Where are Azure Data Lake Analytics databases stored? - azure

I created a database with some tables through a U-SQL script run through the Azure Data Lake Tools for Visual Studio (see screenshot below). Is that database stored in the Data Lake Store?
The file structure as shown in the Azure portal

In addition to Amit's answer:
The data that is stored in the store is stored in the \catalog folder of your default ADLS account. It will be charged at the same rate as the remaining data.
The cost of the data that is stored in the internal metadata service is internalized into the ADLA COGS calculations.

Some of the artifacts related to databases are stored in the Azure Data Lake Store. However not all of the artifacts related to databases are stored in the associated ADLS account. More specifically some of the metadata associated with the databases are stored in a ADL service-managed internal location that is not directly accessible to you. What you will see in the ADLS account is the data associated with the tables and databases in an internal format. Hope this information is useful.


Use Data Lake or Blob on HDInsights cluster on Azure

When creating a HDInsights Hadoop cluster in Azure there are two storage options. Either Azure Data Lake Store (ADLS) or Azure Blob Storage.
What are the real differences between these two options and how do they affect the performance?
I found this page https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/data-lake-store/data-lake-store-comparison-with-blob-storage
But it is not very specific, only uses very general terms like "ADLS is optimized for analytics".
Does it mean that its better for storing the HDInsights file system? And if ADLS is indeed faster then why not use it for non-analytics data as well?
As per this document, an Azure Storage account can hold up to 4.75 TB, though individual blobs (or files from an HDInsight perspective) can only go up to 195 GB. Azure Data Lake Store can grow dynamically to hold trillions of files, with individual files greater than a petabyte. For more information, see Understanding blobs and Data Lake Store.
Also, check Benefits of Azure Storage and Use Data Lake Store for more details and comparisons.
Hope this helps.
In addition to Ashok's answer: ADLS is currently only available in a few regions, compared to Azure Storage. So if you need your HDInsight account in a specific region, you should make sure your storage is in the same region.
Another benefit of ADLS over Azure Storage is its POSIX-based security model at the file/folder level that uses AAD security principals instead of Shared Access Keys.
The reason why you may not want to use ADLS for non-analytics data is primarily cost. Because of some of the additional capabilities, it is currently a bit more expensive.
In addition to the other answers its not possible to use the Spark Data Factory activity on HDInsights clusters that use Data Lake as the primary storage. This limitation applies to both ADFv1 and v2 as seen here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/data-factory/v1/data-factory-spark and https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/data-factory/transform-data-using-spark

Could any one help me how to perform Azure table storage deployment through VSTS?

I am a new to azure.Could any one help me what is table storage in Azure and how can I do table storage deployment through VSTS?Please share your thoughts and what steps involved in this and which plugin/task I can use in VSTS to perform this?
About Azure Table storage, you can refer to this article: Azure Table storage overview.
Regarding Azure table storage with VSTS, you can manage azure tables and table entities through Azure PowerShell task.
Azure Table storage stores large amounts of structured data. The service is a NoSQL datastore which accepts authenticated calls from inside and outside the Azure cloud. Azure tables are ideal for storing structured, non-relational data. Common uses of Table storage include:
Storing TBs of structured data capable of serving web scale
Storing datasets that don't require complex joins, foreign keys, or
stored procedures and can be denormalized for fast access
Quickly querying data using a clustered index
Accessing data using the OData protocol and LINQ queries with WCF
Data Service .NET Libraries
You can use Table storage to store and query huge sets of structured, non-relational data, and your tables will scale as demand increases.
You’ll have to install Azure Storage Client Library for .NET to work with Azure Storage.
For more details, refer to the documentations Get started with Azure Table storage using .NET and Get started with Azure table storage and Visual Studio Connected Services (ASP.NET) incase if you haven't checked earlier.

If I delete Azure Data Lake Analytics Account will it delete it's Default Data Source?

I'm fairly new to Azure, and just trying out Azure Data Lake Analytics.
I created a new Azure Data Lake Analytics account for testing purposes and would like to delete it now, however I used an existing Azure Data Lake Storage (ADLS) account as the default storage account during setup. I now know I probably should have added the existing ADLS as associated data store.
I assume I can safely delete the Azure Data Lake Analytics account now without affecting the underlying default storage account, but I want to check before I do this as it would be a massive problem if this the existing ADLS gets deleted.
Any pointers would be much appreciated. thanks
The two are separate. Deleting the Azure Data Lake Analytics service will not affect the Azure Data Lake Store.
As a disclaimer, test test test. Set up another instance of both in the same way and then confirm the delete behaviour, just to be 110% sure.
Azure Data Lake Team here. I can positively confirm that deleting the Azure Data Lake Analytics account will NOT delete the default or any linked Azure Data Lake Store account associated with it.

How to Handle or Architecture, incremental data ingestion in Azure data lake Store?

I've Two Custom code dll, for Image related to IP Cams.
dll-One : Extract image from IP cams and can be stored it to Azure data lake Store.
Like :
dll-two : Use those image and extract information from it and load data into RDBMS tables.
So for instance in RDBMS ,say there are entities dimpatient, dimclinic and factpatientVisit.
For start, a one time data can be exported to defined location in Azure data lake store.
Question :
How to push incremental data in same file or how we can handle this incremental load in Azure data Analytics?
This like implementing Warehouse in Azure Data Analytics.
Note: Azure SQL db or any other storage offered by Azure is not want to.
I mean why to spend in other Azure Services if one type of storage has capabilities to hold all types of data.
adls is name of my ADLS storage.
I am not sure I completely understand your question, but you can organize your data files in Azure Data Lake Store or your rows in partitioned U-SQL tables along a time dimension, so you can add new partitions/files for each increment. In general, we recommend that such increments are of substantial sizes though to preserve the ability to scale.

using Azure Data Lake for Analytics

Currently as part of our requirements we are working with the below Azure components
Azure Event Hub
Azure Stream Analytics
Azure Table Storage
Azure Sql DB
Basically with first 3 components, we will be building an Analytics and Reports platform.
Currently as we just started we analyze the data from Azure Table Storage and display it in the analytics dashboard.
Recently we came across a new Azure product Azure Data Lake . Doing some research on microsoft website , we could see we can easily migrate data from Azure Table Storage (with help of Azure Data Factory) to Azure Lake Store. Creating big data pipelines using Azure Data Lake and Azure Data Factory
As we go through the above link, it's mentioned that we need to create an Azure Data Lake Analytics pipeline to process the data.
So what am unclear is the where will be analytics output data will be saved. Do we need to save the analytics output to some DB ? or can we real-time analytics through a Http request ?
We have huge number rows of records in Azure Table Storage that will be moved to Azure Data Lake. For this scenario is it a good option or Can we go an analytics-based solution from Azure Table Storage itself.
Please share your thoughts
You can store your analytics output data on Azure Data Lake Store (a data repository that enables you to store all kinds of data in their raw format without defining schemas.) after processing it through Azure Data lake Analytics (An analytics service that enables you to run jobs on data sets without having to think about clusters.)
As you said "We have huge number rows of records in Azure Table Storage that will be moved to Azure Data Lake.", I think performing analytics on data placed on Azure data lake store is much more efficient because it offers unlimited storage with immediate read/write access to it and scaling the throughput you need for your workloads. It's also offers small writes at low latency for big data sets. So I believe it is better choice then Azure Table storage.
