CRAttributeList extension with Acumatica - acumatica

Currently I work with screen ap303000.aspx. I want to add new attribute to tab "Attributes". This tab is binded to view "Answers" which is declared in following way:
public CRAttributeList<Vendor> Answers;
little bit digging with metadata viewer in CRAttributeList shows that CRAttributeList is inherited from PXSelectBase and definitely reads records from CSAnswers table:
public class CRAttributeList<TReference> : PXSelectBase<CSAnswers> where TReference : IBqlTable
which gives me hint, that I need to insert something into table CSAnswers. Table CSAnswers by it's structure also doesn't give me enough information what should I put in table CSAnswers in order to have some attribute as bool and available to all Vendors and to turn it on by default?

You need to specify list of Attributes at Vendor Class (AP201000) level first.
Once Vendor class is specified, Attributes specified at Class level will be listed for which value can be assigned.


Is there a way to prevent creation of a data class item in C# WindowsForms UserControl

If I create a UserControl, to create and edit an instance of a data class e.g. Person in C# WindowsForms (call it PersonControl), the framework automatically adds an instance of Person in PersonControl.Designer with some default values for the properties and fills the item controls with those values. This behavior has a number of side effects which I would like to avoid.
Question: is there a defined way to prevent creation of a data class instance in UserControl.Designer?
I think you missing the DesignerSerializationVisibility attribute. If you have a custom control every public property that you add will automatically be serialized. You can use this attribute to disable the serialization for a property. I also recommend to add the Browsable attribute which will hide the property from the designer. If you want more control over serialization, like you want to serialize only when another property is set to true you can create a special named method which will then called by the designer Defining Default Values with the ShouldSerialize and Reset Methods. There was a MSDN Magazine where a lots of winform learning resource was relased there are some gems about winform internal working. If you interested in you can quickly look trhrough it. My favorite is. Create And Host Custom Designers With The .NET Framework 2.0
Sorry but i didn't mention another attribute DefaultValue You can use the attribute the following way.
public partial class PersonEditControl : UserControl
[DefaultValue(null)] // This attribute tells the designer if the property value matches what we specified in the attribute(null) it should not store the property value.
public PersonData? Person { get; set; }
public PersonEditControl()

I can't get the launch function to work on the Related Entity control

This relates to and extends an existing StackOverflow case that has been answered -
How to place a 'Related Entity' lookup on a field (many thanks to Acumatica support on this as well)
I have a custom screen that adds a 'Related Link' control, like this:
And this works as expected. I've also included several custom screens as entities to link to by adding the NoteID, RefNoteID, RelatedEntity fields to their DACs and the PXRefNoteSelector attribute to their view declarations. Everything works as expected, except that the pencil icon doesn't launch to the entity / screen that's been selected.
Is there something (an attribute, perhaps) that I'm missing in the DACs that needs to be added in order to launch to the selected entity?
You need to decorate the custom entity DAC with PXPrimaryGraph attribute and pass the maintenance page graph type in parameter:
public class CustomEntityDAC : PX.Data.IBqlTable

How to add action menu on specific position

As per title. A new action menu is automatically added to the bottom of the list. Is there a way to force them to appear on specific index or just before/after a specific action ?
Thanks in advance
In Automation Steps screen, in Actions tab you can find the button REORDER ACTIONS, this may help you.
PXGraph class has an action collections declared as:
public readonly PXActionCollection Actions;
It is a class deriving from .Net framework OrderedDictionary.
You can access it directly in your class deriving from PXGraph:
In the context of a graph extension deriving from PXGraphExtension it is available though Base member:
Look at the public methods exposed by Actions, I think Move might be able to swap the Actions order in the menu. Here is some usage examples:
public PXAction<APInvoice> release;
public PXAction<APInvoice> prebook;
// Resolving name with static check
Base.Actions.Move(nameof(release), nameof(prebook));
// Using action display name with runtime check
Base.Actions.Move("Release", "Pre-book");

Limiting Projects based on selector

I would like to filter the records shown on the Projects screen. I've been given the directive to see if limiting the Selector for projects (re-writing the PXSelector for the ProjectID?) would also limit the records that show up on the screen, i.e., a user would not be able to navigate to records that aren't displayed by the Selector. I don't think that's the case, as the screen's view is not limited by what is chosen by the Selector - but I wanted to verify this.
Also - as far as limiting the records that show up in the Selector (possibly re-writing the Selector/BQL using a where clause?) - I looked at the source DAC, and for the life of me I can't figure it out. There is a PXSelector on the ContractID, which doesn't use the SubstituteKey that I'm familiar with, and the ContractCD also has several attributes with which I'm unfamiliar - namely the PXRestrictor AND the PXDimensionSelector.
Bottom line:
1.) What's the best way to limit the records for Project shown in the screen's Selector? Can I just add to the PXRestrictor attribute?
2.) Would limiting the Selector's results also limit what the user can navigate to on the screen using the navigation buttons?
Whenever you need to restrict access to primary records on a data entry screen, it's always required to customize both the lookup DAC key field and the primary data view. By design, in Acumatica key fields in DAC and the primary data view are completely independent, that is why it's required to modify both pieces to achieve the desired result.
For example, to deny access to canceled projects on the Projects screen, you should add PXRestrictorAttribute to PMProject's ContractCD field and also re-declare Project primary data view:
public class ProjectEntryExt : PXGraphExtension<ProjectEntry>
public class cancelled : Constant<string>
public cancelled() : base(ProjectStatus.Cancelled) {; }
public PXSelect<PMProject, Where<PMProject.baseType, Equal<PMProject.ProjectBaseType>,
And<PMProject.nonProject, Equal<False>, And<PMProject.isTemplate, Equal<False>,
And<PMProject.status, NotEqual<cancelled>,
And<Match<Current<AccessInfo.userName>>>>>>>> Project;
[PXMergeAttributes(Method = MergeMethod.Append)]
[PXRestrictor(typeof(Where<PMProject.status, NotEqual<cancelled>>),
"Given Project/Contract '{0}' is cancelled", typeof(PMProject.contractCD))]
public void PMProject_ContractCD_CacheAttached(PXCache sender) { }

Attaching Documents to Custom Table Records without a Custom Screen

I have a custom table for historical data. It's a one-time data dump directly into SQL so I'd prefer not to have to create a screen for it.
I have three columns in my table:
CompanyID INT
InvoiceNbr NVARCHAR(40)
Amount DECIMAL(19,4)
I create a new Customization Project and added a new DAC to the Code area that is linked to my custom table: (Screenshot #1) (Screenshot #2)
Then I create a Generic Inquiry, but I don't get the Paper Clip and Note icons. I was hoping to use the Paper Clip to upload documents and attach them to the records in my custom table.
So, I added another column to my custom table:
And I re-added the new DAC which now generates this code: (Screenshot #3)
Now I get the Paper clip and Note icons in my Generic Inquiry: (Screenshot #4)
I can add a note or attach a document and the icons change color which makes it seem like the notes and documents got attached to the records. But when I refresh the page, everything goes away. Also, I can tell that nothing is getting stored in the database.
So the Paper Clip and Note icons don't work.
I'm wondering if it's possible to get the Paper Clip and Note icons to work in my Generic Inquiry without building a custom screen. Is this possible?
Tim, for Notes and Attachments to work properly, your NoteID field should be decorated with the PXNote attribute, instead of the default combination of PXDBGuid- and PXUIFieldAttribute. Will everything work as expected after you replace NoteID field declaration with the code snippet below and republish the customization?
public abstract class noteID : PX.Data.IBqlField
public virtual Guid? NoteID { get; set; }
