How to retreive endpoint of a service - groovy

i want to add my project's endpoint in the project tear down script. What is the syntax in order to get the endpoint for all requests and test requests as the user will assign their endpoint via all requests and test requests before running the project?
i seen an example using test step but i don't want to retrieve it via the test step route:
The tear down script use either , log, context, runner nd project variables.

Based on the information updated in the question, it looks like you have to access the endpoint in the TearDown Script of the project.
It also appears that you would need to execute the same set of tests against different base url of the endpoint and domain. Not sure even you might need to use the credentials accordingly.
Considering the above, it would be easy to project level properties.
Here you would go:
Create a project level custom property for base url, say BASE_URL as property name and value as Of course, change it with actual value as needed with respect to the tests to be executed.
Similarly create another project level property for domain, say DOMAIN_NAME and provide its value according the test.
Double click on service / interface, click on Service Endpoints tab.
Remove all the existing values.
Add a new endpoint by clicking + icon.
Add ${#Project#BASE_URL} as endpoint and ${#Project#DOMAIN_NAME} as domain values
If required, you use the same approach for the credentials.
Now click on Assign button there and choose All requests and Tests option from the dropdown.
Similarly, do the same if you have multiple services / interfaces.
How to access the above values in TearDown Script? "Endpoint : ${project.getPropertyValue('BASE_URL')}" "Domain : ${project.getPropertyValue('DOMAIN_NAME')}"
When you want to change domain or base url, just change the values of the respective project properties before you run execute the tests against different servers / environments.
The values for the endpoint or domain can passed dynamically (without even changing value saved in the project) from command line using SOAPUI_HOME/bin/testrunner utility while executing the tests. For more details, refer documentation


Script Activity in ADF does not take the new parameter values for Dynamic Link service

I have Dynamic Link Service created in ADF with parameters to pass the values dynamically whenever i want to change the server's name in Linked service. I am using this link service in Script Activity in Pipeline.
For first time, script activity works fine. After i change the server name, it does not take the new server name by default.
For example, i created Linked service with Dev SQL Server. I create Script activity in Pipeline. It works fine for Dev. if i change SQL Server name in Dynamic Linked Service to QA server. Script activity is still pointing to Dev Server. It does not take new parameter value.
I tried changing the parameter value. Same scenario works fine for Data Service which i used in copydata in Pipeline
I have reproduced the above and able to change the server name in script activity successfully.
First, I have created linked service(Azure SQL database) parameters.
Don't give any default values.
Given the parameters like below.
Then in Script activity, given pipeline parameters to it. You can directly give values using dynamic content. For sample I have given a select query.
I have two SQL servers rakeshserver and rakeshserver2. While debugging it will ask values for pipeline parameter values. If you gave values using dynamic content in script activity, then it executes directly.
first server and table in first server:
Second server and table in second server:
If your Script activity is giving the result for same server means, taking the default value might be the reason for it. Give the parameter value either during debug or using dynamic content then it may work as above.

Azure Remote Monitoring - How to add parameters to CloudToDeviceMethods?

In Azure Remote Monitoring, you can create your own CloudToDeviceMethods. How do you add parameters to those methods?
Usually those methods look like this:
function main(context, previousState, previousProperties) { ... } a .js file that has the name of a specific method. But I don't see how I can add parameters to a method like that. I also want to see those parameters in the Azure Remote Monitoring Solution Accelerator web, so I can call that method and send in some parameters.
A CloudToDeviceMethod supports exactly one parameter, and that is the JSON payload that you can give to it. Of course you can add many properties to that payload to act like separate parameters. On the device side, reading that parameter looks like this in C# and like this in JavaScript (Node example)
You mentioned that you want to be able to add those parameters in the Remote Monitoring Solution Accelerator. This is entirely possible with some changes to the ReactJS code. The main files you need to look at are the Job page, right now it calls the device method without a body. Eventually the request is built here, you can see the JsonPayload is left empty.

How to insert a DEFAULT custom header value to all SoapUI projects?

We have SoapUI (Open Source Edition) installed on a windows jumpbox. Many users can login with their accounts, open soapui, import a wadl/wsdl from a dozen of projects and perform testing.
Since the IP is always same, we are unable to find who has sent a request and that is a problem when some destructive requests are made that causes lots of recovery issues (Only authorized users have the access).
Now we want to add http header like user : ${=System.getenv("USERNAME")} to the request. It can be a new header property or even a part of user agent.
We tried to put the property inside HTTP Preferences as a part of user agent string, but it passes the parameter as a string
We also set a global property but couldn't find a way to insert it as one of HTTP calls by default.
The only ways we found so far was:
going to soapui setting of each user and add headers to all requests one by one. (problem: what if user imports more wsdl/wadl later)
adding a startup script to created projects, so it adds the header by default to everything (problem: users can create new projects any time - please note that each soapui instance is individual)
This requirement can easily be fulfilled by the SoapUI's pro software using the feature called Events.
For example, add the header for each request before submitting the web service / rest service call.
However, you mentioned that free version is being used. Wrote an extension some time ago, which allows us to do the same in the free edition of SoapUI. There is a readme available explaining how to use this. Basically this extension implemented the some of the listeners of SaopUI's API while providing the flexibility to the end users what code should they run(in the form of external file) when the respective event occurs.
Complete the instructions mentioned in the readme.
Then you need to do is write a groovy script(already given below) to implement your requirement i.e., add the header to the request. That needs to be done in a file with specific file name located in specific directory(details available there).
In your case, the required code(mostly working sample below) should go into file called RequestStepBeforeSubmit.groovy, in order add the user name into each request's header automatically.
Below code snippet should work even if you use the pro software for the same requirement when SubmitListener.beforeSubmit event happens.
//change the condition if required, should be working for soap/rest types
if (context.getProperty("wsdlRequest")){
def request = context.getProperty("wsdlRequest").testStep.httpRequest
def existingHeaders = request.requestHeaders
def username = System.getProperty('')
existingHeaders['user'] = [(username)]
request.requestHeaders = existingHeaders

Liferay model listener ordering

Following is my requirement :
Whenever site is created, with help of GroupListener we are adding some custom attributes to created site.
So assume that you are crating "Liferay Test" site then it will have some fix custom attribute "XYZ" with value set in GroupListeners onAfterCreate method.
I can see this value in custom fields under site settings.
Now based on this values, we are creating groups in another system(out of liferay, using webservices).
So far so good.
Whenever we are deleting the site we need to remove the equivalent groups from other system via web service.
But while deleting site, in GroupListener we are not able to retrieve the custom attributes.
On further debug by adding expando listener, I observed that Expando listeners are getting called first and then delete method of GroupLocalService/GroupListener.
And hence we are not able to delete the groups present in another system.
So I was wondering if we can have ordering defined for listeneres.
Note: Since we were not getting custom attributes in listeners we implemented GroupLocalServiceImpl and with this we are getting custom attributes in delete method on local environment but not on our stage environment which has clustering.
You shouldn't use the ModelListeners for this kind of change, rather create ServiceWrappers, e.g. wrap the interesting methods in GroupLocalService (for creation as well as deletion).
This will also enable you to react to failures to create records in your external system etc.

Inserting parameter to a web service call in service stack

Lets say I have the Hello World web service defined, from the Service Stack examples, but instead of just calling it as /hello/{name}, I want to be able to call it as /hello/{name}/id, where I define id to be a separate parameter (by storing it in refId, within a CustomUserSession).
In other words, I want to split the authentication and the actual web service call into 2 parts, but I don't want to expose this id in the actual web service call, because this is private, only within my system. How would I go about doing this? My ideal workflow is:
client calls web service : /hello/{name}
authentication happens. As part of this authentication, I get hold of this secret id
I now call the web service as /hello/{name}/id
It's almost as if I want to call a web service from within another web service.
I apologize if this seems like a misguided question, but how can I go about achieving this workflow?
I recommend taking a look at ServiceStack routing. Your service will only be called if it matches an existing route (or uses a pre-defined route) which means if you only had:
It wont match /hello/{name}/{id} and your service wont be called. To match that route you can either have an explicit route for it, e.g:
But this is public info which you're saying you would like to hide. The alternative is to use a wildcard route, e.g:
Which matches any /hello/* route inc. /hello, /hello/foo, /hello/foo/id, /hello/foo/id/and/more/etc.
But what gets populated in your Hello.Name property would be foo/id which you'd have to detect and parse in your service.
An alternative is to supply the hidden id in a QueryString or POST'ed form parameter which you can use in ServiceStack to further populate any request DTO, e.g. using the original route:
Will let you call the service with /route/foo?id=secret which if your Request DTO had an id property will be populated with secret. If you didn't have (or want) to have an id property you can still access the param with:
But since you want this to be hidden, you should probably avoid passing it in the url which is visible by everyone (inc. web proxies, http logs, and other middle ware). A better place to hide a param is to pass it as a custom HTTP header, e.g: X-id: secret which you can access in your service with:
