Spark-Cassandra write takes longer than expected - apache-spark

I have a spark job that runs reads data from one cassandra table and dumps the result back into two tables with slight modifications. My problem is that the job takes much longer than expected.
The code is as follows:
val range = sc.parallelize(0 to 100)
val rdd1 = => (some_value, x)).joinWithCassandraTable[Event](keyspace_name, table2).select("col1", "col2", "col3", "col4", "col5", "col6", "col7").map(x => x._2)
val rdd2: RDD[((Int, String, String, String), Iterable[Event])] = rdd1.keyBy(r => (r.col1, r.col2, r.col3, r.col4 )).groupByKey
val rdd3 = rdd2.mapValues(iter => someFunction(iter.toList.sorted))
//STORE 1 => (r._1._1, r._1._2, r._1._3, r._1._4, r._2.split('|')(1).toDouble )).saveToCassandra(keyspace_name, table1, SomeColumns("col1","col2", "col3","col4", "col5"))
//STORE 2 => (to, r._1%100, to, "MANUAL_"+r._1+"_"+r._2+"_"+r._3+"_"+r._4+"_"+java.util.UUID.randomUUID(), "M", to, r._4, r._3, r._1, r._5, r._2) ).saveToCassandra(keyspace_name, table2, SomeColumns("col1", "col2", "col3", "col4", "col5", "col6", "col7", "col8", "col9", "col10", "col11"))
For around a million records, STORE 1 takes close to 40 seconds and STORE 2 (slight modification to rdd3) takes more than a minute. Am not sure where I am going wrong or why is taking so much time. My spark environment is as follows:
DSE 4.8.9 with 6 nodes
12 cores each
Any help is appreciated.

Let me do my guess. Logs, perf monitoring output and C* data model is needed for more precise answer.
But some math:
You have
joinWithCassandra — random C* read
saveToCassandra — sec C* write
spark repartition? / reduce
(I expect saveToCassadndra takes half of all time)
and if you do not run any queries before you need to minus 12-20 sec for spark to start executors and other things
SO for 1M entries on 6nodes and 40 sec you got:
1000000 / 6 / 40 = 4166 record/sec/node. That's not bad. 10K/s per node with mixed workload is a good result.
The second write is 2 times bigger (11 column compared to 5) and it run after the first one, so i expect Cassandra to start spilling previous data to disk at thas moment, so you can get more perf degradation here.
do I understand correctly that when you add rdd3.cache() call, nothing changed for the second run? That strange.
and yes you can get better results with tuning of C* data model and Spark/C* parameters


Spark converting dataframe to RDD takes a huge amount of time, lazy execution or real issue?

In my spark application, I am loading data from Solr into a dataframe, running an SQL query on it, and then writing the resulting dataframe to MongoDB.
I am using spark-solr library to read data from Solr and mongo-spark-connector to write results to MongoDB.
The problem is that it is very slow, for datasets as small as 90 rows in an RDD, the spark job takes around 6 minutes to complete (4 nodes, 96gb RAM, 32 cores each).
I am sure that reading from Solr and writing to MongoDB is not slow because outside Spark they perform very fast.
When I inspect running jobs/stages/tasks on application master UI, it always shows a specific line in this function as taking 99% of the time:
override def exportData(spark: SparkSession, result: DataFrame): Unit = {
try {
val mongoWriteConfig = configureWriteConfig"resultOrder", monotonically_increasing_id())
.map(row => {
implicit val formats: DefaultFormats.type = org.json4s.DefaultFormats
val rMap = Map(row.getValuesMap(row.schema.fieldNames.filterNot(_.equals("resultOrder"))).toSeq: _*)
val m = Map[String, Any](
"queryId" -> queryId,
"queryIndex" -> opIndex,
"resultOrder" -> row.getAs[Long]("resultOrder"),
"result" -> rMap
}), mongoWriteConfig);
} catch {
case e: SparkException => handleMongoException(e)
The line .rdd is shown to take most of the time to execute. Other stages take a few seconds or less.
I know that converting a dataframe to an rdd is not an inexpensive call but for 90 rows it should not take this long. My local standalone spark instance can do it in a few seconds.
I understand that Spark executes transformations lazily. Does it mean that operations before .rdd call is taking a long time and it's just a display issue on application master UI? Or is it really the dataframe to rdd conversion taking too long? What can cause this?
By the way, SQL queries run on the dataframe are pretty simple ones, just a single group by etc.

Why is pyspark write() so slow compared to show()?

I'm using Pyspark 3.1.1 locally for a simple calculation without changing any configs apart from setting setMaster to "local".
I have a very large file which I read into Pyspark, it's a 17.7 GB text file with over 87 million lines which I read in as a csv with one column.
Here's some code showing what I'm doing, B is a long string that is cut into pieces of 3 characters which are then exploded into individual rows and used for joining.
from pyspark.sql import functions as f
from pyspark.sql.types import ArrayType, StringType
df1 =, schema=schema1)
df1 = df1.withColumn('A', f.expr("substring(data, 1, 10)"))
df1 = df1.withColumn('B', f.expr("substring(data, 11, length(data)-13)")).drop("data")
split_data = f.udf(lambda x: [x[i:i+3] for i in range(0, len(x), 3)], ArrayType(StringType()))
df1 = df1.withColumn('B', split_data(f.col('B')))
df1 = df1.withColumn('B', f.explode(f.col('B')))
df2 =, schema=schema2)
df2 = f.broadcast(df2)
df = df1.join(df2, on='B', how='inner')
When I do df.coalesce(1).show() in the end everything just takes a couple of seconds.
However when I do df.write.csv() instead I get 142 stages with each taking around 22 seconds to complete adding up to over 50 minutes! Each stage writes between 11 and 19 MB result. When I add a coalesce(1) before the write it's 1 stage that of course complains about lacking sufficient memory but also seems to take a horribly long time. I did not wait for it to finish because of the memory warnings.
Why is the write-call so much slower? Both calls return the final result, so shouldn't both calls be executing the entire DAG? How can just writing results to disc take so much longer than everything else?
On the other side, when just using show how does Pyspark read a 17.7 GB csv file, does all the operations including the explode and the join within just a few seconds? Does the DAG even calculate the entire dataset or just a chunk? I do coalesce after all.
I did experiment with setting spark.sql.shuffle.partitions to 4 or 8, this has helped me before with smaller data sets in this situation, but now it doesn't seem to matter, I always get 142 tasks.
Where is the actual bottleneck in this scenario?
How can I speed up the write-operation?
Would this be a problem on a cluster too or is it a local problem?

Optimization Spark job - Spark 2.1

my spark job currently runs in 59 mins. I want to optimize it so that I it takes less time. I have noticed that the last step of the job takes a lot of time (55 mins) (see the screenshots of the spark job in Spark UI below).
I need to join a big dataset with a smaller one, apply transformations on this joined dataset (creating a new column).
At the end, I should have a dataset repartitioned based on the column PSP (see snippet of the code below). I also perform a sort at the end (sort each partition based on 3 columns).
All the details (infrastructure, configuration, code) can be found below.
Snippet of my code :
spark.conf.set("spark.sql.shuffle.partitions", 4158)
val uh = uh_months
.withColumn("UHDIN", datediff(to_date(unix_timestamp(col("UHDIN_YYYYMMDD"), "yyyyMMdd").cast(TimestampType)),
to_date(unix_timestamp(col("january"), "yyyy-MM-dd").cast(TimestampType))))
.withColumn("DVA_1", date_format(col("DVA"), "dd/MM/yyyy"))
val uh_flag_comment = new TransactionType().transform(uh)
val uh_joined = uh_flag_comment.join(broadcast(smallDF), "NO_NUM")
.withColumnRenamed("DVA_1", "DVA")
val uh_to_be_sorted = uh_joined.repartition(4158, col("PSP"))
val uh_final = uh_joined.sortWithinPartitions(col("NO_NUM"), col("UHDIN"), col("HOURMV"))
EDITED - Repartition logic
val sqlContext = spark.sqlContext
sqlContext.udf.register("randomUDF", (partitionCount: Int) => {
val r = new scala.util.Random
// Also tried with r.nextInt(partitionCount) + col("PSP")
val uh_to_be_sorted = uh_joined
.withColumn("tmp", callUDF("RandomUDF", lit("4158"))
.repartition(4158, col("tmp"))
val uh_final = uh_to_be_sorted.sortWithinPartitions(col("NO_NUM"), col("UHDIN"), col("HOURMV"))
smallDF is a small dataset (535MB) that I broadcast.
TransactionType is a class where I add a new column of string elements to my uh dataframe based on the value of 3 columns (MMED, DEBCRED, NMTGP), checking the values of those columns using regex.
I previously faced a lot of issues (job failing) because of shuffle blocks that were not found. I discovered that I was spilling to disk and had a lot of GC memory issues so I increased the "spark.sql.shuffle.partitions" to 4158.
WHY 4158 ?
Partition_count = (stage input data) / (target size of your partition)
so Shuffle partition_count = (shuffle stage input data) / 200 MB = 860000/200=4300
I have 16*24 - 6 =378 cores availaible. So if I want to run every tasks in one go, I should divide 4300 by 378 which is approximately 11. Then 11*378=4158
Spark Version: 2.1
Cluster configuration:
24 compute nodes (workers)
16 vcores each
90 GB RAM per node
6 cores are already being used by other processes/jobs
Current Spark configuration:
-master: yarn
-executor-memory: 26G
-executor-cores: 5
-driver memory: 70G
-num-executors: 70
How is the job executed:
We build an artifact (jar) with IntelliJ and then send it to a server. Then a bash script is executed. This script:
export some environment variables (SPARK_HOME, HADOOP_CONF_DIR, PATH and SPARK_LOCAL_DIRS)
launch the spark-submit command with all the parameters defined in the spark configuration above
retrieves the yarn logs of the application
Spark UI screenshots
From the Summary Metrics we can say that your data is Skewed ( Max Duration : 49 min and Max Shuffle Read Size/Records : 2.5 GB/ 23,947,440 where as on an average it's taking about 4-5 mins and processing less than 200 MB/1.2 MM rows)
Now that we know the problem might be skew of data in few partition(s) , I think we can fix this by changing repartition logic val uh_to_be_sorted = uh_joined.repartition(4158, col("PSP")) by chosing something (like some other column or adding any other column to PSP)
few links to refer on data skew and fix
Hope this helps

What is the best strategy to load huge datasets/data into Hive tables using Spark? [duplicate]

I am trying to move data from a table in PostgreSQL table to a Hive table on HDFS. To do that, I came up with the following code:
val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("Spark-JDBC").set("spark.executor.heartbeatInterval","120s").set("","12000s").set("spark.sql.inMemoryColumnarStorage.compressed", "true").set("spark.sql.orc.filterPushdown","true").set("spark.serializer", "org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer").set("spark.kryoserializer.buffer.max","512m").set("spark.serializer", classOf[org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer].getName).set("spark.streaming.stopGracefullyOnShutdown","true").set("spark.yarn.driver.memoryOverhead","7168").set("spark.yarn.executor.memoryOverhead","7168").set("spark.sql.shuffle.partitions", "61").set("spark.default.parallelism", "60").set("spark.memory.storageFraction","0.5").set("spark.memory.fraction","0.6").set("spark.memory.offHeap.enabled","true").set("spark.memory.offHeap.size","16g").set("spark.dynamicAllocation.enabled", "false").set("spark.dynamicAllocation.enabled","true").set("spark.shuffle.service.enabled","true")
val spark = SparkSession.builder().config(conf).master("yarn").enableHiveSupport().config("hive.exec.dynamic.partition", "true").config("hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode", "nonstrict").getOrCreate()
def prepareFinalDF(splitColumns:List[String], textList: ListBuffer[String], allColumns:String, dataMapper:Map[String, String], partition_columns:Array[String], spark:SparkSession): DataFrame = {
val colList = allColumns.split(",").toList
val (partCols, npartCols) = colList.partition(p => partition_columns.contains(p.takeWhile(x => x != ' ')))
val queryCols = npartCols.mkString(",") + ", 0 as " + flagCol + "," + partCols.reverse.mkString(",")
val execQuery = s"select ${allColumns}, 0 as ${flagCol} from schema.tablename where period_year='2017' and period_num='12'"
val yearDF ="jdbc").option("url", connectionUrl).option("dbtable", s"(${execQuery}) as year2017")
.option("user", devUserName).option("password", devPassword)
.option("lowerBound", 1).option("upperBound", 100000)
val totalCols:List[String] = splitColumns ++ textList
val cdt = new ChangeDataTypes(totalCols, dataMapper)
hiveDataTypes = cdt.gpDetails()
val fc = prepareHiveTableSchema(hiveDataTypes, partition_columns)
val allColsOrdered = yearDF.columns.diff(partition_columns) ++ partition_columns
val allCols = => org.apache.spark.sql.functions.col(colname))
val resultDF =*)
val stringColumns = resultDF.schema.fields.filter(x => x.dataType == StringType).map(s =>
val finalDF = stringColumns.foldLeft(resultDF) {
(tempDF, colName) => tempDF.withColumn(colName, regexp_replace(regexp_replace(col(colName), "[\r\n]+", " "), "[\t]+"," "))
val dataDF = prepareFinalDF(splitColumns, textList, allColumns, dataMapper, partition_columns, spark)
val dataDFPart = dataDF.repartition(30)
spark.sql("set hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode=nonstrict")
spark.sql("set hive.exec.dynamic.partition=true")
spark.sql(s"INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE schema.hivetable PARTITION(${prtn_String_columns}) select * from preparedDF")
The data is inserted into the hive table dynamically partitioned based on prtn_String_columns: source_system_name, period_year, period_num
Spark-submit used:
SPARK_MAJOR_VERSION=2 spark-submit --conf spark.ui.port=4090 --driver-class-path /home/fdlhdpetl/jars/postgresql-42.1.4.jar --jars /home/fdlhdpetl/jars/postgresql-42.1.4.jar --num-executors 80 --executor-cores 5 --executor-memory 50G --driver-memory 20G --driver-cores 3 --class com.partition.source.YearPartition splinter_2.11-0.1.jar --master=yarn --deploy-mode=cluster --keytab /home/fdlhdpetl/fdlhdpetl.keytab --principal fdlhdpetl#FDLDEV.COM --files /usr/hdp/current/spark2-client/conf/hive-site.xml, --name Splinter --conf spark.executor.extraClassPath=/home/fdlhdpetl/jars/postgresql-42.1.4.jar
The following error messages are generated in the executor logs:
Container exited with a non-zero exit code 143.
Killed by external signal
18/10/03 15:37:24 ERROR SparkUncaughtExceptionHandler: Uncaught exception in thread Thread[SIGTERM handler,9,system]
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
at java.util.jar.JarFile.getManifestFromReference(
at java.util.jar.JarFile.getManifest(
at sun.misc.URLClassPath$JarLoader$2.getManifest(
at Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at org.apache.spark.util.SignalUtils$ActionHandler.handle(SignalUtils.scala:99)
at sun.misc.Signal$
I see in the logs that the read is being executed properly with the given number of partitions as below:
Scan JDBCRelation((select column_names from schema.tablename where period_year='2017' and period_num='12') as year2017) [numPartitions=50]
Below is the state of executors in stages:
The data is not being partitioned properly. One partition is smaller while the other one becomes huge. There is a skew problem here.
While inserting the data into Hive table the job fails at the line:spark.sql(s"INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE schema.hivetable PARTITION(${prtn_String_columns}) select * from preparedDF") but I understand this is happening because of the data skew problem.
I tried to increase number of executors, increasing the executor memory, driver memory, tried to just save as csv file instead of saving the dataframe into a Hive table but nothing affects the execution from giving the exception:
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded
Is there anything in the code that I need to correct ? Could anyone let me know how can I fix this problem ?
Determine how many partitions you need given the amount of input data and your cluster resources. As a rule of thumb it is better to keep partition input under 1GB unless strictly necessary. and strictly smaller than the block size limit.
You've previously stated that you migrate 1TB of data values you use in different posts (5 - 70) are likely way to low to ensure smooth process.
Try to use value which won't require further repartitioning.
Know your data.
Analyze the columns available in the the dataset to determine if there any columns with high cardinality and uniform distribution to be distributed among desired number of partitions. These are good candidates for an import process. Additionally you should determine an exact range of values.
Aggregations with different centrality and skewness measure as well as histograms and basic counts-by-key are good exploration tools. For this part it is better to analyze data directly in the database, instead of fetching it to Spark.
Depending on the RDBMS you might be able to use width_bucket (PostgreSQL, Oracle) or equivalent function to get a decent idea how data will be distributed in Spark after loading with partitionColumn, lowerBound, upperBound, numPartitons.
s"""(SELECT width_bucket($partitionColum, $lowerBound, $upperBound, $numPartitons) AS bucket, COUNT(*)
GROUP BY bucket) as tmp)"""
If there are no columns which satisfy above criteria consider:
Creating a custom one and exposing it via. a view. Hashes over multiple independent columns are usually good candidates. Please consult your database manual to determine functions that can be used here (DBMS_CRYPTO in Oracle, pgcrypto in PostgreSQL)*.
Using a set of independent columns which taken together provide high enough cardinality.
Optionally, if you're going to write to a partitioned Hive table, you should consider including Hive partitioning columns. It might limit the number of files generated later.
Prepare partitioning arguments
If column selected or created in the previous steps is numeric (or date / timestamp in Spark >= 2.4) provide it directly as the partitionColumn and use range values determined before to fill lowerBound and upperBound.
If bound values don't reflect the properties of data (min(col) for lowerBound, max(col) for upperBound) it can result in a significant data skew so thread carefully. In the worst case scenario, when bounds don't cover the range of data, all records will be fetched by a single machine, making it no better than no partitioning at all.
If column selected in the previous steps is categorical or is a set of columns generate a list of mutually exclusive predicates that fully cover the data, in a form that can be used in a SQL where clause.
For example if you have a column A with values {a1, a2, a3} and column B with values {b1, b2, b3}:
val predicates = for {
a <- Seq("a1", "a2", "a3")
b <- Seq("b1", "b2", "b3")
} yield s"A = $a AND B = $b"
Double check that conditions don't overlap and all combinations are covered. If these conditions are not satisfied you end up with duplicates or missing records respectively.
Pass data as predicates argument to jdbc call. Note that the number of partitions will be equal exactly to the number of predicates.
Put database in a read-only mode (any ongoing writes can cause data inconsistency. If possible you should lock database before you start the whole process, but if might be not possible, in your organization).
If the number of partitions matches the desired output load data without repartition and dump directly to the sink, if not you can try to repartition following the same rules as in the step 1.
If you still experience any problems make sure that you've properly configured Spark memory and GC options.
If none of the above works:
Consider dumping your data to a network / distributes storage using tools like COPY TO and read it directly from there.
Note that or standard database utilities you will typically need a POSIX compliant file system, so HDFS usually won't do.
The advantage of this approach is that you don't need to worry about the column properties, and there is no need for putting data in a read-only mode, to ensure consistency.
Using dedicated bulk transfer tools, like Apache Sqoop, and reshaping data afterwards.
* Don't use pseudocolumns - Pseudocolumn in Spark JDBC.
In my experience there are 4 kinds of memory settings which make a difference:
A) [1] Memory for storing data for processing reasons VS [2] Heap Space for holding the program stack
B) [1] Driver VS [2] executor memory
Up to now, I was always able to get my Spark jobs running successfully by increasing the appropriate kind of memory:
A2-B1 would therefor be the memory available on the driver to hold the program stack. Etc.
The property names are as follows:
A1-B1) executor-memory
A1-B2) driver-memory
A2-B1) spark.yarn.executor.memoryOverhead
A2-B2) spark.yarn.driver.memoryOverhead
Keep in mind that the sum of all *-B1 must be less than the available memory on your workers and the sum of all *-B2 must be less than the memory on your driver node.
My bet would be, that the culprit is one of the boldly marked heap settings.
There was an another question of yours routed here as duplicate
'How to avoid data skewing while reading huge datasets or tables into spark?
The data is not being partitioned properly. One partition is smaller while the
other one becomes huge on read.
I observed that one of the partition has nearly 2million rows and
while inserting there is a skew in partition. '
if the problem is to deal with data that is partitioned in a dataframe after read, Have you played around increasing the "numPartitions" value ?
lowerBound, upperBound form partition strides for generated WHERE clause expressions and numpartitions determines the number of split.
say for example, sometable has column - ID (we choose that as partitionColumn) ; value range we see in table for column-ID is from 1 to 1000 and we want to get all the records by running select * from sometable,
so we going with lowerbound = 1 & upperbound = 1000 and numpartition = 4
this will produce a dataframe of 4 partition with result of each Query by building sql based on our feed (lowerbound = 1 & upperbound = 1000 and numpartition = 4)
select * from sometable where ID < 250
select * from sometable where ID >= 250 and ID < 500
select * from sometable where ID >= 500 and ID < 750
select * from sometable where ID >= 750
what if most of the records in our table fall within the range of ID(500,750). that's the situation you are in to.
when we increase numpartition , the split happens even further and that reduce the volume of records in the same partition but this
is not a fine shot.
Instead of spark splitting the partitioncolumn based on boundaries we provide, if you think of feeding the split by yourself so, data can be evenly
splitted. you need to switch over to another JDBC method where instead of (lowerbound,upperbound & numpartition) we can provide
predicates directly.
def jdbc(url: String, table: String, predicates: Array[String], connectionProperties: Properties): DataFrame

Why my count,Distinct and count of Distinct count is very slow in huge cluster in spark

I have a very huge cluster 20 m4.Xlarge instances .
I have file size of 20GB and count of records in the file is 193944092.
From this file I need three info.
1. Total no of records
2. Total no of distinct records
3. Total no of distinct records based on one column (FundamentalSeriesId).
When I run below code it takes very long time .For counting total no of records it has taken 7 minutes .
But for Total no of distinct and Total no of distinct records of FundamentalSeriesId column it has taken very long time I mean I have cancelled the query because it was taking long time.
If any one can improve my code that would be great .Can I use cache or something else to get the info faster ?
This is what I am doing
val rdd = sc.textFile("s3://kishore-my-bucket-trf/Fundamental.FundamentalAnalytic.FundamentalAnalytic.SelfSourcedPublic.2011.1.2018-02-18-1340.Full.txt.gz")
println("Total count="+rdd.count())
val header = rdd.filter(_.contains("FundamentalSeriesId")).map(line => line.split("\\|\\^\\|")).first()
val schema = StructType( => StructField(cols.replace(".", "_"), StringType)).toSeq)
val data = sqlContext.createDataFrame(rdd.filter(!_.contains("FundamentalSeriesId")).map(line => Row.fromSeq(line.split("\\|\\^\\|").toSeq)), schema)
println("distinct count="+data.distinct.count())
println("count of distinct FundamentalSeriesId column="+data1.distinct.count())
My sample records are like this ..
Distinct is a common problem in Spark, use countApproxDistinct instead if you can.
Distinct count will move all the data into single Executor. So try to increase the Executor memory to max. It can reduce the time.
Try to cache the data. So we can eliminate the disk Io.
Try to use
val rdd = sc.textFile("s3://your_path").cache()
because when you start compute .count() spark reads file every time for every .count() function, but when you start use .cache() it will read file only once
