update array in mongoose which matches the condition - node.js

my schema looks like
property 2 is array what i want to do is update those array object whose enabled is true in single query
I tried writing the following query
"qty.property2.enabled" = "true"
}, {
"qty.property2.color" = "green"
}, callback)
but it is not working
[main] Error: can't have . in field names [qty.pro.size]

db.col.update({"qty.property2.enabled":"true"},{$set: {'qty.property2.$.color': 'green'}}, {multi: true})
this is the way to update element inside array.
equal sign '=' cannot be used inside object
updating array is done using $

Alternative solution for multiple conditions:
replies: { $elemMatch:{
_id: "s2",
update_password: "abc"
"$set" : {"replies.$.text" : "blah"}
So I was looking for similar solution as this question, but in my case I needed array element to match multiple conditions and using currently provided answers resulted in changes to wrong fields.
If you need to match multiple fields, for example let say we have element like this:
"_id" : ObjectId("i1"),
"replies": [
"_id" : ObjectId("s1"),
"update_password": "abc",
"text": "some stuff"
"_id" : ObjectId("s2"),
"update_password": "abc",
"text": "some stuff"
Trying to do update by
"replies.update_password": "abc"
"$set" : {"replies.$.text" : "blah"}
Would result in updating to field that only matches one condition, for example it would update s1 because it matches update_password condition, which is clearly wrong. I might have did something wrong, but $elemMatch solution solved any problems like that.

Suppose your documet looks like this.
"_id" : ObjectId("4f9808648859c65d"),
"array" : [
{"text" : "foo", "value" : 11},
{"text" : "foo", "value" : 22},
{"text" : "foobar", "value" : 33}
then your query will be
db.foo.update({"array.value" : 22}, {"$set" : {"array.$.text" : "blah"}})
where first curly brackets represents query criteria and second one sets the new value.


Mongoose getting specific item in Embedded Document

I am new in NoSQL and I'm kinda stuck. Can you help me?
Is there any way to get the specific field in an array if it matches a value?
For example, I would like to get the specific item in the array accountGroup where accountGroupName=="Account 1".
I tried many codes but it just returns the whole array which has the item that matches with the value.
By the way, I am using Mongoose and Nodejs. Thanks.
//here is the database
"_id" : ObjectId("60d2db4b90c66c3b0832a616"),
"accountType" : "Account Type 1",
"accountGroup" : [
"_id" : ObjectId("60d2db5a90c66c3b0832a619"),
"accountGroupName" : "Account 1",
"rangeFrom" : 25,
"rangeTo" : 35
"_id" : ObjectId("60d3fbfbc1502c3ed8cadf86"),
"accountGroupName" : "Account2",
"rangeFrom" : 850,
"rangeTo" : 2000
"_id" : ObjectId("60d2ddb1396dbf384898fbad"),
"accountGroupName" : "account 1 sample 3",
"rangeFrom" : 10,
"rangeTo" : 15
"_id" : ObjectId("60d2db4e90c66c3b0832a617"),
"accountType" : "Account Type 2",
"accountGroup" : [
"_id" : ObjectId("60d2e9586c4fa82310349c7c"),
"accountGroupName" : "account 2 sample 5",
"rangeFrom" : 50,
"rangeTo" : 60
You can use position operator $ into projection like this:
"accountGroup.accountGroupName": "Account 1"
"accountGroup.$": 1
Example here
Note that you are getting the whole document because using
YourModel.find({"accountGroup.accountGroupName": "Account 1"})
You are telling mongo "Give me a document where value accountGroupName into accountGroup array is equal to Account 1. And the document who match that condition contains the whole array.
So using positional operator, is waht you need according to its description:
The positional $ operator limits the contents of an to return the first element that matches the query condition on the array.
This is why with one query you get the whole document and with the other one you get the value you want.
Also note $ return only the first subdocument that match the query.

Mongoose update object in an embedded array

I want to update a comment in a post. I first retrieve the post document which looks like this.
"_id" : ObjectId("5aac169c229f0136296407d4"),
"title" : "First Node.js App",
"body" : "testing 123",
"status" : "public",
"user" : "John Doe",
"date" : ISODate("2017-12-21T18:30:09.779Z"),
"comments" : [
"commentBody" : "This is awesome! ",
"commentUser" : ObjectId("5a3bfd5a9e65351f9c18ba18"),
"_id" : ObjectId("5a3c02379e65351f9c18ba1a"),
"commentDate" : ISODate("2017-12-21T18:49:27.620Z")
"commentBody" : "This is second comment.",
"commentUser" : ObjectId("5a3bfd5a9e65351f9c18gt19"),
"_id" : ObjectId("5a3c02379e65351f9c18ba1b"),
"commentDate" : ISODate("2017-12-21T18:49:27.620Z")
"allowComments" : true
Let say I want to update comment with "_id" ObjectId("5a3c02379e65351f9c18ba1a").
I've tried the following without luck.
const post = await Post.findById(req.body.postID);
await post.update({'comments._id' : req.body.commentID},{$set : {
'comments.$.commentBody': req.body.comment
This gave me the following error:
MongoError: cannot use the part (comments of comments._id) to traverse the element
Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
You can try something like this::
{ "_id": req.body.postID, "comments._id": req.body.commentID },
"$set": {
'comments.$.commentBody': req.body.comment
function(err,doc) {
I'm not sure about how to implement this in node.js but here is the Mongo query:
in:{"commentBody":"test comment", "commentUser" : "$$comment.commentUser", "_id" :"$$comment._id", "commentDate" :"$$comment.commentDate"}
Restricted the document such that only particular user id comments are displayed. After that, added comments with updated comment. Finally replacing the original content within aggregation without update query(note that collection will get replaced if you run the query). I didnt test this extensively, but working for small data set in my local. However, you might need to add some tweaks to this query and then check how u can add same query to node.js

How to do mongoose aggregation with nested array documents

I have a Mongodb collection, Polls with following schema
"options" : [
"_id" : Object Id,
"option" : String,
"votes" : [ Object Id ] // object ids of users who voted
Assume i have userId of the user in node js to whom I want to send this info.
My task is to
(1) include an extra field in the above json object (which i get using mongoose).
"myVote" : option._id
I need to find option._id for which
options[someIndex].votes contains userId
(2) change the existing "votes" field in each option to represent number of votes on a particular option as can be seen in example
"options" : [
"_id" : 1,
"option" : "A",
"votes" : [ 1,2,3 ]
"_id" : 2,
"option" : "B",
"votes" : [ 5 ]
"_id" : 3,
"option" : "C",
"votes" : [ ]
So if i user with user id = 5 wants to see the poll, then i need to send following info:
Expected Result :
"my_vote" : 2, // user with id 5 voted on option with id 2
"options" : [
"_id" : 1,
"option" : "A",
"votes" : 3 //num of votes on option "A"
"_id" : 2,
"option" : "B",
"votes" : 1 //num of votes on option "B"
"_id" : 3,
"option" : "C",
"votes" : 0 //num of votes on option "C"
Since it was the question that you actually asked that was neither really provided in the current acceptance answer, and also that it does some unnecessary things, there is another approach:
var userId = 5; // A variable to work into the submitted pipeline
{ "$unwind": "$options" },
{ "$group": {
"_id": "$_id",
"my_vote": { "$min": {
"$cond": [
{ "$setIsSubset": [ [userId], "$options.votes" ] },
"options": { "$push": {
"_id": "$options._id",
"option": "$options.option",
"votes": { "$size": "$options.votes" }
Which of course will give you output per document like this:
"_id" : ObjectId("5573a0a8b67e246aba2b4b6e"),
"my_vote" : 2,
"options" : [
"_id" : 1,
"option" : "A",
"votes" : 3
"_id" : 2,
"option" : "B",
"votes" : 1
"_id" : 3,
"option" : "C",
"votes" : 0
So what you are doing here is using $unwind in order to break down the array for inspection first. The following $group stage ( and the only other stage you need ) makes use of the $min and $push operators for re-construction.
Inside each of those operations, the $cond operation tests the array content via $setIsSubset and either returns the matched _id value or false. When reconstructing the inner array element, specify all elements rather than just the top level document in arguments to $push and make use of the $size operator to count the elements in the array.
You also make mention with a link to another question about dealing with an empty array with $unwind. The $size operator here will do the right thing, so it is not required to $unwind and project a "dummy" value where the array is empty in this case.
Grand note, unless you are actually "aggregating" across documents it generally would be advised to do this operation in client code rather than the aggregation framework. Using $unwind effectively creates a new document in the aggregation pipeline for each element of the array contained in each document, which produces significant overhead.
For such an operation acting on distinct documents only, client code is more efficient to process each document individually.
If you really must persist that server processing is the way to do this, then this is probably most efficient using $map instead:
{ "$project": {
"my_vote": {
"$setDifference": [
{ "$map": {
"input": "$options",
"as": "o",
"in": { "$cond": [
{ "$setIsSubset": [ [userId], "$$o.votes" ] },
"options": { "$map": {
"input": "$options",
"as": "o",
"in": {
"_id": "$$o._id",
"option": "$$o.option",
"votes": { "$size": "$$o.votes" }
So this just "projects" the re-worked results for each document. The my_vote is not the same though, since it is a single element array ( or possible multiple matches ) that the aggregation framework lacks the operators to reduce to a non array element without further overhead:
"_id" : ObjectId("5573a0a8b67e246aba2b4b6e"),
"options" : [
"_id" : 1,
"option" : "A",
"votes" : 3
"_id" : 2,
"option" : "B",
"votes" : 1
"_id" : 3,
"option" : "C",
"votes" : 0
"my_vote" : [
Check out this question.
It's not asking the same thing, but there's no way to do what you're asking without multiple queries anyway. I would modify the JSON you get back directly, as you're just displaying extra info that is already contained in the result of the query.
Save the userID you're querying for.
Take the results of your query (options array in an object), search through the votes of each element in the array.
When you've found the right vote, attach the _id (perhaps add 'n/a' if you don't find a vote).
Write a function that does 2 and 3, and you can just pass it a userID, and get back a new object with myVote attached.
I don't think doing it like this will be slower than doing another query in Mongoose.

Querying a property that is in a deeply nested array

So I have this document within the course collection
"_id" : ObjectId("53580ff62e868947708073a9"),
"startDate" : ISODate("2014-04-23T19:08:32.401Z"),
"scoreId" : ObjectId("531f28fd495c533e5eaeb00b"),
"rewardId" : null,
"type" : "certificationCourse",
"description" : "This is a description",
"name" : "testingAutoSteps1",
"authorId" : ObjectId("532a121e518cf5402d5dc276"),
"steps" : [
"name" : "This is a step",
"description" : "This is a description",
"action" : "submitCategory",
"value" : "532368bc2ab8b9182716f339",
"statusId" : ObjectId("5357e26be86f746b68482c8a"),
"_id" : ObjectId("53580ff62e868947708073ac"),
"required" : true,
"quantity" : 1,
"userId" : [
And I want to do is create a query that returns all courses that have a specific userId in the userId array that is in the steps array for a specific userId. I've tried using $elemMatch like so
"steps": {
"$elemMatch": {
"userId": {
"$elemMatch": "53554b56e3a1e1dc17db903f"
But It seems to be returning a empty document.
I think this will work for you, you have the syntax off a bit plus you need to use ObjectId():
db.Course.find({ steps : { $elemMatch: { userId:ObjectId("53554b56e3a1e1dc17db903f")} } })
The $elemMatch usage is not necessary unless you actually have compound sub-documents in that nested array element. And also is not necessary unless the value being referenced could possibly duplicate in another compound document.
Since this is an ObjectId we are talking about, then it's going to be unique, at least within this array. So just use the "dot-notation" form:
"steps.userId": ObjectId("53554b56e3a1e1dc17db903f")
Go back and look at the $elemMatch documentation. In this case, the direct "dot-notation" form is all you need

updating nested document with mongoDb + nodeJs

I have a structure like this:
"_id" : ObjectId("501abaa341021dc3a1d0c70c"),
"name" : "prova",
"idDj" : "1",
"list" : [
"id" : 1,
"votes" : 2
"id" : 2,
"votes" : 4
And I'm trying to increase votes with this query:
{safe: true} ,
But it doesn't work, there are no problems it just doesn't update anything.
I think it's because the ['] (simple quotation mark) on the 'list.id' and 'list.$.votes' because the same query inside the terminal works perfectly.
I suspect your matching is not working as you expect. The callback will return
function(err, numberofItemsUpdated, wholeUpdateObject)
numberofItemsUpdated should equal 1 if your matching worked. you'll need to check if idSession and idSong are what you think they are.
