Spark,Graphx program does not utilize cpu and memory - apache-spark

I have a function that takes the neighbors of a node ,for the neighbors i use broadcast variable and the id of the node itself and it calculates the closeness centrality for that node.I map each node of the graph with the result of that function.When i open the task manager the cpu is not utilized at all as if it is not working in parallel , the same goes for memory , but the every node executes the function in parallel and also the data is large and it takes time to complete ,its not like it does not need the resources.Every help is truly appreciated , thank you.
For loading the graph i use val graph = GraphLoader.edgeListFile(sc, path).cache
object ClosenessCentrality {
case class Vertex(id: VertexId)
def run(graph: Graph[Int, Float],sc: SparkContext): Unit = {
//Have to reverse edges and make graph undirected because is bipartite
val neighbors = CollectNeighbors.collectWeightedNeighbors(graph).collectAsMap()
val bNeighbors = sc.broadcast(neighbors)
val result = => shortestPaths(f._1,bNeighbors.value))
def shortestPaths(source: VertexId, neighbors: Map[VertexId, Map[VertexId, Float]]): Double ={
val predecessors = new mutable.HashMap[VertexId, ListBuffer[VertexId]]()
val distances = new mutable.HashMap[VertexId, Double]()
val q = new FibonacciHeap[Vertex]
val nodes = new mutable.HashMap[VertexId, FibonacciHeap.Node[Vertex]]()
distances.put(source, 0)
for (w <- neighbors) {
if (w._1 != source)
distances.put(w._1, Int.MaxValue)
predecessors.put(w._1, ListBuffer[VertexId]())
val node = q.insert(Vertex(w._1), distances(w._1))
nodes.put(w._1, node)
while (!q.isEmpty) {
val u = q.minNode
val node =
//discover paths
//println("Current node is:"+node+" "+neighbors(node).size)
for (w <- neighbors(node).keys) {
//print("Neighbor is"+w)
val alt = distances(node) + neighbors(node)(w)
// if (distances(w) > alt) {
// distances(w) = alt
// q.decreaseKey(nodes(w), alt)
// }
// if (distances(w) == alt)
// predecessors(w).+=(node)
if(alt< distances(w)){
distances(w) = alt
q.decreaseKey(nodes(w), alt)
val sum = distances.values.sum

To provide somewhat of an answer to your original question, I suspect that your RDD only has a single partition, thus using a single core to process.
The edgeListFile method has an argument to specify the minimum number of partitions you want.
Also, you can use repartition to get more partitions.
You mentionned coalesce but that only reduces the number of partitions by default, see this question : Spark Coalesce More Partitions


treeAggregate use case explanation

I am trying to understand treeAggregate but there isn't enough examples online.
So does the following code merges the elements of partition then calls makeSummary and in parallel do the same for each partition (sums the result and summarizes it again) then with depth set to (lets say) 5, is this repeated 5 times?
The result I want to get from these is to summarize the arrays until I get one of them.
val summary = input.transform(rdd=>{
// this returns Array[Double] not rdd but still
val initialSet = Array.empty[Double]
def addToSet = (s: Array[Double], v: (Int,Array[Double])) => {
val p=s ++ v._2
val ret = makeSummary(p,10000)
val mergePartitionSets = (p1: Array[Double], p2: Array[Double]) => {
val p = p1 ++ p2
val ret = makeSummary(p,10000)
//makeSummary selects half of the points of p randomly

Why am I getting a race condition in multi-threading scala?

I am trying to parallelise a p-norm calculation over an array.
To achieve that I try the following, I understand I can solve this differently but I am interested in understanding where the race condition is occurring,
val toSum = Array(0,1,2,3,4,5,6)
// Calculate the sum over a segment of an array
def sumSegment(a: Array[Int], p:Double, s: Int, t: Int): Int = {
val res = {for (i <- s until t) yield scala.math.pow(a(i), p)}.reduceLeft(_ + _)
// Calculate the p-norm over an Array a
def parallelpNorm(a: Array[Int], p: Double): Double = {
var acc = 0L
// The worker who should calculate the sum over a slice of an array
class sumSegmenter(s: Int, t: Int) extends Thread {
override def run() {
// Calculate the sum over the slice
val subsum = sumSegment(a, p, s, t)
// Add the sum of the slice to the accumulator in a synchronized fashion
val x = new AnyRef{}
x.synchronized {
acc = acc + subsum
val split = a.size / 2
val seg_one = new sumSegmenter(0, split)
val seg_two = new sumSegmenter(split, a.size)
scala.math.pow(acc, 1.0 / p)
println(parallelpNorm(toSum, 2))
Expected output is 9.5393920142 but instead some runs give me 9.273618495495704 or even 2.23606797749979.
Any recommendations where the race condition could happen?
The problem has been explained in the previous answer, but a better way to avoid this race condition and improve performance is to use an AtomicInteger
// Calculate the p-norm over an Array a
def parallelpNorm(a: Array[Int], p: Double): Double = {
val acc = new AtomicInteger(0)
// The worker who should calculate the sum over a slice of an array
class sumSegmenter(s: Int, t: Int) extends Thread {
override def run() {
// Calculate the sum over the slice
val subsum = sumSegment(a, p, s, t)
// Add the sum of the slice to the accumulator in a synchronized fashion
val split = a.length / 2
val seg_one = new sumSegmenter(0, split)
val seg_two = new sumSegmenter(split, a.length)
scala.math.pow(acc.get, 1.0 / p)
Modern processors can do atomic operations without blocking which can be much faster than explicit synchronisation. In my tests this runs twice as fast as the original code (with correct placement of x)
Move val x = new AnyRef{} outside sumSegmenter (that is, into parallelpNorm) -- the problem is that each thread is using its own mutex rather than sharing one.

how to compute average degree of neighbors with GraphX

I want to compute the average degree of neighbors for each node in my graph. Say we have a graph like this:
val users: RDD[(VertexId, String)] =
sc.parallelize(Array((3L, "rxin"),
(7L, "jgonzal"),
(5L, "franklin"),
(2L, "istoica")))
// Create an RDD for edges
val relationships: RDD[Edge[Int]] = sc.parallelize(
Array(Edge(3L, 7L, 12),
Edge(5L, 3L, 1),
Edge(2L, 5L, 3),
Edge(5L, 7L, 5)))
// Build the initial Graph
val graph = Graph(users, relationships)
To have an idea of the outcome, take node 5 and its neighbors:
node 3 which has degree = 2
node 7 which has degree = 2
node 2 which has degree = 1
The output for this measure is simply the mean degree for the neighbors of node 5: (2+2+1)/3 = 1.666
Ideally, you want to remove links with node 5 in this computation, but that doesn't really matter to me now...
I am trying to apply aggregateMessages, but I don't know how to retrieve the degree of each node while I am into the aggregateMessages call:
val neideg = g.aggregateMessages[(Long, Double)](
triplet => {
val comparedAttrs = compareAttrs(triplet.dstAttr, triplet.srcAttr) // BUT HERE I SHOULD GIVE ALSO THE DEGREE
triplet.sendToDst(1L, comparedAttrs)
triplet.sendToSrc(1L, comparedAttrs)
{ case ((cnt1, v1), (cnt2, v2)) => (cnt1 + cnt2, v1 + v2) })
val aveneideg = neideg.mapValues(kv => kv._2 / kv._1.toDouble).toDF("id", "aveneideg")
then I have a function that does the sum:
def compareAttrs(xs: (Int, String), ys: (Int, String)): Double = {
xs._1.toDouble + ys._1.toDouble
how to pass to comparedAttrs also the value of degree for those nodes?
of course, more than happy to see a simpler and smarter solution for this task, compared to the one I am trying to craft...
I'm not clear if that's what you're after, but this is something you could go with:
val degrees = graph.degrees
// now we have a graph where attribute is a degree of a vertex
val graphWithDegrees = graph.outerJoinVertices(degrees) { (_, _, optDegree) =>
// now each vertex sends its degree to its neighbours
// we aggregate them in a set where each vertex gets all values
// of its neighbours
val neighboursDegreeAndCount = graphWithDegrees.aggregateMessages[List[Long]](
sendMsg = triplet => {
val srcDegree = triplet.srcAttr
val dstDegree = triplet.dstAttr
mergeMsg = (x, y) => x ++ y
).mapValues(degrees => degrees.sum / degrees.size.toDouble)
// now if you want it in the original graph you can do
// outerJoinVertices again, and now the attr of vertex
// in the graph is avg of its neighbours
graph.outerJoinVertices(neighboursDegreeAndCount) { (_, _, optAvgDegree) =>
So for your example the output is: Array((5,1.6666666666666667), (2,3.0), (3,2.5), (7,2.5))

How to compute the distance matrix in spark?

I have tried pairing the samples but it costs huge amount of memory as 100 samples leads to 9900 samples which is more costly. What could be the more effective way of computing distance matrix in distributed environment in spark
Here is a snippet of pseudo code what i'm trying
val input = (sc.textFile("AirPassengers.csv",(numPartitions/2)))
val i = => (Vectors.dense(s.split(',').map(_.toDouble))))
val indexed = i.zipWithIndex() //Including the index of each sample
val indexedData ={case (k,v) => (v,k)}
val pairedSamples = indexedData.cartesian(indexedData)
val filteredSamples = pairedSamples.filter{ case (x,y) =>
(x._1.toInt > y._1.toInt) //to consider only the upper or lower trainagle
Above code creates the pairs but even if my dataset contains 100 samples, by pairing filteredSamples (above) results in 4950 sample which could be very costly for big data
I recently answered a similar question.
Basically, it will arrive to computing n(n-1)/2 pairs, which would be 4950 computations in your example. However, what makes this approach different is that I use joins instead of cartesian. With your code, the solution would look like this:
val input = (sc.textFile("AirPassengers.csv",(numPartitions/2)))
val i = => (Vectors.dense(s.split(',').map(_.toDouble))))
val indexed = i.zipWithIndex()
// including the index of each sample
val indexedData = { case (k,v) => (v,k) }
// prepare indices
val count = i.count
val indices = sc.parallelize(for(i <- 0L until count; j <- 0L until count; if i > j) yield (i, j))
val joined1 = indices.join(indexedData).map { case (i, (j, v)) => (j, (i,v)) }
val joined2 = joined1.join(indexedData).map { case (j, ((i,v1),v2)) => ((i,j),(v1,v2)) }
// after that, you can then compute the distance using your distFunc
val distRDD = joined2.mapValues{ case (v1, v2) => distFunc(v1, v2) }
Try this method and compare it with the one you already posted. Hopefully, this can speedup your code a bit.
As far as I can see from checking various sources and the Spark mllib clustering site, Spark doesn't currently support the distance or pdist matrices.
In my opinion, 100 samples will always output at least 4950 values; so manually creating a distributed matrix solver using a transformation (like .map) would be the best solution.
This can serve as the java version of jtitusj's answer..
public JavaPairRDD<Tuple2<Long, Long>, Double> getDistanceMatrix(Dataset<Row> ds, String vectorCol) {
JavaRDD<Vector> rdd = ds.toJavaRDD().map(new Function<Row, Vector>() {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public Vector call(Row row) throws Exception {
return row.getAs(vectorCol);
List<Vector> vectors = rdd.collect();
long count = ds.count();
List<Tuple2<Tuple2<Long, Long>, Double>> distanceList = new ArrayList<Tuple2<Tuple2<Long, Long>, Double>>();
for(long i=0; i < count; i++) {
for(long j=0; j < count && i > j; j++) {
Tuple2<Long, Long> indexPair = new Tuple2<Long, Long>(i, j);
double d = DistanceMeasure.getDistance(vectors.get((int)i), vectors.get((int)j));
distanceList.add(new Tuple2<Tuple2<Long, Long>, Double>(indexPair, d));
return distanceList;

How to ensure garbage collection of unused accumulators?

I meet a problem that Accumulator on Spark can not be GC.
def newIteration (lastParams: Accumulable[Params, (Int, Int, Int)], lastChosens: RDD[Document], i: Int): Params = {
if (i == maxIteration)
return lastParams.value
val size1: Int = 100
val size2: Int = 1000
// each iteration generates a new accumulator
val params = sc.accumulable(Params(size1, size2))
// there is map operation here
// if i only use lastParams, the result in not updated
// but params can solve this problem
val chosen = {
case(Document(docID, content)) => {
lastParams += (docID, content, -1)
val newContent = lastParams.localValue.update(docID, content)
lastParams += (docID, newContent, 1)
params += (docID, newContent, 1)
Document(docID, newContent)
return newIteration(params, chosen, i + 1)
The problem is that the memory it allocates is always growing, until memory limits. It seems that lastParms is not GC. Class RDD and Broadcast have a method unpersist(), but I cannot find any method like this in documentation.
Why Accumulable cannot be GC automatically, or is there a better solution?
UPDATE (April 22nd, 2016): SPARK-3885 Provide mechanism to remove accumulators once they are no longer used is now resolved.
There's ongoing work to add support for automatically garbage-collecting accumulators once they are no longer referenced. See SPARK-3885 for tracking progress on this feature. Spark PR #4021, currently under review, is a patch for this feature. I expect this to be included in Spark 1.3.0.
