How do I search an online document for specific string and it's value? - string

Example, Online document: [removed link as no longer needed]
Which outputs:
The rest of this document would have random text to ignore.
I would like to search for Value1 and Value2, then output it's value [I need this to be expandable if I decide to add new information in the future]
[the output may be longer than one character, and might be text rather than a number]
Dim Value1Result as Integer = [value from online file] '1 in this case
Dim Value2Result as Integer = [value from online file] '5 in this case

Edit: Added logic to strip the version number. Very basic but as long as the format doesn't change it should work. You'll need to handle parsing to int, double, etc if you ever use "1.2" or whatever for a version.
If I understand your question correctly, you just need to download the file, store it in a local variable, and then do something with it. Comment if this is not the case and I will adjust.
I would do this by creating a WebClient, downloading the data, converting it to a string, and then operating on it. I did not add any headers - dropbox doesn't require it, but something to keep in mind for production... Small example below:
Dim bResult() As Byte
Dim sUrl As String = ""
Using client As New WebClient
bResult = client.DownloadData(sUrl)
End Using
Dim retData As String = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bResult)
Dim retList As List(Of String) = retData.Split(Environment.NewLine).ToList()
Dim sMin = retList(0).Split("=").Last()
Dim sNew = retList(1).Split("=").Last()


Convert Dropdownlist String Value to Date

I want to do a date comparison to check whether is the Before Period is bigger than After Periode
So far it has been working properly until the date range is a bit tricky
For example
The value is from a dropdownlist item
Before period is 21-10-2022
After period is 04-11-2022
It will trigger the error message I set if the before period is bigger than the period after
I have a code like this
If CDate(ddlPeriodeBefore.SelectedValue) <= CDate(ddlPeriodeBefore.SelectedValue) Then
'Does the job if the the before period is smaller than after period
lblInfo.Text = "Period BEFORE Must Be SMALLER Than Period AFTER."
End If
Can anyone help me? it keeps saying "conversion from string to date is not valid"
I've tried datetime.parse, parse exact, cdate, convert.todatetime but nothing works so far, or maybe I used it the wrong way
Please help, thanks in advance
Tim Schmelter's suggestion is not wrong, but I did want to provide an alternative. Create a collection of Tuple, add the dates (both formatted string and native value) to the collection, then bind the control to the list.
Here is the alternative:
Dim dates As New List(Of Tuple(Of String, DateTime))()
Dim today = DateTime.Today
For daysSubtract = 90 To 0 Step -1
Dim dateToAdd = today.AddDays(-daysSubtract)
dates.Add(New Tuple(Of String, DateTime)(dateToAdd.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy"), dateToAdd))
ddlPeriodeBefore.ValueMember = "Item1"
ddlPeriodeBefore.DisplayMember = "Item2"
ddlPeriodeBefore.DataSource = dates
ddlPeriodeAfter.ValueMember = "Item1"
ddlPeriodeAfter.DisplayMember = "Item2"
ddlPeriodeAfter.DataSource = dates
Now when you go to get the selected value, you can use a simpler conversion since the stored object is already a DateTime:
Dim beforePeriod = DirectCast(ddlPeriodeBefore.SelectedValue, DateTime)
Dim afterPeriod = DirectCast(ddlPeriodeAfter.SelectedValue, DateTime)
If (beforePeriod <= afterPeriod) Then
' ...
lblInfo.Text = "Period BEFORE Must Be SMALLER Than Period AFTER."
End If
The advantage to this approach is that you do not have to refactor your code if the date formatting changes.
If DateTime.Parse works depends on your curren culture because you don't pass any. For me this works fine (but for you not):
Dim selectedValue1 = "21-10-2022"
Dim selectedValue2 = "04-11-2022"
Dim beforePeriod = Date.Parse(selectedValue1)
Dim afterPeriod = Date.Parse(selectedValue2)
So either you know the correct culture that you have used when you have created this string, then you can pass this as second parameter to Date.Parse, or you use ParseExact:
Dim beforePeriod = Date.ParseExact(selectedValue1, "dd-MM-yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
Dim afterPeriod = Date.ParseExact(selectedValue2, "dd-MM-yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
The culture is relevant because they can have different date separators and the order of the day-, month- and year-tokens are different.

Get string after second delimiter VB NET

I am trying to get the part of the string after the second /.
For instance if I have the string "25/S17/874"
I would like to get "874"
you can split the string by "/" and the call back from the array.
Dim string_sample As String
Dim string_arr As String()
string_sample = "25/S17/874"
string_arr = string_sample.Split("/")
Dim string_Result As String
string_Result = string_arr(2)
the string_Result is "874"
Dim result As String = "25/S17/874".Split("/"c)(2)
Obviously, some validation, error trapping, etc might be required if the string content is prone to variation.

How to compare a FieldGetText with a number?

I have a field that it stores a currency data with the name pdcPrimasVAFVigor.
I can get the value with the FieldGetText method about NotesUIDocument like this:
strPrimasVaf = uidoc.Fieldgettext("pdcPrimasVAFVigor")
And then I check the value and the type:
Msgbox "strPrimasVaf: " + Typename(strPrimasVaf)
This messagebox retrievme:
strPrimasVaf: 122.00 € STRING
If I want to compare strPrimasVaf with any number but the comparision doens't work, then I have tried to convert the data but I always get the next error:
Type Mismatch in method CoerStrToNum...
But, what have I tried?
I have tried to convert the string value before to compare like this:
Dim intPrimasVaf As Integer
intPrimasVaf = CInt(strPrimasVaf) ' Error
Dim dblPrimasVaf As Double
dblPrimasVaf = CInt(strPrimasVaf) ' Error
Dim curPrimasVaf As Currency
curPrimasVaf = CInt(strPrimasVaf) ' Error
Include I have try to change the format like this:
Dim x As Variant
x = Format(strPrimasVaf, "General Number")
Any advice or solution within using FieldGetText?
My advice: work with the backend document object.
Dim doc as Notesdocument
Dim dblPrimasVaf As Double
Set doc=uidoc.document
No conversion needed.
Remove the € from the string with something like:
strPrimasVaf = uidoc.Fieldgettext("pdcPrimasVAFVigor")

Finding a certain type of String in Visual Basic and replacing it

I'm currently trying to automate our accounting process. From the bank, I download a .csv file that I'd like to transform in a certain way. I'm also attempting to eliminate all IBAN and BIC numbers from the document as they're not necessary for the accounting process.
Now, every IBAN and BIC follows a certain pattern. How do I replace all strings with a certain pattern (i.e. XX00000000000000 and DEXXXXXXXXX) or at least how do I find them using Visual Basic? I'm familiar with the .replace method already, I just cannot manage to find the string.
Thank you so much in advance!
I think this should help you:
An another way could be to load each textline of the .csv file into an array and just Loop through them.
Something like:
Dim Textline() As String 'array
Dim IBAN As String
Dim posIBAN As Integer
Dim iban_length As Integer
textlinelength = UBound(Textline)
iban_length = 22
For i = 0 To textlinelength
If InStr(Textline(i), "DE") Then 'if array contains DE
posIBAN = InStr(Textline(i), "DE") 'find position of IBAN
IBAN = Mid(Textline(i), posIBAN, iban_length) 'get IBAN
Textline(i) = Replace(Textline(i), IBAN, "") 'replace IBAN with ""
End If
Next i
After that you could create a new file and write the arrays in it.
So you would have a IBAN-free txt-file
PS: Is there a way to properly link other questions/answers?

Lotus Notes - Export emails to plain text file

I am setting up a Lotus Notes account to accept emails from a client, and automatically save each email as a plain text file to be processed by another application.
So, I'm trying to create my very first Agent in Lotus to automatically export the emails to text.
Is there a standard, best practices way to do this?
I've created a LotusScript Agent that pretty much works. However, there is a bug - once the Body of the memo exceeds 32K characters, it starts inserting extra CR/LF pairs.
I am using Lotus Notes 7.0.3.
Here is my script:
Sub Initialize
On Error Goto ErrorCleanup
Dim session As New NotesSession
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Dim doc As NotesDocument
Dim uniqueID As Variant
Dim curView As NotesView
Dim docCount As Integer
Dim notesInputFolder As String
Dim notesValidOutputFolder As String
Dim notesErrorOutputFolder As String
Dim outputFolder As String
Dim fileNum As Integer
Dim bodyRichText As NotesRichTextItem
Dim bodyUnformattedText As String
Dim subjectText As NotesItem
outputFolder = "\\PASCRIA\CignaDFS\CUser1\Home\mikebec\MyDocuments\"
notesInputFolder = "IBEmails"
notesValidOutputFolder = "IBEmailsDone"
Set db = session.CurrentDatabase
Set curview = db.GetView(notesInputFolder )
docCount = curview.EntryCount
Print "NUMBER OF DOCS " & docCount
fileNum = 1
While (docCount > 0)
'set current doc to
Set doc = curview.GetNthDocument(docCount)
Set bodyRichText = doc.GetFirstItem( "Body" )
bodyUnformattedText = bodyRichText.GetUnformattedText()
Set subjectText = doc.GetFirstItem("Subject")
If subjectText.Text = "LotusAgentTest" Then
uniqueID = Evaluate("#Unique")
Open "\\PASCRIA\CignaDFS\CUser1\Home\mikebec\MyDocuments\email_" & uniqueID(0) & ".txt" For Output As fileNum
Print #fileNum, "Subject:" & subjectText.Text
Print #fileNum, "Date:" & Now
Print #fileNum, bodyUnformattedText
Close fileNum
fileNum = fileNum + 1
Call doc.PutInFolder(notesValidOutputFolder)
Call doc.RemoveFromFolder(notesInputFolder)
End If
doccount = doccount-1
Exit Sub
Call sendErrorEmail(db,doc.GetItemValue("From")(0))
Call doc.PutInFolder(notesErrorOutputFolder)
Call doc.RemoveFromFolder(notesInputFolder)
End Sub
Apparently the 32KB issue isn't consistent - so far, it's just one document that starts getting extra carriage returns after 32K.
With regards the 32Kb thing, instead of this:
Set bodyRichText = doc.GetFirstItem( "Body" )
... you might want to consider iterating all "Body" fields in the email document. When dealing with large amounts of rich text, Domino "chunks" said content into multiple rich text fields. Check some documents you're processing: you may well see multiple instances of the "Body" field when you look at document properties.
I'm not sure what is causing the 32K bug, but I know there are lots of limitations in the order of 32K or 64K within Lotus Notes, so perhaps you're running into one of those. I can't imagine what would add extra CR/LFs. Perhaps you could try using the GetFormattedText method on the NotesRichTextItem class and see if it fares better?
It's more complicated, but you might also be able to use the NotesRichTextNavigator class to iterate through all the paragraphs in the memo, outputting them one at a time. Breaking up the output that way might eliminate the CR/LF problem.
Lastly I always suggest Midas' LSX for dealing with rich text in Lotus Notes. They sell an add-on that gives you much more control over rich text fields.
As for best practices, one that comes to mind when I read your code is the looping construct. It is more efficient to get the first document in a view, process it, and then get the next doc and check whether it is equal to Nothing. That sets the loop to run through the view in index order, and eliminates the need to search through the index to find the Nth document each time. It also saves you from maintaining a counter. The gist is as follows:
Set doc = curview.GetFirstDocument()
While Not (doc Is Nothing)
'Do processing here...
Set doc = curview.GetNextDocument(doc)
The external eMail most likely comes in as MIME. So you could check the document.hasMime and then use the mime classes to get to the content. Then you don't have a 64k limit. Samples are in the help - or reply if you want code.
