inbounds
I have 20 products that I sell that each have some requested amount that people want to buy. I am struggling to figure out a formula by which I could have it return the week where the sum of it and previous weeks is greater than the amount requested, so I know on what week of inbounds the order can be fulfilled.
The example data only shows three columns of dates but in reality there could be up to 20 weeks of inbounds inventory, so it would be potentially a large series of sums before it finds the one greater than the amount requested. In the example image the cells highlighted in green are the correct week for each product that I manually marked.
Thanks for the help, I'm not sure where to even start on this.
Assuming that your table start in cell A1 (therefore the cell C2 value is 96), use this formula for your conditional formatting starting from cell C2:
Warning: the formula might stop working if the overall structure of the table is changed. For example: if columns with non-numeric data are inserted, the user will need to re-apply the conditional formatting. If said inserted columns will contain numeric value that are not meant to be sum in the formula, it won't suffice anymore.
I am afraid I don't have time to write a full answer but the below might help. I am sure there is a way to avoid writing multiple COUNTIFS with a SUMPRODUCT but I haven't got there yet.
COUNTIFS($B3,">" & SUM($C3:$D3)),
COUNTIFS($B3,">" & SUM($C3:$E3))
This is a model built around your having 20 weeks so that you can have one formula which doesn't require continuous adjustment - it does require one column of helper cells for each week, though:
the helper cells start in column Y, where the formula in Y2 is
which is then copied to the right as far as column AR, and then copied down, one row for each of your products.
With all of the helper cells populated, the array formula in W2 is
=IFNA(INDEX($C$1:$V$1,MATCH(1,N((Y2:AR2-B2)>0),0)),"In the future")
which is then copied down, one row for each of your products.

Dynamically Average in Cell (Excel 2016)

I have problem with dynamically average calcuation.
...after adding (I change Average manually)
In my Excel file I have users with some values and I'm every month adding new values and there is also Average that must increase. Now I edit this manually but I want to do that automatically. Is it possible? How should be the formula for this?
Note that I cannot move cells.
First of all move the column with the average to a place where you don't need to move it anymore. Probably P column if you need to get all months in there.
Then in the P2 cell add this formula
This will first sum the range and then divide by the number of entries you have in the range.
However, this part: also Average that must increase is nothing that a formula can handle.
It will only calculate the average, sometimes it may increase and sometimes it will decrease.
As stated above, you should move the average calculation else where.
Another approach is to create a named ranges.
For John, we will use following formula for named range definition and call it JohnAvg, this is generic formula for dynamic range, it will expand for the defined line automatically, considering you have only the months data you want to average there:
Then, the formula for calculating John's average is:
(Written to start in cell F2)
This will use OFFSET to create a Range that starts in Column 4 (D) and extends until the Column before the Cell that the formula is written in.

Never include cell value in excel calculation

tl;dr Is it possible to label cells as 'ignore' (or equivalent) so that if they are included in the range of a SUM function, they are not included in the calculation and therefore outputted value?
I have created a complex table that depicts revenue over the next few years. The table rows run continuously through the months with no break between December of one year and January of the next. I have realised I need to put in a Total column at the end of each year. If I select each Jan column and click insert, I get a vacant column at the end of each year that can be used for my total column (to the left of each Jan). However, I use SUM extensively in each row and I do not want any of the cells in the Total columns to be included in any of the calculations of the cells for the months. Is it possible for me to write my formulae in each Total column cell and then somehow specify that I do not want this value to be included in any calculations at all i.e. is there some sort of 'ignore' label i can apply to these cells? I know the alternative is to manually change each formula, but I have 5 years worth of predictions each with 50 rows and each cell has multiple SUM functions in it...
Say we have values in column A from A1 through A400, but some of the items are intermediate subtotals, etc. We want to sum column A, but omit the subtotals.
In column B place a 1 in rows that you want to process and a 0 in rows you want to skip
Then use:
Two options:
Use the SUBTOTAL function to calculate those subtotals, and the AGGREGATE function to do the sum at the end, as it has an option that lets you ignore SUBTOTAL results.
Use a PivotTable. You can then easily subtotal by year or whatever else you want.
I would personally go for option 2

For dates with missing data, take average of values from closest dates

I have sporadically collected data for stream nitrogen levels. For dates where nitrogen levels are not available, I'm hoping I can use an Excel formula that will estimate the value by calculating the average of nitrogen levels from the two closest dates.Note that nitrogen is not correlated with flow (or other water quality parameters) and there is no trend so I can't use a regression equation to estimate values.
Below is an example of what the table looks like for columns A, B, and C, and rows 1 (header) to 7. Column B contains the real data (note that I inserted 'no value' for illustrative purposes). Column C is what I would like to have calculated. Because I have thousands of rows of data, manually entering each of these formulas is not an option.
Date_______Actual Value______Desired Calculation
1/2/2012_____[no value]_______=AVERAGE(B2,B5)
1/3/2012_____[no value]_______=AVERAGE(B2,B5)
1/5/2012_____[no value]_______=AVERAGE(B5,B7)
Misread the question the first time.
Test to see if B1 is equal to "" or not. If it is empty then perform the VLOOKUP searching for the max value of column A (most recent date), and then use the value for the adjacent column (2).
This will not cover the case where the most recent Date has no value in column B. I will return "" in that case.
TREND Option
Based on your comments and the use of some helper cells you could do the following. Make a small table off to the right somewhere of just your known dates and your known values from B. We can populate this table using the following formulas. Let arbitrarily put this table in columns F and G.
in F2 use:
This will pull the dates in order that they appear with values in B that are not "". Then in G2 put the following formula in which will pull the associated value from B
Both those formulas are currently set up to work with a header row and data starting in row 2.
once we have the helper table set up, you can set up a TREND function, which is a line of best fit through all your known points. You can pick the point on this line for dates with no value in B. In C2 you would add:
you would copy this formula down. It checks to see if B is blank. If it is then it pulls a value for B from the trend line. If it is not blank, then it will use the value in B.
Again using the helper table in the same spot. This one gets a little uglier. In C2 place the following and copy down
The first thing it does is check for a blank value in B. If there is no blank then it uses the value in B2. If there is no value in B2 it then proceeds to check the date of the blank against the first date in your helper table. If it is less than that first value, it uses the first value of B since there is nothing to average it with. I then proceeds to do the same to see if the date exceeds the last value in the table. (this is currently hard coded). If it exceeds the last date in the table it uses the last value for B. the last option for the date is for it to be in the table. It take the average between the date prior to the date and question and the next date with a value.
Optional version where you dont have to hard code the last values of helper table, but you still need to hard code the range of the helper table to meet your needs.
TREND Between only two points
So I adjusted the formula a bit on this one. Its kind of a mix of the trend and previous options listed above. I also made it automatically selecting the end values of your table, so now you just have to copy your table down as far as you need. Its also works on the premise that only your data value in B are present, no numbers below your last row.
So basically TREND function is a line of best fit through known points. if your know points do not all sit in a straight line it figures out what straight line passes near them minimizing the distance they are from the line. If we limit the points it using to make its line to only 2 points, then the line has to pass through those two points. Remember, the helper table is a list of all known points.
So basically what the formula doing is checking to see if the date is less than or equal to the first known point on the helper table. If it is, use the value from the first known point in the table. If its not, check to see if the date is greater than the last date in the table, if it is lookup the last known date in the table and return the corresponding table. If neither of these cases is true then the date must be in the table. That means we can get two points from the table and their corresponding values to use in the trend function. We feed the TREND function a an array of 2 known X and 2 Know Y values, and then supply it with an X value we are interested in. In this case X would be the dates, and Y would be the values in the second column.
Revised Helper table
In F2 use this formula:
and G2 use this formula:
and if you want to verify how far down you want to copy your helper table, you can put this in lets say I3:
Now these update that are using the count(A:A) or B:B require that no other numbers be above or below your data in the A or B column.
I also tweaked the average formula to give this option as well.
Example results (note rows 14-69 have been hidden so you can see what is happening around row 75.

How To Ignore Blank Cells for a Formula

I'm tracking hours for my company and I need to see the updated hours daily. I have everything formatted how I want it, except I want two columns to show how many hours over and under each employees current hours are.
What I have right now is
But it is including all the empty cells (for days that haven't been worked yet) as a zero.
I want a formula that can allow me to ignore those blank cells until they have content.
I can't just use a SUMIF >0 function because I need to count the number of hours employees have MISSED (i.e. scheduled 12 hrs, actually worked 0).
Here's an alternate approach to #Tom's, though it works on similar principles. This one, however, relies on your ability to add a couple of 'HELPER' rows, above your current data.
I'm assuming that row 1 will alternate between saying "PROJECTED", and "ACTUAL".
I'm assuming that row 2 will be dates for that week, in Date format. So A2 will be Jan 1 2015, B2 will be Feb 1 2015, C3 will be Feb 1 2015, or however often the time blocks go up. The key here is that the PROJECTED columns and the ACTUAL columns will each need the date in them.
The formula to check the variance between that row's PROJECTED amount and that row's ACTUAL amount, only for dates prior to today, is (for row 3 and copied down, and assuming the data goes to column Z):
This checks to see the value of PROJECTED columns for that row, where the date is less than today, and subtracts the value of ACTUAL columns for that row, where the date is less than today.
If you are looking to compare with something other than TODAY(), you can set up a cell to be your 'comparison point'. Manual type the breakoff period you are concerned with into that cell, and replace "&TODAY()" with, say, "&AA1" [assuming your breakoff point is entered in cell AA1].
As it stands, either a very long series of IF's and OR's or an array formula:-
The second one must be entered with CtrlShiftEnter
Note that it could easily be broken by insertion/deletion of columns.
