String search keep returning empty in python - python-3.x

I have kept trying to get my code to work but I keep getting blank output and I am not allowed to import anything e.g. RE:
choc1 =' outf.write("/# " + str(number) + " #/ " + line) #lots of cake(#) lovers here'
EC = choc1
ECout = EC
out = ""
for x in ECout :
if x!="#[a-z,A-Z]":
x = x.replace(x,"")
out += x
if out== '#lots of cake(#) lovers here':
print("well done Lucy")
I must be really stupid as this should be simple - I need to return '#lots of cake(#) lovers here' but I'm stuck on this assignment.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance - Jemma

Looking at your for loop, you are examining each character in a string individually, and comparing this to a string that is several characters long. Is this what you intended? Consider:
>>> a = "abc"
>>> for x in a:
... print(x)
Perhaps you meant to take each character, and compare that character to each character separately in the other string with a slightly different statement?


Inserting values into strings in Python

I am trying to iterate over some integer values and insert them into an string which has to be in a weird format to work. The exact output (including the outer quotes) I need if the value was 64015 would be:
I have tried f string formatting but couldn't get it to work. It has problem with the backslashes and when I escaped them the output was not exactly like above string
Hopefully, I made myself clear enough.
You would have to escape the backslash and the double quotes seperately like this:
string = '"param={\\\"zip\\\":\\\"' + str(64015) + '\\\"}"'
The result of this is:
You can use alternate ways to delimit the outer string ('...', '''...''', """...""") or use str.format() or old style %-formatting syntax to get there (see f-style workaround at the end):
s = s = 'param={"zip":"' + str(64015) + '"}'
s = '''param={"zip":"''' + str(64015) +'''"}'''
s = """param={"zip":"64015"}""" # not suited for variable replacement
s = 'param={{"zip":"{0}"}}'.format(64015)
s = 'param={"zip":"%s"}' % 64015
If you need any "\" in there simply drop a \\ in:
s = '"param={\\"zip\\":\\"' + str(64015) + '\\"}"'
s = '''"param={\\"zip\\":\\"''' + str(64015) +'''\\"}"'''
s = '"param={{\\"zip\\":\\"{0}\\"}}"'.format(64015)
s = '"param={\\"zip\\":\\"%s\\"}"' % 64015
The f-string workaround variant would look like so:
a = '\\"'
num = 64015
s = f'"param={{{a}zip{a}:{a}{num}{a}}}"'
and if printed also yields :
More on the topic can be found here: 'Custom string formatting' on
I played around a bit with f-strings and .format() but ultimately got this to work:
foo = 90210
bar = '"param={\\"zip\\":\\"%s\\"}"' % (foo)
Hopefully someone can give you an f-string alternative. I kept running into unallowed "\" in my f-string attempts.
Is it only this?
a = "param={\"zip\":\"64015\"}"
b = a.split('=')
c = eval(b[1])
{'zip': '64015'}
Please note that evaluating (eval()) strings from unknown source may
be dangerous! It may run the code that you are not expecting.

Can we use for loop and if else in a single lambda function at once? so it can check values while working inside loop

Have the function LetterChanges(str). Take the str parameter being passed and modify it using the following algorithm. Replace every letter in the string with the letter following it in the alphabet (ie. c becomes d, z becomes a).
Then capitalize every vowel in this new string (a, e, i, o, u) and finallyreturn this modified string.
I want this problem done in 2 lines
a= lambda stri:([(chr(ord(i) + 1)) for i in stri]) #if i not in ("a","e","i","o","u")
I know that if part is wrong, to understand clearly, I included it in comment.
Expected output is "cdEfgI".
Your expected output does not match your input, you are missing an h before the final I.
Assuming this is just a typo, your problem can be solved with:
>>> a = lambda stri: ''.join('A' if i == 'z' else chr(ord(i) + (-31 if i in "dhnt" else 1)) for i in stri)
>>> print(a("bcdefgh"))
first check if i is a z then return an A
otherwise check if i is any character preceding a vowel in the alphabet then subtract 31 from it to get the capitalized vowel
if that is not the case, increase the character by one
Here's the normal code (that you should have already made):
def change_letters(string):
result = ''
for letter in string:
# This makes sure that 'z' goes to 'a'
next_letter = chr((ord(letter) - 98)%26 + 97)
if next_letter in 'aeiou':
result += letter.upper()
result += letter
return string
If we follow the steps in my other answer here, we end up with the following:
change_letters = lambda string: ''.join(chr((ord(letter) - 98)%26 + 97).upper() if chr((ord(letter) - 98)%26 + 97) in 'aeiou' else chr((ord(letter) - 98)%26 + 97) for letter in string)
But please note, this is a HORRIBLE thing to do, especially for your future self and others you may one day be working with. I would not want to see this again :)

Replace slice of string python with string of different size, but maintain structure

so today I was working on a function that removes any quoted strings from a chunk of data, and replaces them with format areas instead ({0}, {1}, etc...).
I ran into a problem, because the output was becoming completely scrambled, as in a {1} was going in a seemingly random place.
I later found out that this was a problem because the replacement of slices in the list changed the list so that it's length was different, and so the previous re matches would not line up (it only worked for the first iteration).
the gathering of the strings worked perfectly, as expected, as this is most certainly not a problem with re.
I've read about mutable sequences, and a bunch of other things as well, but was not able to find anything on this.
what I think i need is something like str.replace but can take slices, instead of a substring.
here is my code:
import re
def rm_strings_from_data(data):
regex = re.compile(r'"(.*?)"')
s = regex.finditer(data)
list_data = list(data)
val = 0
strings = []
for i in s:
string =
start, end = i.span()
list_data[start:end] = '{%d}' % val
val += 1
print(strings, ''.join(list_data), sep='\n\n')
if __name__ == '__main__':
rm_strings_from_data('[hi="hello!" thing="a thing!" other="other thing"]')
i get:
['"hello!"', '"a thing!"', '"other thing"']
[hi={0} thing="a th{1}r="other thing{2}
I would like the output:
['"hello!"', '"a thing!"', '"other thing"']
[hi={0} thing={1} other={2}]
any help would be appreciated. thanks for your time :)
Why not match both key=value parts using regex capture groups like this: (\w+?)=(".*?")
Then it becomes very easy to assemble the lists as needed.
Sample Code:
import re
def rm_strings_from_data(data):
regex = re.compile(r'(\w+?)=(".*?")')
matches = regex.finditer(data)
strings = []
list_data = []
for matchNum, match in enumerate(matches):
matchNum = matchNum + 1
list_data.append(( + '={' + str(matchNum) + '} '))
print(strings, '[' + ''.join(list_data) + ']', sep='\n\n')
if __name__ == '__main__':
rm_strings_from_data('[hi="hello!" thing="a thing!" other="other thing"]')

How to do a backspace in python

I'm trying to figure out how to print a one line string while using a for loop. If there are other ways that you know of, I would appreciate the help. Thank you. Also, try edit off my code!
times = int(input("Enter a number: "))
a = 0
for i in range(times+1):
a += i
print("Total stars: ")
print("Equation: ")
for e in range(1,times+1):
if e != times:
Enter a number: 5
How do I make the equation in just one single line like this:
I don't think you can do a "backspace" after you've printed. At least erasing from the terminal isn't going to be done very easily. But you can build the string before you print it:
times = int(input("Enter a number: "))
a = 0
for i in range(times+1):
a += i
print("Total stars: ")
print("Equation: ")
equation_string = ""
for e in range(1,times+1):
equation_string += str(e)
if e != times:
equation_string += "+"
Basically, what happens is you store the temporary equation in equation_str so it's built like this:
And then you print equation_str once it's completely built. The output of the modified program is this
Enter a number: 5
Total stars:
Feel free to post a comment if anything is unclear.
Instead of your original for loop to print each number, try this:
output = '+'.join([str(i) for i in range(1, times + 1)])
[str(i) for i in range(1, times + 1)] is a list comprehension that returns a list of all your numbers, converted to strings so that we can print them.
'+'.join(...) joins each element of your list, with a + in between each element.
If you want a simple modification to your original code, you can simply suppress the newline from each print statement with the keyword paramater end, and set this to an empty string:
print(e, end='')
(Note that I am addressed the implied question, not the 'how do I do a backspace' question)
Too long for a comment, so I will post here.
The formatting options of python can come into good use, if you have a sequence you wish to format and print.
Consider the following...
>>> num = 5 # number of numbers to generate
>>> n = num-1 # one less used in generating format string
>>> times = [i for i in range(1,num+1)] # generate your numbers
>>> ("{}+"*n + "{}=").format(*times) # format your outputs
So although this doesn't answer your question, you can see that list comprehensions can be brought into play to generate your list of values, which can then be used in the format generation. The format string can also be produced with a l.c. but it gets pretty messy when you want to incorporate string elements like the + and = as shown in the above example.
I think you are looking for the end parameter for the print function - i.e. print(e, end='') which prints each value of e as it arrives followed by no space or newline.

cutting a string at spaces python

I am beginning to learn python and want to cut a string at the spaces; so 'hello world' becomes 'hello' and 'world'. To do this i want to save the locations of the spaces in a list, but i can't figure out how to do this. In order to find the spaces i do this:
def string_splitting(text):
i = 0
for i in range(len(text)):
if (text[i]==' '):
After saving them in the list i want to display them with text[:list[1]] (or something like that)
Can anyone help me with the saving it in a list part; and is this even possible?
(Another way to cut the string is welcome to :-) )
Use split:
"hello world my name is".split(' ')
It will give you a list of strings
thanks, i tried to do it without the split option, should have said that in the question..
anyways this worked;
def split_stringj(text):
a = text.count(' ')
p = len(text)
l = [-1]
x = 0
y = 1
for x in range(p):
if (text[x]==' '):
y += 1
print l
for x in range(len(l)-1):
print text[l[x]+1:l[x+1]]
