How to search only in currently open files in vscode? - search

I usually work on larger projects with many files that would contain the search query. So I would open the files I want to modify and do a find/replace across all currently opened files. Can this be done in vs code?
The feature I'm looking for is implemented in Notepad++, but I'd prefer not to have to switch editors for this task.

For me somehow it works just by typing ./ in the files to exclude field.

The ability to search only in the open editors is in the Stable Build v1.55.
As you can see, the icon is at the end of the files to include input so you will have to have that showing (click the three dots ... just below the search options if files to include is not already showing).

"Search: target particular set of files #20530" located here:
Is tracking a search "scope" such as "all open files".

Hit Ctrl + Shift + F and enable the icon at the end of the 'file to include' text field

I don't think there's a way to do this. You can make a feature request on github. I think an extension could do it though.

There is a checkbox for this in the "files to include" field since version 1.55 (march 2021).

The answer was already mentioned (and accepted above) indeed typing ./ in the files to exclude box of the search window will allow you to only search in open files.
However the response mentioned that he was unsure why this worked. VSCode allows you to exclude all files in a directory by writing the directory in the exclude box. The directory . is the directory where VSCode is opened ie the root directory. The filter ./ excludes all files in the VSCodes root directory so all files are excluded. However opened files ignore any exclude filter. So if you exclude all files only the opened files will be searched.

The best way to find something you are searching for within a specific file in vs code would be:
Ctrl + p then pressing # on the search bar.
It will give you a list of all functions on the file, which makes it easier to track something down.

As an alternative to using Visual Studio Code itself, you can just search the file contents within the folder where unsaved files open in Visual Studio Code are located. This would be in one of these locations depending on which OS you are running:
Linux: /tmp/ (someone else running Linux can verify this)
macOS: ~/Library/Application\ Support/Code/Backups/
Windows: %APPDATA%\Code\User\

This extension is what I use for this purpose.
You may need to change the keybinding if there is a conflict.


How to avoid .pyc file listing in open File Dialog sublime text

i am trying to find if any possible configuration is available in sublime-text editor that can ignore the listing of *.pyc files in OPEN FILE DIALOG because,
its problematic and slow when Press Ctrl+O and type file name and its select file with *.pyc format. and we require to select next file to to open actual *.py file.
I tried file names in ascending order in Open file Dialog that lists *.py files first & *.pyc second. but i work with files mostly starts with a,x,y,w and that's why i require solution.
Sublime uses the underlying Open dialog of whatever operating system you're running it on, which means that it's technically up to the operating system in general to provide the capability to provide that kind of filtering.
If you're using Windows, you can change the file filter to Python, which will exclude *.pyc files. You can also enter *.py in the file name box and hit enter to get the dialog to show you only files with that extension.
On MacOS you can enter *.py in the search box in the top right of the open dialog to find files of that type. As far as I'm aware that's always going to search your whole Mac for files of that type and not just the folder that you're currently looking in, though (I don't use this particular feature of MacOS).
On Linux, well, that's going to depend on your Linux distribution in general. On my particular Linux machine, the dialog has a Search button that works similar to the one on MacOS, finding all files everywhere that match instead of just filtering the current location. Other distributions may have something similar to this or Windows.

IntelliJ File mask not working on simple excluding file pattern! Why?

Follows this page , it should be able to exclude many files using "!" symbol in front of the regular pattern like: *.java, when doing text search inside IntelliJ projects.
On my project, when I fired Ctrl + Shift + F to do text search for string xyz. There's over 100+ results return in both *.ftl and *.java files. I tried to reduce the results on only ftl files by changing the "File mask(s)"-Option to "!*.java" . But it did not work! The result list is empty!
Googling on the excluding file pattern results in creating custom file filters for each particular search, which I don't want to maintain!
Do I miss something here or IntelliJ is just bad on this function (I'm using IntelliJ 15)? With Eclipse, the "File mask" was amazing!
You have to use
!*.java instead of !.java
As for IDEA 2019.1 Ultimate, it works for me(exclude with !*.yml or anything else).
If it does not in yours, as you only as .ftl file to exclude, why not add mask as *.java?
PS: what does not work is exclude some path, like "all files under out/ folder". With !out/* or anything ales it does not work.
Forget about File Mask and use Scope:
In Scope the options are unlimited where you can select folder include/exclude files or folders.
Excluding file paths in the Find in Path dialogue was not added until IntelliJ 2016.1 per this IntelliJ forum response.

How to view changes after "Get Latest Version"?

When I Get Latest Version I often want to see what files have changed (and the diff). How do I achieve this with the least amount of IDE navigation?
Best thing to do is a folder comparison before you get the latest version. In Source Control Explorer, you can compare the differences between two server folders, two local folders, or a server folder and a local folder. Right click on the target folder and select Compare. Read more here.
This is only a solution to part of your question "what files have changed".
Once you GetLatest, go to View -> output window or (CTRL + W,O). This will show you the list of files that was replaced in the last GetLatest operation. Once you have the list of files you can do file comparison on each file to get the changes.

Where are the default packages in Sublime Text 3 on Ubuntu?

I'm migrating from Sublime Text 2 to 3. In Sublime Text 2, I changed a lot of the default settings of the editor -- such as the tab bar height, sidebar color, etc. -- by modifying the Default.sublime-theme file in sublime-text-2/Packages/Theme - Default. I was also able to modify the colors of the default color schemes in a similar fashion. I've been trying to figure out how to do this for Sublime Text 3, but can't seem to find these files. ~/.config/sublime-text-3 only seems to contain overrides for user settings, not the default settings.
This link on the Sublime Text forums seems to give the location for Windows and Mac, but not for Ubuntu. I've searched a bit to no avail. Does anyone have suggestions?
Thank you!
To amplify on #skuroda's answer - ST3 contains all of its data that, in ST2, was stored in Packages/PackageName, in PackageName.sublime-package files that are basically just zip files, or "Resources" as they're now known. Using PackageResourceViewer, you can easily edit the individual files contained within the resource, then save it back again. When saved, the proper directory structure under Packages/PackageName will be created, allowing you to edit the file directly next time. The way file precedence works in Sublime, any file that exists in ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/PackageName/ will override any file of the same name stored in PackageName.sublime-package.
However, since you don't want these files to be accidentally overwritten, I would suggest creating ~/config/sublime-text-3/Packages/User/Themes/ and User/Color Schemes directories and storing your customized files there instead. The User/ directory is protected from overwrites during upgrades, etc., and unless you're planning on creating a customized theme or color scheme for redistribution through Package Control, it's best practice to keep your files in there.
I just realized you hadn't gotten an answer to your original question - where are the files stored? If you installed the .deb file from, all the .sublime-package files are in /opt/sublime_text/Packages.
If you want the easiest way to save your customized settings first copy all the default settings and paste into a new file named Preferences.sublime-settings.
Then make your changes and save the file to:
In order to see the .config folder you will have to enable show hidden files.
The instructions are written at the top of the default settings list in case you are wondering where got this from.
In the ST console, try entering sublime.executable_path(). This should get you close to where you need to be. Also, you should copy the content of the file out and move them (under a new name to the packages folder). You probably don't want your modifications to be reverted on subsequent update. An alternative method is to try overriding the files you need to. I haven't done that for theme files, so I'm unsure if everything will work as it should. If you take the override route, I'd recommend using PackageResourceViewer. I wrote it to help with browsing/overriding package files in ST3.
You can use
dpkg -L <package name>
For example
dpkg -L subli<tab>
Just open up sublime text, hit ctrl+` to open sublime text console, then run these command accordingly
sublime.packages_path() to see user installed packages directory
sublime.installed_packages_path() to see zipped packages (with .sublime-package file type) directory
Mostly likely, you'll find the Default package inside zipped packages directory.
You can use PackageResourceViewer to see zipped packages's contents as #MattDMo suggested, but more over, you can actually extract zipped packages into user installed package directory directly using PackageResourceViewer's extract command.

How to Get specific version of solution when there are multiple solution?

I have multiple solutions in a folder. For example
-[All other project files/folders belongs to above solution, etc]
Note that having these solutions in separate folders is not an option for me.
Assume if I open a one solution in VS2012 (i.e Solution1.sln). I right click on the solution
and select Source Control -> Get Specific Version...
Select Type "Latest Version", and tick two check boxes
a. Overwrite writable files that are not checked out
b. Overwrite all files even if the local version matches
And then press the "Get" button.
The problem is that this operation gets the all the latest files for the c:\Code folder - even the ones that are not belongs to my current opened solution (Solution1.sln). It replaces the files for Solution2 and Solution3.
Is there a way I can configure TFS only to get Solution1 file?
I'm using TFS2012
Update: Please see the sample structure below.
Okay. You have to move all your solution files to a solution folder will solve your problem. TFS is trying to get all the files from the solution folder and its sub folder. That's why you having this issue. Create a folder called Solution, you can create it inside the code folder or outside. Open your solution1 file in vs2012 and select the solution file and choose File -> Save Solution1.sln as and save it in the solutions directory. Repeat the same for all the solution files.
Once you are happy with the new solution files from the solutions directory, delete the old solutions files form the code directory.
Browse to your solution in Source Control Explorer, select "Get Specific Version" from the Advanced menu: it should work fine.
